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Quarter 4 – Module 3:
Synthesizing Essential Information
Found in Various Sources

English- Grade 8
Alternative Delivery Mode
Fourth Quarter- Module 3: Synthesizing Essential Information Found in Various
First Edition, 2020

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Undersecretary: Diosdado M. San Antonio
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Good day dear learner!

This module is solely prepared for you to access and to acquire lessons befitted
in your grade level. The exercises, drills and assessments are carefully made to suit
your level of understanding. Indeed, this learning resource is for you to fully acquire
the skill in Synthesizing Essential Information Found in Various Sources.
Independently, you are going to go through this module following its proper sequence.
Although you are going to do it alone, this is a guided lesson and instructions/directions
on how to do every activity is plotted for your convenience.

Using this learning resource, you ought to synthesize essential information

found in various sources as inculcated in the K-12 Most Essential Learning

At the end of this module, you are expected to:

▪ identify important details from the excerpts of various sources;

▪ organize information using graphic organizers to synthesize ideas; and
▪ share reflections on the significance of information from various sources about
life values.


Before we start, let us check your background knowledge about the lesson. Read the
instructions below. Do well!

Directions. Read each item carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. What do you call the most important idea in a paragraph or text?

a. main idea b. subtopics c. supporting details d. topic sentence
2. What skill is used when the text is effectively reduced into a shorter form?
a. outlining b. paraphrasing c. skimming d. summarizing
3. Where do you get firsthand information?
a. primary sources b. tertiary references
c. secondary materials d. online material
4. Which of the following is an example of secondary sources?
a. art b. encyclopedia c. manuscript d. photograph
5. What does synthesis mean?
a. stating facts b. focusing on one idea
c. summarizing ideas d. combining parts into whole
6. When analyzing ideas from various sources, which of the following do you include
in the process to get an overall view of the information?
a. Add one’s opinion. b. Judge the worth of ideas.
c. Criticize the authors’ views. d. Make inferences from arguments.
7. You are asked to search information about the current environmental condition of
the country. What will you do with the sources of information?
a. List the ideas separately.
b. Study the differences of ideas.
c. Choose the longest explanation.
d. Find similarities between sources.
8. When looking for additional information, which of the following strategy is used in
analyzing and utilizing the ideas among sources?
a. Combining features into one b. Comparing the authors’ ideas
c. Interpreting the authors’ claims d. Establishing patterns from ideas
9. Your teacher assigned you to gather more information about a topic and make
an explanation of your understanding after reading many sources. What is the
most appropriate step to do?
a. Explain each idea separately.
b. Explain about one source only.
c. Integrate ideas into one writing.
d. Copy all data and submit the paper.
10. What is formed when you synthesize information from various sources?
a. A different concept b. A strong argument
c. A new understanding d. well-organized discussion


Do you still remember what you have learned in the previous

It is time to refresh ideas and connect them to the new lesson.
Accomplish the tasks diligently. Carry on for the start of this
learning journey!

Ponder and Answer

You are watching a documentary film of the Spanish conquest

of Cebu which tells details about the arrival of the Spaniards and the response
of the Cebuano ancestors to their influence. It also shows old photos and an
interview with local historians.

Reflect on the answers to the following questions:

➢ Does the above reading text illustrate a primary or a secondary source?


➢ If you are going to study more about the topic, what other sources will
you use to find additional information?


➢ How do you put together all information gathered from various sources?
Discuss/explain briefly.



What does respect have to do with you and with others?

Find out more by reading the two excerpts.

Compare the views of the author.

From an essay…

Respect is the first positive step in building a relationship and relationships are
central to conflict transformation. One does not have to like a person or
understand his viewpoint to accord him respect. Respect comes with the belief
that a person or culture can have beliefs contradictory to ours and we should still
honor them, as basic respect is a fundamental right of all human beings. In
addition, goals and concessions become easier to attain when the element of
respect is present As Bill Richardson, the US permanent representative to the
UN put it. "You have to be a human being. You cannot be arrogant... If you treat
each individual with respect, each nation with dignity, you can get a lot further
than trying to muscle them".

Excerpt quoted from: Respect by Sana Farid

From a research paper…

We believe that respectful children and adolescents tend to become

respectful, civil, and tolerant adults. Conversely, we assume that the origins of
incivility, disrespect, intolerance, and other problems of adults are formed in
childhood and adolescence. For example, lacking respect for parents or
authorities, a young child may not be receptive to what one can learn at home or
at school. Brought up to disrespect other people based on social status or race,
a child may become prejudiced. With a lack of respect for oneself, an adolescent
may develop a negative self-concept and a lack of respect for others. Growing
up with disrespect for older people, a young adult may be unable to keep a job
in the work world that requires understanding the authority of others. Respect
and disrespect indeed have relevance across the entire life span, for instance, in
respect for the elderly and respect for the dignity of the dying.

Excerpt quoted from: Research and Theory on Respect and Disrespect:

Catching Up with the Public and Practitioners by David W. Shwalb, Barbara J.

After reading the two excerpts above, answer the following questions. Write
your answer on your answer sheet.

What How do
important researchers
ideas does think of this
What do the the essay topic?
excerpts point out? Do you
mainly talk agree with
about? the authors’
What is
your new What have views?
concept you understood
about the from the two
main idea? passages?


You have explored the topic in the above activity. Now, respond to the following
items by saying YES or NO.
▪ Have I recalled my prior knowledge about the topic of the material?
▪ Have I interpreted the author’s message?
▪ Have I summarized the author’s ideas?
▪ Have I linked my opinion and experiences while reading?
▪ Have I reflected on new ideas during reading?
▪ Have I changed my understanding after reading?

If all your answers are YES, then you have used a good reading strategy called

Synthesizing is the process of integrating prior knowledge,

insights, views, experiences, and synopsis into a complete
understanding of the essential information in the texts or in
various sources. It requires the readers to use various reading
strategies. The readers move from different stages while reading.
It is effective to mention the source in providing a strong claim in
the synthesis. Through this method, the readers can form new
ideas about the topic.

Below are the strategies in synthesizing essential information from many sources:


✓ Identifying the theme ✓ Summarizing

✓ Recall of background
and important ideas ✓ Combining themes
knowledge and
✓ Comparing author’s ✓ Forming new idea
✓ Interpreting the
authors’ ideas
Based on the given excerpts about respect, look at the sample below to
understand how to effectively synthesize ideas from different sources:
Knowledge - - - - - - - - - - - - - Processing - - - - - - - - - - - - - New Idea

Now, I am Then, I am Then, I discover Respect is

At first, I was thinking that getting that that people significant in
thinking that respect shows people have should learn to family and social
respect is your family different views be humane as relationships.
treating others values and and culture. they grow old Thus, children
properly. I culture. It is a But there to show respect and adults alike
need to vital key in should still be to family and should be good
respect others establishing respect despite others to make and respectful
if I want to be relationships the differences fair treatment individuals to
respected. with others. to have peace to all kinds of make an equal
and unity. people. society for all.


You are doing great! You have actively processed your learning about the lesson. Let
us put your understanding and skill to practice.


Directions: Study the points presented in the excerpts. Compare the authors’ views.

Excerpt 1
“The wise youth that we have out there should be taken into consideration. Some
of them, though educated are unemployed. They should be given an opportunity
to expose their intelligence to the world and make themselves into someone. Some
organizations and other firm should assist the youths; so, they can make our land
a great and educated one. They will make a huge difference in society and the
entire world.”
Excerpt quoted from: The Role of the Youth in Nation Building by Saskia 1
( 533316/The-Role-of-the-Youth-in-

Excerpt 2
“By recognizing the vital role of the youth in nation-building, inculcating in them the
patriotism and nationalism, encouraging their involvement in public and civic
affairs, the youth will surely be capacitated and empowered to participate and
fruitfully engage in discussions and activities on matters of great importance, such
as the Constitutional reform.”
Excerpt quoted from: Youth plays important role in national development by Alehia
Therese V. Abuhan (

Direction: Using the excerpts above, compare the authors’ views by completing the
table below.

Guide Questions Excerpt 1 Excerpt 2

What is the topic of each
What important ideas did you get
from the two sources?
What is now the combined idea?
State it in a complete sentence.


Directions: Read the two excerpts below. Analyze the main ideas of each text.

Is Mobile Gaming Good or Bad? By Ma. Cristina Arayata

For mom of two, Glenda Flaviano, mobile gaming is actually one of her
platforms to bond with her kids.
"Yhana (8) and Kuya Math (14) are very fond of playing mobile games, every
day except during school time. I guess they are both responsible gamers because
when I ask them to help in household chores, they respond immediately," she told
the Philippine News Agency.
Her rule, she said, is that her kids could play as long as they follow her orders.
She plays with them but confiscates their gadgets or cut the internet connection
whenever they abuse their time to play.
The 34-year-old mom said she appreciates another positive side of gaming,
which is enhancing her kids' creativity.

Excerpt quoted from: Philippine News Agency

Are Video Games Bad for Me? By Larissa Hirsch

It can be good advice, even if you were about to get to the next level. Why? Too
much of anything is just too much. It's true that some studies have shown certain
video games can improve hand–eye coordination, problem-solving skills, and the
mind's ability to process information. But too much video game playing may cause
It's hard to get enough active play and exercise if you're always inside playing
video games. And without enough exercise, kids can become overweight.
Overdoing video games also could affect other important stuff, like friendships
and how well a kid does in school. And kids who play violent video games might
act more aggressively.
But here's the good news: Playing video games some of the time can be OK.
Choose quality games, and limit screen time — which includes TV, computer,
smartphone, tablet, and video game time combined — to a reasonable amount.
Excerpt quoted from: KidsHealth's%20true%20that%

Tell whether each statement is reflected in the discussions above. Check the column
corresponding to your response.
Statements True False
a. Children are hooked into mobile games a lot.
b. Mobile gaming has more good benefits for the children.
c. Mobile gaming can help in the parent-and-child relationship.
d. Mobile gaming is harmful to health.
e. Children need discipline in playing mobile games.


Organize the ideas of the authors by completing the clauses. Create a ladder chart
with the appropriate details on a separate sheet. Refer to the guide below.

5. I have learned that…

4. I have understood that…
3. I discover that…
2. (First author) said… (Second author) said…
1. I know that mobile gaming…


State your realization on mobile gaming in at least 5 sentences.



Let us check your understanding. Answer the questions that follow.

How does synthesizing help you in Synthesize on how should one

understanding content from many come up with good decisions and
sources? actions in daily activities?


1. Think of a current problem in your household that needs immediate solution.
2. Ask two elders who can give proper advice on how to solve this problem.
3. Decide on the best solution to your problem.
4. Write the pieces of advice and your decision in the table below.

First Advice from ______ Second Advice from ____ Decision


Directions: Read the two excerpts about Filipino hospitality. Fill in the diagram with
details correctly synthesizing the essential information.

“Hospitality is a trait displayed by every Filipino, characterized by heart-

warming generosity and friendliness exhibited to foreigners and locals alike.
Filipinos receive guests, even strangers, in a warm and pleasant way, often going
out of their way to make the visitor comfortable. It is a trait not confined to the upper
class and can be found among the poorest members of society. Even today, when
guests arrive in Filipino homes during mealtime, they are offered whatever is being
served for that meal. Most of the time, a new meal is prepared to the liking of the
visitor. The Filipino hospitality is best exemplified in regard to foreign guests, who
are treated with the utmost respect. Filipinos enjoy the company of foreign visitors,
and most foreigners who have visited the country can testify to the warmth and
friendliness of the locals.”
Excerpt quoted from: Why Are Filipinos Known to Be Hospitable?

“What makes Filipinos different from many other nationalities is that they
openly welcome you to become a part of them. Filipino hospitality is hospitality
not only to Filipinos, but to everyone, including non-Filipinos. Perhaps it’s
because they have been colonized by Spain and subsequently the United States,
so they are used to having foreigners around. However, what’s amazing is that
Filipinos are excited and proud to show you what it means to be Filipino and
welcome you to partake in the Filipino culture as if it were your own. Unlike other
cultures where foreigners have a difficult time integrating, many foreigners who
visit the Philippines “feel at home.””
Excerpt quoted from: An American’s Perspective on Filipino Hospitality by Culture




- Main ideas are correctly identified.
- Deepening of understanding is clearly demonstrated.
- Summary of ideas is correctly done.
- New understanding is evident and insightful.
- Key ideas are identified.
- Sentence structures are grammatically correct.
15 points - All indicators are present. 12 - Three Indicators are met.
14 - Five indicators are present. 11 - Two indicators are met.
13 - Four indicators are met. 10 - Only one indicator is met.



At your age, you should be planning your career already. Start by interviewing at
least two adult family members on how to choose the best college course. Listen to
their suggestions and reasons. Then, write down how you should choose your career
based on your interest and give suggestions. Use the table below.

First Suggestion/Reason Second Suggestion/Reason Your Future Steps

1. a 2. d 3. a 4. b 5. d 6. d 7. d 8. d 9. c 10. c
Fact Check a. True b. False c. True d. True e. True
Get to the Top Answers:
I know that mobile gaming is done after doing school assignment and other
important things. It is now the pastime of many children.
The first author believed that video games can enhance bodily functions
and mental ability of children as well as develop family closeness.
The second author thinks that video games can also give harmful effects
to children’s health, personality, school performance and social well-being.
On the other hand, it can be good as long as appropriate games are
chosen and time management is in place.
Now, I discover that some parents make use of their children’s hobby to
bond with them. Also, I find out that too much exposure on mobile games
can cause serious damages to our body.
I have understood that mobile or video games are good since it can be
beneficial in developing mental and social aspects of children. However, it
can be harmful when too much time is spent on them and when health,
relationship and studies are already affected.
I learned that mobile or video games are helpful in developing cognitive
functions as well as the emotional and social aspect of children. Parental
supervision, self-control and time management are very important in
balancing play and study time for children.
I realized that I should know how to put limits to my hobbies in connection to
using gadgets. I should prioritize my studies and my health. Games are
done during free time, I will share this to children addicted of mobile
WHAT I CAN DO Answers vary.
ASSESSMENT Possible Answers:
Main idea 1: Filipinos from all walks of life display their culture of hospitality
especially to foreigners.
Main idea 2: Filipinos are unique because of their hospitality making foreigners
have a home in the Philippines.
Filipinos are known to be very hospitable in welcoming guests. They have
proudly shown their culture as they open their households and hearts to
anyone. This is best experienced by foreigners visiting the country. According
to an American blogger in Culture webpage, this warm friendly attitude of
Filipinos to all make fellowmen and other races feel like family in a Filipino
home. Indeed, Filipinos give the best accommodation for foreigners for the
world to see.

Abuhan, Alehia Therese V. Youth plays important role in national development.

Philippine News Agency. Accessed on April 27, 2021. Retrieved from
Arayata, Ma. Cristina. Is mobile gaming good or bad? Philippine News Agency.
February 12, 2021. Accessed on March 27, 2021. Retrieved from
Culture. An American’s Perspective on Filipino Hospitality. Accessed on April 1, 2021.
Retrieved from
Hirsch, Larissa. Are Video Games Bad for Me?. KidsHealth. August 2019. Accessed
on March 27, 2021. Retrieved from
Farid, Sana. Respect. Beyond Intractability. July 2005.Accessed on April 26, 2021.
Retrieved from
Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELCS)
Saskia 1. The Role of the Youth in Nation Building. Teen Ink by Teens,
ForTeens.March 14, 2013. Accessed on April 27, 2021. Retrieved from
https://www.teenink. com/hot_topics/all/article/533316/The-Role-of-the-Youth-
in-Nation#:~:text=In%20 conclusion%2C%20the%20role%20of,
Shwalb, David W. and Shwalb, Barbara J. Research and Theory on Respect and
Disrespect: Catching Up with the Public and Practitioners. Wiley INterScience.
2006. Accessed on April 26, 2021. Retrieved from
Staff Writer. Why Are Filipinos Known to Be Hospitable? April 13, 2020. Accessed on
April 1, 2021. Retrieved from
Synthesizing Activities. Mr. Bonasera's Classroom Web Site. Accessed on March 29,
2021. Retrieved from
Synthesizing Sources: Definitions and Guiding Question. Accessed on March 30,
2021. Retrieved from

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Office Address: IPHO Bldg., Sudlon, Lahug, Cebu City
Telefax: (032) 255-6405
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