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NAGA-MANDALA Play with a Cobra [Naga-Mandala was fst presented in English by the Guthrie ‘Theater, Minneapolis on 16 July 1993, apart of ie thirtieth birthday celebrations. The principal cast was a follow: RuciaKD Ooms The Man Minas Lave The Story Niurana NiTeanasna Rani ‘Stay Ect Appanna/Naga Isaseit Mon Korudavra ‘Wuune Beawcas McGUIE ——-Kappanna Directed by Gantaxo Waucnt Set Designed by Douctas Stem Music by Daw Puses0% NOTE ‘Nia Mandala is based on two tales fiom Karnataka which fst ‘ear several years go from Profeor A. K. Ramanujan, Bu that is only the least of the reasons for dedicating this ply to it, "wrote Naga-Mandala daring the ya Tspen at he University ‘of Chicago as Visiting Professor and Fulbright. Scholar-in- Residence. Lam most grateful to Professor Start M. ave, Deas, Division of Humanities, and Profesor CM. Naim, Chairman, Department of South Asian Language and Civilizations aswell as to the Coun for International Exchange of Scholars for having sade that visit posible, Lam further indebted to Profesor Naim for persuading me to write the play. ‘Tam conscious that Nag’ long speech on p. 276 owes mach ‘o Jean Anou, although I have been unable to identify the pay. ‘Gms: Kannan for |A.K. RAMANUIAN, friend, guru, hero Prologue ‘The inner sancum of a ruined temple, The iol ie broken, 19 the residing deity ofthe temple cannot be denied Tis might Moonlgh seep in through the c1acs inthe roof amd the wall Aman siting inthe temple. Long silence. Suddenly he opens his ‘es wide, Closes them. Then wes his fingers ory open his ees. ‘Then he goes back his original morave stance. He yawns involuntarily. Then reacts 10 the yawn By shaking his ead violent, and turns to the audience. ‘Max: I may be dead within the next few hours. (Long pause) Tam aot talking of sting’ dead. Actually dead. I might de right in front of your eyes (Pause) ‘A mendicant told me: You must keep awake at leat one ‘whole night this month. IF you can do chat, youl ie. If not. you will de on the lst night of the month’ I laughed out loud when | heard him. I thought nothing would be easier than spending night avake. Pause) 1 was wrong. Perhaps death makes one sleepy. Every night this ‘month Ihave been dozing of before even being aware of i Tam convinged Iam seing something with these eyes of, 28 Naa MANDALA ‘mine, only to wake wp and find 1 was dreaming. Tonight is sy last chance (rawe) For tonight isthe lastnight ofthe month. Even of my life, pethaps For how do know sleep wort rep in on me ei 1 thas everynight so fat L may done off ight in front of you. And that will be the end of me (Passe) asked the mendicat what I had dane to deere this ae ‘And he sid "Yu have weiten plays. You have staged them You have caused s0 many good people, who came tus you, to fal asleep twisted in miserable cis, chat all that. hated mast of sep has turned against you and become the (Curse of Death? (Pause) hada’ realized ny plays bad had that much impact (Pause) “Tight may be my lat night. So Ihave fled from home and ome to this temple, nameless and empty. For years ve bee londing it over my fly a 4 writer {couldn bring myell to diea writers death in font of them, (raise) {wear by this absent God if survive his night 1 shall have nothing more o do with themes, plots or sori, ajure ll storytelling. ll playacting. (Female voces ae heard ouside the temple. He looks) Voices! Here? At thi me of night? Lights! Who could be coming here now? (He ides tein pillar. Several Flames enter the remplesasling, talking to eachother in female voces) dont believe it They ae naked lamp fame! No wick, 90 lamps. No one holding them. Just Tamp Names on thei ‘wnr—Aloatng in the ait! Is that even posiblet Another te or four Flames enter, aking among themselves) LAME 3 (addesing Flame 1, which i already inthe temple) ello! What 2 pleasant rurprise! You ave here before us tonight awe I: That master of our house, you know what «skin he ist He is convinced his wif as ole inher pal, she buys al the groceries himself This evening, ele the dark was even an hou ol, they ran out of kasi oi. The tn of peanut oil did't go fa. The bowl of castor el was empty ‘anyway. So they had t ete bed erty and Iwas permite to come her, (auger) Lame 2 (ocering: Kui oll Peanut oll How disgusting! My family comes ffom the coat We wort touch anything but coconut ol "LAME I: But at least I come ete every night, What about your fiend, the kerosene fame? She hasnt been seen ere for ‘months. She is one of the frst tonight ate Actually, fom today on I don't think FL have any

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