World Atlas Collapsed Chapter One Utter Confusion

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“I am still awaiting the letter from Nero to see how he fares.

It has been awhile since

it all happened, and it was very horrible for him, but alas he seemed to be doing fine
when I last saw him, ah, my memory isn't quite what it used to be, how did it all start

World Atlas Collapsed

Chapter one
Utter confusion

It was a mid-Autumn day, I was fast asleep, like the general

teenage boy, I loved my sleep. My brother Thomas, known
by most simply as Thom, was playing in the garden. My
Mother was making bread. My father was at work, but
judging the time he should be home soon. I rolled over and
sighed. That smell, that elegance, I couldn't stand it any
longer. I sat up in my bed, and looked around, before I got
some of my Mother's famous bread, I should put some
clothes on. So I did exactly that, and I headed downstairs.
“Nero is that you?” My Mother asked.
“Yeah, can I have some bread?”
“Nero, you're fifteen now, say 'please'.” She growled.
That was the annoying thing about my Mother, she was
always teaching me how to be polite, I don't need to know, I
say to her, but she says I'm gonna live in the city and be a
chancellor for the King. Don't be ridiculous, I'm gonna
follow my friend Valsander! Captain Valsander, to be
Valsander is a Pirate captain that was born in the
village, he has long straight red hair, and he wears and long
dark waist coat with dark bottoms on, he wears brown boots
and his black Pirate cap to every occasion, he and his crew
only come back to the village every seven months, he never
told me why seven months though. Whenever he comes
back he says hi to me and Thom, then he goes off to the bar
with my Dad, then me and Thom hang around on the boat
with the crew for the week, they know me and Thom quite
well. Valsander also teaches me a little bit of sword play, I
always ask my Dad to show me, but he says no because he's
too busy with work, so I ask if I can go with Valsander, but
they both say it's too dangerous, and that I should just be a
chancellor, I'm not even smart enough to be a damn
chancellor, plus isn't the King against Piracy? I don't wanna
have to fight Valsander.
I had always wondered why my Dad and Valsander got
on so well, before Thom was born I would always be talking
about the great Valsander, even though he was only 16 at the
time, he was the youngest Pirate Captain there's been. I
later found out that my Dad was an ex-pirate. He left the
crew to stay with me, because I was only one when my Dad
left the crew, of course Valsander wasn't a captain then, but
Valsander joined the crew as an orphan, as his parents were
killed, the captain at the time was Advin, Advin was a dark
man who rarely left his quarters, I didn't much like him so I
never understood why my Dad had such a bond to him.
Advin died, in the end. I guess he got too old, but in his will
he listed Valsander to be captain, that was eight years ago.
“Whatever Ma, I'm gonna go see if Dad's back yet.”
“Don't talk to me in that tone of voice either young man!
I'll be telling your father about this!”
“Fantastic...” I said in a sarcastic tone of voice, I walked
out in the garden to see Thom and his friend playing with
some rocks.
“For Gods sake Thom, you're ten years old, why are you
playing with Rocks?” I asked, in an angry, critical sort of
“Fan said they were good!” He replied, rather offended.
“Fan? This kids name is FAN?” I giggled at the boys
name, but not for too long as I saw a boat in the distance,
then I remembered that this was the end of the seventh
months, and that Valsander would be returning soon! I ran
back inside and began to jump around because I'd see my
good friend Valsander again! Eventually, I got myself worn
out, as I often do when I get excited, and I decided to take a
nap, which, to be honest, may have been the worst, yet best,
decision of my life.
I heard a loud thud and I sat up from my bed, in front of
me was Thom, sitting on his bed, (we shared a room, did I
not mention that?) with blood on him, rocking back and
“Thom! Why are you covered in blood?” I asked. He
just looked at me in the eyes, he had tears streaming down
his face, and he didn't say anything, I got out of my bed
altogether and walked towards him.
“Thom, what's going-” but I couldn't finish my sentence.
My Dad barged in the room with a big axe, it had blood or
it's blade. My Dad put the axe down and pushed the
wardrobe in front of the door, he had blood splattered on his
“Dad, just what the fuck is going on?!” I shouted.
“Don't you talk like that to me! Sit down, and shut the
fuck up!”
Thom began to cry full tears, I sat down beside him and
hugged him, he hugged me back straight away, I had no idea
what was going on but it was deathly serious.
“Shut the fuck up Thom! I can't fucking concentrate!”
Our Dad shouted,
“Don't fucking talk to him like that! He's 10 fucking
years old!” Suddenly, my Dad slapped me and I fell to the
ground, I was barely awake, and everything was blurry, I
heard the door boom open, and I saw some faint figures
stroll in with guns and swords, I heard Thom crying very
vividly now, I saw him run over to the end of the room, and I
saw my Dad's big bulky figure get pushed back, until I heard
and gun shot, and the figure collapsed, when that happened
I heard Thom scream incredibly loud, and they walked up to
him, I was nearly completely out, but I kind of remember
someone saying,
“What about this kid on the floor?”
“Look, he's got blood on his face, I reckon he's already
Then laughing. I heard another smack and saw the
blurs walk out with a knocked out Thom on one of their
backs, then, I blacked out completely.
“Nero? NERO!” I heard a voice.
My face was hurting a lot, I couldn't recall what had
previously happened.
“Nero, buddy old pal, are you there?”
“Ugh...”I replied. I think I was trying to say 'here'.
“Nero, thank God you're okay! I didn't want them to
have killed you too!”
It was when I heard the words 'killed you too' that I
regained my memory, I sat up and realized I was on my bed,
I opened my eyes, and had a blistering head ache.
In front of me, was Valsander.
“You finally up and runnin' pal?” He asked me, in a
jokey kind of voice. Everything was kind of a joke to him.
“Valsander... what... what the hell happened?” I asked,
with a bit of a stutter.
“That's somethin' I'd better tell you later. I think we're
gonna need to waken' you up a bit first!” He got up and
walked out the room. I looked at Thom's bed, which is
where I recall my father falling after the gun shot, there was
a big dent in the bed where he'd been lying there. I got up
and stretched, the head ache was killing me.
I looked around the room for Thom, but I had no luck,
so I walked out of the room, which, was now in total wreck.
I walked down the stairs, slowly, as my head was killing me
with each step. Eventually, I reached the bottom.
“There you are buddy, want some bread?” Valsander
stood in the kitchen with some bread, the kitchen was
wrecked too, and it looked like a body had been dragged out
of here as well, there was a blood passage going out into the
“Valsander, where is everyone?” I asked in utter
“Uh, buddy... I think you'd better be sitting down for
this...” He said, hanging his head in shame.
I sat down, holding my head due to the massive head
ache pains.
“I picked up some guy into my crew recently, he seemed
like a decent, stand up kinda guy, but boy was I wrong, very
wrong, his name was Ekaps, real nutter this Ekaps. Ekaps
joined my crew, and one night... uh...”
Valsander stopped talking.
“What? One night what?” I asked.
“One night...” He said “One night Ekaps killed the entire
of my crew, and re-animated their bodies to do his bidding.”
My jaw dropped open. Re-animated their bodies? That
as the most ridiculous thing I had ever heard in my life.
“How am I supposed to believe that Valsander?” I
asked, in an irritated kind of way.
“Look Nero... Ekaps is... I dunno! He's magical or some
shit like that.” Valsander replied.
“Whatever, carry on.”
“Well, the re-animated bodies of my crew were coming
at me, the captain, to come and mess me up see? But
instead, I fake my death by jumpin' over board, and waited
down there till we got to port. Mind you, it wasn't too long a
“...And then what?”
“...Well this is the worst part, since your Dad was an ex-
pirate n' all, they went after him first, your ma, she uh...”
“Okay.” I said. I was upset about the confirmed death of
my Mother, but that wasn't gonna stop me hearing
Valsanders story.
“Your Dad was already home at this point, and he ran
up the stairs to try and escape, Thom was up there, and
there was an unsuccessful moment and then, your Father
he... he got shot, in the head. They thought you were already
dead cuz' of the blood on yer face, you get slapped or
“...Yeah. Thom was crying and my Dad told him to shut
up, so I shouted at my Dad and he slapped me...”
Valsander felt sorry for me, you could see it in his eyes.
“Where'd they carry Thom off to?” I asked.
“I wish I knew kid, I wish I knew. I'd be there right now
if I did know.” He replied. He got back up, and carried on
trying to make bread, by now my headache was gone and all
I could think about was how my parents had both been
killed only a few hours ago. I walked out into the garden
where I saw two badly dug graves. At least Valsander buried
them. I couldn't see their bodies, and there was no tomb but
I knew it was their graves. There was no one else it could've
been. I sighed, and sit down in a big huff. I felt sort of bad
that I wasn't crying, and that made me a little upset, but I
couldn't bring myself to cry. I just, couldn't.
“Ah fuck! Fuck ah god dammit fuck!” I heard Valsander
cry, I turned around and saw that he'd cut his hand a bit,
while cutting the loaf of bread. I giggled a little, classic
Valsander. I looked at the graves again, but I couldn't think
of anything to say, so I walked back in.
“Damn, butcher knife. Why they gotta be so damn
sharp?!” Valsander asked.
“I don't know.” I replied
“Ugh, you know we're the last people living in this
village right?” Valsander said.
I wasn't too surprised that everyone I'd ever known was
dead, but I didn't really connect with people on a social
“Yeah I know.” I replied.
“Damn... sure is gonna be tough fatherin' you from now
on. I'm gonna have to get the Pirating life outta me.”
I thought for a second, I didn't know what it was, but I
knew Valsander was giving up his entire life to raise me, and
that didn't seem fair to me. I knew that I couldn't let him
change who he was. I knew what I had to do.
“Well maybe you don't?” I said.
“Maybe you don't have to give up the Pirate's life.
Maybe, maybe we could go a rescue Thom?” I asked.
“Fat chance Nero! We haven't got a boat, OR a crew.”
He said.
“Maybe the King has one.” I said.
“...The King? The city is five hundred miles north of
here, and the trail is covered in bandits, and the King hates
“Well Ekaps is the worst of the worst isn't he? If we get
palace guards to defeat Ekaps, I'd make my Mum proud by
helping the King, and it'd give you, the almighty Captain
Valsander, a good re pore with the King!”
“...Still how are we gonna get there with all the
bandits?” He asked me.
“I know enough sword play to defend myself on the trip
up there Valsander.” I said.
“...Eeehhh fine. You've swayed me, but if anything
happens you run straight back to the village alright? Then
you're gonna wait for merchants to show up and you'll live
with them.” Valsander said.
I did it! I finally was able to sail with Valsander, good
thing he swayed easily.
“Ah, yes, I do seem to recall the two of them heading up the King place, the, the
palace, yes yes quite... I remember Nero told me what happened next, I know not
even Valsander, who knew of the evil that Ekaps was possible of, knew what would
be happening when they reached the Castle...”

Chapter two
Land filled seas

I ran up the stairs to being packing, and I looked around my

room to see what I could get, then as time went on I realized
there was nothing I had which was even remotely useful. I
rushed back downstairs and I saw Valsander by my Dads
grave. They were good friends. He was mumbling
something, but I couldn't understand it.
“Huh?! Oh, it's you Nero. Don't scare me like that
“Sorry Captain. I'm all packed, let's go.” I said.
“Not yet.” Valsander replied.
“God dammit kid. Your parents are dead there n' you
dun' even wanna say bye?! Whadda hells wrong with you?!”
Valsander said. I didn't say anything, I hung my head down,
“Your Dad is gonna want me to make a model of you
and Thom when we find him, this is your only pirate voyage
aight kid? This is my last and your last. Now say goodbye,
because you're not gonna see 'im for a long time.” Valsander
“Ugh. Bye Dad. Can we go now?” I asked.
“It's like you hate your Goddamn family.” He muttered
in retaliation.
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
Valsander began walking out of the Garden, and up the
path towards the mountain.
“Hey Valsander, wait up will ya!” I cried.
Soon enough we were walking up the path towards the
city, where the King was, it was a mountain path so it was
filled with bandits from villages near the Kingdom.
Eventually, when we were about a quarter of the way there, I
heard rustling in the bush's, and saw figures running around
quickly behind rocks and trees. I thought I was going mad.
“Uh, Valsander?” I asked.
“Don't let them know you've noticed them, Nero, or
they'll strike, if they attack and ask for money you won't be
too surprised, and we should be able to take them.”
Valsander replied.
“Who are they though?”
“Mountain bandits obviously.”
“You seem pretty confident Valsander.”
“I'm a pirate, I have to be confident or I won't succeed.”
So we kept walking, being confident and ready for when
they decided when they'd finally attack, eventually, about
another quarter of the way, I was sure they were following
us, then the rustles became very common and we heard
people charging.
“Now Nero! Draw your sword!” Valsander cried
towards me,
“What?! I don't have a sword!” I replied in confusion.
“Shit! Hold on!” He said back to me. I ran and hid
behind a rock, while Valsander pulled out his long sword
and slashed it into one bandit in a quick stroke, the bandit's
cold body fell to the floor and blood trickled down the path
from his pale face.
“Nero grab his blade!!” Valsander cried as he run from
the remaining three bandits, I ran up to the body and picked
up his sword, it wasn't sheathed as it had been previously
swung at Valsander, but of course Valsander was faster and
had killed the bandit. I chased after the bandits to help
Valsander, but it looked like Valsander was basically done.
There were already two more bodies on the floor and
Valsander wasn't one of them, I just started jogging up the
hill to Valsander, when I heard a slash and saw the fourth
and final body fall.
“You were a bit slow Nero,” Valsander said.
“That was amazing!” I replied. Valsander chuckled to
“Thanks kid, you weren't too bad yourself.” He replied.
“But I didn't do anything?” I said in confusion.
“Look out!” He shouted suddenly, he turned and
jumped into a near by bush, I turned around to see a fifth
bandit charging towards me,
“Oh crap!” I shouted, I closed my eyes and swung the
blade I had previously stolen, it seemed as if everything had
slowed down, I heard a slicing sound, and then a pain-
inflicted groan and then a thud. I opened my eyes, to see the
bandit from before on the floor, bleeding away till his death,
seconds later.
“How'd that feel?” Valsander asked as he walked up to
“Horrifying.” I replied. He chuckled, and we continued
on. Eventually, we did reach the city, and there were two
watcher towers by the gates. There was two guards in each
tower, and as soon as they saw Valsander and I they started
talking. Conniving, as such.
“They know you Valsander?” I asked.
“From a long time ago, yeah.” He replied.
“That's a little vague isn't it?” I asked again.
“Nero, just be quiet.” He replied.
I did exactly that as we approached the gate. The small
box by the gate contained a person, who would deem if you
were worthy of entering the city. Usually, most people were.
Finally, we got to the box.
“Names?” He asked.
“This is Nero Setcher, and I'm...” Valsander said.
“Yes?” he asked again.
“I am Valasanderich Oriontext. Brother of
Tesrichenhien Oriontext, and rightful air to the throne.”
Valsander said.
“What!? You're a prince!?” I shouted.
“Not now Nero, I'll have plenty of time to explain.”
“...Mister Oriontext, are you sure you would like to
confirm a name of that stature?” The man asked.
“I am sure.” Valsander replied.
“Please hold on for one moment mister Oriontext.” The
man said, he went into the city and left his box, and we
waited for him to return to find out if we were worthy to
enter the city.
“So I bet you're wondering what that was all about?”
Valsander said.
“How could I not?” I replied.
“Ugh, Nero, listen. If I had told you all those years ago,
I would've been a totally different man.”
“You told us you were adopted by the Advin!” I cried.
“I was, I ran away from home, and stole a fishing boat
on the night of a storm all of those year ago, Advin found
me, and I said I couldn't remember anything.” Valsander
replied. I stood there gob-smacked, I had known the prince
of the city for longer than his own brother. I was quite
proud of myself, but then I realized how much trouble I
could've gotten him into by doing this. Suddenly, the gates
opened up, and I got all nervous. We both turned and
looked, but something was wrong. There were armed
guards starring us in the face, bows, muskets, cross-bows,
swords, spears and axes all facing us.
“What the?!” Valsander said.
“You're under-arrest Valsander!” Someone shouted,
then the guards came towards us, and pulled us into the
Castle dungeon. We sat in there for a few hours, as he told
me stories about his life in the Castle, and then I told him
about what happened while he was sailing. He told me he
hadn't a clue why they imprisoned us, so I was just as
clueless as he was.
Suddenly, a few men came into the dungeon.
“Valasanderich, I'd heard so many stories about you
when I got this job.” One man said, he was balding, and had
brown patches on the right and left sides of his head, he was
wearing a big white robe with red and green sleeves. He was
the chancellor.
“Fantastic. Can I ask why we're in here?” Valsander
“Because Valasanderich, your pirate ways have led you
astray. Pirates who come to the city are locked away, and
put on death row.” The chancellor said.
“Wha, how did you know I was a pirate?! I never once
contacted my family! And call me by my name, Valsander.
Valasanderich is my snotty up-tight family name.”
“I'm afraid you don't have the authority to ask that
question, Valasanderich. At least be grateful that you can be
executed with your small friend here together, at 10 in the
morning.” He laughed, as he strolled away.
“Shit shit shit!” Valsander said.
“So I guess we're going to die...” I said.
“Fuck that, Nero, we're getting out, and I'm gonna
fucking kill that son of a bitch chancellor!” Valsander
replied. A ray of light sprung to life in my brain, I didn't
know how, but I knew Valsander would get out. Suddenly,
he stood up, and pulled a shiny golden key out of his shoe.
“What's that?” I asked.
“A key.” He replied.
“I don't think it'll work on the door.” I said, but alas I
was proven wrong, the door opened and we ran out.
“Wait!!” We turned around, and saw a very hairy man in
the cell next to us.
“Mister Valasanderich, I heard of your dilemma, and I'd
be obliged if you were to free me so I can help you.” He said.
“...Eh fine.” Valsander said, as he let the man out. The
man suddenly ran out without saying another word.
“Damn, he tricked us.” I said.
“Oh well.” Valsander replied. We ran up the stairs, and
passed a small cupboard on the way, we had a look inside
and found our weapons. We carried on up the stairs, until
we reached another room, we looked through the door way
to make sure no one could see us, but then someone did.
“Valasanderich.” He said.
“Ah... brother, you've caught me.” Valsander replied. It
was the King, Tesrichenhien Oriontext, or as I would call
him, Trey.
“I believe we should take this to a more private area.”
Trey said. Me and Valsander nodded and followed Trey,
guards looked at us and some followed, but Trey shooed
them all away and we were eventually in his bed-chamber.
“Valsander, it has been a long time.” Trey said.
“I apologize. I could not deal with the conniving of our
“Do not apologize. I feel I should tell you that they've
both passed now.” Trey replied.
“I'm aware, I saw in the news four years ago.” Valsander
“Yes, well. Their plans have been thwarted, I am sure.”
Trey said. But to be perfectly honest, Trey didn't sound all
that sure.
“Okay, now, let me explain my reason for returning.”
Valsander said.
“Valsander, um, I'm not too sure if that's a good idea.” I
said to him. I trusted Trey alright to listen, but the one thing
that annoyed me, is that Trey knew we were in the prison, so
why did the chancellor want to execute us, and why were
there no guards in the area for when we escaped? I didn't
want to reveal our plans so fast.
“Huh Nero? Why not?” Valsander asked.
“I... I just think we should wait a little first.” I replied.
“Sorry brother, but I have known Nero for a many year
now, and I do not wish to betray his trust.” Valsander said.
“Fair deals brother. Perhaps, over time young, Nero, is
it? Perhaps over time young Nero will learn to trust his
king.” Trey chuckled.
“No, your majesty I do trust you. It's just... I feel like
we're being listened in on.” I said.
Valsander and Trey both gave me a weird look, but I
knew I was right.
“Sorry your majesty.” I said.
So my first introduction with the King nearly got me
killed and Valsander killed, then the King decided he didn't
like me, but I digress.

“One of the most important things in life is trust. Without trust, you have nothing
with a person. If you cannot trust them, you cannot anything them. It seems the
King didn't realize that at the time, but I'm sure the events following changed his
mind rather promptly.”

Chapter three
The idea of killing a beast which you never knew
existed and once appeared to be a human man is
a very difficult and tiring deed.

Trey had given me and Valsander separate rooms to stay in,

but he came back to my room because he was being
sympathetic about my parents dying, even though it hadn't
really phased me yet. Me and Valsander had just been
generally chatting for a few hours, but I was getting kind of
tired, and thought it'd be a good idea to get some sleep.
“Um, Valsander?”
“Yeah buddy?”
“I'm gonna go to sleep now. I'm a little tired.
“Aight then Nero. Been good chatting with you, and
'member, when you wanna tell Trey about our plans, tell me
first aight? Night!” He said, and then walked out the room.
I sat down in my bed, until getting under the covers. They
were royal sheets, and a royal mattress and bed post. It was
more comfortable than anything I'd be in in my life. I felt
like I'd get to sleep straight away; but I didn't. I didn't know
what it was but I kept twisting and turning, for some reason
my brain didn't want me to sleep. Maybe it was because the
door was open, so I got up, and I closed to door, but it
opened again a little. I pushed it closed again but again it
opened. I walked out into the corridor to see who was
behind this madness, but there was no one there. There was
nothing to keep the door closed, and there was no lock, so
I'd have to deal with the door being slightly open all night.
The thing that bothered me about that was that it looked like
someone had tampered with the door, so it couldn't close.
Then again, I was quite a paranoid person. So I sat down in
my bed again, I tried to get to sleep, hours past and I was
wide awake. I didn't know why, and I kept thinking that
someone was by the door, they didn't look too menacing to
be perfectly honest. Then, I was sure of it, I could see their
boot behind the door, it didn't look like they were too bright.
“I see you behind the door...” I said.
“Darn.” The person replied, as they walked into my
room. I immediately reconsigned them, but there name and
where from was another thing.
“Who are you?” I asked.
“My name? Oh yes, yes, my name. I'm Fan.” He said.
I giggled a little, then I remembered who he was. He
was Thom's friend from the village.
“Fan?! You're Thom's friend! How did you survive?” I
asked him.
“As soon as the pirates killed one person I leaped the
fence, and sprinted back to the city.” He replied.
“On your own? Bloody hell, I barely made it there with
Valsander,” I muttered.
“Yeah, on my own. I thought I was the only survivor,
but I saw you and thought maybe Thom survived.” He
“I hope Thom survived. The damn pirates kidnapped
him.” I replied.
“Aw it's all gone to shit.” He said.
I giggled again. Fan was quite funny, and funny looking
“I don't wanna live in the city forever, see, the captain of
the guard is my Uncle, he's really kind, but he's almost
always at work, training new recruits.” He said.
“Aw Fan, I'm sorry, my parents were killed too.” I
replied. Even though I could technically relate, it still didn't
phase me at all, I loved my parents and all, but it seemed
like I just didn't care.
“So I assume you and the pirate are gonna go and
rescue Thom?” He asked me.
“We're gonna try.” I replied.
“I know it might be a bit much, but...” Fan couldn't
finish the sentence, as his uncle came past in the corridor.
“Fan? What are you doing disturbing master Nero
here? Come along now Fan, it's past mid night, and you
should be getting to sleep.” He said, as he dragged Fan out
of the room.
“Bye Nero!” Fan said.
“Sorry for letting him disturb your sleep Master Nero.”
Fan's uncle said.
“No no, it's not a problem, he's a nice kid.” I said. The
man nodded, and walked away, and I was alone again, so I
decided to get some sleep, and failed, and waited for
everyone to get up at 8 in the morning, which was about 5
hours away.
Soon enough, I was interrupted by Valsander barging
“Morning buddy! How'd you sleep?” He asked.
“Terrific.” I replied.
“You're a 'terrific' liar you know that?” He said.
“Come on, they're doing bacon for breakfast.” And he
left, so I got dressed and went out to dinner. At the table, I
saw Valsander, Fan, the chancellor, the Captain of the Guard
and the King.
“Nero, there is a seat here for you.” Valsander called
out. Whenever he was with his brother, he also spoke really
posh, it was kind of annoying. I sat down next to him and a
plate of bacon was in front of me. I began to eat. Soon we
were all done, and everyone started having a chat, Fan ran
over to me.
“Hey Nero!” He said, rather cheerfully.
“Well hey there Fan, how ya doin'?” I asked.
“Fine thanks!” He replied.
“Hey Fan, what was you gonna ask me last night?” I
“Last night? I don't recall. Sorry.” He said, I could tell
he was lying though. He must have been embarrassed.
Then Valsander called me.
“Yo Nero, can we tell Trey our plans yet?” He asked.
“...Nah not yet.” I replied.
“Come on Nero, stop bein' such a baby...” He replied.
“Sorry Valsander, I just don't feel safe at the moment.” I
said. Valsander grunted, and started talking to Trey again.
Then I realized the chancellor was looking at me, with a
really strange look on his face, then he got up and came over
to me.
“Good morning master Nero.” He said.
“...Morning?” I replied.
“How did you sleep?” He asked.
“Crap. You?” I asked.
“It's really none of your interest, master Nero.” I
grunted at him, he seemed like a twat to me.
“Valasanderich told me of your encounter with the
mountain bandits. I believe your strike on the final bandits
was pure luck, I'm afraid. Perhaps, you would enjoy under-
going some training?” He smiled. That sounded like a good
idea, so I guess he wasn't too bad of a guy after all. So the
chancellor led me to a big room full of equipment, and there
were guards there, with weapons.
“Pick the weapon of your choice, Master Nero.” He said,
so I picked up a small scimitar and a musket pistol, which
was quite rare for castle soldiers to have, but I wouldn't be
able to use a shotgun.
“Alright Master Nero, let's see what you can do.” He
“Charge!!” He shouted, then the guards ran towards me
with their spears facing me, I barrel rolled out the way and
shot the musket into the back of one of them, he collapsed,
and I got up and swung the scimitar and got one in the
chest, he fell too. I quickly ducked the third one's spear
strike, lucky thing too, if I didn't it would've impaled me in
the heart, I got up and uppercutted him.
“That... that was incredible! We could use a man with
such speed like you on the team.” The chancellor said.
“Are they okay? They went down in one strike.” I
“They're fine!” He replied. I looked down at them, and
they looked like they were in excruciating pain, they had
pale faces and were groaning.
“...They don't look it.” I said again.
“You're just being paranoid!” The chancellor said.
“...Tell me about it...” I murmured.
“Let's get you something to eat.” He said as we walked
“I just had breakfast?” I said.
“Then I'll eat then, I'm still rather peckish...” He replied.
He seemed like quite a mysterious man, I didn't know what
to think of him.
“Oh, and, by the way, I am Woodgruffin, Chancellor
Woodgruffin.” He said.
“Woodgruffin?” I said.
“Peculiar last name isn't it? Woodgruffin's are also
fabled monsters known to speak English, they are very big
and work with evil humans to reek havoc and gain praise for
it.” He said.
“Wow, are they real?” I asked.
“Ho ho ho, no of course not my dear boy.” He said.
We walked into a huge room, which I believed to be the
kitchen, the chef looked at us, and got a great big worried
look on his face.
“Stevfe! Stevfe Woodgruffin!” The chef said.
“That's chancellor Woodgruffin to you, where's my
special selection box?” He asked.
“R, right through that door, Chancellor Woodgruffin...”
The chef said,
“Excellent... wait here Nero.” And Woodgruffin went off
into the room. A horrible smell emitted from the room, and
I didn't want to know what it was. The chef looked paranoid
as hell, so I asked him what was wrong.
“I can't tell you, you that...” He replied.
“Why not? Something's obviously going on in this
place. The King must be blind not to see it.” I said.
“Keep it down will you boy?! I can't, can't tell you
okay?!” He replied, so I did what Valsander would do, I
pulled the musket on him.
“Holy-!!” He said,
“Now tell me, what is going on?” I asked.
“...I, I, I can't say, the, the punishment would be too
severe!!” He replied.
“Then what's behind the door?” I asked.
“Why don't you understand, I can't, can't damn tell
you!” Then he ran away. Something insane was going on,
and I had to find out, then Fan came in, he looked flustered,
and confused, so I put my musket away.
“Hey Fan, what's up?” I asked him.
“Oh nothin', just I can't find my uncle anywhere.” He
“I haven't seen him either, if I see him I'll tell you, bye
now!” And Fan was gone, so then I went to the door where
Woodgruffin had gone, and I opened it, slowly, it was
another big room, with no windows or lights, so it was pitch
black, I saw a big pile of some kind and what looked like
roots behind a person standing up, hunched over the pile,
that was Woodgruffin, he was making scarfing sounds, and I
heard groans of pain coming from in front of him. I walked
in slowly, but the door creaked and Woodgruffin heard me.
“Eegh?! D-d-didn't I t-t-tell you not t-t-to disturrrrb
me?!” He growled.
“Sorry Woodgruffin, it's me Nero.” I said back to him.
“Oh, ho ho, N-n-Nero, y-y-you should've knocked...” He
replied, the vague outline of roots disappeared into
Woodgruffin, and I heard a tearing sound, then he turned
round, and walked towards me, then I nearly gagged.
“Oh dear, it seems I forgot to zip up again.” He said.
The top part of his face had been torn, and a big green
wart like thing was sticking out, and it had a big yellow eye.
“Nero, you have seen too much, now I must alienate
you.” He said. I backed away and pulled out my musket.
“I don't think so. What the fuck are you?” I asked.
“Isn't it obvious my dear boy, I'm a Woodgruffin! That
idiot King doesn't believe in my perfect race.” He said.
“Shut up!” I said.
“Feisty... I do wish I could transform and kill you like
that, but then I'd bring the house down and blow my
cover...” He said.
“Why are you here? Shouldn't you be terrorizing
villagers?” I asked.
“I have a much greater task... to eliminate
Valasanderich!” He said.
“What?! Why do you wanna kill Valsander?!” I asked.
“Isn't it obvious boy? Let me explain, the reason you
didn't want to tell the King your plans was because I was
listening in, somehow you sensed me, the conniving
Valasanderich mentioned about his parents, was that they
had been on the same path as Ekaps, the pirate who
destroyed your village, they knew Valasanderich were try
and stop him, so they hired me, but I seemed to have scared
him when he was a child, and he ran away, Captain Advin
looked into it and found everything out, I had to kill him...
who knew his first man's son would also be an interference?”
He said. So it all made sense, not why Ekaps took my
brother, but what was going on in the castle.
“You and Ekaps will never get away for killing my
parents.” I said.
“Why avenge them? You obviously don't care about
them, you haven't shed a single tear since their deaths.” He
“Shut the fuck up!” I shouted, as I said it, one small tear
went down my cheek, I finally started to realize why I
couldn't sleep the night before, when I had woken up, Thom
was crying, and my Dad got shot, the fear of waking up must
of scared my brain into keeping my awake, but I didn't cry
because I couldn't deal with the fact that they were gone, I
just thought when we got Thom back, everything would be
okay again, but it was when Woodgruffin said I didn't care
that I got offended, I didn't mind thinking it myself, but for
someone else to doubt my love for them was wrong, I
expected to get a good night's sleep that night. Then I
realized I wouldn't be able to as I'd probably get killed by
“Time is growing short my boy, prepare to die.” He said,
I shot my musket a few times at his chest, and a bit of blood
came to, but he carried on towards me.
“Don't resist.” He said, in a creepy, new dark voice. I
turned and picked up a butcher knife and threw it at him, it
pierced him in the chest, but it didn't really effect him.
“Dammit, why won't you die?” I asked.
“Ha ha ha!” He laughed. I bolted for the door by he
stretched his arm out in front of the door and blocked my
path, and he carried on towards me, I shot my musket a few
more times but it was no use, then I got an idea, I shot the
big green swelling wart in his head, he growled and moved
back, I quickly ran under his arm and into the big room with
the pile, in there was a pile of dead bodies, all eaten at, the
one at the front was Fan's uncle. Woodgruffin walked into
the room.
“They had all caught me too you see...” He said.
“You're a monster.” I replied. I shot the swelling again
and he growled, I ran out of the room but he quickly
grabbed me, and he revealed his sharp fangs, he slowly
neared my head, but I quickly pulled my Scimitar out of the
sheath, as he hadn't got my hands, and I stabbed him in the
“Do you really think that hurts me boy?” He asked, but
as he asked, he loosened a little,
“No, but I can break free,” and I did, I shot him in the
head again and ran to the door, where I ran to the Throne
room, but I felt a long tentacle slap me in the neck and pull
me back, he started dragging me back to the kitchen, so I did
the normal thing, and I bit him, and pierced his tentacle, he
screeched and I ran into the throne room where Valsander
and Trey were talking, they looked quite surprised to see me,
mainly because I was covered in Woodgruffin blood and
sweat, and that I was running. Then the big tentacle that
smacked the ground behind me didn't help.
“Nero!! What's happening?!” Valsander cried as he ran
towards me with Trey.
“Chancellor Woodgruffin is a Woodgruffin!” I replied.
“Woodgruffins aren't real Nero!” Trey stated.
“I beg to differ!!!!” A voice cried, from the kitchen area,
loud bangs could be heard from the wall as more roots and
tentacles smashed through the walls, Woodgruffin walked
through the smoke, his face had almost totally teared now,
and his chest had tentacles of a root looking fashion sticking
out. They were also coming out his back, his arms and legs.
“Now that Valasanderich is here, I may as well reveal
my true form! Prepare to die fuckers!” He said, then the
transformation happened. His chest grew insanely bulky
and his shirt ripped, his skin torn and released a green
colored mold, then tentacle roots came out, there were the
size of evergreen trees, I swear.
“Trey, get out of here! Get the Palace guard and the
Captain!” Valsander shouted,
“The captain's dead!” Woodgruffin shouted, with a
laugh, his legs grew bulkier and so did he arms, eventually
he was a big green lump of mold with tree root tentacles
sticking out of him.
“Oh shit.”I said.
“Fucking hell,” Valsander replied.
“Think we can take it?” I asked.
“Not a chance in hell.” He said back to me. A tentacle
came smashing down, so I barrel rolled to the left, and
Valsander to the right, I pulled out my musket and shot him
a few times, but it didn't make a difference, so I put it away
again, Valsander sprinted to the side of the beast, he slashed
it once, but one tentacle pushed him right into the wall, and
the wound healed up instantly. I tried slashing it with my
scimitar but I got pushed back as well, as I tried to get back
up I was held down by another tentacle, I hoped that
Valsander would save me but soon enough I noticed the
same thing had happened to him. Suddenly, Trey ran into
the room with a cross bow, and shot the beast in the head,
he screeched and raised his tentacles, Valsander and I stood
up and ran towards Trey.
“I sent for a few guards, and evacuated the city!” Trey
“Good, now Trey, get out of here! Me and Nero will
handle this!” Valsander replied.
“No. More guards will show up and help us fight, we
will slay it together!” Trey stated.
“You? Slay me!? That's pathetic!!” Woodgruffin cried.
He smashed his tentacle down and the force knocked Trey
over, Valsander and I jumped to avoid to quake, I was a
quick learner. Soon enough soldiers ran into the room, and
were instantly scared by the Woodgruffin, but still tried.
Suddenly Fan came in as well, with a shotgun.
“Nero, I found my uncle...” He said to me.
“I'm sorry Fan, I'm so so sorry. I can't sympathize right
now because there's a Woodgruffin right over there!” I
“No Nero, it's okay, I'm going to join your crew! I'll
help, I can fight.” He said, and he got his shotgun, and
aimed it at the eye of the Woodgruffin, he shot it and
blinded the creature,
The beast sprung a bunch of new tentacles which split
into 5 smaller ones each, they lunged forward and grabbed
onto soldiers, they were pulled to the beasts mouth, and he
ate them. Fan began shooting again, but it didn't make a
difference because the wounds just healed up again, the
fight continued, soldiers were the main targets as they had
spears and were especially good at stabbing the enemy. At
some point though, we were getting tired, losing more
soldiers. A hairy man ran into the room in a big cloak,
“Valasanderich, strike him once, there get someone to
penetrate the wound before it heals!” He said, then he left
“Who was that?” Valsander asked,
“Not sure...” I replied, so me and Valsander gave it a try,
Valsander charged towards to base of the Woodgruffin, and
slashed, I followed with him and slashed at the wound, there
was a screech, and and Valsander came running back,
because he had been knocked back after attacking, I shot my
musket into the wound and he backed away a bit, he shrunk
a little and then pushed me back, the wound healed up but
left a scare on his body. Fan shot him once, and shot again
at the wound, and the beast shrunk and screeched again, we
carried on our tactic until he was a big green wart on the
ground, it looked like the fight was over.
“Ah... Ah... Ah... I seem... to have been bested...
Perhaps... I am growing old...?” Woodgruffin said.
“Age has nothing to do with it.” I said.
“Ah... probably true... my... my life expectancy is about
ten thousand years, and I... I am young...” He replied.
“Ten thousand years huh?” Valsander asked.
“Well how old are you?” I asked.
“I... I am eight hundred and fifty four...” He replied.
“Heh. You're a child.” Trey said as he came up to us.
“...I, I suppose...” Woodgruffin muttered. The beasts
started making rumbling noises.
“Agh, this is the time, good fight-” He said. He groaned,
then stopped moving.
“Nice work!” Valsander said.
“I'm still in shock that Stevfe was a beast...” Trey
“I'm not. He was a real weird guy.” I said, suddenly
Woodgruffin's tentacles shot towards Trey and Woodgruffin
jumped and took his prey at a hostage type of view,
Woodgruffin faked his death.
“Ha ha ha!” He sniggered.
“You're a fiend Woodgruffin.” Valsander growled.
“Please Valasanderich, call me by my name, Stevfe,
Woodgruffin is my snotty up tight family name, ha ha ha!”
The beast laughed.
“Fuck you!” Valsander shouted.
“Feisty too eh? If you want your brother to live, all you
have to do... is die!” Woodgruffin replied.
“Shit.” I mumbled.
“That counts for you too kid.” He said. “You're strong
too, and could be a nuisance. What about a double suicide
eh? Then the King can live a free man! Ha ha ha!”
Woodgruffin sniggered. In the corner of my eye, I saw Fan
sneaking slowly to the left of Woodgruffin, he was still far
away, but if he could sneak fast enough, he would be able to
shoot Woodgruffin in the head.
“So whadda ya say guys?” Woodgruffin asked. It looked
as if Valsander was considering his life for Trey, I know he
would have any day, but I was here too, and he didn't want
to give up the search for Thom.
“So, Stevfe, let me get this right. If Nero and I kill
ourselves, you'll let my brother live?” Valsander asked.
What a stupid question, I thought to myself. Woodgruffin
couldn't have made it any clearer.
“That's the deal.” Woodgruffin replied.
“There's still one thing on my mind...” Valsander stated.
“Oh ho ho, and what's that?” Woodgruffin asked.
“How can we be sure that you'll let my brother live?”
Valsander asked.
“Ah...” Woodgruffin replied.
“That didn't sound good.” Valsander said.
“Shut up! I can kill your brother right now! Then what
would you do?!” It asked.
“Well for starters, I'd thrust my long sword into your
head.” Valsander replied. He was quick, I hadn't realized
that if Woodgruffin killed Trey, Woodgruffin wouldn't have
leverage, but there was a loop hole. Surely Valsander
wouldn't let his own brother die, for me?
“Valsander, let him kill me.” Trey muttered. Valsander
didn't reply, if he said yes or no, it would've changed things
completely. Valsander suddenly walked right up to
Woodgruffin's face, and stared him in the eyes, they were so
close they wouldn't have been able to see anything but each
other. Fan took this as an opportunity and leaped the small
space he had left, till he was right behind Woodgruffin.
“Nighty-night.” Fan said, then there was a loud gun
shot, Trey was dropped to the floor, and Woodgruffin
collapsed completely.
“Fan! That was amazing!” I cried.
“He killed my uncle, now that he's avenged I'll go after
the pirate who killed my parents and avenge them too.” He
“Actually Fan, can I do that?” I asked.
“Huh, why?” He asked in confusion.
“Ekaps, the pirate, kidnapped Thom too. I'd like to
avenge my parents and rescue Thom.” I replied.
“Oh, okay then. But can I come with you? I have no
home at all now.” Fan said. I looked at Valsander, awaiting
his reply.
“He can come.” Valsander smiled.
“Thanks sir!” Fan smiled.
“That's Captain,” Valsander replied. We all shared a
laugh, and thus we ended up telling Trey of our plans.
“So this is the last time I'll see you?” Trey asked.
“I'm afraid it might be. It's been wonderful seeing you
again brother.” Valsander said.
“Well, if there's anything I can do to help you on your
journey...” Trey asked.
“...Actually there is one thing.” Valsander winked, and
within one more night we had set sail from the port. I had
made a new crew member, and reunited Valsander, or
should I say, Valasanderich, with his brother. We also killed
a fabled monster which had eaten about 40 royal soldiers.
All in all, it was a pretty successful day. Absolutely
horrifying and scary in every way possible, but successful
none the less.

“Nero's journey was quite perilous indeed, they had only just got a boat and they had
nearly been killed many times, but now with the addition of Fan, their first new crew
member, perhaps things were looking up. Unfortunately, they didn't have any idea
where they would go to find Ekaps, and they needed a bigger crew, food, weapons

Chapter four
Really being what you are

I had never sailed before in my life. Never. I didn't know I'd

be sea sick, well, that's what I would've said if I was Fan.
Fan was throwing up all over the place, I was surprisingly
“Nero, you're surprisingly calm.” Valsander quoted as
he strolled up to me. We were on the deck.
“You don't say...” I replied. “Who's sailing right now?”
“Fan is, why?” Valsander asked.
“He's ten years old and is sea sick, that's why.” I stated.
“Crap.” Valsander said, as he went back to the helm.
Looks liked I wouldn't be talking to Valsander until we
docked, but we didn't have a clue when or where we'd be
“Nero, I feel sick.” Fan muttered as he waddled over to
“I noticed.” I replied.
“Can you help me?” He asked.
“Sorry Fan, but you could go to the bottom of the ship.”
I suggested.
“H, huh? Why there?” He asked in confusion.
“Well, it rocks less. If you think about it, the top only
rocks but the bottom shakes a little, if the bottom shook as
much as the top we'd have been flung over board.” I stated.
I was quite proud to have figured that out.
“Oh, uh, okay.” Fan said, as he waddled to the bottom of
the boat.
“Yo Valsander!” I shouted to Valsander. I walked up to
him and looked onward.
“Where we going anyway?” I asked.
“Never really thought about it to be perfectly honest.”
He replied.
“...Do we even know where we are?” I asked again.
“Don't have a map.” Valsander answered.
“...What do we have?” I asked. Valsander paused to
“Nothing.” He replied.
“Maybe we could dock somewhere and get some
supplies?” I suggested.
“That'd probably be for the best.” Valsander sighed.
“We could just turn back and get some supplies from
your brother?” I asked again.
“Nah, I'm sick of that wanna-be royal crap. I've dined
with REAL kings.” He said.
“That's your brother you're talking about. And how
could you have dined with kings?” I asked.
“Easy, did a little manipulating and posed as the 'late
chancellor”'s cousin. By late chancellor I mean I killed the
guy and stole all his money.” Valsander smirked.
“Then I robbed the king! Twas a successful day.” He
“Well anyway, why don't we dock over there?” I pointed
at a near by island.
“Oh shit!” Valsander gasped.
“What?” I asked.
“That's my ship! Ekaps is there!” He said as he pointed
at the big black boat docked there.
“What? That's not your ship, your ship isn't black.” I
“It is Nero, it's... been painted, but I can tell because of
the figure head.” He said to me. I looked to see the figured
head, but there was no figure head.
“There is no figure head.” I said.
“Exactly, we broke it off to honor Advin when he made
me captain, then we carved the initials of all the pirates we
lost since I joined, Advin's name is carved a long the side of
the boat. Look carefully, and you'll see it.” Valsander said.
I looked carefully and I saw it. In big carved letters, was
the name Advin. He must have been a great man.
“Looks like we're docking there then.” I said.
“Yeah. Go tell Fan kay?” Valsander instructed. So I
went below the deck, looking at the ship as we got closer and
closer, soon enough I was below the deck, and at the bottom.
There was Fan, holding his stomach, and looking like he was
going to puke.
“It looks like you're going to puke.” I blatently stated.
“It's no better down here Nero.” He replied.
“Well, anyway we're docking real soon, so you'd better
get your ass up to the deck.” I said, and I started heading to
my quarters to get my gun and sword for when we battled
Ekaps, but I was disturbed by Fan, who apparently had
another question.
“Nero, I have another question.”
My wits were correct again.
“Yeah what's up?”
“How did we know how to kill the Woodgruffin back at
the castle?” Fan asked.
“That cloaked guy told us.” I replied.
“Who was he?” Fan asked. Then I realized that that had
completely skipped my mind, I was so focused on finding
Thom and killed Ekaps that I totally forgot about the
monster, and how we actually killed it.
“I don't know Fan. Maybe we can ask Trey when we get
back.” I said, Fan nodded, and I went back to my quarters.
Soon we would be fighting Ekaps, rescuing Thom going back
to the village. It seemed all so soon, we had only just got a
“Nero! Get your ass up here pronto!” Valsander
shouted, and I came to the deck. I looked into the town we
were about to pull into, and I was shocked, the town had
beggars all over the streets, corpse's, rats, fires and people
whom I can assume to be thieves.
“Tough crowd...” I muttered.
“No, Ekaps did this. I was here before, it was the
fanciest place you'd ever see before, but hell has it changed.”
Valsander sighed.
“Hey guys.” Fan said as he came up.
“There's some people guarding the other boat, maybe
they've been here for a while.” I said.
“I'm assuming they know we've killed Stevfe.”
Valsander suggested.
“Are they here?” Fan asked.
“Yeah.” I replied.
“How are we gonna get into the town?” I asked.
“Good question,” Valsander answered.
“We could be disguised...” Fan suggested.
“Good idea Fan, let's do that.” Valsander smiled, and
thus we were off in our robes and cloaks that Trey had given
us, they covered us up completely, head to toe, our eyes were
the only things visible, the port town was also covered in a
deathly mist, so it was quite hard to see anyway. As we got
the plank onto the broad walk, we walked down onto the
wooden planks, thus I had finally set foot on another island,
but to be honest, I much preferred my own island to this
one. Two people suddenly waltzed up to us, and began to
chat with Valsander.
“What business do you have on this island?” They
“We offer our services.” Valsander replied, he was a
terrific liar, I've never seen anyone lie so well, he was a
master prankster too, I could tell.
“Your services?” They replied.
“Services that one may find a tad difficult to execute...”
Valsander replied.
“Perhaps you should offer a demonstration?” One of the
men said.
“Perhaps I could, but the sudden death of the town folk
would perhaps be a sign of distress.” Valsander said. He was
very vague in the way he lied, it was inspiring.
“So you're...”
“Assassins. Yes.” Valsander replied.
The men looked at each other, grunted, and signaled us to
follow, I locked the small gate on our boat, and caught up
again with the group. Soon we were at a bar, it was filled
with thieves, and had lively music playing, it was a changed
atmosphere, but it was still horrible. The men led us up the
stairs, where we soon realized was the top floor of an inn.
There were three floors, an attic and a basement, and that
seemed to be quite small for the size of the building, It
looked like it was extended on to the buildings next to it. We
can too the top floor, where only half the corridor was
rooms, the other half was a whole room, presumably Ekaps's
room. One of the men walked in, and a few minutes later,
opened the door, and beckoned us in. It was very nerve
racking, as we saw Ekaps straight away, Valsander squinted
his eyes at Ekaps, I'm sure he wanted to just lunge forward
and attack but he knew better than that.
“Good afternoon gentlemen.” Ekaps spoke with a very
sharp accent, he sounded quite posh, but of course if that
was the case he wouldn't be a pirate as such.
“Good afternoon.” Valsander replied, Valsander had put
on an accent so Ekaps didn't recognize him.
“I was told by me hench men that you offer us a
service.” Ekaps quoted, he got up and began pacing around
the room very slowly.
“That is the truth,” Valsander replied, I would've
snickered how that wasn't the truth, but if I did I would've
got me, Fan and Valsander killed on the spot.
“What kind of service would this be?” Ekaps asked.
Every time he said something was life a knife man thrusting
his knife towards you, it's scary every time and you think
that's the last time before he kills you, I thought Ekaps
would see through our disguises and kill us.
“Assassination.” Valsander replied.
“Excellent. Which one of you will be performing the
job?” Ekaps asked.
“This one,” Valsander said, as he pointed to me. I
started getting all sweaty, I didn't know if it was the heat of if
I was nervous, but it was something, Ekaps strolled over to
me, and bent down right to my face, he was quite tall.
“Oh, and what is your name?” He asked me. I honestly
didn't know what to say, Thom had probably asked to see
Nero, so I couldn't say Nero or it'd be too obvious, so I said
the first name I could think of.
“Vince.” I replied. Ekaps stood up and walked, slowly,
back to his desk and sat down.
“Vince, sounds like Valsander.” Ekaps said.
“Valsander?” Valsander asked in a fake, confused
“Valsander is the man I wish for you to assassinate. He
is traveling with a fifteen year old boy called Nero, kill him
too.” Ekaps said.
“And the pay?” Valsander asked, asking about the pay
made it look like Valsander was interested in the pay, he
obviously wasn't but it raised trust.
“As much as you want. The trio should be arriving in
the morning. Goodnight men.” Ekaps said, Fan and
Valsander were nearly out the room when I turned and said,
“Trio, sir?”
“Ah yes, a small ginger boy by the name of Fan is
traveling with them too, but he should not be too difficult,
kill him if you must though.” Ekaps replied.
“Yes, goodnight sir.” I said, as we finally walked out the
inn, back into the streets, and back to our boat, where we
stayed on the second deck, so it wouldn't be so cold.
“I think he bought it.” Fan said.
“I don't.” I said.
“I agree with Nero, he knows it's us.” Valsander said.
“What? Why didn't he kill us then?” Fan asked.
“You're very naive Fan, killing us there and then
would've been a bad tactic.” I replied. It was silent for a
“Where do you think Thom is?” I asked Valsander.
“I'm assuming in the attic or in the ship.” He replied.
“Crap.” Fan said.
“What?” I asked.
“What're we gonna do when the other ship with us
doesn't show up tomorrow?” Fan asked.
“Dammit! I didn't think this one through,” Valsander
“It's a night mission then.” Fan said.
“Guess so.” I replied, and we set off in our disguises
again, the same two men from before greeted us, and we told
them we were just having a look around the place, and they
let us look around, we had our weapons ready in case
anyone tried to jump us. We looked in the shops, but there
wasn't really anything for sale, so we split up and decided to
look for clues on our own. I strolled around the town for a
little, not knowing what anything was as it was so misty, but
eventually I headed into the bar again, I purchased a drink
and sat in the corner for a while, it was lively and people
were drunk, so I had to be careful.
“Nice robes you got there buddy.” Someone said, they'd
sat on my table, and I hadn't noticed.
“...Thank you.” I replied.
“How much they cost ya?” He asked.
“...They're not for sale.” I answered.
“Well hows about I kill you and take them huh?
Because that's what happens here, so why don't you give me
your robes and...”
“They're not, for sale, understand?” I said again.
“You feisty little brat, you're coming with me,” he said,
he and some other ruffians grabbed me and pushed me into
an alley way.
“I'm gonna give you a chance to apologize before I kill
you, okay?” He said.
“Get away from me...” I muttered.
“What're you gonna do huh?” He smirked. He was a
cheeky little twat.
“I'll kill you.” I replied.
“I'd like to see that...” He snickered to his fellows
ruffians, then pulled out a musket, and aimed it at my head.
“Bad move.” I replied, as I pulled out a musket, and
aimed it above his.
“Fair play boy, but are you fast-” He said, as I shot him
he fell dead. I had learned with Valsander to never be cocky,
or it can cost you your life. I pulled about my scimitar as the
three other ruffians came towards me, a wall-jump of the
wall and a scimitar to the head and I'd killed another on, I
shot and killed the third, leaving one more.
“Please don't kill me oh please oh please!” He said.
“Why not?” I replied.
“Cuz I'm like you, they picked me out to rob me, but he
took my cape and said I could have it back if I worked for
him.” He said.
“Well take your cape back then.” I suggested.
“Really?” He asked.
“No.” I replied. “You can have it back if you work for
me.” I said.
“Aw dammit, I hate this stuff.” He muttered.
“It's not anything tough, I'm assuming you know Ekaps
right?” I asked.
“Of course I do, everyone knows Ekaps, he and his
mysterious crew built this town, well, destroyed it, but built
the destroyed town.” He said.
“Well...” I said, I explained my situation, but I phrased
it so he didn't know I was Nero.
“I guess I could try and help, but it could en-danger my
life.” He said.
“If worse comes to worse, you escape with your life.
Now, what's your name?” I asked.
“Reginald Treetable.” He said.
“So Redgie?” I asked.
“That'll do.” Redgie replied. So Redgie told me the ins
and outs of the town, he told me what happened when Ekaps
had arrived, and that he had seen a small boy of about ten
being pulled onto the boat. So Thom was hidden on the
boat, and according to Redgie, he was still alive.
“Thanks Redgie, we have to get that kid. Anyway secret
ways in?” I asked.
“That I don't know, you'll have to ask someone else,
when you need my help again, I'll be in the bar.” He said,
and walked off. So I looked around for Valsander, as it was
his boat previously and if anyone knew it would be him. I
was searching the misty streets for him when I got abducted
into an old shed near the boats,
“Don't say a word!” He said to me.
“What?” I replied.
“Shhh!” He said again, so I stopped talking. It was
silent for a little bit.
“So uh...” I said,
“Shhhh!!” He said again. It was silent again.
“You're here... here to... sell me something?” He said.
“No, can I go-” I said.
“No you can't shhh!” He said, for the third time. He was
wearing a turban and had a crystal ball in his hands.
“You're... you're trying to find someone?” He said.
“Yes! Have you seen-” I said.
“No be quiet and let me talk Nero!” He said. Then he
gasped, and I tried to run,
“Nero Setcher! One of the trio Ekaps is after, I can read
minds!” He smiled triumphantly.
“...Are you gonna turn me into Ekaps now?” I asked.
“No no no, you must live, as you were the first to
witness my magical marvel.” He said.
“Magical marvel?” I asked.
“I read your mind, and figured out that you was Nero.
Tell me, where is Valasanderich and Fan?” He asked.
“I don't know. I'm looking for Valsander, he's in
disguise like me.” I said.
“I have seen one that looks like you, as you helped me
with my deed, perhaps I can help with yours?” He said.
“That'd be great thanks! I'm Nero, as you know. And
you are?” I asked.
“The name you are about to hear, is one that you will
not be likely to forget. Nero, after this search, if you defeat
Ekaps, I will be in contact with you forever, you will be my
biggest fan, I am, Pomlateectashck Colarickolacholamola.”
Pomlateectashck said.
“That's a long name.” I replied.
“Fine, you may call me, Pomly.” He said.
“Pomly? That's a bit gay isn't it?” I replied.
“Fine, you give me a nic name you gay-namer.” He said.
“Uh, how about Tashk?” I suggested.
“...Fine.” Tashk replied.
“Let's look for Valsander.” I smiled, so we headed back
into the street, and there was Valsander talking to some guy
by boat, his old boat, I slowly approached him but made
enough noise so he knew we were approaching. I coughed
as well. He heard, and wandered over.
“Valsander, this guy figured us out!” I said.
“Crap, should we kill him?” Valsander asked.
“No please don't!” Tashk begged.
“It's kay, he's cool.” I said.
“Okay then, sorry about that!” Valsander blushed.
“Valsander, I found out that Thom is being held
prisoner on the boat, if you know any secret ways in...”
“Then we can rescue your brother!” Valsander smiled.
“Thom and Nero are brothers? Nero, let me tell you
something.” Tashk said.
“Okay what is it?” I asked.
“...Nothing.” He replied,
“Okay, so there is a secret way in it's...” and we knew the
way in, we looked for Fan to help us get in, and then we
looked for Redgie, and explained to him the plan, he now
knew we were the people that Ekaps was searching for, and
thus we took the secret way in, a row boat through hole in
the bottom which was patched up with wood, but could just
be pulled off. We took it in and Redgie looked all nervous.
“Redgie you look so nervous.” I whispered.
“Nero, Valsander, thanks for being so kind to us, but
we're spies for Ekaps. Sorry, it's an ambush.” He replied.
“Shit...” I muttered.
“I knew it!” Valsander cried with joy,
“Why are you so happy?” I asked.
“Don't be so trust-worthy of people Nero, but these guys
told us, they obviously feel guilty and don't wanna help
Ekaps.” Valsander said.
Tashk and Redgie's face lit up, as it seemed Valsander was
right. Valsander was right as usual.
“We should probably head back, Ekaps will be all alone
in the inn, we don't wanna keep him waiting.” Valsander
winked. As we made it all back onto the docks, we saw Fan
running towards us.
“Guys guys! Pirates are coming to find you, they've
decided they know who we are! They've blocked all the main
entrances...” Fan said.
“I know a secret entrance!” Redgie shouted. He knew a
lot of secret entrances.
“I know a lot of secret entrances,” He snickered, we
quickly ran into an alley way, and climbed the boxes to
become roof top jumpers. We had to sneak back off before
the inn though, we jumped over a wall and saw a trap door
behind the bar.
“It leads into the basement, but that's the only way in at
the moment.” Redgie said.
“Let me go in first. I will create a distraction.” Tashk
smiled. So we did that and then we went into the basement,
which came out from under the bar, so Tashk had to go
round the front, they didn't let him in and he just stood
there talking to the guards at the door while the rest of us
snuck up the stairs. Tashk snuck up afterwords and we soon
came to Ekaps's office. We barged the office but Ekaps
wasn't in there, we were a little disappointed but it kept us
on our knees. There were five other rooms left to explore,
and five of us, so we had to split and check the rooms
singularly. I checked my room, but it was empty, there was
a hole in the wall which I could crawl through the reach
some other rooms, but I doubted it would lead any where, so
I checked the other rooms too, but no one was in them, and
they also had holes in the walls, so I climbed in mine too, I
climbed up, and down, and all around. It was difficult but I
got as high as I could, and started going in one direction
when I heard a huge booming sound which knocked me
through a big of the structure, I fell a bit and saw a gap in
the wall, through the gap, was Valsander, face to face with
Ekaps. We were in the attic, which means the structure
went above the attic, I looked through it for a while, and
noticed they each were at each others necks with their
“Give Thom back.” Valsander said, vague as ever.
“Valsander, I can never do that. Thom is the perfect
candidate!” Ekaps replied.
“I don't care, I'll let you live despite everything else, if
you just give back Thom. Thom doesn't deserve this.”
Valsander quoted.
“Ah ha ha... Poor naive Valasanderich...” Ekaps laughed.
Valsander grunted.
“No one deserves it, but those who wish to get far in life
must take what they need. Like I took what I needed from
you, you are an amazing man Valasanderich, would you care
to join my crew?” Ekaps asked.
“I wouldn't dream of it.” Valsander replied. At least he's
honest, I though, then, my foot fell through some of the
working, and I made a noise, Ekaps stared at me, and
Valsander turned to see what was happening,
“Shit.” I said.
“Master Nero, your brother is here.” Ekaps said.
“Nero... help me!” Thom said, he was tied up and sitting
in a cage in the far corner.
“You monster Ekaps!” I said, disgraced at the
humiliation he put my ten year old brother through, as I
wiggled through the wall I got my foot stuck, and started
trying in more effort to get out.
“You guys fight, I'll be there in a sec'” I said, and they
did that, I didn't see the fight so I can't describe it, sorry. I
pulled on my foot, but realised it wouldn't move because
there was a water pipe over my ankle, which raised the
question how I got over it in the first place, I looked at it's
sides and noticed it feel with me, so I kicked it up with my
foot and crawled right up close to the wall, which I had to
punch about ten times to break, then I fell out and hit my
head. I climbed up and saw Valsander pushing Ekaps into a
corner, the one opposite Thom and his cage, as it was quite a
big room, so I ran to the cage to try and pick lock it open,
suddenly Ekaps noticed, and swung his blade deliberately at
Valsander's, pushing Valsander away, and making an
incredibly loud clanging noise, when I heard that everything
slowed down, and I turned my head in the direction to see
what was happening, I saw Valsander get pushed out of my
site, and Ekaps slowly running towards me. Of course he
wasn't really going slowly, but I didn't know, I was petrified
in fear, I thought my life was about to end as I saw Ekaps
thrust his blade towards me, but out of vision I soon saw
Valsander leap in front of me, where I heard a dreadful
piercing noise, and then saw the end of the blade come out
of Valsander's back, everything regained normal speed and
Valsander feel to the ground, with Ekaps's sword impaled in
his chest, I was completely frozen in fear.
“I think I'll go now. Redgie and Pomlateectashck have
abandoned me, not that it matters. Goodbye.” Ekaps said,
he pointed at Thom in the cage, and a bright yellow
lightning engulfed it, and it became a small silver cube,
which flew to Ekaps.
“Goodbye.” He said as he began to leave.
“Aaaaaagggghhhhh!” I screamed, as I ran after him, but
a sword suddenly blocked my path! I looked who was
holding it, and it was Valsander, I hadn't noticed him get up,
Valsander was holding his head low, and had blood dripping
from his chest. He looked up, and I swear to God it was the
most terrifying thing I'd ever seen, he had a white pale face,
clenched his teeth and blood red eyes, he wasn't the kind
man who offered to give up his life for me, he was a monster.
“Did I not mention now that he's dead, I can re-animate
his body just like that? He had the choice to join me, Nero.
You do too, wanna work with your brother, and Valsander,
and me till the end of time?” Ekaps asked before he left.
“I wouldn't dream of it.” I replied, infuriated.
“Not surprised to be honest, well, see you in the after
life.” Ekaps said, and he left. I looked at Valsander, who
seemed to be growling at me.
“Valsander, I know you're in there...” I said to it, I didn't
know if he was in there, I was gonna try anything.
“I am not Valsander...” He replied.
“You are Valsander! Snap out of it!” I shouted.
“I am not Valsander...” He said again.
“Shut up! You are Valsander!” I cried, literally.
“I am not Valsander... I am nothing, I am insignificant.
I am a slave of the mighty Ekaps's army... you are a problem,
and problems must be solved.” He said. He swung his blade
at my neck and I ducked down, I tried to upper cut him but
he back flipped away. I shot my musket at him but he barrel
rolled away from each of them till he was face to face with
me and smacked me in the face with the handle of the blade
to knock me down, he would've stabbed me while I was on
the floor but I rolled and uppercutted his back, which was a
good move as it stopped him moving so fast. He thrusted at
me and I barrel rolled and shot him in the arm, he dropped
his blade, as he went to pick it up I stabbed him in the heart,
where he was previously stabbed by Ekaps,
“Aaaaaaggghhh!” He cried, as he stumbled onto the
floor. I picked up his blade, and moved it to the side, I
leaned down by him so I could be by his side.
“N, Nero...” He said.
“Valsander, you're gonna make it.” I said.
“Be quiet Nero... I'm only, a, alive now because I, I was
cursed to l, live forever in, E, Ekaps's army... cursed to s,
serve him for all, t, time... but you b, broke the curse... t,
thanks Nero, I, I didn't want to f, fight you in t, that state...”
He muttered.
“Valsander...” I shed a tear for him, in dropped onto his
“D, don't cry for me, N, Nero... You beat me in a, a
fight... you should b, be proud...” He said.
“Valsander... don't die, please, I need you...” I cried,
literally, full tears were running down my face now, I didn't
cry hardly at all when my parents died, because I wasn't
close to them, but Valsander had saved my life, he offered to
give up his pirate life for me.
“Sorry p, pal... I have to g, go... heh heh... this is... it...”
He mumbled, he was becoming weaker by the second, I also
noticed his feet turning to stone, the side effect of the curse
“No Valsander, no...” I cried more.
“Be strong... Nero... before I... go... take this... ring...
take it to Allebasi island... show it to... the blacksmith... by
the port... and tell him... Valsander sent you...” He said, after
slowly passing me the ring on his finger, it was a little black
ring with a big skull on it.
“I can't take this Valsander, I wouldn't steal from a
living man...” I cried.
“There's... your loop... hole buddy... I'm... I'm not
livin'... so much... now... ugh...” He groaned.
“No Valsander!” I shouted.
“Goodluck... N-e-r-o...” He muttered, as he sighed a
silent breath, and his face became stone with the rest of him.
I rested my head on his chest, and cried silently, I didn't
want it to happen. Ekaps had taken everything away from
me now... I grabbed Valsander's sword which I'd saved from
petrification and I threw it, and I cried more.
“Nero...” someone said. I turned my head towards the
door way, where Fan, Redgie and Tashk were standing.
“Sorry man.” Redgie said, he had sympathy in his eyes.
“Redgie, you have sympathy in your eyes, it's empathy I
need though. Valsander will be avenged, and we will rescue
Thom.” I said. I know it's strange, but all I could think about
was when Valsander and I were talking at the helm on our
boat, about how great Advin was. So I decided to honor
Valsander too. We buried his stone corpse in the middle of
the town, and then blew up the town with gun power. Just
like Valsander would've wanted.

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