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Can A Nigerian Study in China?

In recent times, China has founded one of the biggest higher education structures in the whole
world. It is no news that graduates from Chinese have dominated and taken over the biggest
numbers around the world every year, with a lot of them succeeding in several industries and
fields of study.

However, most people have asked questions like can a Nigerian study in China? Well, Yes.
Nigerians are allowed to study in China, as long as they have all the necessary documents
needed to pursue the admission.

But then, what poses as a challenge is the process of obtaining a student visa and applying to
the university of your choice. While some universities in China will not mind admitting a
Nigerian student, especially if you are highly qualified and capable of meeting the standards of
the university, other schools will still find a reason to deny Nigerian students their well-
deserved admission.

So basically, before going ahead to apply at the university of your choice, you are expected to
research schools in China and the percentage of Nigerians admitted into the universities yearly.
Knowing this will help give you insight as to which university to attend, and what course to

Do you know that China has some of the top and most popular universities that have constantly
moved forward and evolved in the global ranking of University tables? To appreciate the
position of quality education in the aspect of social progress and national industrialization, the
government of China has provided several scholarship programs for both resident students and
international students. China is been regarded as one of the most decent and generous
countries in the world when it comes to the area of offering scholarships to students from other
countries. And currently, there are about 50,000 international students that have scholarships
in China if not more.

How Many Nigerians Are In China

In the year 2019, approximately 6,845 Nigerian students were studying in China, and almost
500 of them if not more were scholarship beneficiaries. This scholarship was provided by the
CSC Scholarships, they provided rooms for students to be able to study at different universities
in the country, and the scholarship was funded by the Chinese government via several
programs, like the Chinese unilateral grants for underdeveloped countries, china- Nigeria
bilateral agreement and multiple outcomes like that of the Beijing summit of forum on China
cooperation in 2018. The scholarship program mostly covers the tuition fee, accommodation,
transportation, and living expenses of the students. Every student from a different part of the
world is allowed to apply for this scholarship, as long as they meet up with the terms and
conditions of the University. If you would like to get more information about the CSC
Scholarship, then you should check out their official website.

What Are The Requirements To Study In China

Nigerians who wish to study at in China are expected to, first of all, meet the requirements of
the university they intend to apply to, and also the Chinese government.

Chinese Government Requirements

 It is very important for all candidates to be students, and must have a visitor or student
 Applicants must not have any criminal record. This is why you must present a none
criminal certificate that is been issued and authorized by the Chinese embassy
 Candidates should meet the qualifications and all requirements of the school must have
a good financial history and a guarantor that is based in China
 If you are a transfer student, then you should present the consensus certificate between
both schools.

China's University Requirements

In agreement with the distinct degree levels, universities in China have several prerequisites for
all applicants. Therefore, before you apply to any university in China, then you should take a
look at their requirements.

 High school graduates with an SSCE result or an A-level certificate holder can apply.
Oftentimes, some universities in China accept any form of educational background.
 Applicants for undergraduate programs must be a high school graduate with a WAEC
result, an A level result, and he/she must do exceptionally well in China's college
entrance exam.
 GSCE holders are not allowed to apply for degree programs, except if they had earlier
applied for the one-year pre-college training at the university of their choice.
 Applicants for a master's degree admission must have a bachelor's degree at first, two
letters of recommendation from different professors, and also a good grade in China's
college entrance exam.
 If you are a transfer student, then you are expected to present a transfer letter from
your previous university in Nigeria, and also meet the rest of the requirements needed.
Documents Needed to Get a China Study Visa
Whether your Visa to go to China will be denied or approved, is solely dependent on your
available documents stated below;

 A legal Nigerian International Passport

Preliminary ticket, and the good information of web page. Your passport is expected to be
signed for at least 6 months before you leave for China, and also, with the lowest empty ticked
web page provided.

 China Visa Application Form

1 stamped visa application. All parts of the application are expected to be answered to,
endeavor to answer none if it does not apply to you. Your application is supposed to be written
in capital letters, and the means of transcribed adaptation are not allowed. Also, your signature
on the application has to match that of the students' passports.

 Passport Photographs

The type of passport needed is; one color photo that was taken within the last 6 months, and
circulated on a good quality picture paper. Your face and your head are supposed to be focused
on the middle, displaying its natural facial expression, with your eyes open, your ears visible
enough, no sort of background light over your face, neither eyeglasses nor headwear is allowed
except with the objectivity of spiritual aims, you are not expected to put on any form of
garment that is very similar to the background of the picture. Lastly, your passport is supposed
to be joined to your application form.

 Official invitation

If you plan on Studying in China for a short period, you will need one year of notification of
admission released by a university in China. While for long term research in China, the main
copy and then the photocopy of an established foreign student application form

 Medical Certificate

An authorized certificate of polio vaccination from within 1 year period to be made upon your
arrival in China. The University management wouldn't want you to have any problem that will
most likely put the school at risk. It is also advised that you do not make use of an adulterated
medical certificate.

What Makes It Difficult For Schools In China to Admit Nigerian Students

In as much as studying in China has its benefits and profits, a lot of china universities hardly
accept Nigerian students. A whole lot of people are baffled and are eager to know why, and we
are going to explain the reason why diplomatically, just to assist Nigerian students who may
have an interest in studying in China.

The reason why most Chinese universities do not accept Nigerian students is that it is quite
difficult for the universities to acknowledge and verify the application of students from there,
hence the restrictions in the country. In as much as they make it seem like it is forever, it might
most likely not be the case, but for this recent time, the condition and situation remain the

Living outside Nigeria especially in a country like China is not as easy as it sounds, especially due
to the long-distance traveling, the feeling of having to leave your family friends, and
environment can be very difficult. But looking at things from the bright side, it could be exciting,
filled with lots of promises and meeting new people, going to new places, learning a different
way of life, and so on. From different angles, the way an individual views his or her life will be
changed totally or for a long time by the university experience.

Although the Chinese government often finds it difficult for citizens of other countries especially
Nigeria to gain visas into the country, it doesn't mean that there are no other means of getting
admission into a preferred institution of your choice, you study any course of your choice too.
Below are a few questions that is been mostly asked by aspirants and responses that would
help prepare Nigerian students in ensuring that they are safe and all good when they get to

An interview was carried out on several Nigerians that have studied, and are currently schooling
in China and they had quite a lot of things to say about the relationship between the teacher
and students, and also some cultural barriers they faced as Nigerians studying outside their
country. It was gathered that the relationship between the teacher, school, and students is
strictly professional and cordial. We all know that teachers abroad communicate better with
students because they are not feared, they make friends with students, while knowing their
limits which makes it better and easier for a student to be more focused and comfortable to ask
any questions about what they cannot comprehend in the classroom, and then the lecturer will
also be comfortable with students beyond the classroom level.

Important Advice To Nigerians Who Wants To Study In a Chinese University

One important piece of advice that every Nigerian should be given before going ahead to study
in China is to be conscious of everything around you, your surroundings, and move with the
flow. If you have plans of making it through and succeeding academically, then you will have to
learn how to conform without much help, and in cases where you might need issues, you have
google. This will help save you from tons of embarrassment.

You should also know that the Chinese people are naturally welcoming and homely, but this is
mostly possible if you can better understand and speak their language. You stand to gain more
points as a student if you can speak their language because they have little or no idea about the
English language. They will want to know about the roots and culture of Nigerians, so it is
important to learn theirs.

How to Apply for a Chinese scholarship as a Nigerian.

The country often time provides a large number of scholarships to support international
students coming from different countries to study in China. Recently, there are 3 major
scholarships in China, and they are; The Chinese government scholarship, local government
scholarship, and Confucius Institute scholarship. In addition to these, a lot of Chinese
universities has set up their scholarship program for students from Nigeria and other parts of
the world. The China scholarship council, popularly known as the CSC, which is operated by the
Ministry of Education in China takes full responsibility for the registration and running around
of the Chinese government scholarship. In the past years, about 290 universities in China are
designed to obtain Chinese government scholarship applicants. In most cases, the Chinese
embassy or consulate-general is the council charged with the responsibility of dispatching
orders in your country. The Nigerian Embassy has its means of application and its deadline.
Information about the scholarship is updated each year and you must immediately contact the
Chinese embassy to;

Submit your application

After going through your application and documents, the Chinese Embassy will provide the
award letter to the most qualified student for the CSC.

You should communicate with the schools in China that you wish to apply for with the letter of
award. A pre-admission letter will be sent to you, submit it to the Chinese embassy.

Things To Look Out For When Applying For A Scholarship In China

You must discover a comfortable environment that fits your style. For example, the west is not
as cold as the North, while the east is mainly encompassed by ancient traditional buildings and
different lifestyles culturally, but notwithstanding, they are beautiful. The West is mainly
exposed and always filled with people from everywhere across the world, so it is very easy to
meet a person you know there. But with all these, all that is needed is to find a university that
accepts Nigerians, and the one that you find soothing for your education.

Nigerians that school in China are said to be very United, and according to the embassy of the
Federal Republic of Nigeria, they have an association that is referred to as the ANSIC
( Association of Nigerian Students in China), and they are always available to help any Nigerian
in any kind of trouble with either the law enforcement or school. But asides from that, every
city has about 40% of Nigerian residents, so you are most definitely going to find a Nigerian
sooner or later. They get along properly as they belong to the same family, and make new
friends a little bit early.

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