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Junior State of America

2011-2012 Cabinet Application

Northern California JSA

Stephanie Ribet Jason Yu Lorraine Ye

Governor Lieutenant Governor Speaker of the Assembly
Dear Northern California JSA Delegate,

Welcome to the beginning of a remarkable JSA year! We would like to take this
opportunity to commend you for the leadership you have already shown by your choice
to consider applying for cabinet. Regardless of what position you end up with next year,
your leadership will be and already is highly valued. With that in mind, we urge you to
read through this entire cabinet application and then decide where you envision
yourself for the upcoming year.
You may notice that there have been a lot of changes to the cabinet structure.
After collecting data and discussing cabinet with a number of individuals, we decided to
enact major changes that will hopefully make our cabinet structure more efficient and
successful. Because there are so many new positions, keep an open mind when
reading through the job descriptions; more than half the positions are slightly
modified or brand new. Additionally, no aspect of JSA has been eliminated; instead
certain jobs have been re-divided amongst different positions. If you felt attached to a
certain job or a certain task, please feel free to ask how it manifests itself in the new
cabinet structure.
Many benefits as well as responsibilities come with being a cabinet member. First
and foremost you will have the opportunity to lead a student-run organization. Not
many organizations can claim to be student-run as JSA can, so your leadership within the
organization will certainly stand out among your peers. In addition, being a cabinet
member comes with the satisfaction of seeing all the fruits of your labor culminate in
interesting and educational events for your peers. In Cabinet you will collaborate and
become close with some of the most driven and interesting students in the organization.
For me, being on the JSA Cabinet has been one of the most gratifying experiences in high
school; by applying to cabinet, you are giving yourself the chance to have the same
Remember to take your positions seriously, but have an enjoyable time as well.
As a cabinet member you will be expected to attend all JSA events. However, we do have
weekly meetings at the JSA office which are encouraged, but not mandatory. If you are
interested in getting more deeply involved in JSA this summer there are still a few spots
available in the JSA Summer Schools at Princeton, Georgetown, and Stanford and at the
California Institute. For more information about how to apply, please talk to our
program Director, Jaime Contreras ( Finally, cabinet meetings are
mandatory. The first cabinet meeting, which includes regional cabinet, will be held on
August 20th, location TBA.
As with any decision you make, there are a few things that you should consider
before deciding to apply for state cabinet. First of all, each of these positions requires a
great deal of time and immense diligence. Don't let this discourage you from applying,
but please prepare yourself for undertaking the position. It is critical for our success that
every member of Cabinet performs to the utmost of his/her ability. In this packet you
will find a brief description outlining the duties and responsibilities of each position and
the skills that are needed in order to be successful. An estimate of the minimum time
and work requirements for the post are also listed after each position's description. We
are looking for leaders who will set even higher standards for their positions in the year
to come, and thus, we need leaders who can fulfill at least the minimum time
commitment. We would also like to take this opportunity to reassure you that these
positions are not solely their descriptions; JSA is what you make of it, so with the proper
initiative and dedication, whatever goals you have for the 2011-2012 JSA year can be
reached through the positions of your choice.
While you are reading through the application, you should be thinking about your
top four choices for state cabinet. Allow yourself the opportunity to carefully consider
the position in which you think will be most productive, most comfortable, and above all,
most enjoyable. Please apply for the position that you really would like to have and feel
qualified for, not the position that "you think you can get." Above all, do not pass over a
position because you think that you will not be appointed. I want to know what you
WANT to do. The cabinet selection process is completely open - no positions have
been promised or pre-determined.
Please be advised that this cabinet application is an outline for next year's
cabinet. The positions are subject to change depending on the qualifications and
experience of those who apply. All Cabinet Applications are due Monday, July 25.
Next year will be an exciting and rewarding year for all of us, but it will also be
very challenging. Cabinet requires you to utilize all of your talents in order to make the
most cohesive and effective cabinet possible. On a final note, we are looking for passion,
potential, dedication, and ideas when reading applications - not just experience. It is in
your best interest to portray to us why you are dedicated, motivated, and enthusiastic
about JSA in your application. Be creative, and please do not hesitate to contact me with
any questions!

Best of luck,

Stephanie Ribet
Northern California JSA Governor
Executive Department
Chief of Staff *
As Chief of Staff, you will be working closely with each and every one of the members on
cabinet. You will also be working especially with the Governor to ensure that everything
is running smoothly both within cabinet and within the entire state; the Chief of Staff
is a virtual extension of the Governor. You will be overseeing a multitude of the major
changes that we are making to cabinet this year, most importantly the Communications
Department. The requirements for this position include creativity, dedication, and a
knowledge of JSA and how it functions. This position is both very time consuming and
rewarding. You must be willing to attend ALL JSA events, including state conventions,
regional conferences and mini-cons.
Time Commitment: 12-14 hours/week

JSA Intern
This is a brand new position in JSA Cabinet. Northern California JSA is unique in the
fact that we are the only state that gets the privilege of using the national office space.
Therefore, as JSA intern, you would get the opportunity to work in the office a couple
of days per week after school, which would enable you to learn how the office and how
JSA works on a deeper level. You will work closely with Jaime and the other program
directors in the office, and it is important that you can commit to coming to the office
on a regular basis. In addition to getting a broader perspective of JSA, you will get a
real and unique opportunity to learn marketable skills and to participate in project-
based learning experiences that can translate into real work experience. This is such a
tremendous opportunity, so do not pass it by lightly!
Time Commitment: 6-8 hours/week

Convention Department
Convention Coordinator *
As Convention Coordinator, you will be responsible for every aspect of the overnight
conventions throughout the year. You are also responsible for managing and directing
the Convention Department including the Debate Director, Convention Manager, Special
Activities Director, and anyone else who intends to host a meeting. Although the Council
of Governors determines the theme of our conventions, you will be responsible for
making the theme come alive through activities. Creating political awareness activities
that fit within the theme of making the convention experience both educational and
exciting will be a vital job for you. One nuance of this position is talking to your
constituents and using their ideas to help create new and innovative activities. You will
create the agenda and plan out many of the various events that will be held throughout
the weekend. This is a VERY time consuming position, especially around the convention,
so be prepared for a very challenging but rewarding job.
Time Commitment: 12-14 hours/week
Convention Manager *
As Convention Manager, you will be working hand in hand with the Convention
Coordinator to make sure that our conventions are the best possible. You will also be
responsible for the logistical side of the convention to ensure that it runs smoothly
and is chaos-free. Conventions are great, but at times logistical bottle-necking and
overcrowding can mar an activity. You will assemble a team of logistics workers to
answer questions at the information table, help find people to step in when a debater or
moderator does not show up, help delegates find meeting rooms, run the tally room to
assist other cabinet members, help delegates from one place to another, and ensure that
blocks are running smoothly. In short, you will be the behind-the-scenes "Field General"
who makes the convention go as efficiently as possible.
Time Commitment: 6-8 hours/week

Special Activities Coordinator

As Special Activities Coordinator, it will be your responsibility to come up with, plan, and
run all special activities (Crisis Scenarios, Mock Trials, etc.) at conventions. It is crucial
that we are keeping our delegates interested in conventions through diverse, thought-
provoking activities. You will work very closely with the Convention Coordinator and
the Convention Manager to reach out to delegates, to integrate their ideas and to create
new activities. Creativity is key for this position.
Time Commitment: 6-8 hours/week

Social Activities Coordinator

In addition to being responsible for the usual dances, the Social Activities Coordinator
will be responsible for compiling a diverse set of evening activities that appeals to a
variety of delegates. It is important to keep the activities interesting and to ensure
that everyone is having fun! You will be working really closely with the Convention
Coordinator and the Convention Manager, and like most convention jobs, creativity is
very important for this position.
Time Commitment: 2-3 hours/week

Political Fair Director

You will be responsible for coordinating the entire political fair. This is a big job that
involves contacting as many organizations as possible and inviting them to the political
fair. You will be working very closely with the Speaker of the Assembly, but unlike in the
past you will be in charge of and overseeing the political fair. This job is crucial because
the political fair is such an integral part of what JSA stands for. Be prepared to work
hard, to experiment with new ideas and to put forward a substantial amount of time
towards revamping the political fair.
Time Commitment: 6-8 hours/week

Director of Debate: Research *

Debate has always been the foundation of JSA and this year will be no exception.
Debate quality must be of the highest caliber. As Director of Debate Research, it will
be your responsibility to make sure that all debate resolutions are superb. It is your
duty to oversee resolution and blurb writing for both Fall and Spring State. You would
be working very closely with the Debate Staff to come up with a debate list for the
conventions that embodies the theme of the convention and the message that JSA stands
for. A love for debate and dedication to research is an absolute must!
Time Commitment: 10-12 hours/week

Director of Debate: Training and Recruitment *

As Director of Debate Training and Recruitment you will be responsible for ensuring
the success of debate throughout the year. You will be responsible for overseeing all
the debaters at the convention. This includes working with some rookie debaters
individually, helping them prepare and guaranteeing that the Debateware process is as
smooth as possible. You will be working with the entire debate staff to accomplish this
task. Debate experience is a must, and you need to be willing to work with delegates to
make the convention a success.
Time Commitment: 10-12 hours/week

Debate Staff
You will be working very closely with the other members of the Debate Department to
plan unique, exciting and thought-provoking debates and to ensure that both debaters
and moderators are well prepared. At the convention itself, you will be the ones
facilitating the debates and making sure that they run smoothly. Being a member of
the Debate Staff is an extremely fun way to get involved and to shape the way that
the convention unfolds. Familiarity with JSA, debate, and parliamentary procedure is
encouraged, because debate ideas and special activity ideas for the convention are going
to be coming from you.
Time Commitment: 3-5 hours/week

Fundraising Department

Fundraising Director *
As Fundraising Director, you will oversee all fundraising activities. Our goal is to
raise money to try to help struggling chapters cover convention costs. Since this is a
completely new department, you will be responsible for setting a precedent for the
future of this department and the future of Northern California JSA Fundraising. In
addition to continuing the Central Valley Transportation Fund, you will be responsible
for finding new ways to raise money and help our chapters. Since there are a vast
quantity of chapters that need our help, this job requires dedication and a true love for
improving our state and our chapters.
Time Commitment: 5-7 hours/week
Fundraising Coordinators
As a Fundraising Coordinator, you will be in charge of one project of your choosing.
Your goal will be to create an interesting and innovative way to raise as much money for
our chapters as possible. Since this is a brand new job in cabinet, this gives you a chance
to make it your own and influence the way that this brand new Fundraising Department
Time Commitment: 3-5 hours/week

Central Valley Transportation Fundraising Coordinator

As Central Valley Transportation Fundraising Coordinator, you will be working with
Henna Kaushal, the Central Valley Region’s Mayor, and the rest of the Fundraising
Department to raise money for the recently developed Central Valley Transportation
Fund. You must be committed to raising as much money as possible to help our Central
Valley chapters thrive. A knowledge of the Central Valley, creativity, and determination
to help less fortunate chapters is crucial!
Time Commitment: 3-5 hours/week

Expansion Department
Expansion Director *
As Expansion Director, you will be responsible for overseeing the Expansion
Department. You and the Lieutenant Governor will work hand-in-hand to make sure that
all expansion is running smoothly. Additionally, much like the Expansion Coordinators,
you will be working with individuals on creating chapters. Troubleshooting chapter
issues is a vital part of this position, so you must have a vast knowledge how JSA works.
This is a tremendous responsibility, and experience in chapter affairs, particularly in
expansion is a must!
Time Commitment: 10-12 hours/week

Expansion Coordinators
As an Expansion Coordinator, it will be your job to coordinate our expansion efforts
with the Lieutenant Governor and the other Expansion Coordinators. At the beginning
of the year, you will receive a list of potential chapters and contact information for
those chapters. Your goal by the end of the year is to start as many chapters as possible.
Connecting with chapter presidents and helping them start their own chapters from the
ground up is a very rewarding experience. This job is especially good for those who have
experience on a chapter level and with expansion.
Time Commitment: 2-3 hours/week

Communications Department

Press Secretary *
This year the Communications Department is the sole department responsible for
sending information out to delegates and to chapters. As Press Secretary, you will be
responsible for working with the Chief of Staff to manage this completely re-vamped
Communications Department. The bulk of your work will involve working with the
Reporters, the Photographer, the Videographer and the other Directors to generate
material and write articles for all of our communication mediums. However, you will
also be responsible for working with the other managers to make sure that information
is being released. As Press Secretary, you will be in charge of shaping the message
of JSA, because to a large extent you decide what we publish and write about within
our own state, on a national JSA level, and in world politics. You must be willing to
commit a great deal of time as well as be willing to attend ALL JSA events, including state
conventions, regional conferences and mini-cons.
Time Commitment: 8-10 hours/week

As a Reporter, you will be responsible for writing the articles that Northern California
JSA publishes - in the Northstar, on the website, through Facebook etc. This is a huge
responsibility because you will be supplying the information to all the delegates.
Although this can be a rigorous job, it is also very rewarding. You will learn how to
write news articles, and as a reporter you will get a chance to see JSA events from the
inside. Solid writing skills are a requirement for this job, so you must be willing to set
a bit of time aside in the beginning of the fall (starting at Cabinet Confirmation) to learn
the correct article writing style. You must commit a great deal of time as well as attend
ALL JSA events, including state conventions, regional conferences and mini-cons. If you
decide to apply for this position, send in an example of your writing ability along with
your application.
Time Commitment: 2-4 hours/week

Good photos are imperative for a successful state! This job is relatively self explanatory-
as photographer, your job will be to photograph all JSA events. Your photos will be put
in all of our communication mediums and in some cases on the National JSA Website.
At conventions, you will need to move around various blocks and debates and to take
photos of the convention. You will also be in charge of our Northern California Flickr
account. Photography experience is encouraged, but not necessary. In your application
please include either pictures that you have taken at a JSA event or in another similar
Time Commitment: 2-3 hours/week

As Videographer, your job will be to take videos of the convention. Of course you are
not expected to videotape every moment of the convention, but you will be expected to
document impressive speeches and parts of landmark debates, such as the penny debate
last year at Fall State. Much like the photos taken by the photographer, your videos will
be posted online in various forms including occasionally on the national JSA website.
You will also be responsible for our JSA Youtube account. Therefore, videography and
video editing experience are preferable.
Time Commitment: 2-3 hours/week

North Star Editor-in-Chief

As Northstar Editor-in-Chief, you will be responsible for producing three issues of
the state newspaper - one at each overnight convention. You will be responsible for
communicating with the other departments in cabinet to generate interesting stories
for your newspaper. While the majority of your content will come from the journalists,
you may assign others to write articles and set deadlines for them. You should have
experience formatting and putting together a newspaper.
Time Commitment: 8-10 hours/week

Director of Technology *
As Director of Technology, you will be responsible for the State's web page. At the
moment our website is highly streamlined, so posting to our webpage is only slightly
more complicated than posting to a social media site. Therefore, the bulk of your work
will focus on making the page current and informative ensuring that the web page will
be a useful tool for everyone in Northern California. Programming experience is not
necessary, but you must be a great communicator!
Time Commitment: 7-9 hours/week

Feedback Analyst
As the Feedback Analyst, you will be required to take in all delegate feedback of
conventions and chapter issues. Through a variety of mediums (polls, surveys, forums,
etc), you will be directly troubleshooting concerns. Having basic knowledge of how
JSA works is a must. Your job will be to maintain, revamp, and renew our ways of
running JSA to ensure that we can stay innovative and grow with the delegates as an
Time Commitment: 2-3 hours/week

Social Networking Coordinator

Social networks are rapidly becoming the most efficient and successful way to
communicate with large groups of people. As Social Networking Coordinator, your job
will be to oversee our Facebook and Twitter pages. You must ensure that the content on
both mediums are current, informative, and useful. In the past our Facebook page has
been a very successful tool and a very rapid way to disperse information to all delegates.
Your goal for next year will be to utilize our Facebook page to its furthest capability and
create our Twitter account, so they become useful tools of communication. Experience
and familiarity with using social networking mediums is of the utmost importance!
Time Commitment: 3- 5 hours/week

Newsletter Liaison
As Newsletter Liaison, you will be responsible for sending out information to Chapter
Presidents and Assembly members in the forms of newsletters. With the help
of programs such as MailChimp, you will be responsible for sending out regular,
professional looking, and current newsletters to keep everyone informed. This job
can have a huge impact on our delegation, and it is a fun, creative way to influence the
message of Northern California JSA.
Time Commitment: 2-3 hours/week

Wiggio Manager
As Wiggio Manager, the majority of your job will be working with the Wiggio program
to organize the weekly phone conferences. With help from the Wiggio program, we can
easily send out text messages to all our delegates, so they are getting information straight
from their phones. This is a new, cool technology that we have begun experimenting
with this year, but next year you will get the chance to hone in our Wiggio Conferencing
and to make intercabinet communication and information dispersal exceptionally more
Time Commitment: 2-3 hours/week

Chapter Department

Comptroller (kənˈtrōlər) *
As Comptroller, you will be in charge of the entire registration process. You (with
help from the Membership Services Director) will be in charge of helping chapters
register through our JSA portal. You will get the unique opportunity to learn how to
use Salesforce, a program that enables us to store an enormous amount of information.
You will also be in charge of verifying the chapter registration lists are correct before
we send out rooming lists and invoices. Since this is such a delicate process, you must
be willing to commit a significant amount of time to meeting with Jaime in the office,
so you can master how to use our software and ensure that everything is running
smoothly. This is a VERY time consuming position, especially around the convention, so
be prepared for a very challenging but rewarding job.
Time Commitment: 8- 11 hours/week

Assistant Comptrollers
As an Assistant Comptroller, you will be directly responsible for ensuring that the
registration process goes smoothly for your region. The bulk of your work will we
talking to elected officials and chapter presidents to target problems. However, you
and your fellow comptrollers will be working as a team to accomplish registration.
Your basic duty is to work with chapters, but you have wiggle room to learn how to use
Salesforce and become a more integral part of registration. This job can be a lot of fun,
and you will get the opportunity to make a big difference in your regions.
Time Commitment: 2-4 hours/week

Chapter Coordinator *
As Chapter Coordinator you are responsible for our chapters. You will be the advocate
for our chapters - making sure that they have the materials and support that they need.
You will work with the Communications Department to make sure that chapters are
thriving. On a weekly basis, you will be responsible for creating packets for chapters,
which include sample meeting ideas. In short, you are in charge of making sure that our
chapter are thriving on a school level and developing creative ideas for their meetings.
Chapter experience is crucial!
Time Commitment 4-7 hours/week

Membership Services Director *

As a Membership Services Director you will be working directly with the Chapter
Coordinator and with chapters. You are responsible for making sure members are
getting the information they need - tax paid member cards, brochures, pamphlets,
convention agendas, etc. Additionally, you are going to be our advocate for collecting
taxes, which is a crucial part of JSA because taxes illustrate the strength of a chapter
and of our state as a whole. You are going to be our link to chapters! If a chapter is not
receiving the information it needs, you will be responsible for identifying the problem
and directing them to the Communications Department. Chapter experience is vital and
Time Commitment: 3-5 hours/week

Chapter Conferences Coordinator:

The Chapter Conferences Coordinator will be responsible for developing a proposal for
chapters to submit if they would like to host a mini-con. You will be responsible for
encouraging chapters to hold one days, keeping a master calendar of events, helping
chapters plan their conferences, and publicizing each of them. The Chapter Conference
Coordinator will work very closely with the Chapter Department. You will be expected
to assist Chapter presidents in any way needed to conduct their mini-cons. Familiarity
with mini-cons is a plus!
Time Commitment: 2-3 hours/week

Speaker's Department
Speaker Pro Tempore *
A 'new' old position! As Speaker Pro Tempore, you will work hand in hand with the
Speaker of the Assembly. Just as how the Chief of Staff is an extension of the Governor,
the Pro Tempore is an extension of the Speaker. You will be an integral part of planning
and running the Assembly as well as ensuring quality of meetings. This year the Speaker
will be planning the majority of Winter Congress as opposed to years prior, therefore
you must be willing to assume leadership roles when the convention rolls around. You
will also be required to have at least a basic knowledge of how JSA runs and flexibility is
a must. If the Speaker of the Assembly is ever unavailable, you must be ready to assume
the position.
Time Commitment: 6-8 Hours/Week
Legislative Counsel
Another 'new' old position! As Legislative Counsel, you will work with both the Speaker
of the Assembly and the Speaker Pro Tempore to research and write proposals for
upcoming Assembly meetings. This position will require you to search for sources of
possible debate topics for the Assembly, as well as write a proposal to argue during
meeting time. It is helpful to be knowledgeable about current events, particularly those
that pertain to either students or youth in general. You will also be required to be
impartial and write summaries of all the bills proposed on the floor or in committee of
Time Commitment: 4-6 Hours/Week

Activism Director *
Originally, Activism Director has had it’s own department, but this year, instead
of focusing in on organizations, we will be focusing on civic engagement through
the Assembly. As Activism Director, you will be in charge of coming up with civic
engagement projects with the Legislative Involvement Director and promoting JSA
through lobbying our views and opinions to the public. You must have new ideas and
the drive to take the position to new heights. Because of our new format, you will have
wiggle room to choose how your position works and ultimately you will be setting
precedent for the future.
Time Commitment: 6-8 Hours/Week

Legislative Involvement Director *

Another 'new' old positions! As Legislative Involvement Director, you will be in
charge of advocacy regarding the Assembly. At the Assembly, the Legislative Counsel's
researched debate proposals will be argued then it is the Legislative Involvement
Director's duty to promote the Assembly's platform and promote our advocacy to the
media and politicians. This job is vital because you are responsible for getting JSA's
name and our platform out there. You will be the official representative of the northern
California Junior State when promoting the positions reflected in the legislative platform.
You will be working extensively with the Speaker's Department and parts of the
Communications Department.
Time Commitment: 6-8 Hours/Week

Political Affairs Director

The last of the ‘new’ old positions! As Political Affairs Director, you are going to be our
official political junkie. Your job will be to scour the news coming out of Sacramento,
Washington D.C., and school boards across the nation for interesting issues, legislation
and topics that affect young people. Through this political knowledge you should have,
you will be setting up "Action Alerts" to send out to JSA delegates to encourage activism
when student's rights are threatened. In addition, you will work with the mayors and the
vice mayors to find opportunities in regions for delegates to get civically involved. Hard
work ethic and political experience are incredibly important!
Time Commitment: 6-8 hours/week
All Cabinet Applications are due Monday July 25

Name: __________________________________________________
City:________________________________________________State ____ Zip _________
Cell Phone: (_______)________________ Home Phone: (________)__________________
Email Address:__________________________________________________________
High School: ____________________________________Region_________Grad Year: ________
Do you have Skype? ___ If so, what is your username? ______________________________
Have you ever attended a JSA summer program? Yes No
Please attach a photo of yourself (please keep the photo small on a pixel scale!)
electronically in the email and physically in the paper copy.
Top four state cabinet choices:

If you are applying to cabinet, please answer the following questions. Your insights will
help me pick the most productive and proactive cabinet possible. Please answer these
questions with at least 150-300 words each. Please remember, the more detailed and
thorough you are with your answers, the easier it is for us to see your strengths. If you
are applying for a position with a * next to it, please email me ( to get the
application supplement for that position. Application supplements consist of around
1-3 extra questions that will help us better understand why you are qualified for that

1. How and why did you get involved in JSA? What do you love about JSA? Why are you
applying for this position?
2. What experience do you have that has qualified you for your selected position? What
distinguishes you from everyone else applying for this position?
3. What are some new ideas that you want to bring to cabinet? What is one thing that
you would like to change?
4. What else should I know about you? What are you strengths and weaknesses? What
other extracurricular activities do you do?
5. Please complete the statement "I will be…..," and explain your choice.
If you need ideas, check out our video:
6. Please answer two of the following questions (your answers can be shorter than
those of the other questions if you would like)
- If you were a type of food, what would you be and why?
- If Hollywood made a movie about your life, whom would you like to see the
lead role as you? Please explain.
- If you were given a chance to go back in time, where would you go and why?
- What is your favorite holiday and why?
- If you could be any mythical figure, what would you want to be and why?

You may be called for a brief interview in order for us to better assess your
qualifications for the position that you are applying for.

When emailing your application, please title it “Cabinet Application” on the subject
line of the email. This will help us sort through the applications in a timely manner

The DUE DATE for all positions is Monday July 25th. Late Applications will NOT be
accepted. Please EMAIL your application to,,

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