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WEEK Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

24.01.22 – At college – At college – At home – At college – At college – At home – At home –

30.01.22 First day working on Working on Creating a Writing up my Writing up my Write up
FMP, working on creating a bibliography and proposal final brief as weekly blog
idea generation production planning for well as doing
schedule problems another focus
31.02.22 – At college – At college – At home – At college – At college – At home - At home -
06.02.22 Planning what I am Researching about Researching about Continuing Finishing topic Write up
to research, sending my topics of an my topics of an researching about research on weekly blog
out a survey, then investigation and investigation and investigations investigations,
starting secondary schizophrenia schizophrenia then start work
research on conventions
07.02.22 – At college – At college – At home – At college – At college – At home – At home –
13.02.22 Continuing Researching the Continuing Researching Finishing Continuing Write up
conventions of a conventions of a conventions of a camera angles, research on research on weekly blog
drama, looking at drama, camera drama, camera and doing test camera angles. lighting and
camera movements movements/angles movements shoots The looking at filming test
lighting shoots
14.02.22 – At college – At college – At home – At college – At college – At home – At home –
20.02.22 Editing lighting test Researching Continuing Looking at Continuing with Writing up Write up
shoots. characters in research on narrative narrative information weekly blog
crime-dramas. characters structure in film structure about my
21.02.22 – Half term – – – – – – At home -
27.02.22 Finishing work on Working on Continuing Write up
narrative structure mise-en-scene, on with the weekly blog
with the props mise-en-
and costumes scene
involved in a
crime drama
28.02.22 – At college – At college – At home – At college – At college – At home – At home -
06.03.22 Starting work on Finishing sound Working on writing Continuing with -Going to Solent Continuing Write up
sound and music in and music research film analysis film analysis university for an with film weekly blog
film interview- analysis
07.03.22 – At home – At home – At home – At home – At home – At home – At home -
13.03.22 Researching about a Working on Finishing work on Starting my Writing up Starting Write up
director to help completing my director, and production information work on my weekly blog
influence for my feedback for my completing all booklet, about my script
own production research stage other research designing it festival
14.03.22 – At college – At college – At home – At college – At college – At home – At home -
20.03.22 Creating a Continuing with Continuing working Continuing Finishing my Continuing Write up
PowerPoint for my planning for my on my script writing my script script and with my weekly blog
pitch pitch starting to storyboard
21.03.22 – At college – At college – At home – At college – At college – At home – At home -
27.03.22 Finishing my Sending out emails Creating lists for Replying to Location Write up
storyboard to use certain equipment and certain emails, scouting weekly blog
locations props and asking actors
if they could help
28.03.22 – At college – At college – At home – At college – At college – At home – At home -
03.04.22 Completing Presenting my Completing more Continuing with Uploading my At Bristol Write up
powerpoint slides pitch location recces, for my production final pitch and University weekly blog
for pitch scene 2 and 3, and booklet, looking sending my hall
going back over my for props and hire forms off
script costume parts
04.04.22 – At college – At college – At home – At college – At college – At home – At home -
10.04.22 Getting actors Writing up short Continuing writing Getting any props Preparing Finishing Write up
confirmations for research about for about my new and costumes for equipment, booklet, if weekly blog
filming my new idea research. actors costume and there is
props for filming anything
next week left to
11.04.22 – At college – At college – At home – At college – At college – At home – At home -
17.04.22 Filming for second Continuing filming ” Filming in Finalising any Write up
scene at the old at the old church Crowmarsh shots weekly blog
church location village hall with
all three actors,
for scene 2
18.04.22 – At college – At college – At home – At college – At college – At home – At home -
24.04.22 Filming any re- Recording any Filming any other Collecting my Uploading and Write up
shoots foley sounds that footage that is footage together editing behind weekly blog
may be needed needed, or sound the scenes
recording footage and
25.04.22 – At college – At college – At home – At college – At college – At home – At home -
01.05.22 Gather all footage Continue laying out Continue with Start adding Write up
and start laying it the footage in editing the sounds and weekly blog
out in order order and start footage together music
cutting shots
02.05.22 – At college – At college – At home – At college – At college – At home – At home -
08.05.22 Continue editing Continue with the Going over the Production Write up
with adding sounds editing stage edited short film deadline weekly blog
and any effects that Publishing the
need adding final draft
09.05.22 – At college – At college – At home – At college – At college – At home – At home -
15.05.22 Write up
weekly blog
16.05.22 – At college – At college – At home – At college – At college – At home – At home -
22.05.22 Deadline for all Write up
work weekly blog
23.05.22 – At college – At college – At home – At college – At college – At home – At home -
29.05.22 Write up
weekly blog

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