Strategic Management and Leadership

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Strategic Management and Leadership

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Table of Contents

The relationship between the organization’s, corporate, business and operational strategies.........3

Strategic models and tools to develop strategic option for Tesco...................................................4

Critical success factors that pillar the chosen strategic options.......................................................5

Recommendations and Justification for Strategic Options with business objective.......................5

The change factors by completing a force field analysis for Tesco................................................6

Identify the change agents and propose a suitable structure for the implementation of the plan....7

A monitoring and control system for the implementation of strategic plans..................................7

Design key success indicators in order to monitor the implementation of the strategic plan.........8

Potential risks during implementation.............................................................................................8

Review the effectiveness of the strategic plan.................................................................................9



Tesco PLC is a British multinational groceries and trendy products store based in Welwyn
Garden City, England. It is the third biggest store withinside the international measured through
gross sales and the ninth biggest withinside the international measured through sales. It has
stores in 5 nations throughout Europe, and is the marketplace chief of groceries withinside the
UK. Tesco is currently the largest grocery store in the world at 0.33, but is the second largest,
primarily based on revenue after Wal-Mart, with approximately 4,810 stores in 14 countries in
Europe, the United States and Asia. In addition, in 2010, distributors accounted for 30.7% of the
UK grocery retail market. One of Tesco's strategic talents is strong financial performance. In this
report, a new strategic plan is going to be prepared for the Tesco international organization to
take an instant decision, progress evaluation and change the method while moving forward.

The relationship between the organization’s, corporate, business and operational strategies

The method of organization strategy is the sum of the movements an organization wants to make
to gain its long-term dreams. The corporate method defines the final spots that retailers must go
to. This choice shapes all the technology and sports of every part of this for-profit company. A
commercial business method is a definition of the movements and decisions that an organization
wants to take to achieve its dreams and goals (Slutsker, 2012). Commercial business methods
define what an organization wants to do to achieve its dreams. In addition to assigning
assignments, it can also support the manual selection process of settings. Operational methods
include improving and specifying the organization's commerce methods, as well as expanding
strategic tasks and operational plans aimed at enabling clients to efficiently implement common
methods for trading companies. In the for-profit approach, the technology grows roughly and
maintains the positive utility of the products offered with the help of the company. It deals with
the position of a trading company in terms of competition in the market. The only approach at
the enterprise level is to develop ways to maximize profitability and explore new business
opportunities (Chrisman, 2014). At the organizational level, the approach is ready to reach its
goals. Also, at the operational level, this approach recognizes a company's dreams and
aspirations, in addition to the actual plans to buy a trading company to win the company's

dreams. Therefore, you can be sure that each of these techniques has a vertical relationship.
These techniques are on the same page.

Strategic models and tools to develop strategic option for Tesco

Theory of Change (TOC) strategic model for Tesco:

This version for planning would be ideal for Tesco in taking on tasks such as building teams,
planning initiatives, and expanding destinations. It will be great for different fashions in its
ability to help to distinguish between favorable and actual results. It also encourages stakeholders
to plan technology by providing exactly what they need from this project (Drakeley, 2015).

It will be based on extra pointed elements than equivalent fashion. Stakeholders will typically
want to publish a number of details, such as records associated with the company's target
population, how to identify compliance, and the final schedule for each planned move and
intervention. Again, Tesco can get a lot from this method (Grundy, 2012).

Porters five forces analysis strategic tool for Tesco:

1. Threats to alternative products and services

In the retail market, the threat to grocery retail products is low compared to non-meal products.
Alternative foods can be purchased and stored at convenience stores, but Tesco is not recognized
as a threat to Tesco as it may impose better fines at lower rates due to electricity purchases and
other factors. Tesco has also set up explicit stores to take full advantage of the commercial form
of nearby convenience stores.

2. Threat of entry from the youngest competition

Threats within grocery retailers are minor for a whole new competition. To enter the grocery
retail market, new organizations may need to create emblem names, so you need to actively fund
Tesco and other grocery stores. Large grocery stores like Tesco for 80% of grocery purchases in
the UK (Mintel2010).

3. Intense offensive debate

Competition within the grocery store is extremely fierce. With the staging swelling and the
proportion of competing markets evolving, Tesco may lose leadership in the market. All basic

businesses are very aggressive towards everyone else because they sell their products at
continuously lower prices.

4. Negotiation power for buyers

Consumers' bargaining power is too high. They are ready to buy cheaper products, and by using
the Internet to evaluate product prices, customers are ready to switch to cheaper alternatives.

5. Bargaining power for providers

Suppliers has low bargaining power. They are interested in promoting their products at basic
stores such as Tesco. This eliminates the need for retailers to lose contact with these basic
suppliers due to advertising power, strengthens suppliers, and can make great profits for major
stores when it comes to shopping at discounted rates.

Critical success factors that pillar the chosen strategic options

Porter's Five Forces Analysis is a framework for reading the aggressive environment of a
company. The diversity and strength of a company's aggressive competitors, the ability of new
entrants, suppliers, customers, and alternative products to influence a company's profitability. In
Five Forces Analysis, these are important performance factors that can be used in manual
company methods to increase positive utility and make the company successful (Leidecker,

In theory of change theory, the results framework that summarizes a set of important and
sufficient prerequisites in moderate results that precede the achievement of long-term final
results. A set of assumptions that specify the relationships between the results in the alternative
path is a set of results, because it is an important and sufficient conditions to achieve the intent
ensure the choice of intervention that consciously leads to the results in the direction. A series of
interventions aimed at delivering results within the path. A set of characters aimed at reflecting
the number of evasive characters that must appear for a particular time period and for a particular
target population in order for the final hit result to be announced (Bruno, 2013). So, these are the
important factors that can be used in manual company methods to increase positive utility and
make the company successful.

Recommendations and Justification for Strategic Options with business objective
After an internal and external analysis of Tesco and evaluation of the strategic options the
following growth strategies for the company are recommended.

1. Market penetration is the degree to which a service or product is used and adjusted by a
customer compared to the expected overall market for that service or product in order to
increase the market percentage of the selected service or product.
2. Market Development Strategy is a boom method installed with the help of a company or
company that presents a product or strategy to a target group that no longer has but has
reached or is currently servicing.
3. Demographic segmentation refers to the category of target markets based on specific
variables such as age, education, and gender. This is a type of market segmentation that
enables the group to better select customers and respond efficiently to their needs.
4. Backward integration is a way to increase efficiency by using vertical integration. Vertical
integration means that a company spans some segments of the supply chain with the goal of
controlling part or all of its production system. The
5. Joint venture is the establishment of a business between companies that jointly make active
choices of common paintings. Goals to achieve each backline to a particular set of dreams
and booms.

The change factors by completing a force field analysis for Tesco

By completing a force field of Tesco's printed matter, it can be identified potential factors on the
other side.

Internal drivers may include:

 Obsolete device or product line.

 Decreased group morale.
 want of increase profitability.

External drivers may include:

 Volatile and unsafe execution environment.

 Disruptive technology.

 Vital changes.

It is important to select one of the elements to affect the extras as much as possible. If necessary,
include various people consisting of group participants or organizational experts.

Identify the change agents and propose a suitable structure for the implementation of the
The five W`s. Who, what, where, while, why and how? These are the questions reporters ask
while they may be studying their subsequent story. But withinside the Change Management and
implementation worlds, asking those identical questions may be simply as important. A
remarkable instance of that is in gaining readability round roles and duties throughout an
organizational alternate. Yes, this appears basic, however it`s miles an important step for
implementation success. there are six key steps to advocate an appropriate shape for the
implementation of the plan.

 Clearly outline the alternate and align it to commercial enterprise goals.

 Determine influences and people affected.
 Develop a verbal exchange strategy.
 Provide powerful training.
 Implement a help shape.
 Measure the alternate process.

A monitoring and control system for the implementation of strategic plans

Strategic planning has become essential for small organizations looking for ways to survive in an
increasingly volatile global financial environment. However, creating and growing such a plan is
the easiest half of the battle. To achieve the goals of the plan, small business owners need to
appoint staff to meet their own commitments to avoid duplication of work. But while dreams
aren't realized, controls need to rethink their goals and maintain a similar tendency to assemble
machines to check them. Communication is one of the most important steps after completing a
plan, in line with an assessment organized for the US Small and Medium Business
Administration. Efficiently speaking about the purpose of strategic planning, the control should
specify the responsible person who imposes the key elements of the document (Leidecker, 2017).
Defining roles is important to avoid duplication, or worse, to ignore obligations that require

attention. According to the Small and Medium Business Administration review notes, individual
and organizational dreams are not the same, so all small business owners want corrective action
to get their plans on the right track. As an "entrepreneur" smart strategic planners anticipate
regular follow-up requests.

Design key success indicators in order to monitor the implementation of the strategic plan.
Key performance indicators (KPIs) are elements of a plan that accurately determine what needs
to be achieved and when. These are quantifiable results-based overall statements that you use
when you are on the right track to achieve your hopes and goals. A good plan uses few KPIs to
manipulate the development of the plan and set it to music. The structure of established KPIs

1. Measure -All KPIs require a degree. Satisfactory KPIs have a more meaningful
2. Goal -All KPIs want to close goals and set goals in time. These are usually the numerical
prices you are looking for.
3. Data Source-All KPIs want to provide honestly written information so that there are no
gray areas when measuring and tracking individual KPIs.
4. Report Frequency-Different KPIs have different reporting needs, but it's a surprising rule
to record at least once a month.

Potential risks during implementation

Strategic risks are activities or decisions that definitely prevent a company from achieving its
goals. Almost all strategic choices made by the Board of Directors can never be exhausted, and
many activities that can prevent the company from achieving its goals. Some of these are -

 Strategic decisions that may be uncertain or inadequate

 Changes in upper control and leadership
 Creating new products and services
 Mergers and acquisitions that prove to have failed
 Changes in the market and company that accompany changes in customer wishes and
 Problems with providers and various stakeholders

 Economic challenges
 Evolution to a changing environment and failure to catch up with competitors
 Damage from Company Approval

Review the effectiveness of the strategic plan.

Strategic planning effectiveness is related to achieving defined goals, achieving higher results, or
improving organizational performance, as the end result is the application of strategic planning
strategies within the enterprise. An organization's overall performance of has different
definitions, but which definition is "best", not to mention the comparison criteria that need to
determine the overall performance definition (barney, 2012). There are few comparisons about
what is It can be added here that approaches and measurements that can measure the overall
performance of an organization are more important than the definition of an organization's
overall performance. There is a comprehensive style strategy for measuring the performance of
the entire form. There are four main ways to measure overall performance. Survival as degrees,
companies, overall performance, overall performance stakeholder methods, simple accounting
standards for overall performance.

As a largest multinational organization Tesco needs to open the Tesco Express 24/7, even on
excess roads, as Britain's largest grocery market needs to maintain and lead it, but it will increase
market profits. It is needed to add a self-career center for this. Sponsored promotions need to be
run each season to increase the company's income and take pictures. Attract with corresponding
prizes like competition. Tesco can also increase its income by offering loose fitness products,
from loose scientific research for the elderly, nutritionists and scientists to tracking behavioral
bleeding and loose eye testing. Customers will get benefit from a relaxing meeting while at the
same time benefiting from the benefits of a club card. For Tesco as well as, in order to strengthen
its role, we would like to present new products more appropriately in order to improve the
excellent products we offer to our customers.

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