English ESSAY Description of My Country

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Description of my country

In this essay I will write about the facts about one of the most incredible countries in the
world, my country, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Bosna is located in South and Southeast Europe,
located within the Balkans. Sarajevo is the capital and largest city. We are boared by Serbia to
the east, Montenegro to the southeast and Croatia to the north and southwest. To the south it
has a narrow coast on the Adriatic Sea, which is about 20 kilometres (12 miles) long and
surrounds the town of Neum. The inland Bosnia region has a moderate continental climate,
with hot summers and cold, snowy winters. In the central and eastern interior of the country
the geography is mountainous, in the northwest moderately hilly, and in the northeast
predominantly flatland. The smaller southern region, Herzegovina, has a Mediterranean
climate and mostly mountainous topography. This brief geographical information is to help us
where is Bosnia and Herzegovina on world geography map.
Now, I will mention some historical information. Bosnia and Herzegovina has been settled
since at least the Upper Paleolithic but permanent human settlement traces back to
the Neolithic age, during which time it was inhabited by cultures. Culturally, politically, and
socially, the country has a rich but complex history, having been first settled by the South
Slavic peoples that populate the area today from the 6th through to the 9th centuries. In the
12th century the Banate of Bosnia was established, which evolved into the Kingdom of
Bosnia in the 14th century, after which it was annexed into the Ottoman Empire, under whose
rule it remained from the mid-15th to the late 19th centuries. The Ottomans brought Islam to
the region, and altered much of the cultural and social outlook of the country. This was
followed by annexation into the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, which lasted up until World
War I. In the interwar period, Bosnia and Herzegovina was part of the Kingdom of
Yugoslavia and after World War II, it was granted full republic status in the newly
formed Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. Following the breakup of Yugoslavia, the
republic proclaimed independence in 1992, which was followed by the Bosnian War, lasting
until late 1995 and culminating with the Dayton Agreement. It has a large diversiy of people
living which is one of many beauties that this country has.
Because I had a chance to live in other countries and on other sides of the world, I can see that
some cities amaze us, other places we fall in love for their sheer natural beauty such as Bosnia
and Herzegovina, I like to call it a hidden gem in Europe, awaits yet to be discovered. I said
this because of many potentials that this country has but I will not talk about that is this essay
as it would be too long and we would go ˝off the track˝.
From lakes that look photoshopped to grand architecture rising up hills, to some of the most
welcoming people you will meet, Bosnia and Herzegovina is a confusing yet captivating
country. The lakes are a mesmerising shade of blues and greens, towering mountains collide
with clouds and tiny villages, and bridges of all shapes and sizes link together roads that offer
just as much to enjoy as the attractions themselves. Some of the cities that are in Bosnia and
should be seen if perhaps coming to visit this country are: Sarajevo, Konjic, Mostar, Neum,
Počitelj, Banjaluka, Brčko, Tuzla, Višegrad and mountains that surround these cities. I will
mention just a few cities that are one of my favourite. The first one is Mostar, this city attracts
tourists to come and see Old brigde (Stari Most). Combine this with a special mixture of
Bosniak and Croat cultures on either side of the river, and visitors get two very different
experiences. Kujundziluk is Mostar’s Ottoman Bazaar, full of stalls and branching alleys. The
Croat side houses Cathedral of Mary, Mother of the Church, and shaded avenues with a
Croatian charm.
The second one is Sarajevo. Sarajevo is Bosnia’s capital, has everything. Its rich history and
museums earned it the nickname ‘Jerusalem of Europe’. Bascarsija, or Old Bazaar, is
Sarajevo’s Ottoman centrepiece. Mosques, Orthodox and Catholic Cathedrals and
Synagogues sit side by side with modern malls and skyscrapers. This city shows the
multiculture and multi ethnicity that lives and exists here on many levels. It is extraordinary
and honestly it can hardly be described in words.
In this paper, I briefly tried to describe all the natural wealth and beauties that this country has
and that even we who live in it, don’t realize it just as yet. This country is so much more than
some country to visit. It´s a place to reconnect with nature, to reconnect with history and to
connect with incredibly welcoming people. As a person who travelled in few other countries
for various reason, I think it is hard to find elsewhere such welcoming people as here.

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