Grammar Test 1: Present Simple & Present Continuous, State & Action Verbs, Future Arrangements & Intentions

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Name__________________________________ ​ Date_______________ ​Class________

1. Complete the sentences by putting the verbs in Present Simple.

a) ​
b) Molly____________ at 7 every day. (get up)
c) She always ____________ coffee with milk. (make)
d) Her husband ____________ her to work. (take)
e) Molly and Tom__________ in a restaurant. (work)
f) Tom always ____________ her after dinner. (help)
g) They ____________ movies together. (watch)

2. Choose the correct form of the verb to get sentences in Present Continuous.
Present Simple
1. I is writing / am writing an e-mail to my brother now. -s / -es
2. We am going / are going to a party this Saturday. habit,fact (usually, never, always)
3. John and Jackie are making / is making cookies at the moment.
4. John is speaking / am speaking French right now. Present Continuous
5. I are talking / am talking to her via Skype. am/are/is + ing
6. My father are washing / is washing the car now. (happening now, at the moment)
​ ​
3. Put the verbs in bracket into the correct form of the Present Simple or the Present Continuous.

1. ​We _________________ (not watch) TV very often.

2. ​Kate can’t come to the phone because she ______________ (eat) a cake.
3. ​We usually _________________ (go) to the seaside in summer.
4. ​______you _______ (watch) TV at the moment?
5. ​
Can you be quiet, please? I _________________(learn) for my exam.
6. I never ______________(buy) meat or fish.

4. Say which verbs express states and which express actions.

1. ​
2. I surf the Net most evenings.____________
3. My flat is in the town centre. ____________
4. I drive taxy during the day. ____________
5. I have two cars. ____________
6. I go to lots of parties. ___________
7. I love football. ____________
8. ​

5. Future arrangement or intention?

Future arrangement:
1. He is visiting us this weekend. ___________________________ definite time and place
2. They are staying with us this summer._________________________
3. I'm going to work in a restaurant when I leave school.________________
4. He is not going to watch TV this evening._________________________ Intention:
5. We are flying to Dubrovnik this afternoon.________________________ unfinalized plan, ambition
6. My sister is going to be a cook when she finishes schol.
Points: 0-11 = 1, 12-15= 2, 16-20= 3, 21-25= 4, 26-30=5

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