Mini Research Project "Raja Ampat": Thesis

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Mini Research Project

C Class, Entrepreneurship
Dosen Pengampu : Esa Setiana, S.E., M.Si., Ak., CA

By Group 3 :
Jul Fahmi Ikhsan (7211260011)
Dini Vegita Ginting (7212260005)
Paulus Aganta Tarigan (7212560005)
Agnes Nadeak (7212660006)
Rafid Manfadzi (7213260012)
Ernita Rumenta Sinaga (7213260017)
Liana Ruth Terecia Siagian (7213260024)
Hotman Pangihutan Simbolon (7213260029)
Jelita Sari Sihotang (7213260041)

Business English
Faculty of Economics
Universitas Negeri Medan 2021

Praise and gratitude to God Almighty who has given His grace and guidance
so that we can complete this paper entitled "Mini Research Project" on time.
The purpose of the preparation of this paper is to fulfill the duties of the lecturer
in the business English course. In addition, this paper also aims to add insight about
the location data of one of the tours in Indonesia, and others.
Mrs. Esa Setiana, S.E., M.Si., Ak., CA, as a business English lecturer who has
given this assignment so that it can add knowledge and insight according to the field
of study we are studying.
We also thank all those who have shared some of their knowledge so that we
can complete this paper.
We realize that this paper we have compiled is far from perfect. Therefore, we
will look forward to constructive criticism and suggestions for the perfection of this

Medan, 15 NOV 2021

Group 3


FOREWORD ........................................................................................................... i

TABLE OF CONTENT ............................................................................................ ii


1.1 Background ........................................................................................... 1

1.2 Purpose ................................................................................................. 1

1.3 Formulation of the problem ................................................................ 1


2.1 History of Raja Ampat .......................................................................... 2

2.2 More detailed information about Raja Ampat ................................... 2

2.3 Location Data ......................................................................................... 5

2.4 Tours on Offer........................................................................................ 8

2.5 The Latest Tourism Conditions During The Pandemic .................... 9


3.1 Conclusions ..........................................................................................10

3.2 Suggestions ..........................................................................................10

REFERENCES ........................................................................................................11

1.1 Background
Indonesia is an archipelagic country which has 17,500 islands and 34 provinces that
have extraordinary natural beauty. In Indonesia, there are many tourist attractions that are
very interesting to be visited by domestic and foreign tourists. There are various kinds of
tourism sectors in Indonesia, for example nature tourism, shopping tourism, cultural tourism
and religious tourism.
Indonesia is a country that has a lot of natural potential both on land and in the ocean.
Diversity of nature, flora, fauna and human creations that have a selling value to be developed
into a business in the tourism sector. Indonesia as a maritime country has abundant water
potential. Fertile soil conditions make Indonesia the center of attention of human groups to
settle down and develop their respective businesses, while the potential for waters in the form
of oceans and beaches is one of the attractions that is much favored by domestic and foreign
tourists. This is because Indonesia is a tropical country that has clear sea water that can be
used for activities in the tourism sector.
Indonesia is known as a country rich in tourism potential, both on land and at sea. This
wealth can be used as one of the assets of the country's foreign exchange sources. Tourism
assets have not been managed properly.
The tourism sector as an economic activity has become a potential mainstay and
development priority of a number of countries. Indonesia has the potential for diversity of
tourism objects with a fairly high attractiveness of natural beauty. Geographical factors are
important factors for consideration of tourism development. Climate differences are one of the
factors that grow and cause variations in the natural and cultural environment, so that in
developing tourism the physical and non-physical characteristics of an area are important to
be maintained.
Indonesia is a country that has excellent potential in terms of tourism. With beautiful
natural conditions, making Indonesia one of the most popular local and foreign tourist
destinations. The tourism sector in Indonesia is dominated by natural tourism objects which
are very attractive to every tourist who comes. As a country that has natural and historical
wealth, Indonesia does not only have natural attractions but there are other tourist objects that
are also in great demand, namely historical tourism objects.
1.2 Purpose
The purpose of making the report :
(1) To fulfill business English course assignments.
(2) Understanding the material data for one of the tours in Indonesia.
(3) To improve proficiency in business English.
1.3 Formulation of The Problem
The formulation of the problem in this report are :
(1) What are the interesting destinations in Raja Ampat?
(2) Who often visit these tours?
(3) Where is the tourist location?
(4) How is the state of Raja Ampat tourism during the pandemic?
2.1 History of Raja Ampat
The Raja Ampat Islands are a series of four adjacent islands located in the western
part of the Bird's Head (Vogelkoop) Papua Island. Administratively, this group is under the
Raja Ampat Regency, West Papua Province. These islands are now a destination for divers
who are interested in the beauty of the underwater scenery.

It is said that one day a woman found seven eggs, four of which turned into a prince
and the remaining three became a woman, a ghost and a stone. The four princes had
separated and then ruled in Waigeo, Salawati, Batanta and Misool respectively.

In terms of history, the Raja Ampat Islands in the 15th century were part of the power
of the Tidore Sultanate, a large kingdom centered on the Maluku Islands. To run its
government, the Sultanate of Tidore appointed 4 local kings to rule on the islands of Waigeo,
Batanta, Salawati and Misool. The term 4 inner kings who rule in this archipelago became the
beginning of the name Raja Ampat.

2.2 More detailed information about Raja Ampat

The Raja Ampat Islands are a tourist destination located in the Papua region. This tour
is already known by the whole world because of its natural beauty which is very enchanting.
One of the things that raised the name of the Raja Ampat tourist attraction is the documentary
film made by Avant Premiere with the title "Edis Paradise 3", which in the film tells the beauty
of the underwater world of Raja Ampat in the Papua region. The Raja Ampat tourist area is
currently dubbed the Amazon Ocean World area. The nickname was given because of the
location of this tourist spot which is in the center of the world's coral triangle. Raja Ampat
Archipelago Tourism is located in the territorial area of West Papua, which is a group of
scattered islands with a number of around 610 islands, but there are only 35 islands inhabited
by residents.

The tourists who come from all over the world deliberately come here to enjoy the
beauty of the island and the uniqueness of its underwater tourism, as well as explore the
underwater walls by diving. Here, tourists can also wade through large and small islands,
mountains, tropical forests, strands of sea coral, white sand beaches and the diversity of
animal life in the Raja Ampat tourist area. It can be said that natural wealth like this is very
rare, so I am very grateful if Indonesia has a gift that is difficult to describe in words.

The Raja Ampat area is an archipelagic area, which has sea transportation
transportation facilities. This transportation is used either to reach the district capital which is
located in Waisai or vice versa. With four main islands in this area, it makes it unique for those
of you who visit the Raja Ampat Islands. The four islands in question are Batanta, Misool,
Salawati and Waigeo. The designation or name of Raja Ampat itself is taken from the myth of
the local population which when translated into Indonesian means the Four Kings.

The myth or legend of Raja Ampat itself emerged from the surrounding community and
has several versions of the story that were passed down from generation to generation about
the legend of the origin of the name Raja Ampat itself. As for one version of the legend of Raja
Ampat circulating in the lives of the native people around is as follows.

Once upon a time there was a husband and wife who lived simply in Teluk Kabui,
Kampung Wawiyai, the husband and wife worked as forest loggers, who went to look for food.
They work hand in hand through the forest in order to quickly get what they expect. Then on
their way they came to the bank of the Waikeo River, and rested to unwind. While they were
resting they saw five eggs not far from them resting. After that they approached and it turned
out that the eggs were believed to be the eggs of a dragon. Because they found strange eggs,
they wrapped them in a noken or bag and took them home. After arriving home the eggs they
found were stored in the room.

Time began to change and the night began to come, the eggs they had kept in the
room made a whispering sound, they were curious and tried to peek from behind the bedroom
door. After they saw the incident, how shocked the husband and wife were, because they saw
the five eggs that were stored hatched and took the form of four boys and one girl. The five
children were wearing fine clothes which indicated that they were descended from a king.

Until now, who gave the name to the five children born from the dragon egg is not clear, but
the local community knows that each child is named as follows:

(1) Bethany who later became king of Salawati.

(2) Dohar becomes King Lilinta (Misool).

(3) Mohamad becomes King of Waigama ( Batanta ).

(4) War Become King in Waigeo.

Pintolee is a girl who after growing up was found pregnant and released two eggs.
After being known by Pintolee's brothers, one egg she gave birth to was placed in a large,
large shell (Skin Bia) and then washed away on an island called Pulau Numfor. and the other,
did not hatch and turned into stone which was later named Kapatnai. The stone was treated
like a king by the local people, and was given a place to stay and also placed two stones as a
sign of guarding the grave. Until now, the surrounding community still respects the existence
of the grave and becomes an object of worship.

In general, the route taken by visitors or tourists to arrive at the Raja Ampat tourist
sites is by air travel, then heading to Raja Ampat to the city of Sorong – West Papua (Domine
Edward Osok). At this airport there are no international flight routes that can go directly to
Domine Edward Osok. So, if you are coming from abroad, you must first transit in Jakarta,
Surabaya, Denpasar or Makassar. And if you want to take the shortest route, you can transit
at Ujung Pandang and it will take about 5 hours 15 minutes to reach Sorong city.

Then from the city of Sorong, the journey continues by using a taxi vehicle to the
people's port to go to the capital city of Raja Ampat (Waisai). After that, your journey will be
resumed using Ferry Ship transportation or you can rent a speed boat and it is recommended
that at this port you must provide supplies such as mineral water, instant food and so on,
because in Waisai itself, which is the capital city of Raja Ampat, this is the price supplies are
getting more expensive. At this port there are two ferries that serve the route from Sorong to
Waisai, and usually depart every 14.00 WIT, then other ships will depart about 1-2 hours later.
The journey will take 4-5 hours to arrive at the port of Waisai.

However, for those of you who have the desire to rent a speedboat, the ideal time to
cross is before the sea level rises, which is usually caused by a tidal wave or around 12.00
WIT. This is done to avoid the occurrence of things that are not desirable, because the
speedboat is smaller than the ship so it is very easily shaken by the waves. Then what is a
note for you is to obey the instructions from the captain of the ship if he is instructed to delay
the trip to Waisai port due to bad weather, tidal waves or other problems. Indeed, the route to
Raja Ampat is very complicated. However, the local government promised to develop an
airport in Waisai called Marinda Airport, which will make it easier to access Raja Ampat.

After arriving at the port of Waisai, the journey continues to the city where you can
easily find lodging there. However, before that, you have to go to the local Depbudpar office,
to pay the conservation fee that must be charged for every tourist visiting the Raja Ampat area.
After that, you can find a place to stay.

The tourist destinations of the Raja Ampat islands offer many charms of biodiversity,
which can be said to be quite abundant. Here you can find about 540 species of coral and
1,511 species of fish. 75% of the coral species found worldwide are here, which is about 10
times the number of coral species ever found throughout the Caribbean. You will also find 27
species of rare fish that only exist in Raja Ampat. In addition, there are also 5 species of rare
sea turtles, 13 species of marine mammals, and 57 species of mantis shrimp. So you can
imagine the uniqueness of this tourist destination.

The charm of the beautiful sea view, which you can see both from below and above
the sea will make you hypnotized. For that you should not miss a precious moment when
visiting there. This condition is supported by the endemic soil structure, the wealth of marine
life and the culture and wisdom of the local population. The activities that you can do in Raja
Ampat are as follows:

(1) Exploring the island of Raja Ampat by boat.

(2) Do kayaking.

(3) Dive to see the remains of the shipwreck under the sea.

(4) Enjoy the beauty of the coral islands (karst) around Wayag Island.

(5) Visiting the red Cenderawasih bird typical of West Papua.

(6) Papuan traditional fishing.

(7) Feed the cuscus.

(8) Exploring the bat cave (not the Dark Knight variety bat).

(9) Make their own wooden statues guided by Asmat craftsmen.

(10) Snorkeling.

(11) Trekking to find waterfalls.

(12) Seeing Sea Ghosts

Culinary that you can enjoy in Raja Ampat is seafood or seafood. Usually the diving
organizers have provided it. The cuisine menu in Raja Ampat also varies, ranging from
traditional to international menus which are of course formulated directly by the local
community. One example of a typical food from Raja Ampat is sub yellow fish. Usually Raja
Ampat specialties are provided in many Indonesian restaurants in Waisai City. However, if you
want to give gifts to your family at home in the form of objects. You can buy typical Raja Ampat
souvenirs, including:

(1) Traditional cloth

(2) Woven Crafts

(3) Statues of the Asmat . tribe

(4) Traditional musical instruments

(5) Tambur (traditional drum)

(6) Flute

You can get the above souvenirs at souvenir shops that are widely available in Waisai
City and also other cities in Papua. If you buy souvenirs in the city of Papua, it will lighten your
burden to bring your luggage from Raja Ampat.

2.3 Location Data

❖ Geography, Boundaries, Topography, Geology And Hydrology

1. Geography

Raja Ampat Regency is a regency whose territory consists mostly of a group of islands
located at 2°25' north latitude – 4°25' south latitude and 130° – 132° 55' east longitude. This
district has an area of ± 6,084.5 km². This district consists of approximately 600 large and
small islands, which are included in the large islands including Salawati Island; Batanta Island;
Misool Island and Waigeo Island which are non-volcanic, hilly islands mostly covered by dense
tropical rain forest. While the small islands scattered between the big islands are coral islands
and non-volcanic islands which are overgrown by coconut trees and shrubs.

2. Territorial Boundaries

The following are the boundaries of the Raja Ampat Regency:

North : Pacific Ocean

East : Sorong City & Sorong Regency

South : Seram Sea

West : Seram Sea & Central Halmahera Regency, North Maluku

3. Topography

As an archipelago, Raja Ampat Regency has a relatively small land area and in general the
topography of the area is dominated by hilly areas which are still filled with natural forests.
While the coastal areas have various characteristics such as sloping black sandy beaches,
white sandy sloping beaches with damaged coral reefs to virgin ones, deep beaches and
mangrove forests.

Waigeo Island, Salawati Island, Batanta Island and Misool Island are non-volcanic islands with
hills and most of them are still covered by thick tropical rain forest. On Waigeo Island there is
Mount Nokh with an altitude of 715 meters above sea level. While the small islands scattered
among the four islands are in the form of coral islands and non-volcanic islands, these small
islands are generally overgrown by coconut plants, shrubs and small trees

The land slope of the planning area is land with a slope of 0% to above 40%. Some
areas are mountainous areas with steep slopes such as on Batanta Island, Waigeo Island,
and Salawati Island. This mountainous area can reach 100-300 meters above sea level. Areas
with an altitude below 100 meters above sea level are generally found in the southern part of
Salawati Island. When viewed from the physiography, the northern part of Raja Ampat
Regency, namely Waigeo Island and parts of Batanta Island are dominated by mountains.
While in the central part, especially Salawati Island, the flat area is quite wide. For Misool
Island, although most of the area is mountainous, in the center of the island there is a flat area.

4. Geology And Hydrology

The geological condition of Raja Ampat Regency is dominated by limestone rock

formations formed during the quarter. The soil type is composed of dabas, neogene and
limestone which forms low hills. In general, these limestones are solid and contain sand such
as facet, daram, atkari, zaag, openta, sagewin, and bogal limestones. The main source of
limestone comes from limestone reefs that come from marine animals.

This difference in the position of rock formation causes differences in the sedimentation
process so that various kinds of limestone are formed. Another type of rock in this area is
conglomerate sedimentary rock whose composition consists of weather-resistant balian,
which is a conglomerate of various materials. Yeffman breccia rock with larger grain, angular
fragments which generally consist of shattered rock fragments, in a finer or cemented bed

Sedimentary rock groups in the form of sand are also found in this area with deep
sandstone classifications. Shale sedimentary rock that has clay-like properties. Shale rocks
where the layers show a shale cleavage with more shale classification are also found in this
region. Some of the rock formations found in this area are the Yaben Formation, Klasafet
Formation, Waigeo Formation, Rumai Formation, Yarefl Formation, Demu Formation, and
Fafanlaf Formation. Metamorphic rocks that exist are ligu metamorphic rocks while igneous
rocks are found in Batanta volcanic rocks and Mount Dore rocks.

In general, the water condition of the planning area is still good because the natural
conditions are still natural. Several large rivers are found on Waigeo Island, including the
Bayon River with a length of ± 4 km and the Kamtabai River, and the Kasim River on the
western part of Misool Island. When viewed from the potential for groundwater, most of the
land area in Raja Ampat Regency does not have fresh groundwater except for large islands
such as Waigeo Island, Salawati, and Misool.

❖ Demographics: Population, Religion, Ethnicity, Culture

1. Resident

The population of Raja Ampat district in 2019 was 93,918 people, with details of 50,292
males and 43,626 females. The largest population is in the district capital, namely Waisai city,
as many as 32,499 people, with a density of 125.85 people/km². While the least population is
in the West Salawati sub-district, namely 1,463 people, 764 men and 699 women.

2. Religion

The majority of the residents of Raja Ampat district are Christian. Based on data from
the 2010 Indonesian Population Census, 68.10% of Christians are adherents, of which 67.34%
are Protestants and a small proportion of Catholics are 0.76%. Followers of Islam are also
quite significant amounting to 31.83%, then Hindus 0.06% and 0.01% Buddhists.

3. Ethnic Group

Meanwhile, the ethnic groups in Raja Ampat are quite multi-ethnic. The ethnic or
indigenous tribes of this district include the Laganyan, Matbat, Wawiyai, Kawei, Ambel, Wardo,
and Usba tribes and other tribes scattered in every Raja Ampat islands. In addition, there are
also quite a number of immigrant tribes, especially now the Raja Ampat district is a favorite
tourist area to foreign countries. Migrants such as Javanese, Bugis, Minahasa, Batak, and
indigenous people from various other districts on the island of Papua, began to live in Raja
Ampat a lot.

4. Culture

Raja Ampat Regency has a variety of cultures that characterize this district. One of the
cultures that exist in Raja Ampat is the Wala Tradition. Wala is an oral tradition in the form of
singing that is sung along with dance movements. The Wala tradition is known by the Matbat
Tribe, which is a native tribe from the island of Misool and the Wala tradition is only held on
certain occasions. People in Misool are generally familiar with the Wala Tradition. They call it
'lan batan o' or the song of the land, which tells about the origin of 'Batan Me' or the birth of a
community on the island of Misool and the distribution of life of the Matbat tribal community.

This tradition was almost extinct, because it was not maintained by local residents.
However, on October 08 2019, the Wala tradition was recognized as a national culture and
has been stated in the form of a certificate signed by the Minister of Education and Culture,
Prof. Dr. Effendy Muhadjir, in Jakarta.

2.4 Tours on Offer

Interesting Tourist Destinations in Raja Ampat :

✓ Wayag Islands

The islands, located in West Waigeo, are the main beauty package that Raja Ampat has
to offer. This archipelago consists of a group of small coral islands overgrown with many trees.
When navigating these islands by boat, you will definitely be fascinated by the turquoise color
of the sea water, as well as coral reefs and marine life that can be seen clearly under the

One of the places that you must visit when doing a tour package to the Wayag Islands is
Coral Island. From the top of Karang Island, you can see the exoticism of the Wayag Islands
that previously you could only see through photos on the internet. However, to reach the top
of Karang Island, you must prepare strong stamina and physical strength because the climbing
route to the top has a slope of almost 90 degrees.

✓ Misool Island

Misool Island is one of the four major islands in Raja Ampat. This island is directly adjacent
to the Seram Sea and the open waters that become the traffic lane for large marine animals
such as whales. Therefore, a trip to Misool Island is certainly not to be missed. In the west and
east, lies a row of coral islands. Around him, lay the turquoise colored sea water which is very

✓ Salawati Island

Salawati Island also has a beauty package that is not inferior to Misool Island and Wayag
Islands. The waters around Salawati Island are a witness to the history of World War 2. There
are also many pieces of shipwrecks and plane wrecks, such as the Shinwa Maru Ship and the
P40 Plane. Even though they used to be known to be scary, now these objects actually provide
a package of beautiful scenery. This is because the sunken shipwrecks and planes are home
to various types of fish and coral reefs.

✓ Manta Ray Washing Station in Waigeo

Because of its uniqueness, this one tourist spot never escapes from tour packages to Raja
Ampat. Manta Rays Washing Station is where Manta rays spend hours cleaning themselves.
Uniquely, this Manta Ray does not clean itself, but with the help of small fish who selflessly
carry out their duties to remove parasites or wounds on the Manta Ray's body.

2.5 The Latest Tourism Conditions During The Pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic has shaken all sectors of the economy, especially tourism,
both on a local, regional, national and global scale. Raja Ampat Regency, which makes
tourism a leading sector for its sustainable development, was not spared from this disaster.
Suddenly tourism activities stopped with the imposition of various restrictions on the mobility
of people in Indonesia.

The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy certainly does not remain silent in this
regard. Through the CHSE program, the Kemenprekarf invites all regions that have leading
tourist destinations to implement the protocol, which is expected to revive the sector.

The Raja Ampat Regency Government, through the Raja Ampat Tourism Office,
welcomed this by preparing the New Normal for Raja Ampat Tourism. A campaign that is
motivated by pandemic conditions, which is expected to be able to revive tourist activities that
had fallen asleep during the pandemic. Various preparations and strategies were carried out
so that the local economy supported by the tourism industry could return to work, without
becoming a gap for the virus to spread between tourists, especially to protect the local
community itself.

New Normal Raja Ampat implements an integrated tourism online system, prepares
various protocols and socialization media, and implements a tourist database as a disaster
mitigation effort, especially the spread of COVID-19 in Raja Ampat. These three things are
implemented in an agenda, which culminates in a trial run and the reopening of Raja Ampat

The integrated online system or Raja Ampat Tourism One Stop System is implemented
through three things, namely:

1) Raja Ampat Tourism Online Registration,

2) Raja Ampat Check Point, and

3) Online Booking of Raja Ampat Tourist Destinations.

The preparation of various health protocols, both new rules for traveling to Raja Ampat,
as well as things that must be prepared by each tourist to the managers of public locations
and tourist destinations, are carried out in collaboration with various stakeholders who are
members of the Raja Ampat Tourism Partners. The protocol was later ratified as Raja Ampat
Regent Regulation No. 9 of 2020, which became a reference for various socialization
materials. All of these things can be learned, obtained, and accessed through the website

Tourist data registered when registering online to visit Raja Ampat is the first step in
clustering prospective tourists for various needs related to preventing and controlling the
spread of COVID-19 in Raja Ampat. The data then becomes a database that is processed and
analyzed to evaluate as well as become the basis for further strategies for tourism
management during the pandemic in Raja Ampat.



3.1 Conclusions

Raja Ampat is an archipelago located in West Papua with stunning tourism potential
in terms of marine tourism. Raja Ampat already has an image in the eyes of the Indonesian
people, but the level of domestic tourists visiting Raja Ampat is still very low. This is influenced
by the image of the Papua region in the eyes of outsiders who are still left behind in all aspects.

Meanwhile, the Regional Government itself continues to develop Raja Ampat Regency
from the tourism sector by starting to open new spots for travel, starting to improve supporting
infrastructure facilities from transportation and other public facilities. This proves that the
government has begun to increase the contribution of the tourism sector to the regional and
state economic sectors.

3.2 Suggestions

1. Keeping Clean

The beautiful nature that becomes a tourist attraction that can be enjoyed by us
actually also arises from the beauty and cleanliness of the environment. So, keeping the
environment clean while traveling is something that needs to be done so that the beauty of
natural attractions is maintained. Maintaining cleanliness can be done by at least not littering.
Even better if you want to help clean up the scattered garbage.

2. Protecting the Environment and Tourist Facilities

Protecting the environment is also our collective responsibility. Protecting the

environment is also included in efforts to conserve nature. So, even though we travel, it doesn't
mean that we use everything in the tourist area without caring for and maintaining its function.
Not to mention destroying it. By caring for and maintaining tourist facilities and the natural
tourism environment that we visit, it is a positive contribution as tourists to participate in
preserving nature.



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