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The School Environment


Activity 1.1: Exploring the School Campus



Will it contribute to the
students’ learning and
development? Why or
why not?
A Principal forms the head
of the administrative team This will contribute to the
within a school and is student’s learning and
responsible for overseeing development because there
the daily operations of the must be a place for the
head of the school.
institution. They
Office of the Principal / Because school heads set
coordinate staff as the first model to good
schedules, oversee the character and good
development of curriculum governance. There must be
and enforce school a prime ruler in the school
policies relating to themes so that it will be organized.
like discipline or safety.
As gateways to
knowledge and culture,
libraries play a
fundamental role in
society. The resources Library will serve as an
avenue for learning and
and services they offer
development for the
Library / create opportunities for students. It may also serve
learning, support literacy as the discovery place to
and education, and help those who want to learn.
shape the new ideas and
perspectives that are
central to a creative and
innovative society.
The Student Counseling This may serve as a place
Room was set up to help of realization. It may help
students resolve any the students to develop
Counseling Room /
personal problems that their identities and
may be impeding their behaviour with the help of
studies. guidance counsellor.
Canteen can also contribute
They are prepared in very to the learning and
hygienic surroundings by development of a student
our school cook, and because if the student is
tables to sit on and eat, hungry his/ her brain will not
and ovens to keep the work properly so that it will
food warm. There is also affects the learning of a
Canteen / Cafeteria /
a soda fountain which is student. So it is better to
Very popular among the have a canteen in the
older students. All the school for students to be
students love to sit in the more productive and active.
Full stomach is good to
canteen and discuss the
make new learning be
events of the day. absorbed.
The School Clinic is a Medical clinic must be
Medical Clinic / place within the school provided to the schools
campus wherein primary most especially to those
care is rendered to a sick schools that have a large
patient – First Aid and number of students.
initial nursing Because if the students are
assessments are given healthy, learning will
during emergent situation. become more effective.

The audio-visual room is a This will help the students

to develop or enhance their
place where the students
Audio Visual / Learning talents and skills. And of
/ of all classes experience
Resource Center course to boost their self-
learning in an effective esteem and confidence
way. through public speaking.
Provide opportunities for
students to interact
directly with the material
Science laboratory will help
world (or with data drawn
the students to develop
Science Laboratory / from the material world), their critical thinking and
using the tools, data awareness.
collection techniques,
models, and theories of
This can help not only in the
A room in a building knowledge development but
Gymnasium / meant for sports or also in the development of
athletic activities. talents and skills of a

An auditorium is a room
This can help the students
built to enable an
Auditorium / to develop their speaking
audience to hear and ability and confidence.
watch performances.
Yes because
A type of early childhood Learning outdoors is
Outdoor / education that takes place active and increases
outside students' physical, mental
and social health.
School gardens are a
wonderful way to use the
schoolyard as a
classroom, reconnect The place that the students
students with the natural make feel comfortable
Garden / world and the true source because it ease relaxes the
of their food, and teach mind of students.
them valuable gardening
and agriculture concepts
and skills that integrate
with several subjects
Home economics, or
family and consumer
sciences, is today a
subject concerning human
development, personal
This can help students to
Home Economics and family finance,
/ develop their knowledge in
Room housing and interior terms of a business.
design, food science and
preparation, nutrition and
wellness, textiles and
apparel, and consumer
The industrial room has This can help student by
Industrial Workshop complete materials and providing an actual
Area tools provided for each application of theoretical
students to accomplish ideas.
their task and could help
the students also in
training of a particular
uses of tools
PTA stands for Parent
Teacher Association, a
school-based organization
with a mission to make There must be a place for
the school a better place parents allotted for activities
for children to learn. like P.T.A meetings. That
PTA Office / Parents of students work can help in making more
together with teachers to effective plans in the
volunteer in classes, raise development of students
money for school learning.
supplies, and generally
support the school's

This will help students for

Comfort Room for A room for boys with a
/ proper sanitation and
Boys faucet and toilet personal hygiene.

This will help students for

Comfort Room for A room for girls with a
/ proper sanitation and
Girls faucet toilet personal hygiene.

Others (pls. specify)

Computer room may refer

to: Data center, a facility
used to house computer Yes because Computers
systems Internet cafe, a play a great
public place where people role in helping students
can access Internet learn faster and they also
Computer Rooms / Server room, a room that increase the level of
houses computer servers creativity of students
Telecentre, a public place because of the endless
in developing countries equations they present to
where people can access a student

An Observation Guide for the CLASSROOM VISIT

Read the following statements carefully. Then write your observation

report on the space provided.

1. Describe the community or neighbourhood where the school is found.

2. Describe the school campus. What colors do you see? What is the
condition of the buildings?
3. Pass by the offices. What impression do you have of these offices?
4. Walk through the school halls, the library, the cafeteria. Look around and
find out the others.
Name of the School Observed: ABUCAY NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL


The school is located at the community of Barangay Abucay. The
busy street of this community is filled with tricycle terminals. I can say that
the school is far from distracting noise for it is located at a top of a
mountain. Abucay National High School is surrounded by community’s’
different canteens and resident houses.

The neighborhood is sustainable. The school and the community

officials are collaborative to each other so the development and
improvement of the school is being done. Concerned parents, teachers,
and students are actively involved in making things move up to a new

School campus is almost free from dirt and pollution. Big tress that
surrounds the campus gives fresh air and green color that is good in the
eyes. All the buildings are recently renovated and look safe and well-
maintained and are all in good condition. Overall the campus has a good

As I passed by the offices, each one gave me the impression that I

am very welcome to their school. There is no such feeling of intimidation
that I feel since no one made me feel ignored. I felt comfortable in
observing and asking about the condition of the offices and facilities.

I added one row on the previous page to include another facility

that is located in ANHS which is the computer rooms. All three computer
rooms are air-conditioned. I didn’t get to see well because it was locked at
that time.

1. Look at the walls of the classroom. What are posted on the walls? What
heroes, religious figures, lessons, visual aids, announcements, do you see
There are lots of wall displays posted everywhere like pupil’s
activity chart, subject information and even pupil’s birthdays. They are well
arranged. And there also some inspirational quotes posted on the wall.
2. Examine how the pieces of furniture are arranged. Where is the teacher’s
table located? How are the tables and chairs/desks arranged?
The teacher’s table is properly arranged at the center. The learner’s
desk is properly arranged and the number of chairs is appropriately to
accommodate a right number of students in one classroom. It is painted
with --- and well furnish. But there is armchair which is looks old.
3. What learning materials/equipments are present?
There is a Blackboard where it is wide provided for teacher and for
student’s reliability and value of focus to learning. There are also some
visual aids used by the teacher which is written clearly for the students’
better understanding and learning.
4. Observe the students. How many are occupying one room?
The students are well-behaved and in proper uniforms. The maximum
students that can occupy a room is a total of 50.
5. Is the room well-lit and well-ventilated?
Yes the room is well-lit because of the 3 florescent lights and the
room is also well-ventilated because the room is filled with windows and
surrounded by big tress that gives refreshing air.

An Observation Guide for the CLASSROOM VISIT

Be guided by these tasks as you do your observation. Then accomplish
the matrix to record your data.


There are lots of wall displays posted

everywhere like pupil’s activity chart,
subject information and even pupil’s
Wall Display
birthdays. They are well arranged.
And there also some inspirational
quotes posted on the wall.
The teacher’s table is properly
arranged at the center so that he or
Teacher’s Table
she can see easily all of his or her
The learner’s desk is properly
arranged in a way where students
face the center of the classroom and
the number of chairs is appropriately
Learner’s Desk
to accommodate a right number of
students in one classroom. It is
painted with --- and well furnish. But
there is armchair which is looks old.
It is wide provided for teacher and for
student’s reliability and value of focus
Blackboard to learning and is located in front of
the class at the back of the teacher’s
Learning Material/Visual Aids The learning material/visual aids used
by the teacher which is written clearly
for student’s better understanding and
learning and it is kept in the cabinet
and being displayed at the blackboard
if needed.
Where learning materials/visual aids,
first aid kit and other room materials
Cabinet are being kept. It is painted and well-
furnished. It is located at the faculty
area of the teacher.
Where the students or teachers can
used in times the call of nature. It is
Comfort Room located at the back of the classroom.
It is neat, clean and has enough water
to maintain the cleanliness.
The ceiling is in very good condition
Ceiling where the lights and the ceiling fan
are being fixed.


 How do the school campus and the classroom in particular impact the
learning of the students going to school? What are your conclusions?

 The school campus creates the learner’s environment and the

classroom offers an avenue for learning. They both have the ability to
attract the students to go to school every day because the facilities for
learning are present and are conducive for learning. Both campus and
classroom are directed to the students to develop enthusiasm in their
 How does this relate to your knowledge of child and adolescent
development? How does this relate to your knowledge of facilitating

 A child needs a conducive environment for an effective learning. Their

minds and body are still developing so they need proper care and
nourishment. As teacher, provide them appropriate tools/ materials in
understanding and developing their nature that would help in the
teaching- learning process.


1. Would you like to teach in the school environment you just observed? Why
or Why not?
 I would like to teach to the school that I have observed because the
foundation of education here is good, teachers are kind and
approachable. Students are respectful because as I’ve observed, they
know on how to welcome and approach the visitors.

2. What kind of school campus is conducive for learning?

 The school campus which is conducive for learning is the one with
quite atmosphere, clean buildings, offices and halls must be well-
organized and accommodating, and must have complete facilities.

3. What kind of classroom is conducive to learning?

 Conducive classroom is well- ventilated, has proper lighting, properly
decorated, furniture are properly arranged and must not limit the
students’ activities. The classroom colors must not hurt to the eyes and
has cooling effects.

4. In the future, how can you accomplish your answer to number 3?

 I can accomplish my plans in achieving a conducive classroom by
engaging the parents in the beatification of the classroom. Creativity
and resourcefulness should be exerted in order to make my classroom
conducive to learning. Classroom management should be applied too.

5. Write your additional learning and insights here:

 I realized that every learner needs a learning environment that would
help in processing effectively their knowledge and skills taught by the
teachers. Since we have diverse learners, as teachers, we should
know their individual differences for we can be able to cope up with the
learning styles/ methods suitable for the learners.


Activity 1.2: Observing Bulletin Board Displays

The display board, or what we more commonly refer to as a bulletin board,
is one of the most readily available and versatile learning resources.
To achieve the Intended Learning Outcomes, work your way through
these steps:
1. Examine for bulletin board displays. Include samples of those found at the
entrance, lobby, hallways, and classrooms.
2. Pick one and evaluate the display.
3. Propose enhancements to make the display more effective.

As you look around and examine board displays, use the observation
guide and forms provided for you to document your observations.


Read the following statements carefully before you observe.
1. Go around the school and examine the board displays. How many board
displays do you see?
2. Where is the display boards found? Are they in places where target
viewers can see them?
3. What are the displays about? What key messages do they convey? What
images and colors do you see? How are the pieces of information and
images arranged?
4. What materials were used in making the displays? Are borders used?
5. Do you notice some errors? (misspelled words grammar inconsistencies
and the like)
6. Are the messages clear and easily understood?
7. Think about what got your attention. Why did it get your attention?
8. Take photos of the display boards (if allowed).

Name of School Observed: Abucay National High School
Location of School: Abucay, Pilar, Sorsogon
There is enough number of bulletin boards. There 4 bulletin boards in the
campus. Most of the bulletin board is near at the principal’s office and some is
near at the Guard House beside the Schools Entrance. The Displays are all
about the School’s events, about COVID information Reminders on Health and
Safety Protocols School Announcement, where the School’s Vision and mission
posted etc. and in the form of papers and tarpaulins. It is properly arranged and
presentable even it was not visible from a distant area. They provide bulletin
boards in different where can catch up the student’s attention. I don’t have some
of the bulletin board displays of the school for it is restricted because there is
some information that is only suitable for school members.=
From among the board displays that you saw, pick the one that you got
most interested in. Evaluate it using the evaluation form below.


Topic of the Board Display: Earthquake Safety, earthquake Preparedness
Location of the Bulletin Board: Near the Guard House beside the School’s
Check the column that indicates your rating. Write comments to back up
your ratings. (4 – Outstanding; 3 – Very Satisfactory; 2 – Satisfactory; 1 – Needs
Criteria NI S VS O Comments
(1) (2) (3) (4)

Effective Communication
The context is very clear
It conveys the message
and informative.
quickly and clearly.

Attractiveness The combination of colors

Colors and arrangement can catch the attention and
catch and hold interest interest of the students.

The bulletin board are
Objects are arranged so
arranged properly.
stability is perceived

It shows the relation of
Repeated shapes or colors
shapes and colors use that
or use of borders holds
makes it organized.
display together.
The style and approach The approach should be
entice learners to be improved.
Letters and illustrations can It is big enough and have a
be seen from a good unity of font.
It is free from grammar
It is grammatically correct.
errors, misspelled words,

Durability The bulletin boards are

It is well-constructed, items well-constructed and it is
are securely attached. attached organisable.

Bulletin Board Evaluated by:

Brief Description of the Bulletin Board:

Strengths Weaknesses
Description of the
Bulletin Board layout
Evaluation of
educational content
and other aspects
Recommendations or Suggestions for improvement:

Based on your suggestions, make your own board display lay-out. You
may present your output through any of these:
 A hand-made drawing or layout
 An electronic (computer) drawing/illustration or layout
 A collage
My Board Display Lay-out




1 kilo of patience

3 cups of hard
work CLASS
10 slices of
1 gallon of CLASS
kindness BIRTHDAYS
2 tablespoons of

1 kilo of praying

5 pieces pf energy CLASS

1 cup of focus


1. What do you think was the purpose of the board display? Was it effective?
 The purpose of the board display is to inform every student, teachers
and other members of campus community about the different activities
and news that they may encounter in their school. Through this board
display the dissemination of the information will be move faster.
2. Did the board display design reflect the likes/interests of its target
audience? Why? Why not?
 Yes, for me the display design reflects the interests of the audience
because the students need that information to have an update about
the different activities which planned to happen to their school.
3. Was the language used clear and simple for the target audience to
understand? Why or Why not?
 The language used clear and simple in a way that all of the students
understand the information. They used terms which everybody was
already familiar.
4. Was the board display effective? Why? Why not?
 Yes, because, because of the board display the students are well-
informed of the events/activities, achievements of the school and it
helps them to feed their minds with valuable information about different
kinds of aspect.
5. What suggestions can you give?
 I think there will be no additional suggestions that I can possibly give to
their school. As I observed, they already know how to make a board
display properly and effectively.

Based on your suggestions, propose an enhanced version of the display

board. Use the form below.
My Proposed Board Display


Board Title:
COVID information Reminders on Health and Safety Protocols School


 The general purpose of my bulletin board is to remind and let the

students to follow the proper health and safety protocols of the
school to prevent the COVID-19 spread.

 To present a clear sight on how to prevent COVID-19 spread.
 To boost the students’ interest to follow the proper health and
safety protocols and be updated about COVID-19.
Best features of my proposed bulletin enhancement:
 It is not just simply but also attractive and informative so that more
will be encourage reading and at the same time, following the
proper health and safety protocols of the school to prevent the
COVID-19 spread.
Content Resources (name each needed resource and give each a brief
 Internet – it is a new way of gaining source of knowledge.

Materials for aesthetic enhancement:

 Printed materials
 Coloring materials
1. Name at least 5 skills that a teacher should have to be able to come up
with effective board displays. Elaborate on why each skill is needed.
 Creativity – he/she must be able to produce an interesting board
 Visual skills – he/she know to visualize the good presentation.
 Organizational skills – the teachers know how to organize the content
in order to be more presentable to its appearance.
 Resourcefulness – he/she know to create a board display using the
available materials in effective way.
 Time management – maximize the time making of board display.

2. Which of the skills you named in #1 do you already have? Recall your past
experiences in making board displays. How do you practice these skills?
 Creativity. I’ve been using may creativity in way that I based on how the
students behave or how can open up their interest on such thing through
making it more colorful and bigger in size of font. Maybe through the
content which gives them the idea to join in different activities.

3. Which skills do you still need to develop? What concrete steps will you
take on how you can improve on or acquire these skills?
 Time management. I always befalling in terms of time management
especially if there some instances that I have a lot of things to do. It makes
me start to be confusing where to start.

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