FS 1 Episode 10

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The Instructional Cycle

Activity 10.1:

Applying the Guiding Principles in the Selection and Use of Strategies


Observe one class with the use of the observation sheet for greater focus
then analyze my observations with the help of the guide questions.

1. The more senses that are The teacher utilized a film and a model of
involved, the more and the better the human digestive system to
the learning. demonstrate how digestion works.

If the teacher wants the students to learn

2. Learning is an active process what he or she is teaching, he or she must
actively engage them in learning activities.

Humans are very visual creatures. Nearly

70% of the body's receptors are found in
the eyes, which transmit millions of
3. A non-threatening atmosphere
impulses to the brain's visual processing
enhances learning
centers via the optic nerves. It is easier to
get information visually than through other

Proper lighting, ventilation, order, tidiness,

and room painting are all part of the
physical classroom condition. The
psychological environment is a result of
4. Emotion has the power to
our personality as a teacher, the rapport
increase retention and learning.
and relationship between instructor and
students, and the larger the impact, the
more emotionally invested pupils become
in the class.

When the teacher connects the material to

5. Good teaching goes beyond their everyday concerns, to their daily
recall of information. lives, they see meaning in what they

To improve students' thinking skills,

6. Learning is meaningful when it
teaching should ideally reach the levels of
is connected to students'
application, analysis, synthesis, and
everyday life.

7. An integrated teaching
When students' many intelligences and
approach is far more effective
diverse learning styles are considered, the
than teaching isolated bits of
educational method is integrated.

1. What is the best method of teaching? Is there such a thing?

 The most effective teaching style is one that your students enjoy. In
reaction to his or her students' ability to learn the material being
presented, a great teacher modifies his or her tactics and strategies.
So, if you're a teacher, I recommend that you learn and practice as
many approaches, skills, and strategies as you can. Lessons will fail,
but by studying what your pupils do during your class, you will learn
when to employ which strategy. Most importantly, you'll figure out
which ones you can master and so be most effective at.


Reflect on this question.

How do we select the appropriate strategy for our lessons?

 The most effective teaching technique is one that achieves educational

objectives. This means that instructor tactics should be tailored to the
audience and to each student individually. What works for one group of
people might not work for another.

Activity 10.2:

Determining Outcome-Based Teaching and Learning

1. Did the Teacher state the learning objectives/intended learning outcomes

(ILOs) at the beginning of the class? Did he/she share them with the
class? How?
 Yes, the learning objectives/intended learning outcomes were specified
by the teacher. It was written on the board and distributed to the

2. What teaching-learning activities (TLAs) did he/she use? Did these TLAs
help him/her attain his/her lesson objectives / ILOs? Explain your answer.
 The teacher assigned the students to a group assignment in which
they were to debate the topic matter. The teacher was able to achieve
the desired learning objectives thanks to this exercise.

3. What assessments task/s did teacher employ? Is/Are these aligned to the
lesson objectives/ILOs?
 To assess the students' learning, the teacher administered a self-test
to them. Yes, it was in line with the objectives of the class.


1. What are your thoughts about Outcome-Based Teaching and Learning

 Simply said, OBTL is a student-centered learning and teaching
strategy that has been widely embraced in colleges all over the world.
They should be quantifiable and specify the educational goals. And the
outcomes are that they describe what the students will learn.


Reflect on the use of OBTL

 OBTL begins by explicitly expressing, not what the teacher will teach,
but what the intended learning outcome of that teaching will be in the
form of a declaration of what the learner is expected to be able to
perform and at what level: the Intended Learning Outcome (ILO).
However, when students attend lectures, their primary activity is
receiving rather than doing. Students will be able to disassemble and
reassemble computer hardware components, for example.
Furthermore, outcome-based teaching and learning emphasizes the
explicit statement of learning outcomes, which identify the tasks that
students are expected to be able to execute after completing the
course, as well as to what standard.

Activity 10.3

Applying Effective Questioning Techniques


Observe a class activity. You shall focus on the questions that the
Resources Teacher asks during the classroom discussion. Write the questions
raised and identify the level of questioning.

Types of Questions Examples of Questions that the Resource

Teacher Asked

1. Factual / Convergent
Closed / Low level What is a Memory Card?

2. Divergent / Higher -
How can you say that a Memory Card has
order / Open-ended /
enough storage?

a. evaluation
Do you like the lesson?

b. inference If the Memory Card has 6 GB, how many

applications can maximize that storage?

c. comparison
What is the difference of a Memory Card to Flash
If you have a Memory Card with 6GB storage, is
d. application
it enough storage to install 10-20 applications?

If you have a memory card with 6GB storage,

e. problem solving
how many applications can you install?

Does this new information change your attitude in

3. Affective
any way?


1. Nell postman once said: "Children go to school as question marks and

leave school as periods!" Does this have something to do with the type of
questions that teachers ask and the questioning and reacting techniques
that they employ?
 Teacher questions are instructional cues or stimuli that transmit to
students the material items to be learnt as well as guidelines for what
they should do and how they should accomplish it in the classroom.
The instructor must constantly keep in mind that one important but
critical component of the teaching and learning process is the
knowledge and abilities utilized in asking various types of questions in
the classroom. This remark by Neil Postman has something to do with
the types of inquiries because it highlights effective questioning tactics
that may have an impact on the learners. That by asking the right
questions and responding to the learner's ideas and opinions, we can
promote and enhance their activeness, which will help them perform
better in class and improve their thinking abilities.


Reflect on the importance of using various reacting techniques.

 After careful observation, I discovered that good questioning tactics

help students understand the subject matter better and develop critical
thinking skills. A good questioning approach in which the "Cognitive or
Knowledge component" is used to allow pupils to convey knowledge to
their peers. “Affective part” where it specifically focuses on reacting
techniques is quite important because even just a simple reaction
could leave mark to a student. As a result, we must have suitable
reaction strategies and be always receptive to others. Right and
suitable questions must be a priority, with pupils being held to a higher
standard for responding appropriately. Appropriate asking encourages
pupils to participate in class and cope with the material.

SHOW Your Learning Artifacts

Show proofs of learning that you were able to gain in this Episode by
interviewing at least two teachers on their thoughts on OBTL.

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