Q4 Seatwork 02 Cha-Cha-Cha - TANG

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Q4 Seatwork 02


Search and watch a clip or video of a cha-cha-cha dance performance from

the internet/youtube of your own choice. Send to me the link to your chosen
video. And, answer the following questions:

1. What is/are the style/s of dance used?

The dance style that was used in the video is the Ballroom cha-cha-cha
dance style. When dancing the Cha Cha, two distinct styles are being
performed, International and American Rhythm. The international style is
mostly used in competitive dancing and is more advanced. In the video,
the international style was used because it was at the 2014 Washington
Open DanceSport Competition.

2. Identify and list down the dance movements used in the performance.
In this Cha Cha Cha performance, the performers focused on their
footwork and synchronicity. In general, the footwork technique in this
performance is to place the ball of the foot first, then lower the weight
onto it, whilst squeezing down the heel. Their feet were placed at a
comfortable distance from the base (i.e. below the hips), not too close
as a full movement cannot be developed but not too far as though this
can look impressive, the recovery from a wide step can take too long
and therefore leave a person chasing the music. As I’ve watched, they
also executed the basic steps of cha cha cha such as the side step and
forward step. They also used the chasses, which can be danced
sideways (side-together-side), or as a "Compact Chasse" in place by
shifting weight from foot to foot with feet together

3. Describe the emotions brought about by the dance. Describe how you
feel while watching the whole dance performance.

The whole dance performance was impeccable and uplifting. I feel like
everyone who would watch this performance would be entertained and
uplifted since the performers were so lively and full of energy. They
moved so fast but smoothly. They are so in tune with each other yet they
play with their audience and bring so much energy to the floor. The
performance was full of elegance and you can feel the rhythm even
though they are the ones performing. After the performance, I felt
satisfied since they put up a great and flawless performance. I was also
relieved that these performers were experts already since they know all
the movements in cha-cha-cha.

Performance Link:


Riccardo Cocchi & Yulia Zagoruychenko at 2014 Washington Open DanceSport


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