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I FLUID PROPERTIES a canine F Ss per Fluid Statics i Mass Density ne (engis) | INTRODUCTION Fluid Mechanics Fluid Dynamics ‘p= Mass mass. m. kg. 9. slu ugs ¥ Volume VY m> om ft “Fluid Statics / Hyd rostatios 4 fi - branch of fluid a mechanics thai ee Studies fluid ‘pent OOOKG 1.94 siya spite. the at ia ania ai ‘ conditions er wit ul I we OP Test in stable. equiltbrium Pea wet th cians lume “Weight Seisity Freaks ea bun mic rr hysics fu disc line of fluid .W. mg. 5 stb me tnics Pap gies en Ot fyi ey A ae a es Ken atu ane : dnd gases) In Metrics g= 9.81 3 Ye 9-9) AN, files Alig il English’ 9° 92.2.8 Ye G24 Mp, | ae -eqninugys SPEC Yolume- volume, per unit -definite deformation deformation et Vs: dee Gas tiquid Pp Kg omréssible | lomnonametab p.gpecific Grayity- ratio of Specific (raat weight Of liquid in question to that ) Svantable ‘Senna - | Volume ——_Volume Of WAIEE je'iSei imporion) property SAVAGE Se Er ta * Conservation Of. Mass Yano Paso - ton be colied RELATIVE DENSITY - indication which liquid 1s heavier (ratio) $ >on > Sxl < In pemagni Burk “IN Crem When th by an ir de of ree fe Odulus of Elasticil ental change in rauine € pressure is changed Ncremental amount Ep: Stress ~Ar — Strain y= F. Viscosity (4: mu) ive Of fluid which deter- byes. its resistance to sheqring axa qd 12,365-54622N m oie ne - (1-260504202) 2) A rigid container is partly Filled with q liquid at 1520 kPa The volume of the need i 230 liters ‘A} pressure oF 3039 kPa, the volume of the liquid i6 1.93) liters a) oe the average bulk modulus of ela iqut 6) Compute the Coefficient of COMpressibili c) If ihe liquid has @ density Of 1593 kg/ Speed of Bound an the medium 9 ~AP --P) (3039-1520) 0) For SUSESS a yn sara ul Viewrmoay, 1232) raeeiee : F-34057 1107 a K ticity of the Ys, me, what is the [971408 kPa & tes °) TE a =T AO a OE z ots. 10107 | 1593 4 meme 3) A gas having a volume of 40 liters has a pressure of, 0.24 MPa at 24°C. If the gaS Constant R 1s equal to 212 we Compule a) Density of gas Mos WN b) Mass oF the gas ay c) Weight of the gas k Pas KN imy* M95 R= N 0) Pains B= O24NE (Abarl” Rr ert Lt ony K FT rage crnrane vinoig25 19 air = Pair air) = Fs | = b b) Mar-Por Volar) = (3701925 4g) (40 y hae ) [0.15247 1] c) Wars =mg= (0-152468077 | = [1495 71) ) Wa gs (0152468077 Kg) ( 4-91 m) *) The radiug of the jube is 1mm. The Surface tension of water a} 20°G iS equal 10 0.0726 N/m. For a water -glass Interface, 6-0 a) COmpule the Capillary rise in the tube in mm. b) Compute the total force due to Surface tension F c) Compute the weight of water -Gbove the Surface ue 1o SUTFaCE Fensfor. ys a)h= 2o'cos9 - 2(0:0728¥)( cos) fp cat5199.146 n pgr (9°) (981 Flom TA) b) Fea = 7 | of . F: ido cose: 7 2m gt OO 128 Me) G08 B) [4574158904 x10-" N] c) since FeW , We 4574158904 x10-4N BW (481m) Ss alt * (1000 ig) (9. 001m sh) Care) =| 4.574158903 x10°7 N Z z iven ies gas remains ¢ nsiant, ne Mosoloie emi OF gas 1S awersely | with the volume of the aa qas port Ving to this law, the pressure ed by a gas held at a constant mperature vari ts inversely with me of the gas Oa f th ghee ture ofa sina We doubled, the p re \ved. The reason for th is tha} @ gas 15 Made uF loosely Spaced Molecules Moving a+ random. If 0 gas is compressed ntainer, these Molecules ushed together, thus, the gas e occupies less volume. The molecules, having less § 1G€1n which +0 Move, hit walls of the Contoiner frequently and thus exert pressure moré an increased Hence Mathematically: wane G is proportionalif constant Oe } That is P= Pc = Initial Absolute Pressure vie Initial Volume Paz Pes Final AbSolute Pressure Vo: Vez Final Volume ‘ + Pavs= Paimt Pgage sa a diameter OF OT aa SAMPLE PROBLEM idce ‘YA 3m high ; ie cylindrical tank havin closed na ts andan open bottom end The tank is Tim water (Sw=[03) with open end down until the top is Submergee AY yt below the water surface-In the Submerged position, determine Of the water inside the ¢ank wT te) Pivi= PV P=10132 kPa “Pa 10L92KPa + Py . | : % *Pye atm + Yw (113) - 24H) bi | 7 |[ae Yee ah 0 + (403)(981 SAIC OA eds >P (1.5mm) = (10 04314) ‘ f var 1 213m - 5301 9 Var D1 5mm) = 5.30/427603M 4 } ce = 5-501437603M PVs PeVa (101-32)(5.301437603)> (40-1472-10.1043H +101.32) (5-3 014 37603 - 1767145809) 73661198) m| hie 2) A vertical iube 3m long, iis upper end closed and lower end in | has its lower end submerged in a tank Of water 10 such q depth tha Jometcury gage connected with the upper end of the tube reads 150mm: Neglecting vapor pressure. how far iS the lower end of the {ube below the Water surface inthe tank? if H ¢ A ae bomn ¢/P 4 Yng(0.15m)= Pe | PaO 4 (13 6)(48) Anh (0-15) = 20-0124 ha ee ts «Pes 20.0124 KPa (be Vair =O) © PVF Pe Ve 1 (10) s2KFa)( f° 3). (ol 32 KPa + 20-0124 hPa) WAL (fh) Volume enitring here is hiz 2505184106 m negligible, same as With S70. 012 E 2) * the piezometer column 20 beak (38 a) (ha) =O hy= 2.04 m h 3-h,tha = 3-2.505184106 + 2.04 2615 844 me F the pistons are not in the Sd elevation as jhe figure below. The principle of manometry is applied F | F Saal ees ee eeah - | Pe tat St if the weig hig of th IStOn, are ol tg onside athe : follow ving equation holds if the weil 6 oF the big agerand smaller pis fons which are respectively are Not considered, tecomestth therefore Be oe SAMPLE PROBLEMS )in the given iu calculate the magnitude of t he force Fr ha is ne uired to keep the SySi@m in aay rium Consider the weights OF the big ger Ond smaller pistons 10 be ZOKN Ond IOKN respectivel Consider the intervening Passages filed) nih oil of Speciti 080. 60 KN fe aninge 1 le E S i =f pons Ds 50cm # —100cm- — 50¢ih- i 4 A (Pend | @ * ae © Cop tinuous. Summation (LR) vo =a ena - OF (9.81 KN) Hoe Outro {GOAN ZN 4 100em—}— Sem = IgoKN 20 15 m)* m2 Foam er Fe. 155KNYy © Tr vinl a‘ ese ity |) © RAINES rsh aire ez! 2 [Fae 2.252KN| 2) Calculate the total weight Octing on ihe piston if the g20e reads 250 kPa | eT a gage d15m | PISTON | A | | ‘i ca | CoOul, Sout 5 Continuous Summation of Pressure (L =k) Pat Hh i 116)

350 ki Hse (15)(481 FH) (5m)= 250 Ky W= 571804224) kN 3A hydraulic press contains confined liquid with a specific gravity of 0-G5. if a force of 190 Kg 1S applied on q circular lid (A) wih d diameter of 90cm, what maximum load ai B maybe placed on a L.2m by GM rectangular platform lid | oy, FORGE=190 kg \ | © 777 1x6 0m | ae ee cea — 2 @ ill qoms ia ‘ | 1 ms | (LIQUID) Continuous Summation OF Pressure (LR) “Yh P onda) Psi gh ~ 065.9810.) (05m) —E —— P (2G) m* 7 (04 m)* -1960.367223 N xalong— paratel asong ea SD..aiee fobouy ~ PP te z abou axis \ 7 i = \ ¥ \ WA f > qa-dxd Fy acts on CP a Ze \ dey Ceenter of pressure) VA os / «OP is always Ry, & elow CGC eenitr OF ye belen Coe orem Az sin ‘ Are ofArea p Si as i Ri i asinly af obj 40 resisp < cimerig) es a a wend) Fre th Fa (Yte)<¥sine T an inertia Transier the is of i range the avis 2 talain to GG 101) (59) (ry?) be > KN rtm Tee sag 1) (yA +y Ae: oT Toe =) 1 Neematen 5 Dye bib 2s)" é at Az OR? A. Nee Tax= 0.118 J a Tay 0 Tx FR 2 L at SAMPLE PROBLEMS lace by a sh ") A rectangular gate of dimension 1m by 4m is held in p 5 block at B this black eXeris a en ten oe ok 40 hil and, a veriiod force of 0 KN-The gate IS pin-connected at A,and the weight of the gate iS 2kN. Find the depth h of the water: Me one DMninge =O Fu (0.548) ~ W(b) = 40(4) =O Fu(o-54@)-2.00560(+) -40sine0-0 —@ pz [sind = UY singo? € a a LRN 2 Tbh (= SimeD)C0)(4) 12 2 * fye yha= (P81 4M)( b-$) Um) Ain) = (491)(h- Sine’ ) (44) ve : sinto)| os an eee I 60560 -405iN60"O (9.24h~ 16.99141892) (h- Sin 60) (014) - r 2 k WEN os , g.2086rsI3y, )- 0-5-34-64IbIGI5- 4h— 1132050808 0198 m 2)A Container is formed py joining iwo plates, each Aft long unl dimension of Gft in the direChion norrnal to the paper. The plates are joine by G pin connection a} A and held together a} ihe top by jwo steel ro ih tone on each end). The container: is filled with concrele (Sg= 2-4) 10 9 dep’ of 1-5 ft. Find the tensile load 1 each steel rod Concrete ss? we ee Rod (2 places) A i) lds Lote | 120° Lies } rN aK Reminder: Only the sub- merged part of the object 1s considered in the tompuiaiion of Fa ¥LEFT Side apne) Sp 20 ——— + -Fu( $e) £21(b)-0 —O B = yhA= (2 Lote a X or =ai'b #Fy= yhAs (24)(62 ‘iby ( EE )hante) rst Geet 2 = 202).76 Ibs Kae xe= Tsing . 600) 5a 30" RA 2 = 05ff (075) (a) (é) Fu ¢ © -202-16(3- 0.5) 421 (2)°0 As Shown, round viewing window of diameter D=0.8m is Situated 1 large tank of Seawater ($=1-03).The top of the window 1S 12m pelow the water surface, and the window is angled a+ GO° with respect to the. horizontal. Find the Fa acting on the window and locate the corresponding CP vi Window Sea Waier singo* & 04 - z 2 fa YAS (1 09(4 81M )G 210)(F -0.8 ) : (reagan 0 94G410) 15am) (0 50265 18246 m7*) = [7 9S4ITETIS KN | q 471 { sineo® ee rane , [4 2"]| ] -|0.022401m| (2+ O48in Co)(E 08] ° 4) Roe Assume the wet concrete (72150 1b/f13) behaves as a liquid. Determine the forms ior per Unit foot of length exeritd on the forms. If 21@ held Im place Qs shown. with ties belween vertical praces spaced every 2 Ft, what force is exerted on the bottom tie? a i ae Brace itt Form - att Botiom Te -Dererming the force pe = thA=(I unit foot of length exeted a (HOB) e SENNA) h onthe forms ra1oUTARy AEA = COTS Ib/) a a] TT Fas (I901b) (4.5.51) (9 01) (201 7 | > 12,150 Ib f kk / Q)9) singd =[Tsing. = EEL (aa ea RA 5)(922) Zi Mrep = 6 ofl Fa (644.5) ~ Toos(9)"0 <—fa | Toon = 8100 Ib) —— lt — Tho SIDE 5) A rectangular gate is hinged a} the water Shown.The gale 'S Aft high and 10 f} wide cys SF? Fhe = J(TIP3GON 139 10.915)* eS ={4279.395 946 KN Ni | \ — b) a aa ) ge tan/Fr\= ton'/ mubd!9017), 39.314 99711°| (7) : ( 3310 7) —_____/ sin 6 hop 0 See [hep 19-06729954 m te 3)A hemispherical Cap AG is located on the side of the tank which is under a pressure of 8 4Pa. Calculate the total hydrostatic force acting on the oap AG ahd specify its line of action Curve ABs component | Curve BC= component 2 tid) —_y pemeaoe. Bt 2 it 8 4 LOS he to C Gand He4 9999 SG=070 Vertical Component’ acyinder ae Furs W= WVabove 1 1655 t br r/\# "+ conca Bi) (E2" arncs) L / IM | Peo ie 3m ate I Ful $92"). 197 o5389KtY G sphere ce sb- 150 (Aalternaley Fy. Wt Fa = 122.17 65383KN ¥ yorizonta| Component: \ Solution /-Fqspy (a)* 8(fL2)")= 16t Fhe VHA eyybate a ayt Ma) = (agi)(Me¥aaaay 112- 4(2) (200N) Waoere co7nca-ad)[ Pa) \ [ 37 re STN se 7a 4002 (eee = 204.4019757 KN> csnoam hf hse 7 Foz PA Pi forgee ee: (any har eg || Speeeae = (15) (uty 14) TS, selonamnersesnaen 4 4 q [Soca = (151(8 an( EP fostaciavanr4 ee Sy f4 (23H )], 302.9818 843 WNT P - 4.09147993 St eee Ee Alternaie ) 4 (Solution 1 Fie WVprjs $Y Vproja +Fq = 90298147 B7kMt a CY Vprojas 50981) (LCP) 125.2760857 Brey, 228 Oot i a ea (on)(980 (24%) 19 sr Fhe 462. 5873586 KN : FarPalia) 3( 12"). (gg ae Fv = 1Q0-B04996KNt ~ Fhe AFmtp? =| 196-6663774 KN Orton’ f4)- (21-34833083" Fil Ar T(2)". 6.283! 5307 4) The Im diameter oylinder in figure below is 6m Jong into, ihe paper and resis in glare equilibrium against q fri ighess wall at point B. Gompule thé Specific gravity of the Cylinder. up YS ino »)(6)| ~ (19.81) [(0)10.5%8)] - (e015 5) - Most I(ey}-o 5) Curved wall ABG in fi gure is a quarter atrol, abt we nto the paper.Gomp ite the ny rostatic chorizontal” and venica) on the wall and 1H fine Sor the action of resultant force. 4 Fhe TRA 2.4) (CSB sonia] [O40 os] @= tan" (f) - [15-9286490!" ‘Fh / Fvs Uplift= YWe= (62 | 1a. 45151] -[4006. 290214 4 covtsn]ca) {2006.t0 2 LIQUID is at REST "EQUILIBRIUM" 1 YA stress A aim ee PestunfOrce. . i free oe i : , | wi surface Area The liquid at rest cannor sw 7=Ymle —__| SaP= F = resist’ shearing stress rel Pa mt 2)The total force is always normal w A Yo the plane where i! Qo#S:2v oH | =p (gk hye (perpendicular, Meee . 2 3) Pressire exisis OF every point. mais Pp 4 h-~depin? Pa pec. enc Pek) 7h ; 4) At any point in aliquid at rest, Aerei}olay . ‘ the pressure {$ equal in ail *ABSOLUTEGPRESSURE rn directions. (Pascal's Law) rero(perfect vacuum |v POV. SL KPa on o 5) The pressure of all paints lyin Pabs = Pam + P gage on a plane parallel to the liqui . e : Surface Is equa aD at G) The Pressure varies linear! with depth a Parm= Pass AbSO| aym= f gage - Paims latm=4 bar=101.8251aPa = 160 mr ge 3 ©, F488 gps p 101 324M, 000M. 991 Poh - our body has is ‘own way of cancelling Pr ich -7Rishiy = well h ch ERR paper (welll sid elie Hy et only one acting on i4- + PeVr Wye 13. 7 h = (13.6)(9. 91M) (0.Tb em) = 10) 39 kPa . NOTE & nt “PRESSURE ACTING P EqPENDIOULA i P uint i iN ® (no given'Par0) QNE TYPE OF LIQUID: y MULTIPLE TYPES OF LIQUID: 2 ENON lighter may.P ( 1P= { depth) i stant Pov Feauay 2 Points Of PRESSURE -Scalar quantity - comes in every direction @ EY TOWOTOS surface (=) away from the Surface Later, os ste | 910mm ade SAMPLE PROBLEM ) The reading of an automobile fuel gage iS proportional to the gage pressure at the boltom of the tank. the tank is 32cm deep and is Contaminated with 3cm of water a) If the tank is full of gasoline, should be the reading atthe gauge in Pa? § mbar USE Yyascine = 6670 N/m and Yoir = 118 N/m® WH | Pot = Yeasoiine hy pean Sea a gene a 4 = 2134.4 Pa Pmax- Poot =|2134-4 Pal eh b) How many centimeters of air remains at the top when the gage Indicaies full’ since 6610 < 9810 CTY (water Ys Gop), (bortom) iesnas | Poors Yair (X) + Yousrine (0-32-X-005}4Iy,0 (0.03) | 2134.4 = (11-8) (x) +66 20)( 0-29-x) + (9810)( 0.03) eg ee 1194.4= 18x 41934.3- 6670x + 294.3 Vigpeg [ys 001415 m: 1.4150 | Yi ir aa watered X-0.01412m=1.4120m | ta PIEZOMETER cotagald F 1 + J: h, +) x zoomman neaiea danks i PEA PEB ~ measure oOres SSUTES Uh Surfac ea ¥6¥2 61s hy he [oF Par Pa: Pa 4. ny rr sta hy "abs. hit Wha Phe Fim SAME ELEY. - St ae AR 4 . hy as il WET a ee A usually 15:0 tube bent ina form f U ona oa of known: Specific gravity The duiferene Spar! | in cage ane que aud Setaes SSRs | - in! 1 ren 1 7 “et ne Me a eo ends. bl Sicaly there ore two | 5 of MAnometers end that is vt aimos: ere pres ble of medgur ing the @ pressure ing vessel ae § DIFFERENTIAL on = My i eh end to a different apable of. measuring the at Terence iN pressure’ berween two vessels 2) GONTINUOUS SUMMATION OF PRESSURE Pt=o© Pl? @ P= Whi Deda + Yea t Ugh, - le ne ~ ah Yosh Yah + eh ?, tf Pe-Wihi=Yghs ths 4 = if Right en end iS open, then = “lf bath ends are Opeh, then Be reo SAMPLE PROBLEMS ) Calculate the difference in pressure between points A and Bin in KPa th by Ay bed Yna he, YeY=Pa hi-40cm) | OilsS=0. 68 waves HCCC ig a, Mra AON SO-cberee tye zs t Po-Pa 1400868 kPo am + | haz lOchi ta b) Meters of Water - Converting KPa to h of water ar Po-Pr= 14.0086 8kPa yuh eee Awe 14.00 868 KPa” 1.429 m 9-8) wt m?* P= 1.428 mthO 2h Fom-diq U-tube contains mercury (Sug: 3:6) a5 shown. If 10 cm of waler 1S poured into the right hind ere nat would be the free Surface heights afier if has died down’ | | = ee F object The Resultant Force break In}o two volumes Fr $ Fie (yhv Freya)? Fay, Fe bEythhllA «sy, and ye~centroid ' b (he SAMPLE PROBLEMS 1) A rectangular gate is hinged at the water shown. The ate 1S 4 high and 10 ty wide -The ijn weight of wate iS 62.4 Ibr /ftS. Find the necessary, fo: oe, (in applié the bottom of the gate to Keep it closed. irae eb Fu= Vol pp Ale = 1 (62.4)(4)( 4) (10) a L150 2 / = 4992 1b Fa 7 eae LV | : EMy=0 oe u 2 ; [5m on each edge, hgs jis base horizontal and bic ed with water.The remainder, of the box 1s tilled with air under q gage pressure of 0.84 Fey -One of the vertical sides is hinged ‘at the top Gnd IS fre6 to Swi g, inward: To what depth can the top OF this box bé Submergedinan frresh water without allowing any water to enter: open body 0 Pa =(0.84 ka \/ 9.9) pr) , AN \ cael 2) * ow’ _ws. t Fa, Pa(l-5) (1-5) b = 165.409 AN ea Pa Fine 4 ql)tu 75) \ (os) ) 139.05675- 51732 | led “H.DBIIN sie ssfaisht 1eS547E "0 Sy Fits: (901) (15) —_———— Abe = 22.075h [he 7-7125m \ Lh LAS Fuge J (9. 81)¢1-5) (1S) (5) Orvhay(1.5) 2 4 = 16-55-4375 AN The Same principle 3S Used to COmpule hydrostatic forces on Surfaces can be appli Net pressure FOreERe came Pletely Submerged or floati may The reeue are the ne laws of buoyancy discovered by Archimedes inthe 3™4cen- tury B.C. 1) A body immersed in a fluid experiences a veri!cal. buoyant force rae weight Of the fluid it displaces. _ 2) A floating hod ifs OWN, ee t 1h which it floats. Q YU displaces é fluid in « BF= Wt visplaced = %.(Vpisplaced) « Vaisplaced * Vsubmerged These two laws are easily derivea by referring 10 Fig. 246 In Fig. 2160 ,the body lies betwee an upper ourved surfaceland a lower curved Surface2.From Eq; (2.45) for vertical force, the body experiences a net upward force- Fe= Fy(2) -Fy(l) = (fluid weight above 2) - (fluid weight above 1) =weight of the fluid equi¥ alent to body volume DF ve UF -Worject > y(WitVe) -yV) * Vo = BF (a) Fig 21G Two different approaches 10 the buoyant force on an arbitrary immersed bod (a) forces on Upper and curved surfaces jenel > Also the buoyant force is equal to the diferente between Re Weight of the Object ih air and the weight of object in liquid, The Weight of the object in the liquid iS Sometimes Called apparent weight E We G That iS, BF Wo- Wa | | v S ce 5 Ziv: BF-Ws0 BFW nlvsunl=% Ve Ysub < Ve “i> 1" | DFv= Wo-BF=ma BF< We yy (Vsub)< YeVe Ste zv=0:BF-We Ye (VSUb)® Yo Vo = A {sen cewce-socn ate} (4:81) (4-0-06)= (1H) — © (eB 3Fv-0= BF-We bly “ye(Vsubl=YoVe : 4 + Af cence puytan (HO. )y= ()ECAHD Ff e E (15-ca@\H-o1)* )(H) — © tv a equate (1) and (2) fr (4.61) (H-0-06) ~ (15-696) (H-O10=0 7 He 0. 166666606! y? G-178400002 gor Ye, 6279400002 - [0-¢4000000002| tw 98! -___— We 2000N . = (0.60 m )>= 0.216 ee Vou Yes We 9259. 259259. a5 v. . (Liquid 1) First. wee He Tanga) 7.290 ee since (s+ 1848 AN) < ie = 9250 01) ee | sinking condition. uy : we | S-08 (Liquid 2) | (19-81) ? (7 4-259), Float second | Vegby DFy<0 scenario eee if Bf tBh Wer 0 ae & : 7,¥sub, + Y2Vsub2 ~2000 =0 130m Nate (0-8)(9610N “loom tx) eos Ger)? t (0-6-x)-2000-0 ae YHA nganbeh + 118.46 - 3531-6x -2000°0 ao Matte ZO) 106-34x= 118.96 iim 4 | 54 te eo X= 01684 17 476 m) Deck He Ngan) (1)(9.8)) (2 04%). 16-24331228 KPa an Fra ie (0:6-x)(0.6) = ee a Figz 4-20147927KN es Firs Fin Fra = [4944903059 rr is to be used as @ buoy in fresh water. What would be the sizé of the concrete cube if the tank would be submerged ne 8) A closed empty steel ih fonk 2m in diameier.3m high the water 2 The Steel tank weighS 500 Kg- Use Scone. 2 | We 4) A concrete cube 10-0 inch on each te be held in equilibrium under water b reac) ide li ght weight foam buoy fo it. (In theory, the attached foam buoy AAS cube when placed unde water, will neither rise nor Sink) If the Specific weight of concrete and foam are 150.0 1b and 5- 01 respectively, what minimum volume of foam is 18 required. Fy=0 | Bit Bh-We- We=0 | | Ph Y, Vsubs 1 Ye Veubs~ Ye (Vania) Yeane (Veune) 0 [Soe 62.4(Vmin) + 624 (10 in 18 \2 5 Jb (Vinin) ye : 2a FR 5) The homogeneous I2-cm in Fil 2K cube in Fig- is balanced by a 2kg mass on he beam scale when the clibe 1 himersed 17 20° Whal is the specific gravity of the cube? air N equilibrium condition — AT tidith the Support : BFy=0 BFET-Wo:0 (BION )( 012m)? (2h) (9 am) w = : “Wo “0 >| 4 We= 36.5768 N r Yor Wo = S6.57/GRN Vs (0.12m)3 = 21,164.16667.N m3 1164-16667» Yw ~ 9810 L 2.197407) @N- (IBION )(0-12m)?= ( m3 a= 5.262875536 m 3 200 N- BE = ION. BF ION Z IBF: b . fone Os8) (96/0) (Vou) : 0001354157322 m3 Vsub ~Ve ose ae DOGNs TATION 0.00135 9157322 m? m> } fu. noe Tw 9810 Merctaniotscneg Tew sHi8 FOB AOCG A swindle suc naBF 66 of emer Floating conditio With Support: His" is under Equilibrium condition” ‘ia "| een MiyisQasea Maine (my din eos) -Wotasox6h- far Wot 0- ISTIPOISIN Bi From © |T 0-09944835066 Kn 0.1577934025KN. , 6.7795999%9 at 10 ee ree 6978399999 {o.0590999999\ Wo. 9.8 e 1s NO vertical length 9 LS Up to the edge of A250 —-2" 6086 the submerged wood coso= x c0s8 * 25 rin 8) A4-in diameter cylinder of height 3.15 in. weighing 0.65 1b 1S Immersed in liquid (y= 52 1b/PA’ contained in a all, Upright Metal oylinder having a diameter of 5 inches. Before immersion, Nig uid Was 3 inches deep. At what level will the solid cylinder float? 5 in pu : atte re ain I f 2M a [se (1) (4 a ne Z) (in Lay i bo ee ig) ( dix ay | -—0 LIQUID S ODY» MASS.IN RIGID BODY. ~the fluid will move asa rigid MQSS With each particle having the same ‘acceleration SI aie S2P: 7 = 3 “ACCELERATION DOWN WARD | be oS z “era fnerma<—— ~ _| a s 7 Fg F BOUNDARY Liquid Surface becomes inclined : c_——<, tan.6= Fret W tang= max mg +taw OF Conservation of Mass «m= consiant) 1an6* Ox 9 tane- oe k b b/ 7 eat = a x w™ Yy $y BOUNDARY Rise- Drop. va tond= ax J ton 4 7" ip oD b/2 " Gc q bn Fnac (he) ; sane mins ‘y (h- ae : : nise# Drop ALTERNATE SOLN: © pee | tones Ox Ge 4 a 9 b yrbr rise jon? R Ys# 0 tt 4 Vs= Vis ~ Ve vi Ta Vse¥ar-Ya; h i 2 d Vs<{(4)cony(w)] - [coo (H-htw)] 4 vt : jasoer a) 1G eee [eciin: eh Pigieer. | yt ts rea Fe vt Ser ay | oe tan 8 Fnot dy. o r 7 | | ' \ Ke “tan 9? dy ep “4 de Ns Jara | Wemg mG 9 tans (WA) |g. 2x? | ae gx y va fane= w°x | 9 *Ratio and Proportion #Shape of the Curve: Parabola x ® 4Eq'n of Parabola ¥ Eqn of Rotational $40 (y-4)= (eh)? Acceleration ae h:0 and K=O ye wre Hee | tour o Yar Igs At. Kal: Xg= fs go | we NOTE: x 2flrod , Lorn _ 1 Cd “angular speed ais) 1o 1 wd T 1 Rise = Drop EO X=? y7? 1¢@ i Xor ya R1D Rip =2k: WE 29 Vs=0 Prax y(h #R) Pminz¥(h-0) C2 sg (rad/s) rise #Orop VS #0 es yr wie Ot i \ /R | fing the value of x and y w/ respect A fo Vertex / i \H if @: x2? ye? ys*a¢- Vay eh Py) tf @: xen Yar? V5e 4 Tr (ys)- \ Ree if Z Yor Wt? ir? (H-h) ver a ey ca oat (rad/s) Rise x Drop Vs4 0 ye wee 2g *Find value of x and y w/respedt to vertex iO: ker we tye yr Heyes watt? _@ Vs= VBiggerfarabola ~ Vsmater parabola - Va, Vs Sie (y)- 19 VY) rH) —@ » Ratio and Proportion / 2 4 Veryex * - 7 roe Hey ye a ¥Equate 1,2.43° Yee Yas Kos L GLOSED VESSEL Rise = Drop Vs: 0 aoe wt? ii | Vy cf lh “find the valuesciig andy w/ respect | hl (FO: Sxsea ine | 1f® Xarm Yar Red | | ‘coe te Pmaxz74ht R) “1 Prins 7(h- D) Pmax- 1(Hty') Pmin? Y(H-y) UF: yy!) > angular ed S| (radis) Rise # Drop V=0 Ys w2X? 29 “Find the value of x and y w/respedt to Vertex IFO Xe? gis? otk eae Uae + Var = Yai a La G0)" yas fir (Heh) —@ equate © and@ aye ye +To find ye use RG P ae Uy ae + Var2Vai 4.0)" (H)- Aesth cp )= angular oe as xtquaie@ and® , X2= | ql we , 1 ' © un A Rise # Drop V0 | ty i in t Le ye a 1 i AT sFind the value of kand y wirespect et | to Vertex nN | nl if Os Xi? yr HAZ 7 | P 1f@: Xe"? Yaz | ha Ht2* oa 0 e 0.6 if ©} Kin? Yrs 9 | ; u 2x2 x= 0.28695789921 wag ye 065971088 m : 4 To find oe ae use mae gy vi gage o x Pressure 44 Side and bottom y= 0:0609642909m Pmaxs Psides ¥ (Hau) +Pa ~ (0 31)C0.94 yA, *(14-41705469 kal Pmin= Poors YCH-y#Pa | + (9.81) (0.9-Y') 415, | -[nsass0e7 Fa qn? w? (0.2) — @) = UX oe : 269.8!) gir yt 03 = © x» 3 equations with 3 unknowns + Original height we 7.00357 0518 rad yat X= Yi-X : OL tx = 0.4-X ae ax- 03 Yor 0.) m 120015 he YirX = 0.4-0.19 verieX a} ihe bottom is rotated When ai rest, the contd: full. How Many Wier \ wx? 29 -Find the value of x and y w/ respect 10 vertex xParabola of Water 1fQ! xe? yr? uF Ge Xie =) 29 vs#0 ye - Volume of vessel In a form of parabola | Vvessel= 1 TCxi)*Cya) 0-254 (xd? (Yui 0.954 -@ tol pol liters of water will remain in roiated at the above mentioned speed? 4) An open i ing i essel in the form of ara boloid havin HS, Aon 1) Speed. of 85 © mA this p y the water surface Speed, the veriex of the pargboloid formed b F the containing vessel Was found to be 1m above the veriex 0 ains 254 liters Of wa fer when the vessel when Vat rest < 254 I. V remains ? y= 85 rev x 2trad y J min min | rev GOS 194 ra fe q xtquaie OF © Xv= 0-111498/876 Yiz 0-4502605 444 yar 14502605444 Vs= Vap~Vai V2 Vwe- O Vs La (Ny) = 0.00879264 1884 Vaz 0-254 - Vs [Vee 0.245 20735 81 tn? INTRO: NEWTON'S Hydraulics is a jopio in applied Science nndengin erring dealing jon with the mechanical propertie A body at rest or In motl Of liquids or fluids. Ala very 4 Q with @ uniform velocity basis level hydraulics iS the along a straight ling will iduid version of pneumatics. continue in the same sta fluid mechanics provides the of rest Or motion provided t Orélioal foundation For hydrau- that ihe net foroe aoting 10S , which $e j ngineeting uses aiid an the body 18 2670 ie n fluid power arqulics are u or the. The rale oF change in the gehernitan are used, far the. 5 momentum ofa movin pody On Of power png use of is proportional 10, fhe fOreg ressurized gui 5 fHugraulis rodu ng hat change whic topics range ¢ rough ome port cours, ring/along 6 Of science ‘and most of bnginee. Sirdignt line’in which the nn Modules ,and cover co wepis orcg acts SUCh ds pipe Flaw. dam design, fluidics, Ond fluid control for every gation, there pat pumps, turbines , 1§ an equal Qnd Opposite hydrop War ebm ufationdl redctio Tuid dynamics 1OW measurement, nver channel behavior and erosion Flow Propertie® FLUID @Pressure(P) Ib ~ 8 (Pa) : x (KPa) - 7 @velocity (v) - This 1S O branch OF hydraulics Y ft dealing with the forocs exerted Bok. G by or Upon liquids in Motion @Discharge (a) = Ss ents Sha Sh 2) Stre@metube represents elementary portion ofa flowing fluid bounded by a group of Stream lines which confines flow | ZZ : = QMOUNH of flow with time @2 TYPES - mass flow with Streamrube ( respect 10 dime - m= mass: M ( or slugs) jime ot \S S Glassifications of Flow -vol REAL- considers energy losses ree te yotuime Lin The flow ~Q: Volume . vy m,, 44 ry i Time 5 ) 4 on =; m-py Re e = > n= .mass: evs cote AL eee eat! i | DEFINITION of TERMS in fluid flow, thys No A ‘) Streamlines are imaginary oUrves energy OSSeS Gre considere' drawn through a fluid foindicdlé =. r= the direction of motion in various section of flow of the fluid sysiem yt vv Streamline a ye ttat UNIFORM Flow velocity and Cross-sectional area*or flow Q1 a given instant do not change with distanoe ~dv at Q — oars ae : . > constant Flow through area duct NON-UNIFORM - flow velocity and Cross -sectional area of flow Varies with dista nog -dvy a @ Arc Ap >o > Wey S SANS Flow through var yin area quot 4 rent Types of FloW - flow velocity and area w do not change with time w velocity and y varies With time OLD2 tL oMeR -In fluid mechanics, the Reynolds Number (Re) iS a dimensionies Number that gives 9 measul® of the ratio of inertial forces viscous forces for given flow Rae conditions The Reynolds num ; 1S Qn important parameter 1ha describes whether flow condi!!! leag to laminar or turbulent #10 -The Reynolds number 15 Qh Ox" perimental Number used in fluid flow to predict the flow velooity is at which turbulence will occur. described as the ratio of mnertlal forces to viscous forces.for flow through @ 15 defined by ihe relationship the Re, the non-dimensional Melba youn be defined as the ratio 0 + the inertia force (pu L),and + the viscous Or friction force (H) anq iniérpreted as ratio of “the dynamic pressure ( put).and “the shearing stress (#4) Rez pw = pul. ut wy x 4 é number( non-dimensional whet (kg/m *® 1b, 703 ) Ur velocity basedon the actual crocs area of theduct or pipe (m/s, ft/S. N= dynamic MSCOSIS Cne/rme, Ibe/s {#) t+ characteristic length (im. ft) y= xinematic viscosity (m/s, ¢2/S) Re for Pipe or Duct Ammar Res pDv. Dy u Vv where: p> mass density (kg/m?) V= kin@matic Viscosity (m/s) A= absolute oraynamic viscosity(Pa-s) D- pipe diameter (m) ve flow velocity (m/s) Lana an GN Re< 2000 “Laminar figw, type of fluid (gas Or liquid) Flow ? evnich the Hud travels Smoothly or in reguiar Paths, in contrast to turbulent flow -In laminar flow, sometimes called streamline flow, the velocity, Pressure .and Other flow properties ai each point in the fluid remain constant. Laminar flow over a horizontal, Surface may be thought of as consisting of thin layers, or laminar, all parallel 10 each other. The fluid in contaot with the hori- Zontal Surface is stationary -but all the other layers Slide over each other. A deck of new cards ,asa rough analogy. may be made to “flow’laminarly. ~ -Laminar flow is common only in cases in which the flow channel is relatively small, the fluid 1s Rev nob on and tis viscosity 1S relatively high. LAMINAR a _—> — oar in - y > Se > Tugputertl “Flow descriptions such as Poiseuille's law are valid only for GonditiGns Of laminar flow: At some critical velocity, the flow will become turbulent with the formation of eddies and chaotic motion whi do not contribule to the volume flowrate this turbulence increases the resistance dramatically So that large \acreases in pressure will be required 10 further inorease the volume, flowrate -In fluid dygumgs turbulence or turbulent Mow 15a flow regime characterized by chaotic property changes This includes low momentum Ay Husion, high momentum convection and rapi variation of pressure and flow veloolly in space and time > > as ‘QW Of Conservation of Mass “Mass will always be constant r | ” | Meut Min = Mou Pin Qin fy. Qour @ir liquid p 1s constant P® Qin= Pow Qout Qin = Qout ®ir gas Pp is not constant BASIC Faunrion€) | oe Equation v= Méan or Average velocity ; A= Aa Va= Constant where: A vessel cross- Sectiong| area v= flow speed Law of Gonservation of Energy ~ Energy is neue created nor destroyed i Eout f ‘nechanica Ein = Eour POTENTIAL « KINETIC= ee WORK= renee wg oe - Be. Por i rit > Hh Sia fee 9 1 fg % a ve * Pe vh 2 7 *Po* Yh ny van +s byt ‘n ate oe Twth Ps ry ¢ % a 3 iy bab 10 Vaz Om(V2) Actual FA Ae Ver AaVs Ay ey ORIFICEMETER Fee > Yenhacta / Downstream Os Prtssu¥e, == , the area is 1% of r it - - Ae rea er eitte Pp : big we Bag Cor Ans Ac [contraction] Tie 7 “ > fe fet : Cre ws Mi [reocity| 7 3 vie Ca: Qa. VaAa = Coby faischarge) Qr VrAr Ya, PP, 2g Zee v= 10 Fils Pe 5 lb/in Eye IS ft + (Ott) t 51x ( ia | (ft 1(32-24t) 7C241b (0.8 (32-24) @ 4B (08) = [50.975 87195 Ft 2)A liquid (Sp- 9 2) 15 flowing na 2-in. pipe The toral energy a iveh point 1S found jo be 24.5 ft-lb per lb. The elevation of the ipe above the datum 1s |0 ft-,Gnd the pressure in the pipe 1S 9.5 Wo/iet. Compute the velocity of flow: ah cat Er 19° 7 mst Otte Vy $5 x (CRe (ken oe caer (62-41b ) (2) fp ve |!5-04 863909 ft S ine fluid in the fig he datum.the pip@ 1s 2in. in between point Ain Determine the velocity in the pipe 4) A 30cm pipe delivers 2m?/min of water through a venturim Avis LA, Compute the mean velocities in seoti6 10 head in section | is Gm, compute pressure head in 2 3 Qs eae A+ Aa y- 2m, Lmip _min Gos T (0.3m)? at 2m? y Lain bin Gos i 1 iol 403m} Vaz ure is water, With tho surface 150 ft above a vr ameter and the total loss of he! surface and point B in the yet 1S I and the discharge @. Ea- he «Es the water / neq ha + Va", Pa he= hat vet + Pe whe 20 ope Me sot 0 s ot Yeh «Be iia (0° OF rary 4 Voz 98-295299 f/5; we aye B(L)?(veye 214425259 graye ECG) Wale hi Elev.0 = i eter shown- n [and 2 if ihe pressure | gE Th ‘Ge is E s Kiev ye Ke ta" 4 V2 19. 7 Selo nea (oAnisto2018) , 4G) » (471570201", Pe, = 0.471 { CL ae ‘ 0.4 ipno2osm 2( 4.81) a 2(9-8)) a [P. 4.87790687 m [ay = 4-115702018 © S 5S) Ap, velenot lube ae Goerficient of 0.98 is used to measure the, CHY OF water af the center of a shown below. what i | Wt Ya 4 Ph = ys Voy Pa by Ig.c 20 ara 20 ey | : Vat, KCI). 02%, xc186) ( aes ne) FEED — : ( vgs 1412940197 m/s Pe Vacruals (0-98) (Va) = [19 -84687993 7/5 6) Oi) Flows Ihrough a pipe as shown in the figure below. The COE ficient of ais i l ied Mg TS i charge for the orifice in ihe pipe is 0 the discharge of gil inthe He 1oormm-dia., Sbqip— eens ; ) Heavy oi) oe "| (\cooh 7, — eae 1 posi aid {3s Freer @= Cd Az Va ‘ = (0,63) { 40-17] (v2) Perv y Pie heave y coe ] “ Nee 9 a =[0. OF905 185454 m3] %OSP: Pt 0.91 (9.81) (yt 0.35) —_——S_! 7 13-6(9.61)(0.35)-0-9164-8))y> Po PrP = 43. 571INS x ag i ( 0.25m)2(V)= £ (0-1m)* (Va) Yie O16 Yo (oll 49.5705. Yt 198) (Fela) 21480 Ve 91345417 m S 7 5 the ¥* ? aes y A rin. Citcular orifice (not standard) at the end of ihe 3-in- ‘ameter pipe shown in the.figure discharges into the aimosP UMeasurcd flow of 0.60 f1°/s- Of Waler when the pressure in t Pipe is 10 Ib/in?. The jet velooity 1s determined by a pitot tube to be 39.2 ft/s. Find Cv. Gc, and Ca On samara | a0 Zin tine Pig Eis E, oe Wee epee Wey Peg (ile OS vee 2 2 y. canter = Aan 1b Dest 2g % 2322.) Co, 200228) Vas 4 ; 1 a 10 Bx (AP Hol, Vor 43.03459459 HS i a7 AW = AV. «tvs We 3425 _ .19.9108950688) P(3imx fst). Winx LEY, eros acts ([esiosnine — 4 Tn)? OMA) ) soos hes W/V, artis _ =|0-7015809736 ney ee ee 4 tae lee © MANNING'S FORMULA Manning equation has been used extensively open ohannel designs Wt is Giso quite Commonly used for pipe flows ‘ The Manning equation may be exPressed in the Foll owing form’ METRIC ENGLISH Vevelacty Ryd lic N-roughness 3 nM o Ve R°5 Ve ae RS? coefficient = gine Oe Meirig .Circular Section English Circular Section eRe ge ast) af) (4T Ald pagt ea n QA (4 RS") = hy ef “(us @A(4) at) (2) L4Q2ARE L n@ heyt Oe nQ is rae) Gia 492A RS = n@ yt hee Lf 0G)? hee ead yes \Rw he 463 n202L heen? Q2L 7 eens SCHIST RATA (0 ee) 3 D t hee 10.29 n?Q?L p’ 1 @ HAZEN WILLIAMS ~\t was developed for water flow in lorger pipes (D> 56m, . approximately’ tn. wirnin a Moderate range of waier velocity (v3 ®, approximately 10 ¢). Hazen-Williams equation, Originally developed for the British meqsurement system, has beenwriiten in the form. METRIC ENGL; ee te Q:0.2785GD"5°" = 0.43220D2 5° Metric System English System cBes t y y Q=02785GD7"5°™* Q= 0.4322 6075 °* a 054 Qe 0.2785 60° ( Bey? Q= 0.4922 GD? (be) : Q _ het os git = (omaare” aa ) (cena L a oh he- ORs hee Ql Sr eat eee ‘02785 GD 0.432079 CPF p OH thes 10.67 Q°™L | hee 472 G°9L Tegra UE GENERAL FORMULA ujole Want ie - vy? ph: "OG x Check first tengo, and diameter D \Yyedd¢ Piaaeiion ie Ee aneincy vente " losses can LO +C-form loss mine loss Goerficient FL > 1000, minor “Losses due to change .V2_ velocity ay tp shapes or rorins of 2g head losses can Dé neglected the conduits of pipes Min Minor Loss aue to contraction. Or Loss due to bend, ho i linor Loss due to contract of entrance he, inor Loss due, fo enlargeme ntof Other Minor Head Loss ee ion xt Roentrant ke lO Sharp-edged Kz'0 Slightly -rounded Ke= 1-0 well-rounded I(1=}.0 hr SERIES: eae a hr ‘) For pipes in Series, the discharges SST Teh are a that 15, : ac - by = Q2=Qs=Q | { 2 The total Sl eatosses 4 a her is " val | . individual headrogses that is, EA-hn-hre-hys"Es 'Dhurz het hte thts sen Fs } 0 @ @ eS oo are a TEL : Eathe? Es Ea- hes Eo Eathta= Eo h hrichra= he | Qi+Q2t Qa Qr ttn parallel, € pL OFS tach roe enter ing junction he discharge leaving n. That 1S, Qit Qa t Qa- Gr a 2 1Rallel is {he hiss hes = Es - hes = Es Exdhtye his Ce Qr= Qi 4 Q4= Qs tw De thee Gi Qot Qa hey htt hes Qs= Q21Qs 404 he hts her= he + hea thes = hit hts thes = heat hrs SAMPLE PROBLEMS "Given are the followin i in seri 9 data for pipes connected in series. Determine the total héadloss Aa oat A to point 8 using: Q O10 0 @ @ Ue 50m Dieosom SLES ey 4 Las 80m D2=0.80m cnn a” Las GOm Ds: 0.60m ©) f= 0.02 Darcy Weisbach *he= 9.0826 ¢.Q" eee hethe they: 0.0826 (0.02)[(50)(0-0)" , (80)(0-10) ,G0)(-0.10)" > fa thts ( Cepsor + Boer to come | feat shoeing 2{0043 21261! m| Pr hm) Owain) 0.43291 0969 kPa b) C120 Hazen-Williams + hee 10.67 LQ 8s oer her= he tt : J Y(0.10)85 (0.19) :8F 4 (60) (0.19) rhe threshe> 40.6) (GOMoIQ + Cornyn 5 foonea gy) 10.05196742737 m| G) n= 0.013 Manning's * hr 4O2Tp La fz h fs . 0/3) 10)? , (80) (0.10)? 0):¢0-10)? hér* his she thess 10.29 (0.018) | 650040)" + CBodta.ior . CGgn(00) : {0.055538 4947 m 4) f= 0.02 Darcy Weisbach 4 hr- “as aug ia Qs v ee fee Peihntnts is. ooove ru. + 0.0826 lads +.0.0826 fls02 ae te von tl 0) (el? + (/20)(60" , Hhenho : get y( Ga) yi @ hrs hra-hea : ee ha ha? Oe aa pg gato Qa [Ree + 5.56 854249 & “6 ODE q) “1Qi=Qs= 64 7280727 | Qg= 0.8 934066497 Qs ESSEC © pQs=Qiz Q2 1st Qy= Got 317336 4112Q2 45-656 654249 Qo peg. = 1043021896 Qa 1 (vga (0-2) | ido) raam 1), (190) (Ga)? c 058 0.45 (120)(10-5302 199603) ] 1s [Qe O.THRAIST , ree AS: “og ian Qs: 9.66639 668 eee enol eae c)'n=0.013 Manning's *hr= 10.20 il LQ? Mine fit h 15> 10.29 (0. 013)? { (Wo $y, ec sLa De eh ne } Os ogi + vars | hrs hid htt hes Xha= hee! = P -10.29-40-913- (150 ) Qiz Got Qo4 Qar Gs 0 |S 7aR018 12s eect 3 4) ale naa" Qa #¢358148969 G4 % Qui Qs" 1793304988 Qy 15> 10.29 (0-013)? [oortepteato” SoG)? ino(y rouse) (0.4) Cons (ogee * ()*8 Qu: 07893189699 | Qi= ss 1-415480679 | ar 0-5018575488 | Gor 0-1243091607 _ J Ba tees VaTIARho > f-0-02| Darcy-weishach x Pr beef Nathrshre f b 0.0826 (6.021 {( ae Banning, om OREM ogee Q (0.355 ese she ohea: 9 A 296565 Gs he Bashir hrathes ae 1 algo eeoins 5 Qs Hh -heethes’ a (uso) Gar + gt " (0.3)* Ga 0:1966400129 0 40i-Qer 2569564 669 Qs 5 30°(0. ee 021){(350)¢2- Serco welas (300) (0.620429 6565 Ga)? (0. ¢0.3)5 oe 1 at Gc gon). oas Aeros (0359 Code Qs 0-107460)214 Git Qe 0.27612 62685 Q2- 0-1019909709 Qs= 0.174185297¢ | ane 72517 | Qs 66672517 ¢as ch ead hel Ea- minor he * £8 negligible a Lt KW hee 04M +2 Co) LF . hr ome ef wR ae minor lo6s i 0 4 . zit t byt-hr= Ory ta 9 1 2g Ag = . eis Ca ae Ea 1t ~ oer e = Ot Rpffete Wtf OBA” «Oh 7 U5y2 ~ 10.67(90) (015) s vr Pi TLC 29 Q:VA ) ve Q ae ; ’ Te N50 2 18S 7 O.IS 7? 10.67(30)(0.15) . | rao ay pe Cole ee foe 298) 1093! [ 2: 5.802511293m

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