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As Partial Requirements in Practical Research 1

Modular Program

Campaner, John Mikko B.

July 2021
Part I. Background of the Study

Traditional learning is no longer appropriate owing to the high danger of

catching a disease, therefore modular learning has been modified to fit the
pandemic. The traditional learning, as the name implies is what the students are
used to have and it offers the added benefit of moral support from peers and
mentors. Traditional learning can help students develop self-esteem and
confidence, most students' mental and physical health has suffered as a result of
modular and online learning.

The common problems faced by students in modular learning are the

problem of the Traditional Mind-Set, learners frequently hold the belief that
traditional classes are more effective because they feel they will do better in a
familiar setting. They are aware of the dynamics of the classroom and evaluate
their contributions in terms of conduct, effort, and involvement. As well as, due to
the large amount of activities, diversions, and lack of focus, the students' primary
problems have been self-studying, bad internet connection, lack of sleep, and
time to answer all of the modules. Although modular learning has potential and
evident value, issues must be overcome. These issues include the quality of
education, hidden costs, technological abuse and attitudes of teachers, students
and managers.

Bates (1995) provides a different viewpoint. He believes that rather than

replicating old techniques, technology should be used to better education.
Holmberg (1989) analyzes these two schools of thinking as well, concluding that
modular learning, as a form of education in and of itself, has quite distinct effects
(than viewing it as a substitute for face-to-face instruction). The teacher must
choose which attitude to adopt since it will have a significant influence on their
approach to teaching. Instructors will also need to make technological
A teacher who is accustomed to visual cues may find it challenging to
adjust to a compressed video environment. The instructor's view of the pupils at
the modular learning is not always obvious. Adapting to the lack of visual signals
is a key adaptation for the teacher, according to West (1994). Part of this can be
mitigated by effective communication with the technician, but as we've seen, this
isn't always the situation. According to McKnight (2000), proximity and eye
contact are essential educational variables that are reduced in the modular
learning setting. We understand the connection they give intrinsically, but they
are “both significantly and often permanently compromised” in the modular
learning setting, she claims (pg. 2). Professors, she claims, are unable to watch
their students' emotions and notice "moments of anxiety," restricting their
capacity to respond to student needs.

The importance of this study is to assist students in overcoming their

problem with modular learning, which is not easy for them and they are still
adjusting to the new way of teaching; for teachers, schools, and everyone to be
aware of the situation that has been overcome by students for not excelling in
modular learning; Some students are unable to complete their modules on time
because they spend much of their study time tutoring their siblings and assisting
their parents in the field. Pe Dangle, Sumaoang, Y. R. J. D. (2020) they conclude
that teachers believe that students' responses in their modules are invalid, and
that mastery of the courses is very difficult to achieve. Parents are unable to
support their children due to a lack of information.

The researcher needs to conduct this study to determine what the

students' future challenges will be, how they will overcome the challenges they
face as a result of modular learning, and how much they will learn in the new
style of learning.
Part II. Research Questions

1. What are the most difficulties that students face?

2. How will you overcome in struggling with this modular learning?
3. Does students learned so much with this new way of learning?

Part III. Plans or Interventions

The study focuses on the students primarily. This study will tackle about
how they could overcome this difficulty. The study is limited to the capacity of the
population of students who particularly struggling. The solution to this problem
were expected to be given by the respondents of this study. Moreover, the
instructor is not physically there during modular learning, he or she will be unable
to assist or aid the student when they are in need. This implies that the student
would seek assistance either will need to communicate with the teacher via email
and other methods. Modular education offers its own set of challenges, but
students must thrive with the appropriate techniques. We must obtain enough
sleep, organize ourselves, manage our time properly, seek for assistance when
necessary, and, most importantly, take pauses. These could be useful to us as
we try to figure out how to learn modularly.

Part IV. Result and Discussion

This chapter is dedicated to the presentation of the data that was obtained
from the respondents during the Semi-Structured Interview. Meticulous
investigation of the collected statements from the respondents was done. Step by
step, Meanings were interpreted for each statement. From the formulated
meanings, themes were developed for the commonalities of the statements.
Research Question 1. What are the most difficulties that students face?

Time Management

From the statement of respondent 1

- “With this pandemic, the education system of the Philippines have

changed and many are affected because of this COVID 19. One of the
difficulties that I am currently facing is time management. It is so hard
for me to manage my time since I am always distracted by social
media. My time allotted for school are being wasted because I keep on
distracting myself with things that aren't special. With this, I am
overloaded and cramming is my best friend.”

Absence of Enlightenment

From the statement of respondent 2

- “The difficulties that students face during modular learning are, lack of
guidance of the teacher. Because sometimes, when I or my fellow
students have a question about a certain topic, they just seen or like it,
they are not able to answer our questions regarding to that topic. Also,
one of the most difficulties that we've been encountered is that, when
our adviser or subject teachers require us to submit our modules
before the deadline even if we don't answer it already.”

From the statement of respondent 3

- “I learn better if the lesson is discussed however, in these times,

lessons are no longer given through a discussion. Instead, we are
handed with piece of papers with only definitions and examples as
contents — this is what’s difficult for me. I have been given with no
other choice but to enroll in a Modular mode of learning just so I could
continue my studies.”
Research Question 2. How will you overcome in struggling with this
modular learning?

Self-Discipline and strategies as a Helping hand

From the statement of respondent 1

- “I can overcome in struggling with this modular learning by asking for a

help from my brother or cousins that have already a background
learning about our topic. Also, I can overcome it by asking for
guidance in Our Almighty God.”

From the statement of respondent 2

- “In order to overcome the struggles brought by this modular learning, I

choose to unwind every time I finish one module just so I could freshen
and recharge my mind and will to continue studying.”

From the statement of respondent 3

- “The most important characteristic that we should obtained with this

set up is having a self-disciplined. Self-disciplined help us to stay
focused with our goals. It gives us the ability to maintain control over
ourselves and our responses in any situation.”

Research Question 3. Does students learned so much with this new way
of learning?

Embracing Academic Difficulties

From the statement of respondent 1

- “In my opinion, I can't say that all of the students learned so much in
this new way of learning because we can't deny that there are students
that need a guidance from their teachers just to understand what their
topics all about are.”

From the statement of respondent 2

- “For me, I would prefer face-to-face learning as I could learn more in

this form of educational system. Although I have learned something
from my modules, actual teaching-learning interaction is still different.”


From statement of respondent 3

- “Learning is so hard with this new way of learning. But for me, it
depends to a person. If a person is determined to reach and achieve
his goal there is no hindrance that could stop him from learning.
However, we all agree that it is not easy. Another factor that could
affect the learning of students is the way of teaching. If teaching
method is easily understood learning will not be difficult to students.
Thus, we could still learn so much with this new way of learning with
hard works and determination.”


There is always a positive and negative aspect to each situation. With

modular learning, students get a range of experiences. Others find it difficult to
study in today's new method of teaching and learning since they prefer face-to-
face sessions. In addition, the students notice more in teachers who know a lot
about what they are teaching, not just in visual aids or reading that the teachers
exhibit when they are in face-to-face classes, but also in their ability to explain
the subject well.
Students face issues, since they could not understand what is in the
module and no one will enlighten them; the only thing they have is the
determination to finish the modules even if they are unsure of their answers. As
well as their inability to respond to the modules due to a shortage of time and
they don't have enough time to answer modules since there are so many
distractions while they are at home, and the deadline is coming, so they cram to
finish everything, which puts them under emotional pressure.

Part V. Conclusion, Recommendation

This chapter summarizes the study by stressing the research conducted

topic. The conclusions presented were depicted from the result of the research
during information gathering. Moreover, recommendations were based from the
findings and conclusion of the study.


Based on the information gathered, the researchers came up with the

following findings in accord with the research question in the statement of the
problem. There are five clustered and emerging themes.

1. The findings implied that students go through both positive and

negative way as a result of modular learning. They can adjust to the
new teaching method, but the impact of face-to-face sessions on
students is still somewhat different. Students lack time because there
are many modules and not enough time to answer, lack of sleep, lack
of guidance and inability to understand lessons quickly are the
struggles they encountered.
2. Therefore, I conclude, despite the problems of students with today's
new teaching methods, continue to do their best to conquer their
academic challenges. They have their own strategies and striving for
learning. Students get flexibility and independence in their studies as a
result of modular learning. They will also learn to manage their time
and have numerous life realizations as a result of the new style of
learning that is available today.


1. Make your own adjustments to the new normal. The situation is unknown,
and it's acceptable to take the necessary steps to get the attention you
need to learn something new.
2. Remember to reach out to someone if you require assistance or support.
Concentrate on what you can control, on who you want to be now and in
the future. It's crucial to have patience with oneself and to be flexible,
especially while acquiring new abilities.
3. Make a schedule for yourself. You will get the most out of school if you
follow a healthy and balanced schedule. Having a defined daily pattern is
beneficial not just at school, but it is also vital to organize time outside of
4. Talk to other people. You are not alone, and we are all in this together.
Inform your friends, family, students, and instructors about how you're
feeling and any assistance you might require. We are living in unusual
times, and as humans, we are adaptable and always on the lookout for
new opportunities. We will all be able to get through difficult circumstances
if we remain calm and keep on.

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