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School Report

1. Considering that Student A is in 4th grade and reading on a Pre-primer reading level (between
PPB-PPC), I would say that he is a student who is in dire need of extra support and
intervention services. I would recommend 30 minutes daily of small group (3 or less) or one
on one intervention if possible (in addition to, not in place of classroom instruction). One on
one would be ideal, but I know resources are limited sometimes. Student A needs explicit,
systematic instruction that moves at a moderately quick pace. Student A will need these
services for the remainder of the year and likely beyond this school year. He has a lot of
ground to cover in order to catch up.

2. I have several recommendations for the parent. My first recommendation to the parent would
be in regards to Student A’s attendance. I would make it clear that it is imperative that student
A be at school every day possible. Attendance has been an ongoing issue for student A in the
past and likely a contributing factor to his struggle in reading. I would encourage the parent to
keep student A in in-person schooling as much as possible (I think virtual learning also could
have caused student A to slip further behind). At times, student A had trouble staying focused
and on task, so I would also mention this to his parent and suggest a pediatric evaluation in
regard to his attention/focus to task. Student A also struggles with vocabulary and background
knowledge, so I would recommend that parents expose him to texts above his instructional
level through daily read aloud or audiobooks. Grade level texts that he is unable to read on his
own are rich in vocabulary and contain content that could be of more interest to him. Having
student A listen to these stories would aid in development of a more extensive vocabulary as
well as foster a love of reading that he currently lacks.

3. I do think that student A would benefit from more normed reference testing such as the
CTOPP 2 and TOWRE. His reading difficulty lies in the word recognition category and these
tests would give more specific data in regard to his phonological processing and word
recognition deficits. This would help determine the specific course of targeted instruction for
his intervention.

4. I would delay recommendation to Child Study until we are able to evaluate the effectiveness
of current instruction, including the proposed Tier 2 intervention. At this time, due to multiple
exclusionary factors including poor attendance and more than a year of virtual learning, it is
not clear whether his weaknesses are due to lack of consistent, effective reading instruction or
a specific reading disability. If adequate progress were not made by the end of this year with
daily Tier 2 intervention in place, I would recommend moving forward with the Child Study

5. I would also recommend vision and hearing screening for student A if they have not already
been done. This would help eliminate further exclusionary factors. I would also recommend
read aloud accommodations for content areas such as Science and Social Studies as he would
struggle with grade level texts (audiobook or partner reading).

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