07.06 Genocide

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governmental response to the genocide

From 1992 to 1995, Serbs and Bosnians were at war, with Serbs genocide against Bosnians.
The Republika Srpska leadership, the former Bosnian leader, pushed the government to take
part in the genocide. Later, the International Criminal Court of Yugoslavia found the man guilty of
war crimes and genocide and sentenced him to death. The International Court of Justice also
agreed with this judgment. Governments of warring countries commit genocide out of
selfishness. But international governments firmly oppose such behavior.

non-governmental response to the genocide

I think the war has been brewing for a long time. The conflict between Serbs and Bosnians also
has a long history. Since the First World War, the vision of the Serbian family for independence
has not been realized, and later, a large number of legions and some killers have been
assembled from the people. They are very bloody to accomplish their purpose.

what further measures need to be taken to prevent genocide in the world today

I think a strong United Nations is needed to mediate conflicts. But now I think the United
Nations still has a lot of potential that have not been tapped. The United Nations needs to
have its own chassis. The geographical location must be close to the five permanent
members in order to understand the public sentiment and have good communication. The
current United Nations is only in the United States, and there are great restrictions on
communication with other countries.
We should unite, nation to nation, nation to nation to reduce hatred.

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