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(As per strict guidelines prescribed by
CBSE for partial fulfilment of AISSCE
Practical Examination 2021-22)

CLASS – XII Science

Submitted to: Submitted by:
Mr. S.K Saini Dron Sharma
I would like to declare that this project is
my original work and would like to thank
all those people who have whole
heartedly given their support and
guidance for making it possible to
complete this project on time.
I intend my gratitude to my subject
teacher Mr. Surender Kumar Saini for his
kind guidance and support.
I would also like to thank my friends and
family members for their support
without which the project would not have
been completed.
This is to certify that Dron Sharma of
class XII Science has completed his
project work on Interview of Dr. A.P.J
Abdul Kalam, for partial fulfilment of
the syllabus required under the CBSE
guidelines and guidance of his subject
teacher for the session 2021-2022.

Teacher’s signature Examiner’s signature

1. Objectives
2. Plan of Action
3. Project Report
4. People’s Opinion
5. Photographs
6. Bibliography

The primary objective of this
project is how to manage the
failures in life. The secondary
objective is to know what things
are required to get success.
Further more to see how
speaking, listening and thinking if
done effectively can bring change
in human perception.

Plan of Action
In order to accomplish my
objective and to complete the
project entitled ‘Interview of Dr.
A.P.J Abdul Kalam’ and studied
about him thoroughly. Then I
made to hear this interview to
other people and asked them
about their understanding and
opinion on the interview. On the
basis of the speakers, concept, my
interpretation of the topic,
opinion of others, I prepared a
project report.

Project Report
My English project topic is, ‘The
Interview of Dr. A.P.J Abdul
Kalam’. I listened and read about
him from various sources.
This interview of A.P.J Abdul
Kalam was taken by India
Knowledge at Wharton Interview
on April 04 ,2008. During this
interview the very first question
asked to him was, “Sir, can you
please tell us something about
knowledge?”. He replied by saying
a four-line poem, “Learning gives
creativity, creativity leads to
thinking, thinking provides
knowledge and knowledge makes
you great”. This is all about
knowledge. The next question
asked to him was, “Perhaps we
could begin by talking about your
own past. You were born in
Rameswaram in 1931. What are
the biggest differences between
India as it was then and India
today?”. He replied, “Since then I
have orbited the sun 76 times. I
have seen when I was a young boy
the Second World War coming to
an end, and the effect of war and
injuries. I saw India attain her
freedom in August 1947, I saw the
economic ascent phase of India in
1991. I have worked with
visionaries like Prof. Vikram
Sarabhai. I have seen the green
revolution, the white revolution,
and the telecom revolution, I have
also seen the growth of
information and communication
technologies (ICT), as well as
India’s successes in the space
program and self-sufficiency in
strategic weaponry. These are
some of the things I have
witnessed. Of course, we have a
long way to go. Since we have to
bring smiles to the faces of more
than one billion people, we have
many challenges ahead”. The third
question asked was, “How did you
come to become India’s President
in July 2002? What leadership
qualities does one need to lead a
country as large, complex and
chaotic as India?”. Dr. Kalam
replied, “Well, I won’t call India
chaotic, because order comes
from disorder. That is what is
happening now.
I was elected President of India
from 2002 to 2007 through a well-
structured election process. Any
leadership whether it is political
leadership or leadership in
technology requires that the
leader have six traits. What are
these traits?
First, the leader must have vision.
Without vision, you cannot be a
leader. Second, the leader must
be able to travel into an
unexplored path. Normally the
tendency is for people to travel
along well-laid out ways. Third,
the leader must know how to
manage success, and even more
importantly, failure.”.

Aarav Aggarwal [Student]:
Success is nothing but an aim that
a person thinks to achieve in his
life. So Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam
described qualities such as having
clear aim, proper knowledge and
determination and perseverance
helps us to get success, makes me
Mukhil Gupta [Student]:
Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam’s words
‘Great success has some elements
of failure’ also makes me
convinced over the fact that we
need to manage the failure as a
person can not always get success
in life, some or the other times we
fail and we must not lose hope
and we must try our best to get

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