Introducing The Organization of Transport Studies

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TRL (Transport Research Laboratory) – Creating the Future of Transport

Rod KIMBER, Professor

Director, Science and Engineering, TRL, UK

TRL (Transport Research TRL’s future and it provided the with the European Commission
Laboratory) is the UK’s leading in- company with the platform re- (EC) and to establish close links
dependent organisation for inter- quired to continue to deliver a high with key policy groups at a Euro-
national transport research, con- level of innovative research, tech- pean level, in particular CEDR
sultancy, advice and testing. nical advice and testing services. (road authority directors).
Established in 1933 as a Gov- TRL’s customers include This sharing approach is ex-
ernment experimental outstation governments, consultants, emer- emplified by the European project
and later as the Roads Research gency services, IT, motor sport, TREE (Transport Research Equip-
Laboratory, TRL was privatised in security, legal, software, local au- ment in Europe) which brings to-
1996 and continues to demonstrate thorities, manufacturers, commerce, gether 16 institutes in 12 European
its ability to innovate and work at aid agencies and regulatory bodies. countries, including Forum of Eu-
the cutting edge of transport, pro- ropean National Highway Research
viding imaginative solutions in re- Laboratories (FEHRL) and the Fo-
sponse to the complex transport rum of European Road Safety In-
demands of the day. With over 550 INTERNATIONAL WORK stitutes (FERSI) to bring about
staff, many of whom are world For many years TRL has co- greater efficiency in the utilisation
recognised experts, TRL is based operated closely with other Euro- of large-scale research facilities,
just outside Wokingham, Berk- pean research institutes and Gov- such as TRL’s Pavement Test Fa-
shire. TRL staff work in key areas ernments. Since privatisation, these cility and Structures Hall.
including transport infrastructure, activities have grown in momen- TRL has had close links with
road and vehicle safety, environ- tum to the position where TRL is FEHRL since it was established in
ment and sustainability, investiga- now one of the leaders in European 1989 and held its inaugural meet-
tions and risk management, as well transport research engaged in col- ing at TRL. Recently, TRL on be-
as looking at issues like conges- laborative projects. This shar- half of FEHRL has co-ordinated
tion, road user charging, vehicle ing of experience and knowledge the development of its 20-year for-
technologies and simulation. enables individual European coun- ward vision “Road Transport in
A move to a custom designed tries to benefit considerably from Europe 2025”.
office and research facility in 2004 best practice. It also provides TRL Outside of Europe, TRL
represented a major investment in with the opportunity to interface works throughout the developing
world with all the major fund agen-
cies. With a truly world desire to
improve the livelihoods of the poor
as evidenced by the Millennium
Development Goals, TRL provides
knowledge and services to imple-
ment transport systems in areas
most at need, offering expertise in
transport infrastructure and help to
improve transport operations and
systems. Recent projects include
“Improving transport access and
mobility for people with disabili-
ties in the developing world” and
“Predicting the performance of
roads for improving investment in
Fig. 1 Building a bamboo reinforced road in Vietnam

78 • IATSS RESEARCH Vol.29 No.2, 2005

road infrastructure.” trunk road network and guidance duce noise in sensitive areas and if
TRL also contributes widely on asset management plans and necessary, changes to the align-
to international road safety strat- valuation. ment of the highway can be under-
egies, and was recognised for its With TRL’s Infrastructure taken. The challenge is to provide
pioneering road safety work in and Environment departments in- cost-effective solutions, that do not
developing countries when staff tegrated together and with its Cen- undermine performance measures
from its Centre for International tre for Sustainability (C4S), which and to do this, TRL’s researchers
Development won the 2003 Prince draws upon experts across the or- have been examining the applica-
Michael International Road Safety ganisation to provide a co-ordinated tion of sophisticated acoustic mod-
Award. approach to issues relating to sus- elling techniques to transportation
tainable development, they collec- noise control.
tively lead the field in the develop-
ment of sustainable solutions and
the management of assets and re-
TRL has traditionally under- sources. SAFETY
taken research in the areas of road Much of TRL’s environmen- TRL advises on all aspects
construction, including pavement tal research includes the prediction of transportation, with specialist
design, performance and mainte- and control of noise and exhaust knowledge and understanding in
nance, the performance of struc- emissions and the monitoring of air traffic management, multi-modal
tures including bridges and tunnels quality. Of these, noise from trans- transport modelling and intelligent
and geotechnics. Much of this port is a major source of annoyance transport systems, together with
work is implemented by the UK’s and complaint, with noise from expertise in logistics and air trans-
Highway Agency through its Speci- road traffic being the dominant port.
fication for Highway Works and source. One way of controlling the With the demand for travel
the Design Manual for Roads and generation of noise is through im- ever increasing, and the provision
Bridges. provements to both tyre and road of new facilities not keeping pace,
However, with clients in- surface design, but not at the ex- the focus of current research is very
creasingly requesting solutions that pense of compromising safety. much concerned with making the
not only meet short-term needs but Noise barriers can also help to re- best use of the existing transport
which contribute to sustainability,
TRL has a rapidly widening port-
folio of work looking at ways to
preserve resources, protect the en-
vironment and enhance the quality
of life. This can involve improv-
ing the efficiency of existing mate-
rials, finding ways to use recycled
materials in road construction and
discovering other applications for
waste materials from other indus-
tries, such as pulverised fuel ash or
steel slag for road surfacing.
Strategically, this had led to
the development of whole life cost
models for the management of the
Fig. 2 Pavement test facility

IATSS RESEARCH Vol.29 No.2, 2005 • 79

network be this planning, control been involved with technology tri- of British roads – one of the best
and information provision to traf- als (both design and management) in the world. In particular, TRL
fic, public transport, cycling and of road charging systems since research has provided robust evi-
walking. In addition, TRL is look- 1995. Work has encompassed the dence of the relationship between
ing at behavioural aspects of trans- potential impact of traffic diversion speed and accidents. This under-
ferring to public transport, or other from charged routes, enforcement standing is complemented by re-
modes and examining ways to im- studies/charge evasion, automatic search into road user behaviour
prove the capacity and effective- number plate recognition systems, and attitudes and the development
ness of roads. automatic vehicle classification of remedial measures.
Two key areas of work are systems, interoperability of road TRL is a partner in the Euro-
congestion and road user charging. charging systems, electronic vehicle pean Road Assessment Programme
Current work within TRL is look- identification (EVI), as well as er- (EuroRAP) which aims to provide
ing at the development of perfor- gonomics of in-vehicle equipment. an independent, consistent safety
mance indicators for congestion, TRL’s move to the new build- rating to Europe’s roads. In addi-
both for the strategic and urban ing and facilities last year, also tion, it highlights improvements
road networks, the ability to fore- bought the benefit of a Simulator that could be made to the roads to
cast traffic parameters into the fu- Training and Research (STAR) reduce the likelihood of an acci-
ture and the efficiency of incident Centre, which houses both TRL’s dent, or to make those that happen
management and roadworks. Spe- Driving Simulator, enabling effec- survivable.
cific projects are looking at the is- tive testing of driver performance As with road safety, TRL has
sue of hard shoulder running on and impairment, as well as evaluat- extended the boundaries of knowl-
motorways at peak times and a ing reactions to new road layouts edge in vehicle safety particularly
range of new techniques to enhance or signage, and TRUCKSIM, the with its research into crashworthi-
capacity. UK’s first full mission Truck Driver ness and its fundamental contribu-
Research into road user charg- Training Simulator. tion to the EuroNCAP programme.
ing is an area of work TRL has TRL has an enviable interna- This is twinned with extensive in-
been involved with for many years. tional reputation for its contribu- vestigative work into biomechan-
Using TRL’s test track, staff have tion to the excellent safety record ics and injury prevention, with
world recognised expertise in the
areas of child safety, occupant and
passenger safety and pedestrian

TRL continues to be at the
forefront of transport research,
working in new and developing ar-
eas. With its pedigree of over 70
years of research, its world leading
experts and its undiminished quest
for solutions to today’s transport
problems, TRL’s vision is creating
the future of transport.


80 • IATSS RESEARCH Vol.29 No.2, 2005

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