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 Go by the sign that you think you have the
most in common with – where would you fit
in the best?
 Discuss what brought you to that group
 What did you all have in common with one
Strong Background
 Most researched interest scale
 High validity and reliability
 First developed by E.K. Strong
Decided similar interests bring people together in
work settings
 Holland expanded on the theory
 “People tend to surround themselves with others
who share interests, competencies, and outlook on
world. Thus, where people congregate… reflects the
type they are.”
 Gave every person and every job a Holland Code -
Strong Theory
 What people do is a reflection of their
 People of similar interests will be satisfied in
those occupations given their values,
knowledge and abilities are also the same
 Measures interests, not abilities
 Not used to tell you what you should be, but
to be used as a spring board for ideas
 Purpose is to identify themes and patterns
Normative Sample
 Compared against 67,000 people who took
the assessment
 All at least 21 years old, satisfied with their
work, been in occupation for 3 years, do
typical work tasks
 Random sample with race and ethnicity
 Measures how similar you are to them – how
well you would fit in with them
 Profiled with women only
General Occupational Themes (GOTs)
 Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social,
Enterprising, and Conventional
 Usually identify with three codes strongly
 Represented with first letter of code name
 Can see self in all
 After age 25, the letters should stay the
same, but the order of them might change
 Will rate yourself first and then see how you
Realistic: The Doers
 Love to work with their hands, tools,
machinery, computer networks
 Rugged, practical, athletic, mechanical,
adventurous, self-reliant
 Enjoy fixing, repairing, building, working
 Like physical risks
 Prefer concrete rather than abstract problems
 Present oriented, thing oriented
Realistic: Work Environments
 Places where they can produce tangible
Things that that they can see and touch
 Situations calling for minimal interaction
with others
 Where casual dress is allowed
 Organizations structured with clearly drawn
lines of authority
Realistic Quiz
 What kind of car do they drive?
 Trucks, SUV, Jeep
 What would be their ideal vacation?
 Camping, attending sports event, fishing,
golfing, outward bound, hiking, adventure
 What motivates them?
 Hands-on, tangible results
 What would they buy?
 Boats, campers, sports equipment, power
tools, ESPN magazine, adventure books
Investigative: The Thinkers
 Like to gather information, uncover new facts,
interpret data
 Curious, abstract thinkers, rational, critical,
intellectual, introverted, insightful, persistent
 Love to explore learning
 Strong scientific or mathematic orientation
 Competent in analysis, writing, problem solving,
 Very task-oriented
 Express themselves by using their minds
 Enjoy mental challenges
 Solve problems by thinking
Investigative: Work Environments
 Unstructured work environments that allow
freedom in work styles
 Where they can work alone most of the time
 Research labs, universities, computer-
related industries, scientific foundations,
medical facilities
 Where they can continue to learn and
uncover new data
Investigative Quiz
 What would they drive?
 Bicycle, Volvo, “hybrid,” Honda
 What would be their ideal vacation?
 Space camp, fossil dig, science museum, African
safari, visit ruins, historical places (Europe)
 What motivates them?
 Curiosity, learning, knowledge
 What would they buy?
 Telescopes, computers, books, puzzles,
electronic equipment, science fiction or
mystery novels
Artistic: The Creators
 Enjoy music, art, drama, anything cultural
 Enjoy self-expression
 Independent and highly creative
 Creativity is expressed in many ways… ideas,
writing, appreciating or creating arts, performing,
counseling, developing programs, etc…
 Impulsive, non-conforming, sensitive, emotional,
visionary, introspective, imaginative
 Enjoy beauty, variety, and what is unusual
 Solve problems by doing something new
Artistic: Work Environments
 Unstructured, flexible settings that allow self-
 Where they can work on their own
 Where they can teach skills
 Where they can incorporate creativity in their
 Theaters, concert halls, advertising, PR,
museums, libraries, education, etc.
Artistic Quiz
 What kind of car do they drive?
 Bug, PT Cruiser, Mini Copper, Convertible
 What would be their ideal vacation?
 NYC to see shows, Venice to see art,
dance/acting workshop
 What motivates them?
 Self-expression
 What would they buy?
 Art objects, music CDs, colorful things,
decorations, theater tickets
Social: The Helpers
 Like to work with people, often in groups, to help
inform, train, teach, nurture, help, develop, cure
 Like to arrange positive relationships – create
 Deep concern for people and excellent
interpersonal skills
 Humanistic, cooperative, supportive, tactful,
friendly, outgoing
 Solve problems by discussing feelings with others
Social: Work Environment
 Unstructured settings where they can get to
know others
 Where they can feel like they make a
 Where they can work with others
 Social services, non-profit, schools, human
resources, mental health fields, medical
Social Quiz
 What car would they drive?
 Mini-van, SUV, Suburban
 Where would be their ideal vacation?
 Cruise with friends/family, beach house
vacation, Disney World, family reunion
 What motivates them?
 Helping others
 What would they buy?
 Charity event tickets, food to entertain
others, People magazine, self-help books
Enterprising: The Leaders
 Enjoy working with others to persuade, sell,
lead, manage
 Lead others towards some organizational goal
or economic gain
 Self-confident, sociable, ambitious, energetic,
verbal, assertive, optimistic, competitive
 Prefer social tasks – can’t stay at a task for too
 Like to lead groups, give speeches, manage
people and projects
Enterprising: Work Environment

 Like careers in businesses and large

 Where they can work with others
 Where they can live thoroughly in their
environments and have variety
 Positions of leadership, power, status
 Own a business
Enterprising Quiz
 What kind of car do they drive?
 Lexus, BMW, Cadillac, Lincoln, high-end SUV
 What is their ideal vacation?
 Luxury cruise, spa retreat, week of golf, Hamptons
or Cape Cod, skiing
 What motivates them?
 Persuading others
 What do they buy?
 Nice cars, good clothes, country club
memberships, the latest equipment, bestsellers,
Wall Street Journal
Conventional: The Organizers
 Like activities requiring attention to detail,
organization, accuracy, data systems, filing
 Enjoy mathematics and data management
 Practical, organized, systematic, accurate,
dependable, conscientious, efficient, quite
 Like to organized others
 Don’t mind being managed
 Live in orderliness
 Solve problems by organizing it
Conventional: Work Environment
 Prefer support service roles
 Like to know the structure of the organization
 Well organized chain of command
 Where they can be around others and by self
 Where they can be given exact instructions on
a project
 Large corporations, business offices,
accounting firms
 Where they can organize things and people
Conventional Quiz
 What kind of car do they drive?
 Buick, Honda, Saturn, fuel efficient cars
 What is their ideal vacation?
 Historical cities, knitting workshop, pre-
programmed tour, same cabin each year
 What motivates them?
 Organizing and bring things together
 What do they buy?
 Hobby collections, how-to books, file cabinets
and shelves
Check out your results...
General Occupational Themes (GOTS)
 Usually two to three letters show up most
 Who are you are in whole life (24/7)
 Show what you self-rated yourself
 Bars represent the strength of theme in you compared to
your same sex groups
 Very high = top 10% of people with this interest, more
interest than almost all
 High = 15% above moderate interest group, more
interest than most
 Moderate = 50% of population are here, about as
much interest as most
 Little = less interest than most
 Very Little = less interest than almost all
Basic Interests Scales
 25 scales that measure interest in particular
 Tell what you like to do
 Same rating as before: vh, h, m, l, vl
 How do these interests play out in your life?
 How is your life enriched by these activities?
 Which would you want to pursue
Occupational Scales
 Scales that measure your similarity to women
employed in 122 different occupations
 Who are you like in your day-to-day activities
 Only scale that incorporates both what you
answered like and dislike
 Anything above 40 means that you are very
similar with both your likes and dislikes with
people in those professions
 You would fit in with them; like to do similar
things when working
Occupational Scales
 Each job has a code – by averaging people’s
codes who are in that field
 Some codes change slightly depending on work
 What do all of the job listed have in common
with one another?
 What do they have in common with you?
 What picture do they paint?
 What themes do you see?
 Where do these themes fit into your life?
Personal Style Scales

 Five scales that assess personal preferences

regarding work style, learning, leading, risk
taking, and team orientation

 Also important when considering and

examining career professions
Normal Ranges
Mean Bounds
Strong Like 11 0 – 27
Like 24 5 – 43
Indifferent 25 5 – 45
Dislike 19 0 – 39
Strongly Dislike 21 0 – 56
Strong Wrap Up
 Questions?

 Think about what you learned?

 What do you need in a career to make sure it

is in line with your interests?

 What careers will you research as a result?

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