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Thursday 7th April 2022

Final major project

Role: Director
Deadline 10th June

What he thinks

A production by Samuel Bundock

The idea of this project is to portray the life of this
mentally insane character who has no friends but
has convinced himself that these no human objects
are his friends. Some of the areas I need to
research are insanity, codes and conventions of my
genre and general research into my project. My
overall aim in this idea is to create emotion and
focus with this film. The location will be
somewhere in the woods where we will create this
scene and some of the objects (his friends) will
consist of a mask football with a drawn face on,
possibly a balloon and maybe some sort of teddy
bear. I haven’t yet got an actor however it will be
looked into as it is a key part of the production.


No nudity

No excessive swearing

No drugs

No dangerous weapons (unless used as props)

Legal and ethical issues

Make sure when portraying the insane character

that the research is done to make sure that it isn’t
being done in an offensive way and isn’t offending
people who are mentally ill.

7Production Schedule
Please include location, time of film, what you are filming and team members including

Date Plan of action Evaluation / behind the

Week beginning scenes
April 5th Proposal Weekly blog
April 6th Production schedule Weekly blog
April 7th Competion Weekly blog
easter Research Weekly blog
easter research Weekly blog
easter research Weekly blog
easter planning Research evaluation
easter auditions Plan evaluation
28th april Film Weekly blog
29th april Film / Edit Weekly blog
30th arpil Film / Edit Weekly blog
1st may evaluation evaluation

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