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Self-care means taking the time to do things that help you live well and improve both your
physical health and mental health. When it comes to your mental health, self-care can help you manage
stress, lower your risk of illness, and increase your energy. Even small acts of self-care in your daily life
can have a big impact. The concept of self-care sometimes carries a different definition from person to
person, but on a fundamental level, practicing self-care means taking care of yourself physically,
mentally, and emotionally. What differs for some people is how they choose to do this, based on what
makes them feel good and cared for individually. It feels good to have others do things that make us feel
comfortable, but in some situations of stress or sadness, it’s important for us to feel capable of doing
things to care for ourselves as well.

During the pandemic, we recognized the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on mental health. For
some, stress, fear and adversity lead to an increased risk of mental health issues. In addition,
quarantines and lockdown restrictions can increase feelings of isolation and loneliness, contributing to
poor mental well-being. Due to various barriers, older members of society, in particular, may find it
challenging to stay connected during the pandemic.

In addition, the COVID-19 pandemic raised concerns about the mental health of the generation
of children growing up in this period. Worldwide, the pandemic has brought to the forefront the need to
improve mental health access.

Memory Makers Inc. created a webinar that tackles importance of practicing self-care and
taking care of ones mental health. Mental health concerns can be hard to recognize and so hard to talk
about. This webinar talk will help students in STI College Balayan to have a clear place to start focusing
on their inner strength while experiencing challenges. Learn how to manage stress due to uncertainties
plays an imperative role in keeping the mind calm and healthy.


Similar Past Event's

The continuous surge of the COVID-19 pandemic affected most families. It has an exponentially
negative effect on mental health. Some are fearful of getting ill, experiencing losses, having financial
difficulties, and isolation from loved ones and support groups. All these contribute to a perfect storm of
stress, anxieties, and other negative emotions. The battle goes within. Mental health concerns can be
hard to recognize and so hard to talk about.
STI held a Mental Health Webinar Series entitled, Students Webinar Series: Made to Be More
"No one Left Behind" last March 12, 2021 and "Stress Tolerance and Management" last October 8, 2021
via Facebook Live in the official fanpage of STI.

Potential Alliances/Sponsor

Event sponsorship provides financial assistance to the event to achieve promotional advantages.
Sponsorships can come in the form of a cash exchange for assets or a barter exchange involving
products or services. It starts with building relationships, showing value, giving an unbelievable offer,
and teaching how to engage with attendees. The following are the potential alliances and sponsors of
Memory Makers Inc:

 Roderick cabral
 VM Larry albanio

Marketing Channel


Facebook is the most popular social media platform with more than a billion people using it
every day. It is a networking site that allows users to connect with other people and easily share
pictures, videos, articles and opinions with their friends.

The proponents will create a facebook page named Memory Makers Inc. wherein they can easily
be reach and contact by the clients. Clients who want to ask information about the webinar may
message the organization through the created Facebook page.


Flyer is simply a poster or single sheet that is posted to bring attention to a business promotion,
product, service, or event. Flyers may seem like an old-school way to market, but they still have great
value when it comes to advertising. You can share them online or in person, posted in windows, passed
out, sent via email, etc.

The proponents will give flyers to number of people to inform them about the incoming webinar
event. The organization will task a member of the organization to give away
numbers of flyers.


 Great resources of information.

 Webinars are location flexible.
 Gives the opportunity to continue to reach your target group.
 Less costly in terms of a participation fee.
 Useful in engaging the listeners through live presentations and interactive multimedia.

 Webinars embrace technology and uses social media.

 Well-suited for making business or marketing presentations.
 Webinar offers enormous potential for reaching a broad audience.
 The current quarantine situation has brought a tremendous increase in the number of people
who use webinars as a teaching or cooperation tool.

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