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Britney Jonda

Youngstown State University

Lesson Reflection

Dr. Duncko

March 31, 2022

Lesson Reflection

1.) What were the formative assessment results each day in each of the content lessons that
you taught? DESIGN electronic TABLE GRAPHS to identify the results for each
content. How would you use the results the next day in your planning and why: Be very
specific and correlate your reasoning with sound research/readings from what you
know about young children and learning. It is expected that you have 3 citations. Did
you expect these results? Why or Why not?

The assessment in the English Language Arts and Social Studies lesson was on a KWL

chart. The students had to write what they learned from the lesson that was taught to them

over St. Patrick’s Day. Once the students turn in their KWL chart and it was graded, I was

very happy with answers the students have written down. A lot of the students already knew

what St. Patrick’s Day was but during this lesson they learned more of the history

background of St. Patrick’s Day. As I was reading the book called St. Patrick’s Day by Gail

Gibbons, I was so impressed with all the students and how they were engaged with the

reading. When I was asking open ended question to the students, majority of the student’s

hands were in the air because they knew the answers. So, when it came time for the student

to write down what they have learned, it came easy for them. Due to the rush of time,
majority of the students only wrote down one thing they have learned. If this were my own

classroom the following day, I would have to students add to their column of that they have

learned. I think it would be important to have more then one fact because it will really show

to the teacher what they learned through the read aloud and activity. Looking at the chart

above, 66% of the students were about to tell me that Patrick was believed not to be his

really name. 22% of the student told me that St. Patrick became a priest. Lastly 11% of the

students told me a typical answer that they already knew about St. Patrick’s Day.

The focus of this lesson were for the student to be able to understand the difference between

define and non-defining attributes. For this assessment, the student had to solve the shape

clues. The students would read the defining attribute questions and they would have to draw

the shape with the clues that were give to them. One the shapes were drawn the student had
to answer the non-defining attribute question. For those questions, the student have to color

the shape a certain color it was asking. Looking at the bar graph above 85% of the students

did a wonder job with this assessment. 15% of the student struggle with the three questions.

Lastly 5 % of the students struggled with the last question of the non-defining attributes.

Lastly, the science objective for this single lesson was for the students to be about to

understand how a plant grows in its environment. The students will have to sort what a plant

needs and does not need to grow. As the students were sorting, they used their self-checklist

to make sure the items where in the correct spot. They had to put their thumbs up in the air

for me to check their work. As I checked their work, I had a checklist. One the checklist I

made notes of the students that got it complete right and the ones that had to go back to refix.

Looking at the graph above I was give please by the results of the student work on their
assessment. As shown on the graph 95% of the student got 100% on their assessment. While

5% accidently put “Snow” in the column that was not correct. Overall, I was very pleased

with my formative assessment during lesson week. I am super excited to see how my

assessments go throughout unit week.

2. When reflecting on the feedback you provided for the 2 students and the whole class
(students you taught), do you feel this effectively provided them with insight into their
learning about the content? Why?

When reflecting on the feedback I provided for the two students, I feel that it was super helpful

for the both of them because they were successful throughout the lesson. During the lesson, both

of the students needs were met to help the be successful. For the student that is on an IEP, she

received individual help from the teacher through each lesson that was taught. For the other

student, he is one of the struggling learners. Throughout the lesson he did a great job paying

attention and asking for help when he needed it. I believe this helped him be successful

throughout my lesson because he was an active learner. I believe the scoring guides were

effective as a whole class because the students were able to extent these self-checklists into their

upcoming lessons.

3.How did you or will you help students use this feedback? You will want to discuss the
concrete ways you will use to remind them of the feedback and the teaching strategies you
will incorporate to have them use the feedback in a follow-up lesson.
As an educator it is important to give effective feedback to our students, in my future lessons

I will give my student effective feedback as they expand their academic learning. For my

ELA/SS lesson, the students worked on a KWL chart and wrote down things they already

“Know” and they wrote down things that they might want to learn before the start of the

lesson. At the end of the lesson, the students pulled the KWL charts back out and filled out

the last column. The student wrote what they learned during the lesson that was taught to
them. As I was reading the last column of the KWL I notice that a couple students mention

how some believed Saint Patrick’s real name wasn’t Patrick. The students used their child

friendly scoring guide for this formative assessment to check for proper sentences that make

sense. The students will be able to extend this rubric into other lesson when they have to

make complete sentences in other content areas. For my math lesson, the students were a

rubric to check for defining and non-defining attributes. This rubric helped them remember

how to look for different characteristics in a shape. Finally, for my sciences lesson the

students were sorting between what helps a plant to grow and what does not help a plant.

The student used this checklist to make sure their sorting was accurate before the teacher

came around to check it. One good teaching strategies teacher should have are poster of their

academic language around the room for student to reference back too when might be suck on


4.Describe what you learned about teaching and learning related to assessment and
feedback? Please be specific and use some concrete professional citations in your answer.

The things I have learned during lesson week and throughout the semester, is how important it is

to assess our students. Assessment not only show what the students learned but it helps the

teacher self- assess on their teaching as well. Assessments help show if the teacher needs to go

back and reteach to the students over the content that was just taught. According to (Carnegie

Mellon University, 2019, pg. 1) “Formative assessment helps the teacher monitor the student

learning to provide feedback to the instructor to improve their teaching and by students to

improve their learning.” These assessment help teachers identify the students’ strengths and

weaknesses and the target area that the individual need to work on. Also, I learned the

importance of provide effective feedback to the students. If the teacher does not provide

feedback, then the students will never know what they need to improve on. According to
(University of South Carolina, 2018, pg. 1) “It is most productive to a student’s learning when

they are provided with an explanation to what is accurate and in accurate about their work.” As a

future educator we wants are students to come out of our classroom at the end of the year being

so successful. For that to happened we need to provide this effective feedback to our students, so

they know when they are doing wrong and even when they are right.

5.What would you have done differently during this lesson week? Why? Be specific !

Overall, my lesson was so successful for my students and I in the classroom. As I got

observed by mentor teacher and supervisor, I was extreme happy with their comments that they

had for me. They both absolutely loved my lesson, and I got the best compliments by both of

them. The students love all three of the activities during this week. The materials were beneficial

and fun for the students. However, I would do some things differently in my lessons. For science

I wish I printed out the printable read aloud book for the students to have. As I was reading the

how a plant survives and grows in its environment, I wish the student could have the same story

as me and followed along as I read to them. My math lesson went very well, the students loved

drawing their shaes in the whole class activity we did. The students also loved that they got to

create their own shape monster. One thing I wish I did differently was to ask more opened

question when we were discussion defining and non-defining attributes. For English Language

Art and Social studies, my students were so excited to get ready for Saint Patrick’s Day. The

students loved the interactive read aloud over the book St. Patrick’s Day by Gail Gibbons. One

thing that I wish I did differently was let them have more time coloring there St. Patrick’s Day

hat. The students really worked hard, and I should have reward them more with coloring a little

longer. As a future educator it is ok to make mistake when teaching. The importance of making
those mistake is to just embrace it because then we can self-reflect for the next lesson we teach.

According to (Mrs. Winter’s Bliss, 2020, pg.2) “growth minded classrooms are teaching students

the power of mistakes and failure, but not all mistakes are desirable.” It is important as a teacher

that we embrace to our students when we make a mistake because not everyone is perfect. The

best thing we can do it grow and learn from out mistakes.


Kayla, Christina, Goerge, A., Lisa, How to Turn Mistakes into Learning Opportunities –
Education says: & Mistakes: A Wonderful Donation to Learning by Trish McIntosh says:
(2020, September 30). Ideas to help students normalize mistakes while learning. Mrs.
Winter's Bliss. Retrieved April 7, 2022, from

University, C. M. (2019). Formative vs summative assessment - eberly center - carnegie Mellon

University. Formative vs Summative Assessment - Eberly Center - Carnegie Mellon
University. Retrieved April 7, 2022, from

Tools & Resources. University of South Carolina. (2018). Retrieved April 7, 2022, from

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