22.3.2022 - Practice Test

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Section I. (1.0 pt)

1-10. Listen and write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer in the corresponding numbered blanks to
complete the following sentences.

Studying geography helps us to understand:

- the effects of different processes on the (1) _________________of the Earth
- the dynamic between (2) _________________and population
Two main branches of study:
- physical features
- human lifestyles and their (3) _________________
Specific study areas: biophysical, topographic, political, social, economic, historical and (4)
_________________geography, and also cartography
Key point: geography helps us to understand our surroundings and the associated (5) _________________
What do geographers do?
- find data, e.g. conduct censuses, collect information in the form of (6) _________________using
computer and satellite technology
- analyze data – identify (7) _________________, e.g. cause and effect
- publish findings in form of:
a. Maps
- easy to carry
- can show physical features of large and small areas
- BUT a two-dimensional map will always have some (8) _________________
b. Aerial photos
- can show vegetation problems, (9) _________________density, ocean floor etc.
c. Landsat pictures sent to receiving stations
- used for monitoring (10) _________________conditions etc.
Section II. (1.0 pt) Listen and do as directed.
11-13. Choose the correct letter A, B, C or D
11. Andrew has worked at the hospital for
A. two years B. three years C. five years D. six years
12. During the course Andrew’s employers will pay
A. his fee B. his living costs C. his salary D. his tuition
13. The part-time course lasts for:
A. one whole year. B. 18 months C. two years D. three years
14-15. What does the part-time course involve? Choose TWO letters A-E
A. a case study
B. an essay
C. a survey
D. a short report
E. s study diary
16-20. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
Modular Courses
Students study (16) ____________________ during each module. A module takes (17)
____________________and the work is very (18) ____________________. To get a Diploma each
student has to study (19) ____________________and then work on (20)____________________in


I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others by circling
the letter A, B, C or D (0.3pt)
1. A. exist B. exhaustion C. explorer D. exhaustion
2. A. hypocrite B. expertise C. trichology D. click
3. A. dimension B. expansion C. confusion D. tension
II. Choose the word whose main stress pattern is different from that of the others by circling the letter A,
B, C or D. (0.2 pt)
1. A. Europe B. monument C. province D. minority
2. A. telecommuting B. geophysical C. hydroelectric D. humanitarian
I. Circle the best option A, B, C or D to complete each of the following sentences.
(1.0 pt)
1. I like to contribute ________ the school Red Cross fun.
A. on B. to C. with D. for
2. As an ecotourism _______, the park provides visitors with beautiful landscape.
A. site B. park C. place D. land
3. There is no point in phoning him. He’s certain _________by now.
A. to leave B. to have left C. left D. having left
4. The computer has _______ a long way over the last thirty years.
A. taken on B. come on C. broken down D. put in
5. I don’t know_______ the new manager.
A. what to do of B. how to do of C. what to make of D. how to make of
6. Paul’s been in Alice’s bad _______ ever since he offended her at the party.
A. eyes B. likes C. treats D. books
7. There are a few things that I don’t like about my job, but ______, it’s very enjoyable.
A. by and large B. here and there
C. black and blue all over D. near and far

8. _______ the US superiority at that time, it was probable that any threatened US response would have
deterred the Soviet Union.

A. If B. Given C. Although D. Since

9. The waiter tried to be friendly to his customers but a _____ can’t change its
spots and he was still very rude.
A. leopard B. lion C. cheetah D. wolf
10. _______ him in York during your holiday, please give him my number.
A. Were you to meet B. Had you not meet
C. Having met D. Should you meet

II. Complete each sentence using a verb from column A in the correct form and a suitable particle
from column B. You can use any particle more than once. (1.0 pt)
run talk see set slip in into down up out
step stand stick take tie through over
1. I am afraid your party doesn’t quite ________________ with our arrangements.
2. Paul _______ me ______going skiing, against my better judgement.
3. The Chairman has ________________after criticism from shareholders.
4. Peter could never deceive me. I __________ his attention at once.
5. Don’t be _____________ by her apparent shyness. I used to be one of the victims.
6. You must learn to ____________ for yourself as no one can help you better than you do.
7. As Graham has not been well recently, Carol has kindly agreed to ______________ for him at the
monthly meeting.
8. I was so disappointed at the way the company has answered me: “Someone ____________ and your
application was lost”
9. Sue _____________ to write a biography but it became a novel.
10. “Let’s _____________ the plan once more as I don’t want any minor mistakes at all”, said the
managing director.
III . Think of one word which can be used appropriately in all three sentences.
Number ‘0’ is an example. (0.5 pt)
0. After being responsible for two false starts, the athlete was disqualified from the sprint.
I couldn’t understand what Grandma was saying until in her false teeth. Making false statement to
the police is an offence.
1. A new ________ of practice governing the advertising of tobacco products is being introduced.
It ran contrary both to his upbringing and personal ________ of behavior that men should show emotion.
The source ________ and documentation will be available to developers.
2. I can't believe that Colin doesn't ________ like sport.
Families somehow survived, ________ as they were being torn apart by the war.
Once in a while why not take advantage of the smooth, ________ surface to concentrate on your control and
3. The cliff ________ was starting to crumble into the sea.
I don't know how I'm going to ________ her after what happened.
The Wasps ________ the Hornets in two weeks.
4. I seem to have lost the ________ with all my personal records on it.
Today is the deadline for self-employed people to ________ their tax returns.
We walked in single ________ along the path.
5. It's just a ________ to them. They don't care what happens.
John gave the ________ away by laughing when Jim walked in.
We've been in this ________ for twenty years.
IV. Give the correct form of the words in brackets to complete the passage bellow. (0.5 pt)
One of the most challenging aspects of the science anthropology comes from its fieldwork. Certainly, in
its (1. infant) infancy as a profession, anthropology was distinguished by its concentration on so-called
primary societies in which social (2. institute) institution appear to be fairly limited and social
interaction to be conducted almost (3. exclude) exclusively face – to – face. Such societies, it was felt,
provided anthropologists with a valuable (4. see) insight into the workings of society that contrasted
with the many complexities of more highly developed societies. There was also a sense that the way of
life represented by these smaller societies were rapidly (5. appear) disappearing and that preserving a
record of them was a matter of some urgency.
I. Choose the best option A, B, C or D that best fits each of the blanks to complete the passage. (0.8 pt)
The thought of taking a year out from studying is (1)______ . Fun, freedom, adventure, perhaps even money
seems to be on offer for a year. So why not go (2) ______ it? A year out can provide all of these things. But
before you make a firm decision, take some time to think about whether a year out what is really you want. If it
is, then do make sure you know what you want to do with it. A year with nothing planned can be depressing
and a (3) _______ waste of time.
You need to take a positive attitude if you are to benefit. You need to start preparing for it well before the time
comes to take the (4) _______. Most universities and employers look favorably on such applicants. If they
have shown good reasons for taking a year out and have not just (5) _______ into it. They value the maturity,
confidence, social and other skills a gap year can bring. Colleges find that gap year students (6) ______ to be
more mature and motivated. They mix better with their fellow students and work harder because they have a
better idea of where they want to go. They also (7) ______ more to college life in general, because they are
used to being a part of a team, either at work or study.
Employers also look kindly on (8) ______ gap year students. They want employees who are experienced and
mature and can deal better with the unexpected. If their year out has also equipped them with skills which other
applicants may not have, such a better grasp of a foreign language, then that too is a plus.
1. A. disparaging B. intimidating C. alarming D. enticing
2. A. at B. for C. in D. off
3. A. deep B. large C. sheer D. full
4. A. plunge B. dive C. jump D. spin
5. A. drifted B. floated C. flopped D. flown
6. A. happen B. look C. tend D. end
7. A. present B. participate C. contribute D. involve
8. A. old B. former C. later D. present

II. Read the passage below and choose the best option A, B, C or D to answer each of the following
questions. (0.7 pt)
How a man uses money – makes it, saves it, and spends it – is perhaps one of the best tests of practical
wisdom. Although money ought by no means to be regarded as a chief end of man’s life, neither is it a trifling
matter, to be held in philosophic contempt, representing as it does to so large an extent, the means of physical
comfort and social well-being. Indeed, some of the finest qualities of human nature are intimately related to the
right use of money; such as generosity, honesty, justice, and self-sacrifice; as well as the practical virtues of
economy and providence. On the other hand, there are their counterparts of avarice, fraud, injustice, and
selfishness, as displayed by the inordinate lovers of gain; and the vices of thriftlessness, extravagance, and
improvidence, on the part of those who misuse and abuse the means entrusted to them. “So that,” as is wisely
observed by Henry Taylor in his thoughtful ‘Notes from Life,’ “a right measure and manner in getting, saving,
spending, giving, taking, lending. Borrowing, and bequeathing, would almost argue a perfect man.” 
      Comfort in worldly circumstances is a condition which every man is justified in striving to attain by all
worthy means. It secures that physical satisfaction, which is necessary for the culture of the better part of his
nature; and enables him to provide for those of his own household. Nor ought the duty to be any the less
indifferent to us, that the respect which our fellow-men entertain for us in no slight degree depends upon the
manner in which we exercise the opportunities which present themselves for our honorable advancement in
life. The very effort required to be made to succeed in life with this object, is of itself an education;
stimulating a man’s sense of self-respect, bringing out his practical qualities, and disciplining him in the
exercise of patience, perseverance, and such like virtues. The provident and careful man must necessarily be a
thoughtful man, for he lives not merely for the present, but with provident forecast makes arrangements for the
future. He must also be a temperate man, and exercise the virtue of self-denial, than which nothing is so much
calculated to give strength to the character. John Sterling says truly, that “the worst education which teaches
self-denial is better than the best which teaches everything else, and not that.” The Romans rightly employed
the same word (virtus) to designate courage, which is in a physical sense what the other is a moral; the highest
virtue of all being victory over ourselves. 
1. What is the main idea of this passage? 
A. Wealthy people and poor people can both be virtuous.
B. Money is insignificant.
C. Money is the most important thing in the world.
D. The way a person handles money indicates his or her general character.
2. The author’s purpose in writing this essay is _______. 
A. to teach people how to earn a great deal of money
B. to warn readers about the dangers of greed
C. to describe the life of a wealthy person
D. to convince the reader that proper money management is a sign of good character
3. Which is the best synonym for the word ‘providence’ in the 1st paragraph? 
A. prudence
B. fate
C. sustenance
D. doom
4. 5. What would be the author’s response to those who say that poverty is noble? 
A. The author would agree with this statement.
B. In order to cultivate other virtues a person must have money.
C. Once a person gets rich, they can start worrying about self-discipline.
D. The Romans believed that poor people are evil.
6. 7. Which word best describes the author's attitude to Henry Taylor? 

A. B. admiring
C. condescending
D. skeptical
E. disgusted
8. What does the author imply by saying that money provides ”physical satisfaction, which is necessary
for the cultivation of the better part of his nature?”
A. B. People are friendlier after they have had a hot bath.
C. In order to improve oneself in more lofty ways, one must attain the basic necessities.
D. The most important thing in life is physical pleasure.
E. Money can only provide physical pleasure.
9. What does the author mean by the comment,” The very effort required to be made to succeed in life
with this object, is of itself an education?”
A. In order to earn money a person needs to go to college.
B. Money makes people seem smarter than they are.
C. That learning to manage money effectively entails learning a number of other valuable skills.
D. Only smart people can earn money.

III. Fill each blank with a suitable word to complete the passage. (1.0 pt)
For over two hundred years, scholars have shown an interest in the way children learn to speak
and understand their language. Several small-scale studies were carried out, especially towards
the end of the nineteenth century, (1)_______ data recorded in parental diaries. But detailed,
systematic investigation did not begin until the middle decades of the twentieth century, when
the tape recorder (2) _______ into routine use. This made it possible to keep a permanent
record of samples of child speech, so that analysts could listen repeatedly to obscure (3)
_______, and thus produce a detailed and accurate description. The problems that have (4)
_______ when investigating child speech are quite different from (5) _______ encountered
when working with adults. It is not possible to carry out certain kinds of experiments, because
aspects of children’s cognitive development, such as their ability to (6) _______ attention or to
remember instructions, may not be sufficiently advanced. (7) _______ is it easy to get children
to (8) _______ systematic judgments about language – a task that is virtually impossible below
the age of three. Moreover, anyone who has tried to make a tape recording of a representative
sample of a child’s speech knows how frustrating this can be. Some children, it seems, are
innately programmed to (9) _______ off as soon as they notice a tape recorder (10) _______
switched on.


I. Rewrite each of the following sentences using the word given in bold in such a way that it means the
same as the original one. (0.5 pt)
1. Thomas was not given details of the company’s new project. dark
Thomas was _________________________________________________________________________.
2. As the result of the bad weather, there may be delay to some international flights. subject

Due to
3. I presume you are coming to the party, Milan. read
Can I ______________________________________________________________________________?
4. He’s a pleasant man socially, but he’s a tough businessman. bargain
He’s ______________________________________________________________________________ .
5. A summary cannot bring out the high quality of this book. justice
A summary____________________________________________________________________________.
II. Rewrite each of the following sentences beginning with the words given so that it has the same meaning
as the original one. (0.5 pt)
1. The mob went away when the police came along.
Along __________________________________________________________________________________.

2. Absolute secrecy was crucial to the success of the mission.

Without ________________________________________________________________________________.
3. You don’t have to come and see the new house if you don’t wish.
You are under ___________________________________________________________________________.
4. He himself admits to a fear of spiders.
On his __________________________________________________________________________________.
5. She cannot make her mind up about whether to stay up or sleep.
She was torn ____________________________________________________________________________.

III. Write an essay on the following topic. (1.0 pt)
On social media nowadays, there are so many bad news of violence or crimes. Do you think that this trend will
badly influence young people? Use specific reasons and examples in an essay to support your view in about
200 - 250 words.

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