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Name – Akanksha Dubey (MBA General)

Note: Attempt all the questions. Tick the appropriate option.

1. According to Oxford Dictionary, _______ means ‘the branch of knowledge that deals with the amount of space
that people feel necessary to set between themselves and others’
● Proxemics
● Chronemics
● Haptics
● Kinesics

2. The entries in index are arranged in _______ order.

● Numerical
● Alphabetical
● Chronological
● Physical

3. What are your short term goals? is an example of _______

● Closed-ended question
● Rating question
● Open-ended question
● Ranking question

4. _______ is when an employee communicates to the superior of other department, by passing the superior of
his own department.
● Upward communication
● Downward communication
● Horizontal communication
● Diagonal communication

5. Sign language does NOT become meaningless _______

● At greater distance
● Behind opaque object
● In darkness
● At a closer distance
6. Sideward communication is also known as _______
● Diagonal
● Horizontal
● Vertical
● None of the above

7. Chronemics refers to _______

● The study of meaning
● The study of speech sounds
● The study of usage of time
● None of the above

8. It is better to write ‘You will be glad to know…’rather than ‘I am happy to inform…’ is an example of
● Clarity
● Correctness
● Conciseness
● Consideration

9. Linguistically, ______ communication is more important than writing.

● Auditory
● Visual
● Oral
● None of the above

10. The symbols can be in the form of _______

● Photographs, posters
● Drawing, pictures
● Both a and b
● None of the above

11. The communicator should check the accuracy of facts, language and grammar before its transmission is an
example of _______
● Consideration
● Completeness
● Conciseness
● Correctness

12. Clarity for effective communication implies _______

● Impression
● Exaggeration
● Reliability
● Expression

13. Which is NOT a component of Report Writing?

● Title page
● Table of Contents
● Index
● Time table

14. A person dressed in a suit, tie and polished shoes convey that he believes in _______ programme
● Formal and well structured
● Casual and Informal
● Formal and Casual
● Informal and well-structured

15. The Communication which moves from _______ level of organization is downward communication.

● Lower to higher
● Higher to lower
● Horizontal to diagonal
● Nowhere to nowhere

16. A message given from Head of Physics department to Head of English department is an example of _______
● Vertical
● Diagonal
● Horizontal
● None of the above

17. In non-verbal behavior, Jerking of head indicates _______

● Appreciation
● Rejection
● Confirmation
● Imagination

18. Para Language refers to _______

● Voice Stress
● Viewing
● Translation
● Accent

19. _______ is related to rise and fall of pitch.

● Translation
● Intonation
● Word stress
● Haptics

20. In Report writing _______ is added just after the table of contents.
● Appendices
● Abstract
● Bibliography
● Index

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