Countable Uncountable: - Tomato

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Test 2 New Sky 2

Име и презиме одд. датум

1. Под секоја слика напиши го соодветниот збор.

2. Поврзи ги зборовите од лево и десно за да добиеш правилна фраза.

0 post office a) hamburgers and pizzas

1 cinema b) gymnastics and basketball
2 newsagents c) books
3 sports centre d) films
4 library e) magazines and newspapers
5 fast food place f) stamps

3. Напиши ги зборовите во соодветна колона.




4. Пополни ги празните места со a, an, some или any.

0 Do you want a biscuit?

1 There isn’t sugar in this coffee.
2 Have we got sausages?
3 Would you like banana?
4 There’s cheese in the fridge.
5 Do you want egg for your breakfast?

5. На празните места пополни со much, many и a lot of.

0 There are _a lot of_ restaurants near here.

1 How money have you got?
2 How cinemas are there in this town?
3 Is there much traffic in this town? No, there isn’t .
4 How many cars are there in the car park? Not .
5 It’s money. I don’t want it.

6. Избери ги соодветниот одговор

A: How (many / much / a lot of) sausages do you want?

B: Two, please. And can I have (any / much / some) chicken too?
A: No problem. We’ve got (many /much / a lot of) chicken.
How (many / much / any) pasta would you like?
B: Not (many / some / much) thanks.
A: Have you got (a / some / any) drink?
B: Yes, thanks.

7. Напиши неколку реченици со кои ќе го опишеш својот начин на исхрана.

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