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Subject: Grade 6 Social Sciences (Geography) Name:

Topic: Social Sciences (Geography): Exam Term 2
Total: 102 Marks Date:

Question 1: True/False 2 marks

Sipho and Solomon swop their bicycles with one another. They are bartering.


This image refers to question: 2, 3

Question 2: True/False 2 marks

Lines of longitude and latitiude are lines drawn on the land.


Question 3: True/False 2 marks

The continent of Africa is situated in all four hemispheres.


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This image refers to question: 4

Question 4: Please Fill In The Blanks 6 marks

The world's three largest oceans are the (1) off the western coast of U. S. A, the (2) between Africa and
South America and (3) .

Possible Answers: Pacific Ocean | Southern Ocean | Indian Ocean | Atlantic Ocean | Arctic Ocean

1 2

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This image refers to question: 5

Question 5: Please Fill In The Blanks 4 marks

A street map is a (1) scale map.

Such maps show a large amount of detail.

The ratio in the scale is (2) .

Possible Answers: large | small | big | ratio

1 2

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This image refers to question: 6

Question 6: Multiple Choice 4 marks

Give the co-ordinates for Baghdad on the attached map.

A 33° N, 44° E
B 33° S, 44° E
C 33° N, 44° W
D 33° S, 44° W

Question 7: Multiple Choice 4 marks

Which of the following is an example of a primary product?

A An electric motor
B Steel
C Iron ore
D A computer

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This image refers to question: 8

Question 8: Text Input 3 marks

When you have solar panels on the roof of your home to provide your family with hot water, you are
making use of a natural resource to save your environment.

This natural resource is the ... .

Complelte the above sentence with ONE word.

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This image refers to question: 9

Question 9: Multiple Choice 4 marks

Chocolate is made from ... that comes from trees grown in areas between 10° N and 10° S of the equator.

A powder pods
B coconuts
C cocoa
D berries

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Question 10: Multiple Choice 4 marks
The attached map is a ... map of Africa.

A road
B physical
C economic
D political

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This image refers to question: 11, 12

Question 11: Multiple Choice 4 marks

1 cm on the map = ... on the ground

A 100 km
B 10 km
C 100 m
D 10 m

Question 12: Text Input 3 marks

Which country has the co-ordinates 22° S, 25° E?

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This image refers to question: 13

Question 13: Text Input 3 marks

People working with dangerous equipment need safety wear. This man is wearing a face mask and a
helmet, but not ... .

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Question 14: True/False 2 marks

1cm on this map = 300 km on the ground


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This image refers to question: 15

Question 15: Multiple Choice 4 marks

The continent of Antarctica lies in ... hemispheres.

A two
B three
C four
D none of the above

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This image refers to question: 16

Question 16: Text Input 3 marks

Complete the sentence with the correct word between brackets:

When a grocer sells you a piece of fruit, he is providing you with a (product / service) .

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This image refers to question: 17

Question 17: Text Input 3 marks

Jewellery which is ... carat is very expensive because it is made of pure gold.

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This text refers to question: 18
Fairtrade Products

A large variety of products display the Fairtrade logo. These include coffee, tea, herbs, cocoa, fruit,
vegetables, sugar, beans, grains, nuts, oils, butter, honey, spices and wine. Fairtrade items extend beyond
just food. Certain home goods, apparel and even sports balls bear the Fairtrade logo.

Question 18: Please Fill In The Blanks 6 marks

(1), (2) and (3) are some of the products that bear the Fairtrade label.

(Give your answers in alphabetical order.)

Possible Answers: clothing | cocoa | pork | wine | cement

1 2

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This text refers to question: 19, 20

Trading is the buying and selling of goods. Sometimes services or goods are swopped, this is called

South Africa has a large number of natural resources. These are resources produced by nature, such as
coal and metals such as gold and platinum.

When South Africa buys goods from another country, the goods are being imported by South Africa. These
goods are called imports. Most of its imports are from China, secondly from Germany.

When South Africa sells goods to another country, the goods are being exported by South Africa. These
goods are called exports. Most of its exports are to China, secondly to the United States.

South Africa exports goods such as fruit, wine, gold, platinum, diamonds, iron and car parts.

Tourism is also an export because people from other countries pay to come to South Africa. There are
many different and popular tourist destinations in South Africa, such as Table Mountain and the Kruger
National Park.

South Africa also hosts popular annual events such as the Cape Town International Jazz Festival, the
Comrades Ultra Marathon and the Cape Town Cycle Tour. Events such as these attract tourists from Africa
and other countries.

There are many fruit farms in South Africa that produce fruit for export. Fruit such as grapes, oranges,
peaches and apples are sold to different countries, especially to colder countries in the northern
hemisphere. South Africa has a climate that allows it to grow these different types of fruit. The climate in
the south western part of the Western Cape is suited for the growing of grapes, pears and apples, while
the climate in North West Province is suited to citrus fruit such as oranges and naartjies. Fruit farms in the
Limpopo Province produce fruit such as papaws, mangoes, bananas, avocados, tomatoes and citrus fruits
due to the Province’s subtropical climate.

South Africa needs to import goods that it does not produce, but that are needed by its citizens. Goods
such as oil, electrical items, large machines used in factories, medical equipment and medicines are
bought from other countries. Most of South Africa’s imports come from North America, Europe and Asia.

Question 19: Multiple Choice 4 marks

Which one of the following is not a major export of South Africa?

A medical equipment
B fruit
C gold
D platinum

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Question 20: Please Fill In The Blanks 6 marks
Choose words to complete the sentence (The first letter of each word has been given):
South Africa does not need to buy s... (1), g... (2) and p... (3) from other countries.

Possible Answers: sugar | gold | corn | oil | medicine | platinum

1 2

Question 21: True/False 2 marks

Raw materials are also referred to as primary products or natural resources.


Question 22: Text Input 3 marks

A map shows a scale of 1:5 000.

The actual distance is ... metres, if the distance on the map is 8 cm?

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This image refers to question: 23

Question 23: Text Input 3 marks

A cellphone is an example of a manufactured item and will be made in a ... .

Complete the sentence with ONE word.

Question 24: True/False 2 marks

A car's engine is a raw material.


Question 25: Please Fill In The Blanks 6 marks

Copper is a very useful natural resource which is found in (1) , (2) and (3) .

List your answers in alphabetical order.

Possible Answers: wires | plastic | wool | poisons | electronics | fabric

1 2

Question 26: True/False 2 marks

Big companies are able to pay workers in poor countries low wages to keep costs down.


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This image refers to question: 27

Question 27: Text Input 3 marks

Refer to the graphic. Two of the main tourist attractions in the Western Cape are Table Mountain and ... .

This text refers to question: 28

The Fairtrade Product Journey

Growing Without The Help Of Harmful Chemicals

Fairtrade encourages sustainable production and initiates a long-term approach to environmental

protection. No GMOs are allowed in Fairtrade.

Labour Standards

Fairtrade makes sure that farms comply with the highest labour standards, including no child labour,
freedom of association and non-discrimination policies.

Handled and Traded Fairly

Fairtrade audits farms and traders annually to ensure that the whole supply chain complies with the

Fair Pricing

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Fairtrade guarantees producers a fair price that reflects the costs of producing sustainably.

Giving Back to Communities

Upon sales of their Fairtrade products, small-scale farmers and farm workers receive the Fairtrade
Development Premium, which they can invest to develop their businesses and empower their

This image refers to question: 28

Question 28: Multiple Choice 4 marks

When one buys these bananas, one can be assured that the farmer has not used ... to grow them.

A chemicals
B manure
C harmful chemicals
D river water

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Question 29: Please Fill In The Blanks 4 marks
Lines that show the position of a place between the equator and the North Pole or the South Pole are
called lines of (1) . The position is measured in (2) north or south.

Possible Answers: latitude | longitude | degrees | kilometres | metres

1 2

Total: 102 Marks

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