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Designation: D 4940 - 96 (Reapproved 2003) ‘Standard Test Method for Conductimetric Analysis of Water Soluble lonic Contamination of Blasting Abrasives! et ct ce eis he yr of at ev A ae 1, Scope [LI This test method describes procedure for rapid evalu ation of abrasives for the presence of ion contamination by determining the total concentration of water soluble ionic contaminants by means of a conductivity tes 1.2 This test method does not identify the ionic species present or provide quantitative results 0a each species 1.3 This test method is hased on a volume comparison among abrasives of similar sizes. A volume compatison is ‘more closely related to surface area ofthe abrasives than isa ‘weight comparison LA This standart does nor purport to address all of the safery concerns, if iy, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user ofthis standard to establish appro priate safer; and health practices and detemuine the applica bility of regulatory limitations prior to se. 2. Referenced Documents 2.1 ASTM Standards: 1D 1193 Specification for Reagent Water” E832 Specification for Laboratory Filter Papers* 2 Other Standard: $0 11127-6 Preparation of Steel Substrates before Appli- cation of Punts and Related Products Test Methods for Non-Metallic Blast Cleaning Abrasives - Part 6: Deter nation of Water Soluble Contaminants by Conductivity Measurement 23. SSPC: The Society for Protective Coatings SSPC.AB 1 Specification for Mineral and Slag Abrasives? 43, Summary of Test Method 3.1 Abrasive and pure water are combined into a slurry that is sted to Teach the soluble salts from the abrasive. This so Read Cosa Mauss ypbind sth trp Shoei D6 nd rene Caste ho! BOOB A Sand 1.08 Ima BOOBY AST Sem a 0 Ral Amen itl Stns is, 198 Fl, 1 Wn rg PA 22 > slurry is filtered and conductance of the filtrate is measured, The conductivity. which is related to the concentration of soluble fonie materials contaminating the abrasive surface, is calculated from the conductance and the ell constant 4, Significance and Use 4.1 By-product abrasives manufactured from slags that are air cooked or quenched with pure water, normally contain Tow concentrations of ionic materials, as do mined mineral abra- ‘ives. However, slags quenched with seawater or other con taminated water, contain high amounts of ionie material as does seashore sind, This contamination of the abnisive can twansfer to the steel sufices being blasted, where it mi avcelerate corrosion. This test is useful in establishing. the cleanliness of the abrasive atthe jobsite 42 This test method provides a value that indicates the concentration of toial water soluble ions based on thet electrolytic mobility. Thu, it provides an indication of in corrosion potential Nom: IA ypc vate of corductiviyfor a igh level of coma: ‘ation i 10 joe. yp vale Fo a In eel of sontanston fee mim. 5. Apparatus 5.1 Conductivity Bridge aul Cell—Any commercial con- ductivity bridge and conductivity cell having a range of at east $4 mhovem 10 1 000 000 umofem and temperature compen ‘ation capability is satisfactory. Ether a dip-type, pipe-type, or cup-type cell may be used. A means of adjusting for tempera ture or comtolling the temperature is essential. While some instruments have an adjustment to compensate for temperature, ‘one means is to use a 25°C constant temperature bat Another nxthod isto str the solution with a clean thermometer while the vessel is warmed of cooled by an extemal souze. Nowe 2—ISO 111274 aster set for ssssing the evel of sete si entiation presen nam aes ce rom his et retain mojo ares {Uy The ISO meth ses Weight w Ylue rao ben he sive ae the fui (deionized we) used 10 ext sluble sas fe the tras, The ASTM mtn allows a wer tn mess a eae poked ‘wl sive and mi th sve witha equal velme of eager Ale The ISO meted wel suited mein aban sting ba erly sated wo me inthe Bold The ASTM tha swell te Fre Ine ldo ary. (2) The 180 method reports th eta ofthe lve of exacted a is terms of aillSioncnvn, whee ths est method Uses wate. The 10 method uses sce St uit, this test mathod repens using ST soup nis. ‘Meta 0 Met Comorian: The reader bs ware tht i if mike dct comparisons erwen thee ofthese wo dfn meth of analy ‘WeigtNolume vers VolimeVolune Mead Considerations: Inthe ASTM Method the weight ofthe abeesive is aot kaown: this rakes i ps 10 asks the rao eHeen conti ales keine wsing ths est med proelare and those determing sing the 1S0 1112746 prover ‘Comparison Been Reports for Eh Medea An ideperdet stu) Py SSPC showed tht the relative over of exreted sts using each pe of procedure cm abrasive mel Was identical, The ranked order creation between the To methods we ty There was ao ect orlton posite beeen numerical eal Seanad and rooney he ty erent mts Abses thet Showed qualijng ected sate wing the (living exacted at levels a spose in SSPC-AB 1 Comertng fom 190 Repored Unis to ASTM Reported Unis: CConering from ene anit base t ante ot asthe ew metas ifr in press The comerson faster from yen riliSemendn i a Flows ‘Micro Bho Per Cetin Iymnenn (3 [0°40 "NiSeen Per Mee 1 itisiemennr) = (110°) £100 cor Tha oe llStemenon = ten yb 52 Filter Paper, conforming to Specification E832, Type 1, Chass C, 40 keep silt from fouling the surfaces of the conductivity cell 6, Reagents and Materials 6.1 Purity of Reagents—Reagent grade chemicals shall be sed in all tests, Unless otherwise indicated, itis intended that, all eagents conform to the speciation of the Committee on Analytical Reagents ofthe American Chemical Society where such specitications are avalabl.* Other srades may be used, provided it sft ascertained that the reagetis of suicently high purty to permit its use without lessening the aceuracy of the determination. {62 Purity of Wawer—Unless oxherwive indicated, references to water shall be understood to mean reagent water as defined by Type IV of Specification D 1193, ‘63 Potassin Chloride (KCI or 0.02 N KCI solution). 7. Sampling 7.1 Sampling shall be as follows unless othervise agreed upon between the purchaser and the seller. Tike wo LL. samples of abrasive at random from different packages of each Jot, hatch, day's pack, or other unit of production in the shipment. When no markings distinguishing between tits of production appear take samples from the citferent packages in heap Ornicals,Anercan Chea Sac Sets Ani Chen Sve. Wastin, DC, Fer ugesions on Br sa sted te Amen hema Scie se nor Son fr Larry eal Coven, USAC), Roxie the ratio of two samples for each SOD ke, except that for shipments of less than S000 kg, take wo samples. Test the samples separately 8, Calibration and Standardization 81 Determination of Celt Consionr 8.1.1 The condoctvity cell will come with a predetermined constant, This constant shouldbe checked periodically, one method being s follows 8.1L. Prepare a standard solution such as a 0.0005 2 solution of KCI by dilucing 2 0.02.8’ KCI solution with water or by dissolving 0.0372 g of KCI (veighed after heating for | frat 105°C) in wate, followed by dilution to IL. Coot ond neasure the conductance at 25°C as described in Se 9. Calculate the cell constant, Kes a follows: Key = (CIC! A where c = conductance, meesured at 25°C (see 10.1), mo, and = conductivity, 72 ymhofem (from Table Nong 3 gee the cll constant i ot set alec by vor tions i the stengh of the KCI soluion, ht for geste accra, ‘mesuenents sould be mde a oc near the specific ost ofthe ‘elton tote messed and at vals tht woe the mile range ofthe “ae ofthe condtoy Bade, wing hese matin n. 8.1.2 Table 1 gives values of specific conductivities for corresponding KCI solution concentrations which are useful for abrasive testing 9. Procedure 9.1 Preparation of a Sturry Firat: 9.14 Rinse beakers, sting rods, and funnels with reagent water until tests show the ise wate has a conductivity of 5.0 tumbovem oF less. 9.1.2. Add 300 mL of water to 300 mL of abrasive and stir for [min with a sting rod, Let stand for 8 min and the stir again for I min 9.1.3 Biller sufficient supematant liquid fo tests, discarding the fst 10 ml. ofthe fila, The amount of supernatant guid ‘tered shall be sufficient to cover the cel 9.1.4 Rinse the conductivity cell in reagent water until the rinse water is cleanliness of 5.0 umbolem ot les, 9.1.5 Rinse the conductivity cell wo o three times withthe ‘irate then determine conductance at 25°C in accondance with the operating instuctions of the instrument. Use successive portions ofthe sample until a constant value is obtained. TABLE 1 Specie Conductiiies for Potassum Chloride (KCI) Coneonatons 38°C — Eee ton o 10, Caleulation 10.1 Caleuta follows the specific conductivity of the abrasive as C2 Oe ® LL, Report LILI Reporte following information: LLL The calibration value of the cell constant (bo as measured and as predetermined and supplied with the condc- ity cel), the date, and the name of the person checking the calibration, 1112 The material, date, readings, and mean in ymlnoem slong with name of person conducting the tests and identii- ation of the appara 12, Precision and Bias” 12.1 Precision—On the basis of five replicate interlabors- tory tests ofthis test method ia which thee operstors in three laboratories analyzed, in duplicate, six blasting abrasives coatzining ionogenic contamination, the within-laboratory co efficient of variation (after rejecting resuls from one set of replicate tess as outlier), was found 10 be 1.7% with 20 degrees of fteedom (i) and the between-Laboratory standard deviation coficiemt of variation was found tobe 7.4% with 1S spn nee ho ASM rien Rg At, Based on these coeicients, the following criteria should be used for judging the acceptability of resulty at the 95 % confidence level 12 Repeatability —Two results, exch the mean of 160 runs obtained by the Same operator should be considered suspect if they differ by more than 5 % elaive. 12.12 Reprodacibiliy—To results, each the mean of to runs, obtained by operators in different laboratories should be considered suspect if they difer hy more than 22 % relative 122 Bias 12.21 Bias can be present because of the mobility of various ions. The hydogen ion has a much greater mobility than the hydroxy! ion or other ions so that at low pHs the conductivity willbe relatively higher than at high pHs forthe same ionic concentration, However, the bias introdoced by this actor is in the proper direction. Thais, high conductivity due to & lower pH of the contamination woukd normaly indicate reatercomsion poten 12.2.2 A bias may be introduced by extraneous contamins tion of from reduced sensitivity of instrament for low levels of contamination in the range of conductivity between 0 and 30 uumbovem, 13, Keywords 13.1. abrasive: analysis: blasting: chloride: conductimeti; conductivity; contamination; interlaboratory testing; iono genic: precision; sais; stel surfaces AST inate! tis ro set sping ta vlc asta rg zee nani tn an tam arson (nina wanans eae tse sun's oe eee) ans at cbanton oe lay ey non att ge. a ak organ ef hfs a an own reorey, ‘7 ta ston aay 2 ane tcc cote a mui ae yur a \traveiaes ait mapersad er teruon Yu Caarats wits To mse a ne turf cao! teat ‘rest cn 9 As rain nse aa cra aces ara Prasincns i cpjpies ny AST lnaranoa (0 Bar Hn Di PO Ba! C700 as Consonant 04382585 nied Stes na! errs fag or rtp cont} of Me nar ej be eared By Conacing ASTM se ove faajeas erat SIDSSDGSG5 ton), SIOSSES555 lx), oF seBacinon (eal, Bvegh De AST west iste

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