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Renewable and Sustalable Energy Reviews 50 (2015) 229-244 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews journal homepage: www.clsevier.comllecatelrser Coalbed methane with CO, sequestration: An emerging clean coal Devnrnn technology in India V. Prabu*, Nirmal Mallick Department of Chemica Engineering nin nse of Teno Gwahat ssa 781039, ia ARTICLE INFO ABSTRACT ‘rice Bison ‘Received 27 October 2014 Deceped May 2015, ‘able online 26 May 2015 eywords: Coued Methane (CHM) (oy sequestration Underground oa gasification (CG) CCoalbed methane (CAM) is an emerging clean coal technology in India to extract in-situ entrapped methane of coal beds. Methane is a greenhouse and a caloric valuable gas providing an energy source {or power production, The capture of entrapped methane gas prior to coal mining or ftom unmineable {deep coal seams would result ina safe, clean and viable energy source. The use of majo greenhouse gas 0; for desorbing the entrapped methane in coal beds would cient carbon capture and storage (CCS). As India contains 37% of coal reserves in the deep underground (> 300m), enhanced ‘oalbed methane (ECBM) isa promising clean coal technology for methane recovery a well 35 COs “sequestration. The present study evaluates the CBM potential of Indian bituminous/sub-bituminous coal reserves using Kin’s correlation and further estimates the CO; sequestration capacity of coal seams, “These data are useful to the industries, which are aiming at the CBM resources of India Further, the Cae ‘technical feasibility of ECHM integration with underground coal gasification (UCG) technology is also ‘discussed for clean recovery of deep underground coal resources. 1 2015 Elsevier Lid All rights reserved. Contents 1. Introduction : : : - 229 2 CBM resource assessment and CO, sequestration potential of indian coals. 1232 3. Result and discussion Da 21. CAM sites and current projec in India 2a 32, Estimation of CBM resources 235 3.3. _ Integration of CBM with underground coal gasification (UC) 240 4. Conelusion q a 122 Acknowiedgments. 2a References rs) 1, Introduction India majorly depends on its coal resources for power genera- tion, Around 70% of electricity usage in India is generated from «coal combustion based thermal power plants. Coal on combustion releases greenhouse gases into the environment and results in the slobal warming, Presently, a lot of research is ongoing to control the greenhouse gas (GHG) emission into the atmosphere. Studies Corresponding stor Te: + 91 361 258 227% fx 913612582201 ‘Ea addres: vprabuDhigeretin (V. Pala) tpi. 1354-05210 2015 Elsevier Ld Al ight reserved fon clean coal technologies such as coal beneficiation, oxy-fuel combustion, chemical looping combustion, underground. coal gasification (UCG), SO, and NO, reduction in boilers etc. are more Tocused towards commercialization for clean recovery of coal resources. Greenhouse gas emission may occur not only through coal combustion process, but also by coal mining process Entrapped methane gas from the porous structure of coal bed luring in-situ coalifcation process would release into the envir- ‘onment on mining. The capture of calorie valuable methane gas prior to the mining process is called coalbed methane (CBM), ‘which would result in efficient energy recovery. Methane gas can entrap 20 times of heat energy as compared to COs | 1). Therefore, 20 \e Pau. N Malick Renewable and Ssainable ergy Reviews 50 (2015) 29-244 the emission of methane into the atmosphere is one of the causes of global warming. Further, methane gas may create a fire hazard ‘on mining. Hence, the capture of this gas from virgin coal mine is essential and its found to be a promising energy source for power production. Methane collected during the mining process can be used as natural gas for domestic purpose or electricity generation in power plants. CBM is one of the emerging clean coal technologies in India for the recovery of unconventional energy. Karakurt et al. 1) dis- ‘cussed mine ventilation air methane (VMM) as a sustainable source for the energy production. They pointed out that 70% of ‘methane from coal seam is released as VMM to the atmosphere. As ‘methane gets diluted (0 0.1-1.5% in ventilation air during mining, there is no further effective utilization of VMM. Therefore, capt ‘of this methane prior to mining provides a sustainable energy for the power production. The world wide CBM content is estimated as 14x 10" m? and therefore, it is concluded to be a significant source of sustainable energy (2|. In deep coal reserves, primary ‘methane recovery has been initiated through dewatering process, ‘which reduces hydrostatic pressure of coal bed. This would result in the release of entrapped methane from the coal bed and it can be captured. Secondary recovery of methane from the coal seam hhas been achieved using CO; as an enlrancer for desorption. CO> shows higher afinity towards coal on adsorption as compared t0 Nz and flue gas. Adsorption and desorption of COz|CH in the coal bed depend on several factors such as coal rank, temperature, pressure, moisture content and maceral composition [3]. The secondary process of methane recovery using CO. is called ‘enhanced coal-bed methane (ECBM). Therefore, CO> gas can be Potentially sequestered in the coal bed through ECBM. Recovery of methane from the coal bed has been commerci lized in many countries such as USA, Australia, China and Canada [4] Shab et a. [5] elaborately discussed potential challenges and issues in the implementation of CBM in India as compared to North America. They pointed out that the commercial production ‘of CBM in India has not yet been achieved due to the lack of technology. It is further concluded that the research and develop- ‘ment in India should be more focused on CBM for commercializa~ tion. Yu etal. [6] studied the CAM and ECBM potential of China and estimated 142,67 Gt of CO, sequestration potential in existing coal beds. Vishal et al. {7] developed a CBM model to assess the Viability of ECBM in Indian coals. They estimated that an approxi- mately 1:3 volume ratio of CH, and CO,, respectively can be sequestrated in coal seams. Gunter et al, (8] estimated that two molecules of CO, are adsorbed per every molecule of CH, des- ‘orbed from coal bed. Karacan et al. (9] reviewed coal mine methane (CMM) capture technologies, borehole designs, CMM benefits for the energy recovery and the control of GHG emission. ‘The CBM potential of Japan and the possibility of CO» sequestra- tion in coal seams have been studied by Yamazaki etal. [10]. Low permeability of coal bed would result in the poor performance of ‘CBM. Palmer [11| discussed about the role of permeability inthe success of CBM and further the possibility CBM completions with the variation of permeability. Ross etal (12 studied the feasibility ‘of CO» storage on Wyodak-Anderson coal beds of Powder River Basin, Wyoming, USA. Their numerical modeling studies show that the injected CO; moves upward to the overburden strata due to the buoyancy force. Mazzotti et al. 13] reviewed the CBM field test ‘operating data and confirmed the technical possibility of the ECBM. process. Syed et a. [14] investigated the swelling of coal matrix on the adsorption of CO flue gas. They found a less swelling behavior ‘of low rank coal compared to high rank coals. Bae etal. [15] studied the adsorption behavior of methane and CO; on Australian coal at different temperature and pressure. They found that ECEM can be ‘achieved at a pressure less than 10 MPa, Kroos et a (16] studied the CH, and CO; adsorption measurements on Pennsylvanian coals of different rank at high pressures and showed a substantial difference jn CO, adsorption on dry and moist coals. Weniger et al. [17] performed high pressure adsorption of CO, and CHs on coal ancl ‘carbonaceous shales in Parana basin, Brazil. Sinayuc et al [18] studied various patterns of horizontal well and the effect of composition of injecting fluid on the methane recovery and CO, adsorption potential ‘of coal seams in Scottish coal field. Charles et al. [19] estimated the CBM and ECBM potential of ‘coal beds using volumetric and matetial balance methods. Dutta ‘et al. [20] performed the adsorption of CO, and CH on Indian ‘coals of Gondwana basin. They found that the CO, to methane ‘adsorption ratio decreases with increase in pressure. Further, they showed that low rank coal has more affinity for the adsorption of both gases. Harpalani et al. [21] performed CO, and CH, adsorp- tion studies on coal samples from San Juan and Illinois Basins. The result shows that CO, has more affinity on coal than CH. Ozdemir ‘et al, [22] developed a mathematical model to assess the methane recovery with CO; sequestration in coal beds. Pashin et al. [23] reviewed the CBM potential of Black Wartior basin in west-central Alabama to assess the potential of carbon sequestration, Therefore, the existing studies on ECBM show the feasibility of methane ‘capture and COs storage in coal seams. Coal, crude petroleum il and natural gas are the major ‘conventional fuels of India. Fig. 1a and b shows the state wise distribution of crude petroleum and natural ga, respectively (24). ‘he total crude petroleum sources of India are estimated as 758.27 million tones. Western offshore contains major source of crude petroleum of 44.26% of total resources. Assam and Gujarat hold 24% and 18% of total resources next to Western offshore. The available natural gas resource of India is estimated as 1254 bil- lion m? excluding the CBM resources. Eastern offshore and Wes- tern offshore contain a majority of 38% and 33% of natural gas resources, respectively. Following this, 1139% of resources are found at Assam. Apart from these sources, India produces 194,125 MW of electricity through renewable energy sources such as wind, biomass, wastes etc. Fig. 1¢ shows the distribution of ‘electric power generation from various sources of renewable ‘energy. It can be seen that wind energy contributes majorly 52% ‘of total electric renewable power production. Fig. 2a and b show the non-renewable and renewable installed ‘capacity of electricity production in India, respectively [24], Thermal power plants occupy 67% of total installed capacity of non-renewable ‘energy whereas wind power plant contributes 68% of total capacity through renewable energy source. The total installed capacity of non- renewable and reneviable power plants are estimated as 223.344 GW and 28.07 GW, respectively. Fig. 2a shows the total electricity produc- tion through conventional energy sources of India [24]. Thermal power plant produces 8.17225 GWh of electricity and non utilities sources prodice 1,48,000 GW of energy. Further, hydro power plant ‘and nuclear power plant produce 13,626 and 32,871 GWh of energy, respectively. Energy intensity is the amount of energy utilized for producing, ‘one unit of gross domestic product. It is a measure of energy ‘efficiency of nation economy. High energy intensity indicates a high cost for converting the energy into product. The year-wise ‘energy intensity of India is shown in Fig. 3b [24]. Energy intensity ‘of India shows an increasing trend from 2005-06 to 2012-13. The region wise energy requirement, available power and energy scarcity of India are shown in Table I [24]. The overall anticipated ‘energy deficit of India for the year 2014-2015 was calculated as 5.1%, The energy scarcity and energy intensity of India need to be redluced for achieving efficent economy of the country. Therefore, unconventional energy sources such as CBM, unexploitable deep ‘coal reserves should be consumed effectively. Indian Government offered many attractive terms to the CBM. bidders in order to commercialize the CBM technology [25]. There are ‘Frau, N Malick / Renewable ond Sustainable Energy Reviews 5O (2015) 229-244 21 a ‘cgenaion re > “en “amset cit Fig. 1 a) Sate wise distribution of (2 rade petroleum, (b) Natural gas esoures Fi [24 (Percentage distrbution of renewable emery sures ofa (24, a b ‘at \ aE Fig 2 installed electricity generating capacity of Inia (a) Non-renewable power, (b) Renewable power 24 PPE E Fig. 3. (2) Electricity production in ina [24 (0) Energy intensity ft 23. lot of flexible condition offered by the Govetrment to exploit the resources. Firstly, there is no participating interest ofthe Government and secondly, there isno signature bonus as well as upfront payment forthe bidding process. Custom duty exemptions are offered to the mort, which are required for CBM operation. Other offers provided to the CBM bidders are walkout option at the end of Phase- & I, freedom to sell gas in domestic market, provision of fiscal stability, seven years tax holiday etc. India contains huge coal reserves of about 293.5 billion tonnes, of bituminous/sub bituminous coal and 419 billion tonnes of lignite reserves [26]. The state wise bituminous/sub-bituminous ‘coal resources are shown in the map of nla (Fig. 4). The recovery mm \e Pau. N Malick Renewable and Ssainable nergy Reviews 50 (2015) 29-244 Table 1 Energy demand and avila i na (251, Region ‘ersy Peak Power Rogulemeat (MU) Avalabley (MU) Sump ]DeAeK-) Demand NOW) Suppiy(MTW) Supls Yen) North-Eastern 4823 12248 23 22s, “ee Northern s2oe sisa37 asm 45800 vat Souther ok 250366 fier na me Wester 288,062 2ea025 5000 52652 use Allover India oxa)—_L048.72 995.57 wisi3 ed oe ‘of methane from these abandoned coal resources would fulfill the ‘energy scarcity of India. Further, India contains 30% of coal resources between the depth of 300 to 600 m and 7% of coal from 6600 to 1200 m [27]. The extraction of these coal resources through ‘conventional mining process is found to be uneconomical. Alte natively, deep coals can be converted into calrifc valuable gases through’ in-situ coal gasification process. But the successful of underground coal gasification (UCG) operation depends on the characteristics of the specific site. However, the recovery of methane and the sequestration of CO, are viable in such deep ‘coal seams through ECBM technology. Hence, the present work assesses the CBM resources and CO> sequestration potential of Indian coal reserves. A thorough initial investigation is necessary to gain the information of CBM potential of a coal seam. The data and knowledge obtained through preliminary investigation of a ‘coal seam are useful to develop and implement the CBM technol- ‘ogy economically. The CBM capacity fora given coal sample can be ‘estimated through the measurement of gas liberated on drilling the coal seam. The real field data obtained might be useful only to ‘estimate the total gas content ofthe particular seam ata particular depth. Therefore, a generalized correlation would be useful £0 predict the gassiness of the seam in order to estimate total CBM resources. The present study estimates the CBM resources of coal beds through theoretical correlations, which are available in the literature, Further, the present study discusses the technical Possibility of ECBM process integration with underground coal gasification (UCG) technology for clean recovery of deep coal 2. CBM resource assessment and CO; sequestration potential of Indian coals, ‘The percentage of state-wise coal resources in India are shown in Pg, 5a. Jharkhand state contains a majority of the coal resources of about 29% Odisha state occupies the second positon, which possesses 24% of total coal resources. Fig. Sb shows the percentage of lignite resources in India. Tamil Nadu holds a bulk of 80% ofthe total lignite resources. Rajasthan and Gujarat cary an 118% and 66% of lignite resources, respectively. The present study aims at the evaluation of ‘CBM resources and CO» sequestration potential of coal resources in India. The CBM potential of these coal resources is estimated using various correlations available in literature. Kim predicted CBM resources of coal bed as a function of inherent property and depth of coal seam using the following ‘empirical equation (28) Vier = KoP"*— 67 a Vis the volume of the methane gas adsorbed per gram of dry ash ftee coal, cm’/g Ps the pressure, atmosphere; Tis the temperature, °C; K, (cr /gm.atm), b (em? gm 2C) and ny are constants Hydrostatic pressure to depth relation is given as, 0.096 2 Pra his the depth in meters, ‘The relation between temperature and depth of the seam is ‘estimated based on the geothermal gradient of 18 °C/100 m and is, given by, A age Te eo 1, is the ground temperature, °C Eq. (1) becomes, (400-9 M969) (0.096) -0.014(}4+ 25) ee View = o Vp and Vg are the volume of wet and dry coal, respectively. This, ‘volume ratio includes the effect of moisture content on the adsorption capacity of methane gas in coal seams. 1 CMT e Ceti 025 FC is the fixed carbon, VM is the volatile matter, M is the ‘moisture content, Ais the ash content. o ‘The values of constants in Eqs. (6) and (7) are predicted based ‘on the isotherms of various dry coals. Karweil [28] proposed a correlation for CBM estimation based, ‘on the volatile matter of coal and it is given as, vt Van = ~32561n( 395) 6 ‘The above correlation doesnot consider the other parameters such depth of oa seam, pressure etc, which are affecting the CBM Adsorption capacity of coal yan (29) proposed correlation for the prediction of max- imum CBM potential of coal seams using maximum reflectance of vitrinite content in coal These correlations ae given as. c=nn?-02 ty $Spq 1.095 0.003913 ay Yen = 100 MAY 3 37 on ma Prat, N Mack Renewable and Saiable ery Reviews 50 (2015) 229-244 ig. 5. (2) state wise bituminous bituminous coal sources of Indi (b) Siate-wise lignite esoures of di R is the reflectance of vitrinite content of coal and it is, ‘estimated using the following correlation from literatute [20), 2.712 x logVM) +5092 12) Mavor proposed a correlation [31 for the CBM capacity of coal, based on its inherent ash and moisture fraction. It is given by the following equation, Vas = 18.77-23.47 A/(1—M) a3) ‘The Langmuir pressure and volume is predicted through the following equations from literature [32) Rove= Ky =0.21258 7,"° aay Ky =2.82873-0,00268 T, as) K«=0.00402 7, +2.20342 as) Ky =0.00259 T, 0.50899 an Log Vmax) = Ki log (FC/VM) +2) as) Logi.) = Kes log (FC/VM) + Ka) a9) VoxBas volume at infinite pressure (f/ton), Py=Langmuir pressure, T.— temperature ("C) ‘The actual gas content of the seam is calculated as, VnP (P+ PL) 20) ‘Therefore, Eqs. (1)-(20) predict methane capacity of coal seam for given proximate analysis of oal. The CBM capacity of various coal Seams in india is evaluated based on Kim, Ryan, Mavor and Langmuir ‘correlations, Further, the ability of major greenhouse CO, entrapment ‘on the recovery of methane is calculated as twice the volume of ‘methane gas adsomption on the coal bed, Ve co, = (2 Va) eight of coal resource) (o,) ep Qo, is the mass of COz gas adsorbed in the coal seam. Peo, iS the density of carbon dioxide. Depth wise coal resources reported in the literature [26] have been used for the evaluation of CEM/ECBM potential of India ‘These data are useful to the Industries, which are involving the CBM exploration in India. 3. Result and discussion Inherent properties of coal play an important role in the adsorption(desorption of gases in the coal seam. In the present study, the proximate analysis of coal beds has been taken from various existing literatures fr the estimation of methane gas. I is assumed here the proximate analysis of coal is same over the ‘entire seam, The nearby coal seam properties have been consid ‘ered, if particular coal seam property is not found from the literature, Therefore, the predicted values estimate the approx- imate CBM capacity of coal seams. The deviation in the predicted values depends on the variation of the inherent properties of coal seam and the pressure prevailing in the in-situ coal seam. Methane holding capacity has been increased with an increase in the depth of the coal seam. Further, the amount of moisture and ash content of coal decreases the methane content of the coal bed. 1. CBM sites and current projets in India ‘The field wise CBM exploration activity is shown in Table 2 Indian ‘government alloted 33 CEM blocks in four rounds of bidding [25] to ‘various companies for the exploitation of methane gas from coal seams. In CBM block allocation, 7 blocks out of which 5 were awarded inthe first round of bidding in 2001 and 9 blocks out of which 8 were ‘awarded in the second round of bidding in 2003, In third and fourth round of bidding, all the 10 blacks were awarded in 2006 and 7 blocks ‘were awarded in 2010, respectively. The blocks in all the four bidding are located in the States of Madhya Pradesh, Chnatsgarh, Jharkhand, ‘West Bengal, Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Orissa, Maharashtra, ‘Tamil Nadu and Assam, The estimated gas content of the methane fiom these resources is presented. The measured values of CBM ‘content in the coal seam [25] are compared with the estimated value using various cortelations. Ryan and Mavor cortelations have shown a higher CBM content as compared to kim and Langmuir correlation. Ryan correlation i based on the reflectance of vitrinite content of coal “Mayor correlation considers only non-combustible matter of coal such sash and moisture content. It does not taken into account the effet of depth, pressure for the gas estimation. The estimated gas content ‘values of bituminous and sub-bituminous coal are near tothe values of Kim correlation whereas lignite CBM gas content values are near 10 Langmuir correlation. The variation of temperature with the depth coal seam in Langmuir correlation is calculated as per the assumptions of Kim's correlation. Therefore, CBM resources of lignite coal and sub- bituminous coal in India are estimated using Langmuir and Kim VA, N Malick / Renewable end Sustainable Eergy Reviews 50 (2015) 229-244 ‘table? Current CBM reserves under explaation aM Sm coal ett ‘ae Coal popes (Gas content (emi) oc Mostwe voucle Ash Foed Kim Ryan Mawar Langmuir Measured mater carbon values ar) otare Panhard — «13 2600—=*=«KZS3H~=SCAOLTIB G27 ATO « Nor aranpua — furihand «25 2872) LBB OBB UOT 25-64 6B M6 in anigan East West Hensal 15-012 BUSP AAS 73-99 28 ba ow Sohagpur Eas. Matty 53a 15 486 Ge67 W987 4aaD Pradesh Ma o Sohagpur East Maya = 5314 1 4866467 109-137 44-49 5 Pradesh ha » 0 Parmer Rapstin 41528 85 0809 74 97 34al 54 803 @ Barner Rabson 41524 155 9 09-0 79-97 39-45 3-4 850 wy saree Gyent ais 28 Ws as 79-97 3945 34 ow Noch orampua — flonkhand «2526729 SLEE 107 as ” Satpura aa 430s 55 2 soe Oe a Pradesh 13 oo sontat Nadya 62287 6 325 50462 IS a2 S057 5.6 Pradesh bs ow South Karanpura —ffarihand 4723 wz 8 53.64 103 ool ana? 68 ou ‘waraha Moharaswa 9 = 254015 2B AR 2 OT 2485 48 mo Barner Rapstin 41524 06-09 71-94 47 2248 46 @ Barner Rabsthan 41524 06-09 71-94 147 2348 46 ay srbhur west Bengal 3517535305 STI OF 93 34RB 5-8 ) Godavari Andina 75283 ns m7 97-27 mi 35-78 45 Pradesh » otnagudem peda O28 Ms aa osm 6 27-79 45 Pradesh o Mandigah Ghhatikeamh 735 316 361 98 24.65 455 ow aha Jaritand 47283 we a 95 240 5 cu Sing Noda aso 2 35 7394 ws 2048 4 Pradesh w Sohagpu Madly 5538 m3 a2 semi uo 2460 5 Pradesh © Tatami Ramkola—Chhasgarh A228 ms erms 7 2779 5 vo 1B alley ona a 45 ms 7843 68 32-38 34 « Mannargud (33) Tamil Nadu 4725, aa som 209268 1 iy ajmahal paras 47212 sa 40s mens 95 52-77 3 ow) satpura Maya 43325552 9529 na 28s 4 Pradesh o Sohaspur Gihatssah 5538 193482 GO NST 403 52-67 56 wa ow Tachi ors a 4 528 THR 67 4S 3 a6 on Upper Assam (Maku Assam 23452 41 4 HE 94a OM 3954 8 cra) 3 comrelation, respectively. These data are helpful for the industries, ‘which are involving. in the CBM exploration. 3.2, Estimation of CBM resources ‘The depth-wise Indian coal resources and the estimated methane holding. capacities of coal bed based on various correlations are shown in Table 3. CEM resources of bituminous/sub bituminous coal present in various states of India such as West Bengal, Jharkhand, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Utar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Orissa, Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya and "Nagaland have been estimated. The gas content ofthe coal seam has been discussed based on Kim correlation, which predicts. approxi- ‘mately the CBM content compared to other correlations. Methane gas holding capacity ranges from 191 to 1401 em? per gram of coal. In West- Bengal, Raniganj coal mine shows a maximum gas content of 6 t0 105am/g of CBM. In Jharkhand, Jharia coal mine contains a highest CBM resource and itis estimated as 117 to 1401 cmigm of \e Pau. N Malick Renewable and Ssainable ergy Reviews 50 (2015) 29-244 ‘esve onet-009 ste sor ‘ soso1s “009-00e lel reve oot=0 nessus cer ea 8s ss0ezt 009-006 Ioel tees 008-0 ndaeyos andeyos 22 acer get fe 5 Goro ruedoe enue 258 zen Te fe st ery 0-0 epunain eurpang 2 cow re ee st wes "oro aes 000-006 moe 006-0 tse ot-0 08-006 csr ou see 006-0 sen net=009 ay rs 0a oof etueiny net-009 lov 00t-0 emeurey pes lov ew ee weet 00-0 endure a ay rms ea zr ou res 00-0 etary eel oes ca ex et 00-0 xeon 9 oet-008 oes cal ox et (009-006 s19 see sa set 00-0 eat 002-006 Sosy ¥ze me set ot fuemuey uewweutZ Ioel ree oF ex ss oot-0 ampatea (a) net=008 Isel oto una Pray ueruey Zen sor oe mo ot-0 eg net=008 vel (00-006 th vee me set oto formuew (9 3g 36 | wags pa na BARON uaa sade eo ‘opided 9 Souuer vom sina yey (a) ME uu eo) aes 0's ‘ypu je samesas Wo HD ae ‘Frau, N Malick / Renewable ond Sustainable Energy Reviews 5O (2015) 229-244 los} ws sr rst cea 9 cro sroys-So0je| oe ca st se 8 OOo losl sos vor ¥s cr © 05 0t-0 lest az re oer roo. lez 006-0 Iss we su es oF gs mvs 00-0 vaso eo SOL oo-006 esl 3 ver oy mm free ooro ume lest 92 oa me # cz 006-0 ppeutats essy OL lest ee wea 0t-0 eseypon (9) lest sat seesse o0e-0 spre, az ‘9908 008-008 lest 96t see 99 seazet "006-0 an a sou 22 ez sue ve 6 o o0e-0 yo Seu 2M sz ste wr OG ee. 00-0 ueN we bce 008-008 Ios] ose ror 6st re ewe oor-o pu Iss] sez tee vse we O16 Wee Goro eoumseyen te GEL 006-009 ove su we m= 6 vireo ooo-toe ‘foyer stay lost ez rorzat “oor-8 les! ez sors "ooo foyeneuem (0) ‘eseeyen Z lest et este se “ coro estas ‘wepedienn 9 oes 000-006 lest sor oy x om od Homunyauedee, fee o2t-008 ise 19 xe (009-006 ast we DoF ‘wen we oon-006 (esl fe sex ‘ oro oy los! oe aoSr 20 00t-0 wespus we 002-006 sndueyyer stn ez = weer zee 9 ‘oro puesy- open nao ez wer ror 5 or-0 Taree we cir eet ss or-0 we ea eet as 0-0 ndBeyos "wessneD § Table 3 continued) oa properties reference Enimate Gas content using ferent coreations (emf) on tonnes Coal properties i i = i ‘ate col mine Sno Maver en Fixed carbon i A Moisture Volatile at 338 (38) 1089 1600 468 494 370 2 x0 484 2» 4a ns au as at \e Pau. N Malick Renewable and Ssainable ergy Reviews 50 (2015) 29-244 ‘methane gas. Chatterjee and Paul [61] estimated 111-119 cm’g of ‘methane gas in Jharia feld using Bhanja and Srivastava empirical ‘equation [62]. Therefore, the predicted values using kim correlation are nearly same as reported in literature. In Madhapradesb, Patha- eta coal mine contains maximum of 549-74 emjgm of methane ‘gas whereas Singrauli mine has a minimum of 1913.48 em?/gm due to high ash content. In Chhatisgath, Korba coal has high ash content (38%) and therefore a least gas content of 2.13-3.4cn'jgm is ‘estimated whereas Tatapani-Ramkola coal mine contains a high gas ‘content of"jgm due to less moisture and high fixed ‘carbon. In Uttarpradesh, the high ash content coal mine contains a least gas content of 191 em’gm. In Maharashtra, the overall gas ‘content is estimated in the range of 2.19-3.93 cmigm, Odisha coal ‘mine has 45% of high ash content and the gassiness is predicted as 184-334 cm?(gm. Andhrapradesh has a medium ash (215%) coal seam and the gassines is found in the range of 2.78 to 498 em!igm. North eastern coal seams are found at a depth less than 300 m and therefore a less methane gas content of 217-931 cm/gm of coal has been estimated, In Assam, Makum and Dillieypore coal seam ‘ontains less ash and moisture content and therefore, the predicted ‘gas contents are high and are found in the range of 6.33-9.31 cm: jam. In Arunachal Pradesh ane! Meghalaya, the gassiness are found in the range of 3.09-6.43 cm gm. Nagaland has slighty high ash coal seams and contains 224-3.7 cm/gm of gas. “Table shows the estimation of total capacity of CBM gas and COs sequestration potential of state wise Indian coal seams. Jharia coal seam has the highest volume of gas content to about 23937 bil- lion m* among all coal fields. Raniganj coal field in West Bengal ‘occupies the second position holding 175.06 billion m? of methane ‘gas. North Karanpura and Taicher coal seam contain significant ‘amount of gas of 78.93 and 79.62 billion m’, respectively. Next 10 these coal seams, East Bokaro, Godhavar, [B-iver, Mand-Raigarh, Rajmahal (Jharkhand state) coal seams contain methane gas in the range of 48:37-68.6 billion m*. Total methane holding eapacity of bituminous/sub-bituminous coal based on their inherent properties is ‘estimated as 1116.79 billion m’. Ata depth less than 300 m, 478.9 bil- lion m? of methane gas (~42:88%) is estimated and the remaining 663789 billion m” of gases (57.12%) are estimated to found at a depth higher than 300m. The state Jharkhand possesses major CBM resource since it holds major coal resources. Depth wise CBM resources of India are shown in Fig. 6, The percentage wise total ‘CBM resources of India between O and 300.m depth are expressed in Fig Ga Jharkhand, Odissa and West Bengal contain methane gas of about 3985%, 191% and 1723% of total gases, respectively, which are found ata depth 0-300 m. Fz. Gb shows 300-600 m depth wise CBM resources. Jharkhand, West-Bengal ancl Odissa lvl 94.18%, 17.20% ancl ‘961%, of total CBM resources that are found between the depth of 300-600 m, respectively, West-Bengal contains 27.71% of total CBM resources, which are estimated between 600 and 1200m depth (Fig. Go) Ie occupies the second postion after Jharkhand, which holds 60.97% of methane. The total COs sequestration potential is found as ‘411726 milion tonnes in the existing Indian coal resource. Its found that 2349.99 million tonnes of CO; gas can be sequestered in coal seams, which are founcl at a depth more than 300 m. ‘The lignite coal resources of India and the gassiness nature are shown in Table 5 Lignite resources are majorly found in the states such as Tamil Nadu, Pondicherry, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Jammu & Kashmir and Kerala As lignite contains more moisture content, the ‘capacity of gas entrapment becomes less as compared to bitum ‘nous coal. The gas content of lignite coal seam has been discussed based on Langmuir correlation [32]. The gas content ofthe lignite seam is estimated in the range of 0.49-2.18 cm’gram of Coal ‘Table 6 shows the total CAM gas eapacity and CO, storage potential ‘of Indian lignite coal seams. The gas content of 94.30 billion m? of ‘methane gas is estimated in lignite seams. Fig. 7 shows the state wise CBM potential of lignite resources in India. Tamil Nadu ‘tables ‘Frau, N Malick / Renewable ond Sustainable Energy Reviews 5O (2015) 229-244 {BM energy and CO, sequestration potential resoures of nda ‘Sm Statejoat mine ‘epe(n)__Toal source (ition tones) Teal CBM gat (lion) COs Se, lion tones) 1 west Bengal © sanigan) 0300 sz mas? 2uor o Bajos 0-300 O38 ua ay ‘shu 0-300 133 S65 So0-s00 20269 3 6375 w) Darjecting os 0s on 2 tharkhand @ ania 0-300 19 ner 300-600 43 1633 o asia 0-600 163 bs ‘01200 nu 202 «iy st Bolare 0-300 na sa71 300-600 1839 5809 «) Wiest Sokaro 0-300 3160 a? 300-600 465 ra o Ramgarh 0-300 Mas sua «) Neth Karaogura 0-300 sss tes wy South Karanpara 0-300 as ee it) ‘ranga 0-300 408 sez 300-600 46 wai ‘0-200 oan 1156 w uae 0-300 0302 209 300-100 045 16s wo Dakeongani 0-300 0548 2018 co) Deogarh 0-300 2397 8830 oa) aja 0-300 jaza 1251 2 iar @ Rajmaal 0300 160 0536 1976 4 maayapradest © Joba 0-300 oss am wo Unasla 0-300 sis 2275 oy Peneanan | 0-300 fas sue w) Pathak 0-300 1368 276 o ‘curguna 0-300 02s 0958 wy ‘Monpan 0-300 032 om wy Sobagpur 0-300 1072 seas sao-ran0 1036 om 2a wi) Singrat 0300700944 342 4999 300-600 410506, us. an 5 chhattisgarh © Sohagpor 0300 10438 0399 ur o Sonnat oa, She us. wy sur 0300267 1023 ar ww) hii 0-300 naa 1350 497 o bbsrampur 300 tag Sao 206 ) Prien 0300 asta tau a ay Pandhabaid 300 029 o1eo cai aso -arané 0300 a04784 260 ‘a wo) Sendurgar 030077921 8st Sia 0 Korba 0300773287 169 an ) Mand-Raigach 030032 masa tas oa) ‘rapani-tamiola 0300106 424 16 Sov-s00 Sima a6 136 6 Uuarprades Singrat 0300 tosis 201 149 ‘able 4 (ontmed) \e Pau. N Malick Renewable and Ssainable nergy Reviews 50 (2015) 29-244 S00, Staeeoa mine Depth (m) Tra resoure (milion tones) Total CB x35 (lion?) COs Sq, (milion tones) 7 Maharastra o ‘woraha alley 0-300 70108 a1 ost 500-600 15392 495 m5 w Kampice valley 300-600 65214 2 ost UnserMatardbokrs 300 308A fas 25s tw) ander 30033853 oss Saou ” Nand 3007395 ry ss ow) okhara e300 0 06 oat rie 500-600 G6 an 537 w Takener 0300290795 38 20095 98 andr Pages o Goan 030 7308 2126 ms24 ‘300-600 ona 2479 a3 00-900 29473, 407 5405 twAsam Singrimact e300 270 n20s ans &@ Maku 300 toa 8s Sin tw) mae e300 27 ins azn 1 Arunachal Pradesh Arunachal Pradesh o Namen e300 02s ost 198 Te Meghalaya o ‘est Duran 030 wr 039 144 rn) olphalramtendengury 0-300 107083 oa a wy si 30s as 168 ww Langrin 030 30 or, 6 sy Mawong Shea 030 06 037 an, oo ken ils 0300 309 nas 168 (we) Bapung 3003366 19 ser ‘oi Jayant His 030 365 az ur 13 Nagaland ) “in Valley e310 6s ans? nse possesses a leading CBM potential lignite resource as compared to ‘ther states of India. Gujarat and Rajasthan constitute 27.98% of ‘methane gas resource up to a depth of 300 m. The CO, sequestra~ tion potential of lignite resources is estimated as 347.40 million tonnes of gas. It is found that 41.27% of the total COs gases can be stored at a depth higher than 300 m. 33. Integration of CBM with underground coal gasification (UCG) Underground coal gasification (UCG) is the most promising lean coal technology to consume deep underground coal resources. It is an inherent clean coal technology as it avoids ash handling, coal mining, fly ash emission and low emission of NO, and SO, [64,65]. A pre-site specific study is necessary to achieve a successful UCG operation. The site characteristic studies of UCG include several parameters such as estimation gas loss in the coal seam, pressure reduction in the cavity, water influx into the seam. ‘water contamination during underground combustion, properties of overburden and under burden strata, etc. Integration of UCG with CBM reduces the drilling cost of injection and production well and would result in an economical operation, Indian coals contain high ash content and are low calorific. In situ conversion of high ash coal into a calorific valuable gas is ‘extremely difficult due to the complexity of the UCG process. Ash, accumulation in the underground cavity retards the diffusion of ‘oxygen towards the combustion front. Especially steam as the gasitying medium may condense on ash heap and therefore it leads to inefficient gasification. Therefore, superheated steam may be suitable for high ash coal UCG operation. But the generation and transportation of such superheated steam is very difficult and may be uneconomical (66,67). Alternatively, the existing litera- tures show that CO is one of the potential gasfying mediums of ‘coal Therefore, if steam is replaced by CO, as a gasitying medium to UCG, it may be mutual benefit for both processes. In ECBM process, the injected CO» detaches the methane gas and gets adsorbed in the coal seam. The CO; impregnated coal seam may also be feasible for the UCG operation. However, pure O2 would ‘essentially needed to enhance the partial combustion of in-situ ‘coal in COz atmosphere. The impregnated COz would react with rab Mal Renewsbl nd Sustamabe Energy Reviews 50 (2015) 229-244 b Mecha J Sat Fig 6. Depth wise Ct resources in bituminous tui coal esurces of Inia between (a) an 300m, (300 and 600m, ane) 60a 1200. ‘rable s te CaM reserves of nia S.No suae Depth, Total resours, miion Coa properties simated Gas content wing Coal properties Motte Vobtle Ash Fhed Kim Ryan Mavor Langmuir ‘mater cabo 7 Pondicherry 0-150 41661 25 2 028 3a 1315 049 (63) 2 TamlNada 0-150 s00552 23 to 2 a2s 382 135 0463), 300-7587 036 662 1316 219 600 3 Raiasthan 0-150. 189562 029 379 1139 04903), 300 300-6879 057 645 1139 218 600, 4 cajant O15. 70772 os wo 2 ase 320 199 04s 3, 300 5 eons SO 2755 ms ms BoB oa Ger oo ‘ erls os 96s ms ms ms ms a 347 993 0 [a] ? West fengal 0-180 LS eS 1 2554 320 1399 045 (63), the coal and may produce CO enriched product gas. The heat liberated during the pattial oxy-combustion of coal is utilized by the endothermic CO; gasification reaction (Boudouard reaction). Fig. 8 shows the stages of UCG integrated ECBM process. Stage-1 shows the ECBM process, where the CO, gets impregnated on the coal seam and the methane gas is collected through the om Prat, N Mack Renewable and Saiable ery Reviews 50 (2015) 229-244 production well. In stage-2, COs adsorbed on the coal seam get released into the cavity on combustion and would take part in the ‘gasification reaction. Therefore, CO; plays a dual role in the ECBM- UCG integrated process (ECBM-methane desorbent & UCG- sgasilying agent) and may achieve efficient exploitation of deep underground energy reserves. Further, laboratory and pilot scale studies on the integration process have to be carried out to investigate the feasibility of the operation, {GNt and co, sequestration potenti of tite ese oo Je Sar twa Wouaone Taner Cosas” _CBMisan emerging clean coal echnolgy in nit tiie the a cate ave cee | Sc egy nila eae eg ar m tonnes present study, the CBM resources and the potential of CO, a EE Eenctraton cn indian coal reserves are evaoeted Based x : Tener 050 sues 02050753 tan Langmuir conten. The folowing conclusions can Be So” HSS igs) 3835 drawn om the present sty. 3 Sows? M5158 The CHM potenti of indian coal beds is estimated as 111679 bel billion m? of methane gas from bituminous and sub- : fimtun 0-50 SB sme a8 Bituminous coal of which 57% of the total gas recovered Is be ated = — assessed to find at a depth higher than 300 m. am vege TDS WHat CM rama of ie cole evated 2s 9430 Bl- ont lion m? of methane gas, of which 38.92% of gas is predicted to ; oe originate a depth between 300-600 Woo” ans Same st The COs sequestration capacity of indian coal beds i caleuated = 2s 411426 milion tonnes of fas in the bituminous bit tinous coal and 3474 ion tonnes of Os gas in the ae Tigmte cot ‘ fers” oso aus ono amis TR ing UCC with ECR Isa prombsing techno to . — Lesiggd = — — exploit the deep underground coal resources economically. Labora~ Sere Ite” 64 atmos mad and pt ele steecon tnt eK ECM have De aed ut to nesta the easy ofthe operation a b oS Weng era era sax sax Cat unr ajstan oe amt Nate a Peay Ponte hae Ce Lipa CBDtrasurce 50% lente CBM rane (10500 m3 © =o serata | oon sax | one Gujra | coe rajethan J 036 TamtNade snus renaeery | oon aicalaataalms ignite CBM resources (300-600), % i. 7. Dept wise CBM resources in ant resources of Inia Between (2) 0 and 150m, (150 and 300m.) 300 art 600: ‘Frau, N Malick / Renewable ond Sustainable Energy Reviews 5O (2015) 229-244 2s co: om Stage-1 hans Cofet Mane (CBM) ‘Over bard ol doo BEES Underburden (C0,,CH, C0, Suage2 adap Ca cee 00 reer COsimprnandseteam || to See Under harden SEE ig. tegration of ECM with LEG. ‘Acknowledgments, Dr. V. 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