World's Worst Wizards: A One-Shot Role-Playing Game of Magical Ineptitude

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How To Play Running The Game

1. Review the TTRPX System for the rules that will After reading the intro, it’s up to your players to begin
govern this game. making decisions. As the game master, it’s your job to
facilitate an entertaining adventure by asking pertinent
2. Gather some friends, paper, pencils, and a few 20 sided
questions and loosely guiding the action. You should also
decide on the following details (or roll on the Story
3. Each player should create a character with a name, 10 Details table):
Motivation Points, a Non-Magical Trait (something
mundane that any person might have), and a Trait called 1. What is this magical Artifact? Is it an ancient, flaming
Wand. sword? A jewel encrusted goblet? Or something much
4. Read the introduction to your band of mediocre more mundane?
spellslingers. 2. What does the artifact do? Does it grant its holder the
4. Have the players introduce their characters. power to pull the stars from the sky? Or turn all
5. Now ask them: What do you do next? celebrities into ducks?
3. Who (or what) is the Sinister Force seeking to gain
Introduction (Read This Aloud) possession of the artifact? Is it a cabal of evil wizards?
The former headmaster himself ?
You’re wizards. Bad wizards. Not evil. Just really terrible
at doing magic. You each have a Wand which allows you
The school is made up of all the areas you’d expect: A
to use magic. When you use magic, sometimes the thing
grand dining hall, large corridors, expansive grounds, an
you intended to have happen occurs. More often, though,
astronomy tower, an alchemist’s lab, a library,
the spell fails or something completely random happens.
dormitories, and finally, the dungeons. It’s up to you to
describe the details of the school and add or remove
You certainly don’t have to use magic, but it sure does
areas as needed. For the sake of the story, it’s best if the
make things easier. When it works.
players have to traverse several of these areas before they
World’s Worst Wizards You’ve received a mysterious summons (by owl, of course)
to your long-shuttered alma mater, Fizzler’s Academy of
reach the dungeons, where they should eventually
encounter the Sinister Force in a final showdown.
the Magical Arts. When you arrived, you were shuffled
A one-shot role-playing game of into the school castle by the old groundskeeper, Mrs. Using Magic
Magwell, a 200-something woman with a passion for
magical ineptitude. stuffed cats. Inside, you find a group of similarly
When a wizard decides to use magic, they should simply
state “I want to use magic.” Never specify the exact spell
mediocre alumni waiting patiently in what used to be the or effect out loud.
school’s grand dining hall.
Any use of magic is considered a Challenge using the
Mrs. Magwell turns and addresses you as a group. Wand trait with a Success Number of 9.

“I’ve gathered you here, the best students Fizzler’s Academy ever If the Challenge is a failure (8 or lower), the wizard’s
had, because something terribly dangerous is happening, and I spell fizzles out uneventfully.
believe you’re the only ones that can stop it. Deep in the school’s
dungeons is a very powerful artifact capable of fundamentally If it’s a success, the wizard should now draw the desired
changing the very world we live in. Up until last week, it was effect for their spell. Once the drawing is completed, they
protected by complex magical wards put in place by Headmaster should pass it to another player (or the game master).
Schwazzle. These wards have been broken. How, you ask? I have That person now interprets the drawing, and their
no idea! Something terrible, something powerful, seeks to possess interpretation is exactly what the spell does.
this artifact - and it’s up to you to ensure that doesn’t happen. Will
you help us? Will you help the world?” The Sinister Force
It’s now up to you - the best of the worst - to recover this Any time a 1 is rolled on a Challenge, the Sinister Force
magical artifact (or destroy it) before this unnamed throws a wrench in the works. This could be an outright
sinister force beats you to it. It’s time to introduce attack, a magical trap, a barricaded door, or any number
yourselves to your companions and then decide what to of obstacles the players must overcome. Generally, any
do next. encounter with the Sinister Force should require a
Challenge to overcome, or be treated as a Conflict. If a 1
is rolled while in the Dungeons, the players should
encounter the Sinister Force itself.
Character Details Character Details Story Detail Table
Sinister Force Artifact Effect
Name Name
1-4 An avil wizard Unassuming Time is
bean reversed
5-8 A rogue Gemstone Food has no
familiar heart taste
Goal Defeat the Sinister Force, recover & protect Goal Defeat the Sinister Force, recover & protect
the powerful Artifact, or both. the powerful Artifact, or both. 9-12 The former Flaming orb Everyone can
Headmaster do magic
Traits Wand Success Traits Wand Success
Number 9 Number 9 13-16 A former Silken robe Handsome
student squirrels
Success Success
Number 9 Number 9 17-19 An ancient Petrified wood Intelligent
spirit staff plant life
Character Details Character Details
20 A dragon Sock puppet Powerful
Name Name being arrives

Events Table
1-4 A magical creature intervenes.
Goal Defeat the Sinister Force, recover & protect Goal Defeat the Sinister Force, recover & protect
the powerful Artifact, or both. the powerful Artifact, or both.
5-8 A powerful potion is found.
Traits Wand Success Traits Wand Success
Number 9 Number 9
9-12 A secret passage is revealed.
Success Success
Number 9 Number 9
13-16 The school holds a terrible secret.
Character Details Character Details
17-19 An old classmate arrives.
Name Name

20 A helpful clue is discovered.


Goal Defeat the Sinister Force, recover & protect Goal Defeat the Sinister Force, recover & protect Yes/No Answer Table
the powerful Artifact, or both. the powerful Artifact, or both.
1-5 Yes.
Traits Wand Success Traits Wand Success
Number 9 Number 9
6-10 No.
Success Success
Number 9 Number 9
11-15 Yes, but…
Progress Track Progress Track

16-20 No, but…

Easy Moderate Difficult Easy Moderate Difficult

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