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WHAP Crash Course

Crash Course World History Episode 15: The Crusades
1. What were the Crusades? The Crusades were a series of military expedition from parts of


2. Why are they remembered in history? We’ve endlessly romanticized the story of the Crusades

3. Why didn’t crusades happen during the Umayyad and Abbasid empires? Because they were

perfectly happy with Christians and Jews living amongst them, if they paid a tax

4. Who moved in and changed the relationship between Muslims and non-Muslims? The Seljuk


5. What did they do? They sacked the holy cities and made it much more difficult for Christians to

make more their pilgrimage

6. Who did the Byzantines call for help to deal with the invading Arabs? They called upon the west

to help them out

7. What is the name of the Pope who called for the First Crusade? Pope Urban II

8. In what year was the First Crusade? 1095CE

9. Why was the first crusade called for? Urban wanted to unite Europe and he’d figure out the


10. Who answered the call of the Pope? Bickering knights and nobility of Europe
Name: _______________________ Date: __________ Period: _____
WHAP Crash Course
Crash Course World History Episode 15: The Crusades
11. What city did the Pope want to liberate? Jerusalem

12. Why were second and third sons of nobles going on crusade? Because of European inheritance


13. Who responded to the call of the crusades? They were all poor people

14. Why did people go to the Holy Land? to touch and see physical manifestations of their


15. Was the First Crusade successful? It got off to kind of a rough start because pilgrims kept

robbing those they encountered on the way

16. Who had defeated the Seljuk Turks? Fatimid Egyptian

17. What was found at Antioch? The christens just saw it as a miracle

18. Why was the First Crusade successful? They weren’t Catholic- they were orthodox, a point that

will become relevant shortly

19. What happened in the Second Crusade? Was an emergence of a new Islamic power, neither

Turkish nor Abbasid?

20. Who was Saladin? Sultan al- Malik al- Nasir Salah ed- Din Yusuf

21. What Pope called for a Third Crusade? Gregory vIII

Name: _______________________ Date: __________ Period: _____
WHAP Crash Course
Crash Course World History Episode 15: The Crusades
22. What three kings answered the Pope’s call? Philip “cowardly schemer”, France Richard “lions’

heart” Frederick “I am going to drown anticlimactically on the journey while trying to bathe in a


23. What did Richard the Lionheart try to conquer to capture Jerusalem? Involved first taking Egypt

24. Why didn’t that happen? He couldn’t convince any crusades to join him

25. Why didn’t the volunteers of the Fourth Crusade travel by land? Because they knew from

experience that it was dangerous and hot

26. What Byzantine Emperor called the excommunicated crusaders to come to Constantinople?

Alexius III

27. What happened to the city of Constantinople when the crusaders didn’t get paid? They took all

the wealth they could find killed and raped Christians as they went, stole statues of horses

28. Who conquered the Byzantine Empire? Turks

29. In what year was the Byzantine Empire conquered? 1453

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