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Journal of Geodynamics 127 (2019) 31–41

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Rock magnetic and paleomagnetic investigations of Sylhet traps, Shillong T

Plateau, NE India

M.R. Kapawar, Venkateshwarlu M.
CSIR-National Geophysical Research Institute, Hyderabad, 500007, India


Keywords: Magnetic signals in basalts from the Sylhet traps (ST), Shillong Plateau, India is investigated using rock mag-
Rock magnetism netism as a proxy to explain the potentiality of the ST basalts as an indicator of magnetic mineralogy. A pa-
AMS leomagnetic study was carried out in order to unravel the Paleopole. In detail, rock magnetic and Anisotropy of
Paleomagnetism Magnetic susceptibility (AMS) results have been reported for the first time on the ST basalts. A total of 38
ST basalts
oriented block samples were collected from 8 sites along Cherrapunji-Shella bazaar road section, Meghalaya,
Shillong Plateau
India. Samples were subjected to rock magnetic measurements such as magnetic susceptibility (K), Isothermal
Remanent Magnetization (IRM), hysteresis loops, backfield (coercivity remanence) and k-T (Susceptibility vs.
Temperature) analysis to identify the magnetic properties of basalts. Advanced Variable Field Translation
Balance (AVFTB) was used for some rock magnetic studies. A few samples were also subjected to Anisotropy of
Magnetic susceptibility (AMS) study to understand the petrofabric orientations and shape anisotropy in the ST
basalts. The Remanence ratio (Mrs/Ms) and the Coercivity ratio (Bcr/Bc) ranging from 0.105 to 0.333 and from
1.25 to 1.87 respectively indicate sizes of magnetic grains are mainly in the range of Pseudo Single Domain
(PSD) limits with minority of them in the ranges of Single Domain (SD) limits. The results of k-T study in
combination with other rock magnetic results shows that magnetite (Fe3O4) [Curie Temperature = 565-590 °C]
as the dominant magnetic carrier with a subordinate content of titanomagnetite Fe2+(Fe3+Ti)2O4 [Curie
Temperature = 380–450 °C]. From the AMS study, parameters like lineation, foliation are calculated, and results
define all the three shape anisotropies present in the ST basalts. The ST basalts display paleomagnetic directions
with mean declination = 255°, mean inclination = -57° (α95 = 3.44°; k = 16.74). The pole position of the ST at
117 Ma is -26.79 °N, 330.75 °E (dp = 3.6; dm = 5) with a paleolatitude 37.6 °S. This infers that the ST is a later
volcanic event than Rajmahal traps (RT) which is considered contemporary to the ST.

1. Introduction location. In regard to paleomagnetic study, the Sylhet Traps lava flows
are least studied (Athavale, 1963; Poornachandra Rao, 1993) which
After breaking-up from Gondwana supercontinent the Indian plate could not provide enough information due to the paucity of reliable
has started its northward drift which is affirmed by the numerous pa- paleomagnetic data. No clear expression has been reported by them
leomagnetic studies carried out on the Deccan Traps (Kono, 1972; whether the secondary component was completely removed to achieve
Radhakrishnamurthy, 1990; Vandamme, 1991), Rajmahal Traps the primary magnetization component. Also no comments about, which
(McDougall, 1970; Sherwood, 1996; Poornachandra Rao, 1996a, statistical analysis method was followed to get primary ChRM direc-
1996b) and Sylhet Traps (Athavale, 1963; Poornachandra Rao, 1993). tions. Eventually no firm statement was made about Indian sub-
The Rajmahal-Bengal-Sylhet igneous region form a part of Large Ig- continent paleogeographic position at around 117 Ma ago from these
neous Province (LIP) which experienced a mantle plume activity at- studies. In an effort to contribute to global Gondwana paleomagnetic
tributed to the Kerguelen hotspot at around 118 Ma (Kent et al., 2002). dataset we have attempted the paleomagnetic study of Sylhet Traps
The present study is the first attempt to carry out detailed rock mag- basalts using high sensitive instruments. Here we are reporting the
netic and AMS studies of the ST basalts to evaluate magnetic miner- paleopole for India during the Early Cretaceous period (˜117 Ma) from
alogy, their domain states, and the shape anisotropy parameters. AMS Sylhet Traps, Shillong Plateau, India.
study was focused to evaluate the lava flow trends and possible fissure

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (V. M.).
Received 2 November 2018; Received in revised form 5 April 2019; Accepted 5 May 2019
Available online 06 May 2019
0264-3707/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M.R. Kapawar and V. M. Journal of Geodynamics 127 (2019) 31–41

2. Geology and sampling samples (2 samples/site) were selected for rock magnetic study. IRM
acquisition curves and Backfield demagnetization analysis was per-
The Sylhet lavas were first documented by Palmer (1923) and formed for getting saturation field and coercivity spectra respectively
subsequently their geological setting, petrochemistry and tectonic his- by using the Pulse magnetizer (MMPM-10). For IRM acquisition and
tory was reported by Talukdar (1967), Talukdar and Murthy (1971). backfield demagnetization standard specimens were used. Advanced
The mafic volcanic rocks of the Shillong Plateau are represented by the Variable Field Transition Balance (AVFTB) was used for Hysteresis Loop
Sylhet Traps (Baksi, 1995) and exposed ˜450 km east of the Rajmahal and thermomagnetic (k-T) study. A hysteresis loop is generated by
Traps. applying alternating magnetic fields to samples until they reach sa-
The Sylhet Traps (ST) constitutes an integral part in Shillong Plateau turation. The hysteresis loop analysis was performed to understand the
and is a typical plateau basalt volcanism and spread over an area of grain size and domain states, while the k-T study is for knowing the
˜700 Km2 located at the southern extremity of state of Meghalaya, NE Curie point and thermal alterations in magnetic carriers during heating
India. The extent of the ST is small, and is exposed in a narrow strip of and cooling of samples. For these measurements to perform on AVFTB,
˜80 km long and 5-6 km wide E-W belt, at the southern margin of the powdered samples were used (all weighing in the range of
Shillong Plateau. The ST is sandwiched between Dawki fault from the 300–500 mg).
south and Raibah fault or Brahmaputra fault from the north, and is
overlain by Cretaceous Sandstones (Athavale, 1963) in Meghalaya. The 3.2. AMS methodology
effusion through linear fissures is characteristic of the ST flood basalts
(Talukdar and Murthy, 1971) as neither feeder dikes nor volcanic vents Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility (AMS) study was carried out
have been reported within the ST formation. On the basis of plate re- on 114 (∼14 from each site) fresh specimens from 8 sites using AGICO
constructions as well as geochronological and geochemical data, the MFK1-FA Susceptibility apparatus to investigate the nature of petro-
early episode of Kerguelen volcanism is believed to be related to a flood fabrics and shape anisotropy. The MFK1-FA has three operating fre-
basalt province in eastern India comprising Rajmahal- Bengal- Sylhet quencies and field intensities; we kept the measuring range, i.e., 976 Hz
traps of 116 ± 3.5 Ma (e.g. Pantulu et al., 1992; Baksi, 1995; Basu of frequency and 2–700 A/m field intensity. Practically, the AMS study
et al., 2001; Ghatak and Basu, 2006). Twenty continuous lava flows and was first performed by Voight and Kinoshita (1907). Statistical data
three tuff beds with a total thickness of ˜259 m are reported by (Ray, processing by Jelinek (1978) was performed for mean tensors and by
2005), and also quoted that, the Sylhet Traps are contemporaneous using software supplied by AGICO named ANISOFT 4.2 (Chadima and
with the Kerguelen plume generated Rajmahal and Bengal Traps evi- Jelinek, 2009). AMS can be described as an ellipsoid of magnetic sus-
denced from 40Ar-39Ar geochronology with age 116.0 ± 3.5 Ma. The ceptibilities with three principle susceptibility axes designated as the
ST is situated ˜450 km east of RT and the portion between the RT and ST maximum (Kmax), intermediate (Kint), and minimum (Kmin). These
has been overlain by alluvium deposited by Brahmaputra and Ganga quantities can be combined in various ways to describe different fea-
Rivers. The ST overlies the eroded Precambrian basement complex, and tures of the ellipsoid and of the corresponding magnetic fabrics
is in turn overlain by Cretaceous sandstone of Shillong Plateau (Hrouda, 1982). The anisotropy parameters like, bulk susceptibility
(Talukdar and Murthy, 1971). The ST of Shillong Plateau is exposed to Km= (Kmax + Kint + Kmin)/3, magnetic foliation F (Kint + Kmin)/Kmax
the north of Dawki fault and to the south of Raibah fault and these and magnetic lineation L = (Kmax + Kint)/Km (Khan, 1962) are defined.
boundaries would have been the controlling factor for the effusion of The shape parameter ‘T’ is defined as (2 η2-η1- η3) / (η1- η3) where, η1=
the ST basalts (Talukdar and Murthy, 1971). ln(Kmax), η2= ln(Kint) and η3= ln(Kmin). The magnitude of susceptibility
The exposures exhibit dark grey to faint black appearance and fine- is measured in 15 independent directions which enables to comment
grained texture with mostly north-easterly dips. Structures like 'flow about the AMS ellipsoid, which is a standard least square fit method for
breccia', 'layering' and 'flow folds’ (Talukdar and Murthy, 1971), the reliability of measurements (Cox and Doell, 1967).
rhyolites with lense shaped amygdals associated with volcanic ash and
tuff (Talukdar, 1967) were reported. Field observations during sample 3.3. Paleomagnetism procedures
collection suggests the presence of varieties of basalts from compact
basalts, partly jointed/ fractured basalts to amygdaloidal basalts sug- Paleomagnetic studies were executed using AGICO JR-6 Spinner
gests about the degree of crystallization and viscosity of lava flows. magnetometer, Molspin Alternating Field (AF) demagnetizer and
These ST basalts are exposed along the valley slopes and deep gorges MMTD-80A Thermal demagnetizer. These specimens were subjected to
and for sampling in present study the exposures were obtained near laboratory demagnetization techniques to isolate the Characteristic
quarry sections at Kynrem falls. Few samples contained calcitic veins Remanent magnetization (ChRM) directions for the ST basalts.
and amygdals of diameter 1-5 mm filled with zeolites of greenish color. Standard alternating field demagnetization (AFD) and thermal de-
Standard sample collection technique was followed for collection of magnetization (ThD) procedures were adopted for demagnetization.
oriented samples. Fresh, unaltered samples were collected and avoided AFD was performed on 95 specimens in successive 17 demagnetization
deformed outcrops. A minimum of 5 oriented rock samples were col- step intervals 5, 7.5, 10, 12.5, 15, 17.5, 20, 22.5, 25, 30, 40, 60, 80,
lected from each site. The sites were located along the Cherrapunjee- 100, 120, 140 and 150 m T. Whereas stepwise ThD was performed on
Shella bazaar road section and quarries near Kynrem falls (Fig. 1) 48 specimens in 12 progressive demagnetization steps from 100, 200,
whereas other exposure locations were disturbed by constructions. The 300, 350, 400, 450, 500, 520, 540, 560, 580 up to 600 °C. There was no
samples were oriented using a Brunton compass. Each oriented rock considerable decay observed in NRM intensity in progressive thermal
sample was drilled and cut into 176 standard cylindrical specimens and AF demagnetization up to ∼400 °C and 80 m T respectively for
(2.5 cm in diameter and 2.2 cm in length). These 176 specimens (on an most of the specimens. Nevertheless, a high-temperature component
average 5-6 specimens/sample; 5 samples/ site) were obtained from 8 (HTC) and high field component (HFC) which decays towards the origin
sites. from ∼400 °C and 80 m T respectively to total demagnetization can be
fitted using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) method (Kirschvink,
3. Laboratory experiments 1980) of a best-fit line on Remasoft-3.0 software. For determination of
both HFC and HTC at least six consecutive demagnetization intervals
3.1. Rock magnetic properties were chosen that decay towards the origin of orthogonal projections
which yields ChRM directions. The Zijderveld plot (Zijderveld, 1967) is
To identify the main magnetic carriers of ST basalts an array of rock used to display and evaluate the demagnetization behaviors for all the
magnetic measurements was carried out. Sixteen representative specimens. All the measurements were carried out at the

M.R. Kapawar and V. M. Journal of Geodynamics 127 (2019) 31–41

Fig. 1. Simplified Geological map of the Shillong plateau showing the location of sampling sites of ST basalts (red dot) and the two fault trends the Dawki fault and
the Raibah fault (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article).

Paleomagnetism laboratory, CSIR-National Geophysical Research In- ST-2 showing 50 m T of Bcr value which is the indication of presence of
stitute, Hyderabad, India. comparatively higher coercivity magnetic mineral than other samples.

4. Results 4.1.2. Hysteresis loop

From the Hysteresis curves (Fig. 3) for the ST basalts, hysteresis
4.1. Rock magnetic study parameters saturation magnetization (Ms), saturation remanence (Mrs),
coercivity force (Bc) and coercivity remanence (Bcr) were determined.
The rock magnetic parameters are useful in understanding the The hysteresis ratios known separately as Remanence ratio (Mrs/Ms)
magnetic mineralogy, their grain size, domain states and Curie tem- and Coercivity ratio (Bcr/Bc) can be obtained (Supplementary Table 1),
peratures. This is the first attempt of detailed rock magnetic study and which are helpful in identifying the domain states and grain sizes of
implications associated with it for the ST basalts. The magnetic mi- magnetic minerals. The maximum field applied is 1000 m T. The in-
nerals in basalts generally belong to the solid solution series known as verse relationship between the ratios is similar to Day plots for ferri-
titanomagnetites solid solution series (Radhakrishnamurthy, 1990). magnetic magnetite and titanomagnetite (Day et al., 1977; Dunlop,
2002a, 2002b). The hysteresis curve lines seem to be closer (thin) and
4.1.1. Isothermal remanent magnetization (IRM) acquisition curves and such behaviour of curves is an indication of fine to medium magnetic
backfield demagnetization grain size of the ST basalts.
A pulse magnetizer was used for IRM and back-field DC demagne- Most of the samples analysed are showing Remanence ratio (Mrs/
tization measurements. The significant fall in IRM during thermal de- Ms) ranging from 0.105 to 0.333 with an average value of 0.218 and
magnetization allows for estimation of curie temperatures because values of Coercivity ratio (Bcr/Bc) range between 1.25 to 1.87 with an
maximum blocking temperatures are always slightly less than the Curie average 1.593. Overall the values obtained are indicating, the ST ba-
temperature. The majority of the samples show the continuous rise in salts reside in Single Domain (SD) to Pseudo Single Domain (PSD) state
IRM curve (Fig. 2a) up to 200 m T and saturate. Sample ST_1, ST_2, and of magnetic grains. Day plot (Fig. 4) which gives an idea of limiting
ST_6 show a steep rise up to 200 m T, and this rises gently up to values for SD, PSD and MD magnetic grains and useful tool for magnetic
1000 m T and saturation is noted which is indication of the presence of granulometry indicator. Usually, the values of most of the magnetite-
magnetic minerals of titanomagnetite solid solution series. These IRM bearing rocks fall in MD state, where SD and PSD plays a role of pa-
acquisition curves are due to the magnetocrystalline anisotropy in leomagnetic recorders. But in the case of these samples most of the
samples, those samples which saturated near 200 m T are due to mag- samples fall in PSD state of magnetic grain size which may be due to
netization acquired in easy direction and others are due to acquisition combined effect of SD and MD grains.
of magnetization in hard direction.
The back-field DC demagnetization curves (Fig. 2b) indicates the 4.1.3. Thermomagnetic (k–T) curves
remanence coercivity (Bcr) values of the samples range between The thermomagnetic (k–T) curve indicate the Curie temperature
24–35 m T suggests low coercive magnetic mineral present in samples. (Tc) and the degree of alteration that occurs during heating. Tc of pure

M.R. Kapawar and V. M. Journal of Geodynamics 127 (2019) 31–41

Fig. 2. Representative curves of (a) isothermal remanent magnetization (IRM) acquisition and (b) back-field DC demagnetization shows generalized coercivity
distribution in samples of ST basalts.

Fig. 3. Hysteresis curves for the ST basalt samples of Shillong Plateau. Curves show presence of soft (low Bc) and fine grained magnetic carrier.

magnetite is ˜577 °C and a similar behaviour is noted in the basalt zero at around 580 °C which is Tc2. This is the observation for most of
samples of present study. Most of the samples analysed have shown the the analysed samples. As per Vahle et al. (2007) the degree of rever-
Tc ˜580 °C. The Curie temperature data for all the analysed ST basalt sibility of heating and cooling run allows an estimate of phase changes,
samples is given (Supplementary Table 2) along with the rock samples which can be interpreted in terms of stability of the original magnetic
description. phases. Within these variations, the heating cycle displays less thermal
The analysed samples for Thermomagnetic (k–T) curves (Fig. 5) stability and lower intensity than cooling cycle. The cooling and
were heated from room temperature up to 700 °C and again cooled back heating curves are appearing irreversible due to the intermediate
to room temperature in the presence of 100 m T magnetic field. The k–T magnetic phase but similar for all the samples where heating curves are
curves show a small decrease in the susceptibility at temperatures always higher than cooling curves. The magnetic phases in samples are
around 380–450 °C which is considered as Tc1 and afterwards falling to interpreted as not stable since they are irreversible. This intermediate

M.R. Kapawar and V. M. Journal of Geodynamics 127 (2019) 31–41

stereoplots are depicted in Fig. 6 suggests presence of different shape

anisotropies due to the effect of the magnetic carrier for resultant AMS
ellipsoids. Normally, low degree of anisotropy values i.e., less than 1.03
depicts variation in the resultant shape anisotropy of AMS ellipsoids,
i.e., from prolate to oblate.
Out of eight sites examined four sites i.e., ST_4, ST_5, ST_6 and ST_8
are showing a triaxial ellipsoidal shape anisotropy (where all the
principle susceptibility axes K1, K2, and K3 form distinct and individual
groups with same orientations). Three sites are showing Prolate ellip-
soidal shape (maximum axes were showing well grouping and directed
perpendicular to the bedding plane, whereas the minimum axes lie in
the bedding plane), i.e., ST_1, ST_2, and ST_7 here the K1 is well
grouped, K2 and K3 arced within 90° around it. Site ST_3 is showing
oblate ellipsoidal shape anisotropy (where K3 is well grouped; K1 and
K2 are scattered through the stereonet and within the 90° arc around
From the calculated mean susceptibility (Km) and anisotropy degree
(P) of the ST basalts, it is helpful in identifying the occurrence and
contribution of mineral towards susceptibility (if any) and its control
over anisotropy. To understand this, Km vs. P plot (Fig. 7 A) prepared
for the whole sampling unit and the samples analysed show the major
Fig. 4. Day plot of Mrs/Ms and Bcr/Bc after analysis method by Day et al. ferrimagnetic contribution to the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility
(1977) to understand the domain state of magnetic grains for the ST basalts. which understood from even scattering. The Jelinek plot (1978) in
SD = Single Domain, PSD = Pseudo Single Domain, and MD = Multi-Domain. Fig. 7B, shows both prolate as well as oblate nature of the fabric for the
Red dots depict analysed samples that are falling in respective domain states ST basalts and no clear majority can be identified. This could be be-
(For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is cause of eruption of lava in a very small period of time with slow rate of
referred to the web version of this article). successions and can be confirmed as there was no intertrappean beds
are found in study area. The Pj vs. T plot (Fig. 7C) is for representing
magnetic phase can be inferred as titanomagnetite. The transformation both shape of susceptibility ellipsoid and its magnitude. For the ST
of titanomagnetite to magnetite was reported to occur between 350 and basalts it shows a transitional prolate to oblate nature of the ellipsoid.
700 °C (Dunlop and Ozdemir, 1997), depending on the presence of The scattering through the plot may indicate presence of dominant
impurities and grain size of titanomagnetite. The behaviour of the k-T unstable inverse magnetic fabric, and can be confirmed by the presence
curves in the Fig. 5 shows two curie temperature points, i.e., TC1 and of all three (prolate, oblate and triaxial) anisotropies in samples.
TC2 at around 380–450 °C and ˜580 °C, respectively which indicates the The Pj values in the ST basalts range between 1.018 to 1. 031. The T
presence of two ferrimagnetic carriers with one dominant, the magne- and Km values ranging from -0.155 to 0.322 and 1.11 × 10−1 to
tite (˜580 °C) and other as an accessory, the titanomagnetite (around 8.31 × 10−2 SI units respectively (Supplementary Table 3). It suggests
380–450 °C). We can also speculate that, the appearance of titano- that the direction of remanence will not significantly alter if the ratio
magnetite in heating curves and the absence in cooling curves indicate between the maximum and minimum susceptibilities (degree of ani-
the complete transformation of titanomagnetite to magnetite with sotropy) is lower than 5% (Hrouda, 1982). The orientations of AMS
progressive temperature. ellipsoids in these samples proposes no solid evidence about the magma
The combination of all these rock magnetic measurements suggest flow directions and the fissure location through which the lava could
that the main magnetic remanence carrier resides in magnetite (Fe3O4) have erupted and the ST came into existence. Due to this we restrict our
of PSD/SD state with subordinate titanomagnetite [Fe2+(Fe3+, Ti)2O4]. conclusions from AMS measurements up to Shape anisotropy only.

4.3. Paleomagnetism
4.2. AMS study
The results of paleomagnetic study from 8 sites are presented in
To check the reliability of data for lava flow directions, the AMS Table 1 and plotted in Fig. 8. Natural Remanent Magnetization (NRM)
study was carried out for the ST basalt samples of Shillong Plateau. intensities of all specimens vary between 0.15–4.68 A/m. The samples
Many studies of dykes, lava flows and ignimbrites (Staudigel et al., were subjected to demagnetization techniques i.e., Alternating field
1992; Canon-Tapia et al., 1997; Varga et al., 1998; Zhu et al., 2003; demagnetization (AFD) and Thermal demagnetization (ThD). The re-
Caballero-Miranda et al., 2009) have been carried out to deduce the manent magnetization after each demagnetization step was measured
magma emplacement dynamics and source recognition. AMS ellipsoids on JR6- spinner magnetometer having signal to noise ratio of 2.4 μA/
depends on the mineral abundances and different mineral AMS m6. The Orthogonal projections of demagnetization curves (Zijderveld
(Borradaile and Jackson, 2010). plot) of representative samples are provided for both AFD (Fig. 8A) and
The common AMS parameters like, mean susceptibility (Km), ThD (Fig. 8B). During AF demagnetizations the NRM’s of the samples
common anisotropy factors lineation (L) and foliation (F), anisotropy have decreased effectively between 20–120 mT steps where it is ob-
degree (P), corrected anisotropy degree (Pj) and shape parameters T served that the viscous component is fully removed and ChRM direc-
and U were evaluated (Supplementary Table 3) from the three principle tions are attained between steps 20–120 mT. Similarly, in the thermal
susceptibility axes (K1, K2 and K3). The magnetic susceptibility (K) demagnetization most of the samples are showing either the decrease in
values were measured by using MFK1-FA Susceptibility apparatus and intensities beyond 520 °C or remaining nearly constant and immediate
range between 0.14 and 8.81 × 10-4 SI units which suggests samples fall is recognised at the unblocking temperatures around 580 °C.
suitability to perform AMS study and as a substitute indication for Magnetic Susceptibility was measured after each thermal de-
chemical composition variation during formation of rocks. The K values magnetization interval to take review of chemical changes occurred
are high enough and suggests significant contribution of ferrimagnetic during heating. In these samples no considerable changes in suscept-
carrier for the resultant AMS fabric (Tarling and Hrouda, 1993). AMS ibility have been recognised, revels that the magnetic phases are stable

M.R. Kapawar and V. M. Journal of Geodynamics 127 (2019) 31–41

Fig. 5. Representative thermomagnetic (k–T) curves for the ST basalts of Shillong Plateau. Heating (red) and cooling (blue) cycles are shown with respective arrows
(For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article).

with increasing temperatures. The data acceptance limits for ChRM detected in studied samples. These rock magnetic studies combined
calculations of individual specimens are constrained within MAD ≤ 50 suggest the presence of magnetite (Fe3O4) as the main magnetic carrier
and α95 ≤ 100, as per the standard fisherian statistics analysis proposed of PSD/SD state with subordinate content of titanomagnetite
by Fisher (1953) and which are further considered for mean Virtual [Fe2+(Fe3+,Ti)2O4]. This magnetic carrier is in agreement with the
Geomagnetic Pole (VGP) position calculations. results obtained from thermal demagnetization on the very same sam-
An unblocking temperature of ˜580 °C is consistent with the com- ples, whose intensity decays completely at ˜580 °C.
bined rock magnetic results, supporting our initial conclusions that the
primary remanence carrier is magnetite. Mean ChRM directions for the
ST basalts were calculated, displays a mean direction of Dm = 255°, Im 5.2. AMS study and associated implications
= -57°, α95 = 3.44° and k = 16.74. Calculations for each site have been
made to get Virtual Geomagnetic Pole (VGP) using present day latitude: The AMS fabrics in the samples depict the arrangement of magnetic
25.21 °N and longitude: 91.71 °E of the location. grains and appearance of all three AMS ellipsoids reveals a weak degree
of anisotropy. Particularly for magnetite grains, the domain size is
controlled by grain shape. Though the presence of titanomagnetite
5. Discussion minerals is confirmed in rock magnetic measurements they have a
minor contribution to the AMS. Therefore, it is presumed that AMS of
5.1. Significance of rock magnetic tests the ST basalts is dominated by a low coercive PSD/SD magnetic grains
of magnetite.
The rock magnetic properties of the ST basalts show less variation, Anisotropy of the magnetic susceptibility caused by different phe-
which is purely controlled by cooling history of lava. The IRM acqui- nomena such as magma flow, tectonism or other biasing factors
sition curves and coercivity spectrum suggests the presence of pre- (Tarling and Hrouda, 1993; Dragoni et al., 1997; Elming and Mattsson,
dominantly low coercivity component and few are showing inter- 2001). In most of the stereonets of the AMS ellipsoids are scattered,
mediate coercivity component. Day plot drawn from the values of specifies less alignment of fabrics due to higher viscosity and slower
hysteresis parameters depicts, the presence of PSD and SD state domi- velocity of magma flow. The horizontal movement of the eastern block
nated magnetic mineral. Also the thin nature of hysteresis loops sug- (Shillong Plaetau) along the Dawki fault might have affected the AMS
gests the presence of fine to medium size of magnetic grains. Curie in these samples. It can be concluded that ST marks the tale of the
point behavior of samples around 380–450 °C and 580 °C have been magma emplacement activity in Rajmahal- Bengal- Sylhet Traps

M.R. Kapawar and V. M. Journal of Geodynamics 127 (2019) 31–41

Fig. 6. Equal area projection demonstrates the distribution of the principal susceptibility axes in the analysed ST basalt samples. Principal susceptibility axes K1 as
squares (blue), K2 as triangles (green) and K3 as circles (pink). Comparatively larger arcs are with 95% confidence circles (For interpretation of the references to
colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article).

province. ChRM’s at the field intervals of 20–120 mT and at the temperature in-
terval of 400–580 °C. The comparison of mean directions of various
5.3. ChRM directions comparisons rock formations from India (Table 2) with the data obtained for the ST
basalts from present study.
The Paleomagnetic study on the ST basalts was initiated by Athavale
(1963) and followed by Poornachandra Rao (1993) where they have 5.4. Larger Paleomagnetic story of India
reported the very first paleomagnetic directions from the ST basalts.
They have reported two directions one is explained by referring it with Though there is a small extent of ST is present at Shillong Plateau, it
the contemporary Rajmahal traps while the other was not explained. In is suggested that during its formation process it might have behaved
the present study, the paleomagnetic directions obtained are similar to like a different tectonic unit (or maybe two magma emplacement events
the one which was unexplained previously. The paleomagnetic mea- occurred for the existence of ST). The paleomagnetic directions re-
surements done previously was by using classical instruments which vealed by these exposures were severely affected by the horizontal
might not have cautiously removed the secondary (viscous) magneti- movement along dawki fault which has shifted around 250 Km east-
zation components to meet primary magnetization component. They ward (Evans, 1964) from RT exposures.
have not reported (Athavale, 1963) the intervals of demagnetizations to Since the obtained directions from the present study has varying
achieve ChRM’s by AF demagnetization and thermal demagnetization azimuths by almost 100° with stable dip as compared to previously
techniques. In the present study to get accurate ChRM directions, reported directions, is suggestive of horizontal adjustments within the
samples were demagnetized up to 150 m T in AFD and up to 600 °C in Sylhet Traps exposures. This we concluded by the effect of horizontal
ThD measurements which completely removed the secondary compo- movement of ST and surrounding block along the Dawki tear fault for
nent to obtain the isolated ChRM directions. Here we have reported our about 250 Km’s. This final explanation agrees with the study of Evans

M.R. Kapawar and V. M. Journal of Geodynamics 127 (2019) 31–41

Fig. 7. A) is the specimen-wise bivariate scatter plot of susceptibility mean vs. degree of anisotropy. B) Jelinek plot of lineation vs foliation (L vs. F) for the ST basalts.
C) Flinn diagram of corrected anisotropy degree vs shape parameter (Pj versus T; Tarling and Hrouda, 1993).

(1964), where it is concluded that, the north-eastern part of Indian 6. Conclusions

subcontinent has moved eastward by about 250 Km.
This study yields a mean Inclination value −57° and from this, we We are presenting here for the first time the detailed rock magnetic,
calculated the paleolatitude for India during the Early Cretaceous anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility study results carried out on ba-
period (˜117 Ma) which is around 37.6°S. This is the first time we are salts of the Sylhet Traps and drawn following conclusions:
reporting the paleolatitude of India from Sylhet Traps. One previous
study by Poornachandra Rao (1996b) from Rajmahal Traps has re- 1 The combined rock magnetic results indicate that these basalt con-
ported the paleolatitude of India at 43 °S. From this, it is clearly un- tains magnetite as the primary magnetic carrier with PSD and SD
derstood that there may be more than one lava eruption events in a state nature of magnetic grains and with low titanomagnetite mi-
shorter interval of time at Kerguelen hotspot while the Indian plate was neral content.
drifting northwards. Fig. 9 depicts the relative paleolatitude of India 2 All the three (triaxial, prolate and oblate ellipsoids) possible shape
calculated from the data of the present study on Sylhet Traps basalts. anisotropies are present in the ST basalt samples which will not
allow to give concrete statement about lava flow dynamics in the

Table 1
Concise data of Paleomagnetic results of ST basalts from this study.
Site Name Rock Type Lat (0) Long (0) N n Dm (0) Im (0) α95 (0) k MAD Plat (0) Plong (0) dp dm

ST-1 Basalt 25.21 91.71 2 8 213 −53 16.6 12 4.23 −60.1 337.22 15.9 23
ST-2 Basalt 25.22 91.71 3 6 260 −49 18 14.76 4.10 −20.57 336.22 15.7 23.8
ST-3 Basalt 25.22 91.71 2 8 237 −44 11.4 24.58 4.51 −39.18 347.76 8.9 14.3
ST-4 Basalt 25.22 91.71 3 9 266 −52 11.75 23.19 4.01 −16.82 333.16 11 16.1
ST-6 Basalt 25.22 91.72 4 16 270 −42 7.9 23.89 3.12 −10.39 339.84 5.9 9.7
ST-7 Basalt 25.23 91.63 5 13 234 −67 5.4 60.01 3.45 −42.2 315.63 7.4 8.9
ST-8 Basalt 25.22 91.70 5 24 260 −61 5.5 29.66 3.01 −23.95 324.91 6.5 8.4
Grand Mean 255 −57 3.44 16.74 3.77 −26.79 330.75 3.6 5

Lat and Long are site latitude and site longitude in degrees, N = no. of samples, n = no. of specimens, Dm = Mean Declination, Im = Mean Inclination, α95 = circle
of confidence with 95% probability level, k = Precision parameter, MAD = maximum angular deviation, Plat and Plong = paleoco-ordinates of the Pole, dp and
dm = oval of confidence with 95% probability within which the true pole lies.

M.R. Kapawar and V. M. Journal of Geodynamics 127 (2019) 31–41

Fig. 8. Zijderveld’s plot showing orthogonal projections with solid (open) data points representing vector endpoints projected onto the horizontal (vertical) plane.

Table 2
The comparison of mean directions of various formations from India with the data obtained for the ST basalts from present study.
Sr. No. Formation Age Locality Site D (°) I (°) α95 (°) Reference

Lat Long
(N) (E)

1 Upper Deccan Traps Eocene Nipani 16° 26’ 74° 22’ 338 −32 5 Deutsch, 1959
2 Upper Deccan Traps Eocene Mahabaleshwar 17° 55’ 73° 38’ 339 −57 – Sahastrabudhe, 1963
3 Lower Deccan Traps Upper Cretaceous Linga 21° 38’ 78° 55’ 164 +48 2 Sahastrabudhe, 1963
4 Tirupati Sandstone Middle Cretaceous Janampeta 16° 46’ 81 ° 9’ 157 +51 Verma, 1967
5 Rajmahal traps Jurassic Rajmahal hills 25° 87° 51’ 327 −64 2 (α50) Clegg, 1958
6 Rajmahal traps Early Cretaceous Rajmahal hills – – 320.6 −65.2 6 Poornachandra Rao, 1996a
7 Sylhet traps Jurassic – 25° 91° 332 & −59 & 7 Athavale, 1963
243 −60 16
8 Sylhet traps – – – – 235 −62 5 Poornachandra Rao, 1993
9 Sylhet traps Early Cretaceous Cherrapunjee 25° 13’ 91° 43’ 255 −57 3.44 Present Study

M.R. Kapawar and V. M. Journal of Geodynamics 127 (2019) 31–41

Fig. 9. The red square indicates the paleolatitude of India obtained from the Sylhet trap basalts (37.6° S) of the present study. (Redrawn after C. T. Klootwijk, 1976)
(For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article).

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