Distinction Task 6.3 - Custom Program Design

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Design Overview for “Zombie Shooter” project

Name: Nguyen Manh Duc

Student ID: 103792724

Summary of Program
I plan to build an easy platform game call “Zombie Shooter”

The rule is very simple is to keep the Zombie don’t reach out the end and also don’t hit the
player of the screen using solider with the gun. The player needs to shoot zombie to get the
higher score with the time limit.

Output sample:

Required Data Types

Describe each of the records and enumerations you will create using the following table
(one per record).
Record 1: Player

Field Name Type Notes

:soldier Gosu:Image Image of the player
:x Integer x-position of the player
:y Integer y-position of the player
:z Integer z-position of the player
:bullet Array The bullet of the player
:game_over Boolean The game over of the game

Record 2: Zombie

Field Name Type Notes

:idle Gosu:Image Image of the zombie
:x Integer x-position of the zombie
:y Integer y-position of the zombie
:z Integer z-position of the zombie
:score Intenger The zombie score display
:alive Boolean The alive stytem of the

Record 3: Bullet

Field Name Type Notes

:Icon Gosu:Image Image of the bullet
:x Integer x-position of the bullet
:y Integer y-position of the bullet
:z Integer z-position of the bullet
:alive Boolean The alive system of the
:shooting Boolean The shooting system

Overview of Program Structure

Moving functions
1, Move-right
-Move player to right and still keep player within screen area
2, Move-left
-Move player to left and still keep player within screen area
Game play functions
1, hit-by? (zombie) –player
-The zombie hit player and the game over
2, shotting -player
-The player shoots a bullet to zombie
3, Time-shore – Timer
-The set time to player to play
4, Zombie-spawn -Zombie
-Zombie spawn within the screen area
5, Hit-by? (Player)- Zombie
-The player hit zombie, zombie die and get the score
Structed chart:

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