Elsa Arriola - Lesson 1 - Strengths Interests Values Reflection 4

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Strengths, Interests, Values Reflection

Part 1: Do What You Are/Personality

Complete the Do What You Are survey in Naviance. Use your report to answer the questions
1. What is your personality type?
My personality type is ESFJ.

2. What does each aspect of your personality mean about you?

E stands for extroversion, which means I focus my attention outward, enjoy a variety of
tasks, I seek out and need other people, I work at a rapid pace, and I need to talk through
my ideas. S stands for sensing, which means I focus on “what is”, I like working with what
can be seen and touched, I apply past experience to solve problems, and I need specific and
realistic directions. F stands for feeling, which means I am motivated by work that is
meaningful, I am sensitive to how issues affect people, I like helping others and being
appreciated, I need decisions to be congruent with their values, and I need to work in a
friendly environment. J stands for judging, which means I enjoy work that allows me to
make decisions, I prefer predictable work towards completing my responsibilities before
relaxing, and I like to maintain control of my projects.

3. List two strengths indicated on your report. Give an example from your life that
demonstrates that these qualities are strengths.
My strengths are that I am organized, I am supportive and focus on helping others, and I am
a reliable, hard worker. For example, I like to keep my computer and paperwork organized
because it keeps me from being slowed down while making progress along the way. I enjoy
helping others because I want to see other people in my life become successful. My third
example is that people can rely on me to do what is asked of me, like doing chores around
the house at the request of my parents; they know I will get them done.

4. What qualities should a career have in order to satisfy your particular personality?
My preferred work environment should give me work that benefits people in a real and
practical way. I am happiest when I am able to use my interpersonal skills to organize people
and processes and provide support to others.

5. How can you use this information to make an informed career choice?
I can use this information to make an informed career choice because it will help me decide
an accurate pinpoint of what my future career will look like and how it will meet my needs.

Part 2: MI Advantage/Intelligences
Complete the MI Advantage survey in Naviance. Use your report to answer the questions below.
6. What are your top three intelligences?
My top three are naturalist, intrapersonal, and linguistic.

7. What do these intelligences mean about you?

To me, being a naturalist means I care about what is around me on this Earth, like animals,
people, plants, and other living things. To me, being an intrapersonal person means being
able to understand my abilities, my strengths and weaknesses, and what drives me. Lastly,
being a linguistic means I am able to comprehend the use of English and what it consists of.

8. How can you use this information to make an informed career choice?
I can use this information to make an informed career choice by taking these three
intelligences and using them to find or create a career pathway that shares the same focus

Part 3: Career Interests Profiler

Complete the Career Interests Profiler in Naviance. Use your report to answer the questions
9. What are your strongest interests?
My strongest interests are social, artistic, and investigative.

10. What do these interests mean about you?

My social interest means I like to help people out myself, whether it is teaching them
firsthand or informing them of something they were not aware of. My artistic interest
means I enjoy doing crafts and creative hands-on activities. My investigative interest means I
enjoy solving problems, and I typically avoid attempting to persuade individuals.

11. How can you use this information to make an informed career choice?
I can use this information to make an informed career choice by using what I have learned
about myself from the Career Interest Profiler and combining it all into a career that
interests me.

Part 4: Work Values https://www.onetonline.org/find/descriptor/browse/Work_Values/

Go to www.onetonline.org. Under “Advanced Search”, select “Work Values”. Review the
description of each work value. Select three work values that are most important to you.
Answer the questions below about your work values.
12. What are your top three work values?
My top three work values are relationships, working conditions, and achievement.

13. What do these work values mean about you?

For myself, relationships as a work value is important to me because I would prefer having a
good relationship with my peers and coworkers. Working conditions are also very important
to me because I would prefer an environment where I feel safe, comfortable, and
stress-free. Lastly, achievement is important to me because I would like to use what I have
learned and have stored in my head to complete work to the best of my ability.

14. How can you use this information to make an informed career choice?
I can use this information to make an informed career choice by using these three work
values to narrow down a career choice and focus on what is important to me in a career.
Part 5: Career Results Comparison
Review the career lists provided at the end of each survey. Identify three careers that are similar across
the lists. List the careers and explain why each career may be satisfying to you citing evidence from your
survey results.

Marriage and family therapist, animal caretaker, and spa manager were three commonly recommended
careers. A marriage and family therapist would be a contender career for me because I enjoy helping
people solve problems. Animal caretaker really sparks my interest because I care about animals a lot. A
spa manager interests me because I can help people, but I most likely will choose that career path over
the others listed.

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