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Advanced technologies of communication have brought influences and impacts on

cultures of every Filipino. There are views that the influences and impacts are brought forward

by social media which has been a powerful tool that can affect and form human behaviors as

well as culture. Some of the positive effects of social media includes: social media increased the

connections between people and created an environment in which you can share your opinions,

pictures and lots of stuff. Social media improved creativity and social awareness for our society

by interacting with other people and sharing new ideas and opinions. It even provides us access

to a lot of sites, developed international business and marketing, and created an opportunity to

widen your world and make new friends from other countries. On the other hand, social media

has influenced our culture in negative ways. People can share whatever they want to on social

media and some of them might be inappropriate pictures. People has become more conservative

about each other’s point of view. People started to argue about each other’s perspective related to

political view, religion, social rights and culture. Social media had negative effect on youth. It

reduced physical activities. The ugly part of social media is that there are tons of unnecessary

information shared by people has increase and with that being said social media ads has also part

on this topic. Social media has been used as a platform by every corporate to advertise products,

with these strategies, corporates allows themselves to increase their sales and even expand their

business, with these they can even influence consumer’s attitude and behavior. Advertising is a

means of informing choice, and it is vital to new entrants in any market. When it comes to

society however, and the big picture effects of advertising in general, it is not pretty. Advertising

promotes values that are directly opposed to human wellbeing, environmental sustainability and
a fair society. It ought to be considered a detrimental influence, and regulated accordingly. As far

as they are concerned, they simply redistribute consumption, directing spending from this brand

to that one. They promote choice, and simply reflect existing cultural values. In reality, social

media advertising does not just expand market share, it expands the size of the market,

advertising may be encouraging society to save less, borrow more, work harder and consume

greater quantities of material goods. Advertising also impacts values. While it reflects society to

a certain degree, it also has the effect of ‘normalizing’ values or behaviors. There are a lot of

products in the market that may work for others consumers however there are some that may not

as well, and at the end of the days, these consumers end up being deceived by these brands and

even spend them tons of money for a certain product that are bound to be useless. Social Media

Advertising may not even promote choice after all. By subtly manipulating its audience, it may

in fact stifle choice. Much advertising is subliminal, drip-feed, all about creating positive

associations without prompting conscious thought. If we consciously sat down and decided to

objectively analyze whether we preferred Coke or Pepsi, we’d probably conclude that we didn’t

care and that it doesn’t matter. An active choice, in this instance, is bad for the brand. Many

Filipinos is affected and is being influenced up to the present by these advertisements to the point

that we developed impulsive buying behavior since we are being manipulated and being

deceived by these product brands. Many of us Filipinos forgot to use our own wits and even

decrease the effectivity of wise decision making because we always tend to follow trends and

etc. Social media ads, has greatly impacted Filipinos lives, culture and beliefs, indeed social

media ads is a powerful tool that can even change the way think in just a single snap. As a

consumer we have to be more careful on what we see online, we have to be a wise consumer

make an active choice that will benefit us and our well-being.

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