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Type of proportion Definition Example

Direct proportion if one quantity increases, the if the speed of a car is increased,
other quantity also increases and it covers more distance in a
vice-versa fixed amount of time
Inverse proportion if one quantity increases, the increasing the speed of the car
other quantity decreases and will result in covering a fixed
vice-versa distance in less time
Partitive proportion If a given whole is divided into Dividing 100 into 2:3:5
several parts given a specified

Process Question (p3)

As an ordinary student, ratios and proportions help me in a lot of things. Through dividing my time on
things, I needed to focus on and allotting schedules for tasks I need to accomplish for each day, I am able
to live a balanced and well-managed life.
Supplementary Exercise
1. Direct proportion. 190/85 * 13 = 29.0588 gallons of gasoline
2. Inverse proportion. (500*110) / 135 = 407 items
3. Partitive proportion. ABC = 2,000,000= 2:3:4= 444,444:666,667:888,889
Process Question(p5)
1. Yes. Buying in large quantities will reduce the total price per unit so it will be more effective.
2. No. If a manager buys large quantities in the same store, it will be cheaper since it will be easier
to get a discount.

Scaffold 2: product costing activity

Product: Seafood Newburg
No. of serving: 10 portions
Cost per serving: Php203.50

Units as Cost/Unit as
Ingredient Vol used Extension
purchased purchased
Lobster Meat kg Php1900.00 500g 950.00
Scallops kg Php1,250.00 250g 312.50
Shrimps kg Php 700.00 250g 175.00
Sole kg Php 425.00 250g 106.5
Cream, heavy L Php 200.00 250mL 50.00
Fish Velouté L – 750mL 50.00
Butter 500g Php 142.50 250g 71.50
Pepper and Salt – – – –
Paprika – – 5g 7.5
Sherry 750mL Php 600.00 250mL 200.00
Egg yolks 12 Php 100.00 6 50.00
Patty shells each Php 6.00 10 60.00
Total – – – 2,033.00

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