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Student Name

International Marketing MKT744

Grade: - Clarity
of focus and argument in Comments
developing work
High 1st - Exceptionally
Structure clear understanding of subject matter and
of assignment
Marks - Research and referencing
appreciation of marketing issues; well organised,
80-100%- Evidence of thoughtful
formulated analysis
and sustained and informed recommendations;
- Evidence
well thought out and of
of application theories diagrams;
structured in relevant research
considering the evidence, and of
referenced. Evidence of creative insight and originality in
strategies to address management
terms of comprehension, application and analysis with at
least some synthesis and evaluation. Well done – Excellent
piece of work and shows excellent understanding of
evaluating international markets and the decisions involved.
Excellent understanding of differences and choices
between international markets for the company.

1st Strong grasp of subject matter and appreciation of key

Marks issues, perhaps lacking a little in finer points in terms of
70-79% marketing issues; clearly developed arguments; relevant
and well-structured diagrams; appreciation of relevant
extensive research in developing discussion. Evidence of
creative and solid work in terms of comprehension,
application, analysis and perhaps some synthesis with clear
understanding of the international marketing choices made
based on evidence and research. Work of this standard
shows very good understanding of evaluating for
international markets and the decisions involved.
Understanding of differences between markets
internationally is well developed and understood for the

2:1 Competent understanding of subject matter and

Marks appreciation of some of the main marketing issues though
60-69% possibly with some gaps; clearly developed arguments;
relevant diagrams and literature use, perhaps with some
gaps; well prepared and presented. Work shows good
understanding of international markets and their
complexities. Solid evidence of comprehension and
research and application with perhaps some analysis.
Good understanding of differences between markets
globally for the company.

2:2 Some appreciation of subject matter and issues; work

Marks generally lacking in depth, breadth and with gaps in
50-59% makreting discussion and application. Often work of this
grade comprises a simple factual description (i.e. Basic
comprehension) but little application or analysis. This work
shows some understanding of evaluating international
markets and their complexities. Some research-based
discussion of marketing. Work of this grade may be poorly

Student Name

prepared and presented. Investment of greater care and

thought in organising and structuring work would be
required to improve. Some understanding of differences
between markets globally for the company.

Marks Unsatisfactory. Evidence of lack of understanding of subject

0-49% (minimal or inadequate comprehension and little or no
discussion of marketing) and inability to identify issues.
Often inadequate in depth and breadth in terms of
developing arguments showing basic understanding of
evaluating international markets and their complexities.
Sometimes incomplete or irrelevant. Limited understanding
of differences between markets globally for the company.


First Marker: ____________________________________________________ Date: ________________

Second Marker: __________________________________________________ Date: _______________


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