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Species-specific microRNA regulation
influences phenotypic variability
Perspectives on species-specific microRNA regulation

Eyal Mor and Noam Shomron

Phenotypic divergence among animal species may be due Introduction

in part to species-specific (SS) regulation of gene
expression by small, non-coding regulatory RNAs termed MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a group of small, non-coding RNAs
that guide post-transcriptional repression of protein-coding
microRNAs. This phenomenon can be modulated by
genes by base-pairing with the 30 untranslated region (30 UTR)
several variables. First, microRNA genes vary by their level of target messenger RNAs (mRNAs) [1]. miRNAs are tran-
of conservation, many of them being SS, or unique to a scribed from distinct genomic loci that mostly reside in
particular evolutionary lineage. Second, microRNA ex- intergenic regions or in introns of coding genes (mRNAs) [2].
pression levels vary spatially and temporally in different miRNA genes are often clustered [3] and are transcribed into
species. Lastly, while microRNAs bind the 30 UTR of target primary transcripts (pri-miRNA) that are processed to discrete
RNA secondary structures, the RNA precursors (pre-miRNA) of
genes in order to silence their expression, the binding sites
60–70 nt. The pre-miRNAs, in turn, are processed to yield the
themselves are often non-conserved. The variability of the double-stranded mature miRNA of 20–24 nucleotides, which
miRNA-target paradigm between different species is thus is then untangled to generate the single-stranded functional
multifactorial, and this paradigm has only just started to miRNA. The miRNA regulatory site is the “seed” region,
gain attention from researchers in various fields. Here we comprising bases 2–7 (6-mer) from the mature miRNA 50
end [4]. A full complementation of this region with mRNAs is
present and discuss recent findings regarding the char-
critical for regulation of the target mRNA. However, an
acteristics and implications of SS microRNA regulation.

alternative mode of miRNA target recognition has also been
described [5–9]. miRNAs have been extensively investigated in
Keywords: the past few years, and over 25,000 miRNAs, in 193 species,
conservation; evolution; microRNA; miRNA, species- are now reported, as indicated in the miRNAs registry
specific “miRBase” [10].
Many miRNAs belong to miRNA families [11] in which all
members possess the same seed region that is considered to
dictate redundant targeting. miRNAs control the expression of
a large proportion of mammalian genes [12]. Every miRNA is
estimated to regulate hundreds of gene targets [13] although
the repression of a few targets usually plays a physiological
role [14–16]. Similarly, each gene can be regulated by many
miRNAs [4].
DOI 10.1002/bies.201200157 Although the physiological effect of many miRNAs is
substantial, the influence of miRNAs on the expression of their
Department of Cell and Developmental Biology, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, target genes is very often limited to a mild effect, sometimes
Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv, Israel
referred to as “fine tuning” [17–19].
*Corresponding author: Many miRNAs are characterized by high sequence
Noam Shomron conservation across highly divergent species [20]. These
miRNAs have emerged as prominent regulators of a diverse
Abbreviations: range of biological processes. The miR-124, e.g., is highly
LS, lineage-specific; SS, species-specific. conserved across the animal kingdom [21] and mediates

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neuronal differentiation [22]. Other examples of conserved NGS) technology emerged to advance miRNA discovery [45, 46].
miRNAs are the p53-induced miR-34 family that induces Small RNA sequencing enables the identification of novel
apoptosis, cell-cycle arrest or senescence [23–26], and the miRNAs given the large amount of sequence reads generated.
Review essays

muscle-specific miR-133 that is essential for proper skeletal These reads serve as substrates for the miRNA prediction
and cardiac muscle development [27, 28]. algorithms, which look for miRNA distinct features (e.g. see [42,
Despite the high conservation of many miRNAs, large 47, 48]). This technology has enabled millions of small RNAs to
proportions of the miRNAs identified in a number of animal be sequenced relatively inexpensively and has allowed the
species are present in only one or two species that belong to a identification of novel miRNAs in many species, including
specific evolutionary lineage (such as mice and rats; e.g. those that are SS/LS. This process is not yet exhausted given the
see [29, 30]), while others are present in at least three members potential use of deep sequencing machines in different cell
of a specific evolutionary lineage (e.g. see [31, 32]). We define types and contexts [48]. Following computational and deep
these miRNAs as species-specific (SS) and evolutionary sequencing-based miRNA discovery, experimental validation,
lineage-specific (LS), respectively. These miRNAs are less such as testing true miRNA processing, are needed to determine
studied probably because of their low expression [33], smaller the authenticity of these newly discovered miRNAs [49].
amount of computationally predicted targets [29], and the fact A large proportion of the miRNAs identified using
that they did not undergo stringent evolutionary selection. computational or deep sequencing technologies turned out
Yet, recent studies have brought our attention to the to be SS/LS. Such miRNAs were identified in a variety of
significant function of SS/LS miRNAs in various systems animals, including mouse [50], rat [51], and chicken [52]. Here
(e.g. [29–31, 34–36]). we focus on SS/LS miRNAs compared to miRNAs of
Similarly to the miRNAs themselves, some of their comprehensive conservation (Fig. 1, upper right corner).
predicted binding sites on the mRNAs are also non-conserved. The proportion of SS/LS miRNAs to all miRNAs in a given
While predicted conserved binding sites are expected to have species, can be quantified using the web tool miRviewer [47].
a stronger regulatory effect on their target genes [17] and are This tool aims to present the full spectrum of miRNA sequence
mostly chosen as leads when searching for miRNA targets and structure conservation in a variety of animals, ranging from
(e.g. [37]), some non-conserved miRNA binding sites have Caenorhabditis elegans to humans. For example, 453 (54.3%) of
recently been reported to have a significant functional effect the 834 human miRNAs are either human-specific (130; 15.6%)
as well (e.g. [29, 38, 39]). or not conserved beyond primates (323; 38.7%), and 139 (27.6%)
These variations in both the miRNAs and their binding of the 503 mouse miRNAs are mouse-specific (excluding miRNA
sites repertoire among different species are likely to be key paralogs, e.g. miR-34a,b,c, and identical mature miRNAs
drivers of phenotypic differences [40] (such as in [38]). Here, derived from different genomic loci, e.g. miR-124-1/2). It should
we present and discuss recent findings regarding the different be noted, however, that these human/primate and mouse-
perspectives of animal SS miRNA regulation that form a specific miRNAs might be present in non-primate species as
complex SS targeting paradigm. well, but cannot be currently identified using miRviewer or
miRNAminer [42] miRNA search algorithms.
Thus, large proportions of miRNAs that are identified by
Species-specific and evolutionary computational and deep sequencing technologies are SS/LS.
lineage-specific microRNAs constitute a
large proportion of the miRNAs
Most species-specific and evolutionary
Following the identification of a cohort of miRNAs by
experimental approaches, computational miRNA prediction
lineage-specific microRNAs are
tools have used distinguishing characteristics of these tran- transcribed from non-conserved miRNA
scripts, including secondary structure and free energy, in the genomic loci
search of novel miRNAs [41]. The completion of genome
sequencing for many species has further enabled the The evolution of miRNAs is believed to be an on-going [53] and
identification of large sets of miRNAs in these genomes based rapid process [40]. Some suggest that the diversification of the
on conserved miRNA homologous searches [42]. Other miRNA miRNA repertoire, which includes SS/LS miRNAs, has
discovery tools utilize the conservation of the miRNAs, target increased with increasing organismal complexity [54].
sites, while genomic searches for conserved sequences Most SS/LS miRNAs’ genomic loci are found in the
complementary to these motifs are used to find potential corresponding species only, meaning that the miRNAs are
miRNA genes [41, 43]. transcribed from SS/LS genes (Fig. 1). In other cases, the
In search for SS miRNAs for which no close homology is miRNA genomic locus is conserved but the miRNA mature
known, ab initio algorithms were developed in order to form is unique to several species. One of the means by which
overcome the reliance on sequence similarity to known such SS miRNAs are generated is adenosine-to-inosine (A-to-I)
pre-miRNAs. Among others, exploiting local information in RNA editing. A-to-I editing is catalyzed by enzymes of the
the training dataset was found particularly suitable for this ADAR family, and post-transcriptionally changes adenosine
purpose [44]. to inosine, the latter being treated by the cell machinery
Given that sensitivity and false-positive rates remain a similar to guanosine [55]. A prerequisite for this process is a
drawback of computational approaches, the development of double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) structure. Such dsRNAs are
deep sequencing (also known as next-generation sequencing, formed in the miRNA maturation process, and are affected by

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Figure 1. SS microRNA regulation. SS miRNA regulation can be viewed from different perspectives. First, the miRNA genetic repertoire is Review essays
variable in different species. This is primarily due to the generation of non-conserved, SS miRNA genes. The different conservation levels of
several miRNA genes across animals are shown at the upper right hand corner (image and conservation is adapted from miRviewer; http:// Each column represents a different animal, some are indicated at the top. A green/gray box
indicates the presence/absence of the miRNA in the corresponding animal. Examples of conserved (Con.), SS, and LS miRNAs are
presented. Other types of SS/LS miRNAs are transcribed from conserved miRNA genes, yet their mature forms are SS/LS. These can be
generated by SS/LS nucleotide polymorphisms and/or A-to-I RNA editing of double-stranded RNA structures formed in the miRNA maturation
process, i.e. pri-miRNAs or pre-miRNAs. Second, miRNA expression levels vary spatially and temporally in different species (bottom left). For
example, the expression pattern of a single miRNA in various cell types and along a developmental time course can vary between different
species. Finally, miRNA binding sites can also be non-conserved themselves, such as the TNF-a 30 UTR binding site for miR-125/351
(bottom right) at position 125–131 from the 50 end of the 30 UTR. An alignment of the miR-351/125 binding site region on the TNF-a 30 UTR
in different animals indicates its poor conservation. Each line represents a different animal. Shaded gray rectangular regions indicate the
miRNA binding sites.

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A-to-I editing. Some of these modifications are at the mature evolved through local duplication events [60] and were found,
miRNA seed region [55], practically creating new miRNAs with e.g., in mice and rats [60], primates [61], and marsupials [62].
new sets of mRNA targets, based on “seed”-associated Other SS/LS might have emerged as a result of non-local
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computational predictions. While miRNA editing sites only miRNA loci duplications. An example is miR-351, the gene of
partially overlap between different species, as demonstrated which is found in mice and rats only. The miR-351 gene is part
for humans and mice [55], editing of conserved miRNA seed of a conserved miRNA cluster but its sequence is significantly
regions can create SS miRNAs (Fig. 1). The conserved miR-377, different from that of the other members of this cluster.
e.g., can be edited in mice but not in humans [55]. In addition, miR-351 also belongs to the ancient miR-125 family [29]. Thus,
non-conserved miRNAs can be edited to further yield new it is reasonable that miR-351 has emerged in mice and rats
non-conserved miRNAs, as seen for miR-589, which is present through a duplication of one of the miR-125 family members,
in humans but not in mice [55]. most likely miR-125b-1, that aligns better to miR-351 than
Another means of generating SS/LS miRNAs that are miR-125a or miR-125b-2 (Alignment Score 188, 181, 180,
transcribed from conserved genomic loci is through sequence respectively; CLUSTALW sequence alignment [63]) and was
polymorphisms (Fig. 1), which give rise to alterations in the then subjected to several mutations. This is an example of a
pre-miRNA, mature miRNAs, and the seed region [56]. For miRNA locus duplication that leads to an expansion of miRNA
example, there are 37 miRNAs found specifically in mice and families across different species [53].
rats, with the genomic loci of 36 of these being present in the Following their emergence, the possibility of SS/LS
corresponding species only. The exception is miR-298, the miRNAs to become functional depends on their expression
genomic locus of which is present in mice and rats as well as in level and their interplay with their targets [64]. Interestingly,
primates, but its mouse and rat mature forms include variations some SS/LS miRNAs have emerged downstream to established
in the seed region [29]. As a consequence, this miRNA targets a promoter-enhancer sequences, bypassing the requirement for
different set of genes in mice and rats compared to primates [29]. generating de novo transcription regulation. The mouse- and
Polymorphisms in the miRNA seed region could even be rat-specific miR-351 for example, has utilized an existing
associated with variable traits of different mice inbred strains. transcribed unit of its hosting conserved miRNA cluster for its
This was demonstrated for a polymorphism in the miR-717 expression. This was shown in resting astrocytes as well as in
seed region, which is associated with a diverse array of traits activated astrocytes, where an overall downregulation of the
including behavior, blood-clinical chemistry, body weight size miRNAs in this cluster is apparent [29].
and growth, and immune system. This finding suggests that Another example is the expression regulation of the
minute changes in miRNA sequences, including those that are miRNA members of a mouse and rat-specific cluster located in
prevalent in the population such as SNPs, can indeed lead to the intron of the Sfmbt2 gene, and referred to as Sfmbt2 cluster.
major pleiotropic effects [56]. The promoter of these miRNAs is located directly upstream to
Although the seed sequence is a key feature for their hosting gene [65] and dictates the induction of Sfmbt2
miRNA-mRNA target recognition, there are other character- together with its hosted miRNAs [65, 66] in nutrient depleted
istics that assist targeting [17, 57]. It was suggested that conditions. One of the members of this cluster, miR-466h-5p,
nucleotide substitutions in the non-seed nucleotides of e.g., is activated following glucose deprivation-induced
conserved miRNAs might lead to the generation of modified oxidative stress by increased acetylation in this promoter
target recognition and new functions for these miRNAs, albeit region [65].
their original function is retained [58]. This can be viewed as a While many miRNAs are characterized by high sequence
natural “experimental” setting, which allows miRNA se- conservation across highly divergent species, which reflects
quence substitutions to be maintained if their function the effects of purifying selection [20], mRNAs have also
becomes evolutionary favorable. This mechanism would be undergone selective pressure in order to maintain 7-nt sites
energetically favorable as well, compared to generating and matching miRNAs [67]. It is thus not surprising that most SS
maintaining de novo miRNAs [58]. For example, the miR-21 miRNAs have many fewer conserved binding sites as
sequence is the same in mammals and birds, while non-seed compared to conserved ones [29]. Exceptions to this are SS
nucleotide variations are found in fish species [59]. The miRNAs that belong to a conserved miRNA family in which all
web-tool miRviewer can be used in order to view variations in members share their functional seed region and thus gene
the pre-miRNA sequence of different species, including those targets. The mouse and rat-specific miR-351, e.g., may regulate
in the mature miRNA form and its seed region. the genes that have developed as targets for its other, more
The appearance of SS/LS miRNAs can thus be attributed to ancient, family members [29].
several scenarios, including A-to-I RNA editing, polymor- Interestingly, although SS miRNAs are not expected to
phisms that appeared in miRNA sequences, and the emergence cause a wide effect upon their emergence, Zheng et al. [40]
of SS/LS miRNA loci, which is the most prevalent one. have found that in specific cases, SS miRNAs have driven a
genome-wide impact on the 30 UTR of their corresponding
species. The authors have developed a computational method
Some SS/LS miRNAs utilize existing that identifies signatures of SS miRNA binding site gain and
transcription units and gene targets loss associated with miRNA acquisition. They have found
upon their emergence evidence for a selection of binding sites to several mouse-
specific miRNAs in the mouse genome. Many of these
Many SS/LS miRNAs are located in miRNA clusters [3] that mouse-specific changes correspond to miRNA members of a
contain two or more miRNA genes. These clusters may have single miRNA cluster, the Sfmbt2 cluster. Using a Luciferase

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reporter assay, the authors have verified the functional regulators, including: (i) the pro-apoptotic primate-specific
targeting of some of the mouse-specific 30 UTR sequence miR-637, which acts as a tumor suppressor in hepatocellular
variations indicating their genuine significance [40]. carcinoma by disrupting Stat3 signaling [31]; (ii) the

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Thus, upon their emergence, some SS/LS miRNAs have pro-apoptotic mouse-specific miR-466h, which targets several
found a favorable hosting environment for their expression anti-apoptotic genes which leads to Caspase-3/7 activation
while exploiting an established transcription mechanism. [66]; (iii) the mouse-specific miR-709, which directly binds to
Some SS/LS miRNAs have also used an existing set of targets, the pri-miR-15a/16-1 in the cell nucleus and prevents its
while others have acquired a genome-wide influence on their processing maturation and its pro-apoptotic role. This
corresponding species. These characteristics of SS miRNAs anti-apoptotic function of miR-709 is inhibited by apoptotic
seem to have generated favorable conditions for their function signals that trigger the exit of this miRNA from the
in particular species. nucleus [30]. This study provides the first evidence that
miRNAs can control the biogenesis of other miRNAs by directly
targeting their primary transcripts. miR-709 was also shown to
SS/LS miRNAs function in varied be a potent suppressor of oncogenesis in NOTCH1-induced
biological processes mouse T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia [36].
Thus, although considered of less significance, SS/LS
SS miRNAs can be regarded as non-functional or less miRNAs were shown to have a significant role in a variety of
influential compared to conserved miRNAs given their biological processes, while complementing the function of
non-conserved or evolutionary young regulation upon their conserved miRNAs.
gene targets. For example, conserved human miRNAs
were shown to be significantly more associated with
diseases compared to non-conserved human miRNAs [68].
Conserved miRNA expression variability
Nevertheless, recent findings suggest a significant among different species holds functional
function of SS/LS miRNAs in varied biological processes, significance
including inflammation [29], neurogenesis [34], induction of
pluripotency [35], and apoptosis [30, 31, 66]. In fact, SS As shown above, different miRNA repertoires in different
miRNAs were found to target transcription factors, which are species can naturally shape developmental and physiological
transacting regulatory molecules themselves, significantly changes during evolution. Different species can differ in their
more often than expected [69]. Thus, these miRNAs are genome collection of miRNAs or in sequence modification in a
expected to hold a pivotal role as transcription modulators in given miRNA. Alternatively, an miRNA repertoire divergence
addition to their function in post-transcriptional regulation. across different species, could be generated by varying the
Interestingly, it seems that many of the functions temporal and spatial expression of the same miRNA
identified for SS miRNAs to date, belong to SS miRNAs that collection [75] (Fig. 1). It was shown that the timing and
are members of a conserved family (e.g. miR-351 [29, 34, 70], location of conserved miRNA expression in fish, chickens, and
291-3p, 294, 295 [35, 71]) as expected given their relatively large mice, e.g., is not strictly conserved [53, 76]. Such miRNA
number of conserved targets. Assuming the similar targeting expression variations were observed between distant species
pattern of all members of a miRNA family, it is intriguing to (e.g. human and mouse [77]) as well as close ones (e.g. rhesus
speculate that such SS miRNAs can either act to strengthen the and baboon [78] and different frog species [79]). Interestingly,
function of conserved members of their family or to even SS miRNA expression can vary between its harboring
compensate for their weakened function. Comparison of species. For example, the mouse- and rat-specific miRNAs,
miR-351 expression to its family member miR-125b that was miR-293, and miR-295, that might define mouse and
shown to regulate LPS-induced macrophages activation rat-specific traits [80], display a different spatial expression
(e.g. [72, 73]), suggests that miR-351 strengthens miR-125b pattern in these close species [81].
function in this context, as both miRNAs are similarly Intriguing evidence for the functional significance of
downregulated following LPS activation of mice peritoneal miRNA expression variability among different species was
macrophages (12 hours: miR-351 0.76-fold  0.05, miR-125b provided for miR-320b, miR-454, and miR-92a. The expression
0.82  0.04) or LPS and IFN-g activation of rat RAW264.7 of these miRNAs in the prefrontal cortex was shown to vary
macrophages (12 hours: miR-351 0.75-fold  0.09, miR-125b between humans and macaques or chimpanzees throughout
0.83  0.09; mean  SEM). Interestingly, both miRNAs were their lifespan [82]. The miRNA expression patterns could be
also shown to have a very similar expression pattern in the directly linked to alterations of their target genes expression
hematopoietic hierarchy [74]. On the other hand, miR-351 and thus can explain how hundreds of genes changed their
might compensate for miR-125b lost function in mice expression patterns in a coordinated manner during human
astrocytes activated by LPS and IFN-g. While miR-125b is brain development. It was suggested that human cognitive
suppressed in marmoset activated astrocytes, as in rodents abilities might be traced to a handful of key miRNA expression
activated macrophages, it is slightly elevated in mice activated changes that remodeled cortical development [82].
astrocytes, where miR-351 suppression can undertake its While miRNA expression patterns can vary between
downregulation role [29]. species under normal physiological conditions, it is likely
Other SS miRNAs, which were recently shown to be that some miRNA expression differences will only surface
functional, are not members of a conserved miRNA family. upon exposure to stress or pathology [83]. Shah et al. [84] have
These include miRNAs that were shown as apoptosis suggested that the susceptibility of rodents, but not humans,

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to hepatocarcinogenicity following treatment with peroxi- corner) (according to many target prediction software
some proliferator chemicals, is associated with miRNA (TargetScan [4], [94], miRDB [95], and others).
regulation differences in rodents, but not humans, following Yet, this binding site was considered functional in humans as
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exposure to these chemicals. miRNA expression differences well based on its targeting extrapolation by miR-125 from mice
upon stress conditions (methyl-deficient diet) were also (e.g. [96]). Thus, this miRNA gene may contribute to mouse
apparent among hepatic miRNAs in different mice strains [85]. and rat-specific traits compared to other species [29].
Thus, another means through which SS miRNA regulation Interestingly, it may also contribute to the differences between
is achieved is by variable expression patterns of miRNAs in closely related species given that it targets TNF-a in mice but
different species. not in rat astrocytes [29].
While the above examples demonstrate the implications of
low-conserved miRNA binding sites, other studies have failed
Non-conserved miRNA binding sites add to acknowledge the low conservation of their preferred miRNA
another piece to the already complicated binding site. Thus, regardless of the accurate proportion of
paradigm of SS miRNA regulation non-conserved, SS binding sites in the overall miRNA
targeting, it is clear that these binding sites add another piece
The relative contribution of conserved versus non-conserved to the already complicated paradigm of SS miRNA regulation.
miRNA binding sites to the overall miRNA targeting is difficult
to define. Computational analyses have shown that only
10% of predicted target sites are conserved across species, Conclusions
whereas the rest are not conserved [4, 53]. One study showed
that the false positive rate for predicted conserved miRNA SS miRNA regulation is highly complex because it can be
binding sites was estimated to be 22–31% [86], while 30–50% viewed from different perspectives. First, many miRNAs are
of the non-conserved binding sites were estimated to be non-conserved and can be found in some species but not in
functional when the mRNA and miRNA are endogenously others. Second, miRNAs tend to have variable expression
co-expressed [87]. Moreover, while extended seed match of patterns in different species. And lastly, a large proportion of
8-mer, more than that of a 7-mer, was shown to have a larger the miRNA binding sites are non-conserved themselves.
effect on the mRNA target, non-conserved 8-mer seed matches Taking this into consideration, SS miRNA regulation and
exhibit, on average, stronger repression than conserved 7-mer targeting were shown to possess prominent functional
seed matches [17]. implications that underlie some of the well-known phenotypic
The conserved let-7 miRNA family represents an example variability in different species. For example, the mouse- and
of non-conserved miRNA targeting. While let-7 functions to rat-specific miRNAs, miR-351 and miR-298, define different
control differentiation and cell fate in different species, its responses to astrocyte activation in mice and rats, compared
targets and the specific developmental pathways it regulates to primates [29]. Another example comes from miR-320b,
differ in worms, flies, and humans [88–91]. In mammals, e.g., miR-454, and miR-92a. While these miRNAs differ in their
let-7 targets the oncogene HMGA2 [90, 92] while in worms or expression patterns in human brain development compared to
flies, the HMGA2 orthologs are not targeted by let-7. other primates, they can be attributed to improved human
Another example is the role of the miR-430/427/302 family cognitive abilities [82].
in the regulation of vertebrate embryogenesis [38]. This We thus argue that paying attention to SS miRNAs is of
miRNA family displays SS target selection among ligands of importance and implications of regulation by SS miRNAs are
the Nodal pathway that plays a crucial role in germ layer sure to strengthen in the coming years.
specification [38].
A recent study compared the 30 UTR sequences and the
miRNA binding sites of the progesterone receptor (PGR) in Acknowledgments
different species [39]. This transcript is conserved among We would like to acknowledge Corinne Carland for going over
primates, but poorly conserved between primates and this manuscript and Orna Ernst for providing the activated
rodents. PGR was shown as directly targeted by miR-96 in peritoneal macrophages and RAW264.7 cells. The Shomron
humans and rhesus monkeys but not in rodents, and by laboratory is supported by the National Institutes of Health
miR-375 in rhesus monkey but not in humans or rodents [39]. (NIDCD) R01DC011835; Israel Cancer Association; Wolfson
While previous studies have indicated that long non- Family Charitable Fund; Claire and Amedee Maratier Institute
coding RNAs (lncRNAs) can also be targeted by miRNAs for the Study of Blindness and Visual Disorders; I-CORE
(e.g. [93]), the authors [39] also identified a primate-specific Program of the Planning and Budgeting Committee, The Israel
lncRNA that is directly targeted by miR-219-5p, to further Science Foundation (grant number 41/11).
regulate PGR expression. Thus, miRNA regulation of lncRNAs
represents an additional mechanism for SS miRNA regulation. The authors have declared no conflict of interest
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