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INSTITUTE OF ADMINISTRATIVE SCIENCES UNIVERSITY OF THE PUNJAB, LAHORE ADMISSION NoTIcE The following candidates have been selected for admission to Bachelor of Science (4 Years) in Management (5 Semester ‘SelfSupporting Progsam) forthe academic session 2021-2025 subject othe following conditions ‘Any candidate who is found at any time to have obtained admission by making any misstatement inthe Admission Form or by willful concealment of any material fact (particularly about marks, divsion, previous admission to the Department/Centre/nstitute/College or Employment, Expulsion, conviction: etc} shall be dropped from the rolls of ‘the Department/Cente/Institute/College ‘Students shall pay thelr dues in the University by the prescribed date after obtaining necessary chllan forms from the Department/Centre/institute/College office and submit the copy ofthe paid challan to the admission office before the lose of ‘banking hours on Thursday, 16-12-2021 (8:00 pm. Those who do nat deposit their dues within this period shal lose thelr ght to admision. ‘The University reserves the right to correct any typographical eror, omission, etc The selected candidates are required to deposit their orginal documents and admission form deposit fee slip inthe IAS admission office atthe time of obtaining the fee challan form. a Program. @cordinator 8S Program Institte of Administrative Sciences University ofthe Punjab, bean Faculty of Business, University ofthe Punjab Lahore cs & Administrative Sciences INSTITUTE OF ADMINISTRATIVE SCIENCES. UNIVERSITY OF THE PUNJAB, LAHORE BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (4 YEARS) IN MANAGEMENT PU-THIRD MERIT LIST ADMISSIONS 2021 (Sth SEMESTER - Self-Supporting) se.Ne, | FoRM No [STUDENT NAME Final Merit Remarks 1 | 6470 _|amina Haroon B75 2 | a11096 frimsna iy 3 | 189206 |. umer nan 55.56 ‘4 _| 201220 |aroojgatina ame 5 | 95100 _faamsa shor 6195 6 | 53000 _[ranar un isa eat 7 | 218827 har navees e137 ‘8 | 268030 [benish Yamin 6100 9 | 62981 [Usman shamshad oo 30 | 196458 [anusham Arshad cost 11 | 206161 _|khalee! ana 077 22 | 210791 [Mujeeo urRenman coe 23 | 92780 _[anmag Snan Muktear e051 aa_| 63277 [pw a 60.46 15 | 222712 [tayyaba iba 037 16 | 203620 [eara Achar 0.34 a7_| 213080 [amirsnabbie 50.26 18__| 227803 ins Asheat 0.18 19 | 133083 [riman Chawahar e002 20__| 206672 [nati wagas 0.02 21 | 254082 [shakeele 8 soe 22 | 266972 [afia Nayab Gul sean ee Inittute of Administrative Sciences University ofthe Punjab, Lahore Inititte of Administrative Sclences versity of the Punab, Lahore Dean Faculty of Bushes, Economies & Administrative Sclenees Univesity of the Punjab, Lahore INSTITUTE OF ADMINISTRATIVE SCIENCES UNIVERSITY OF THE PUNJAB, LAHORE BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (4 YEARS) IN MANAGEMENT ‘OPEN MERIT-THIRD MERI UST ADMISSIONS 2021 (Sth SEMESTER. SefSupporine) _ ae naa Geese patenting on ame ast Bee oo ae 10 ‘21381___[Aliza Khan 3.80, | trang Einar asrgn tin fA sere ft mint es UrttPerhaen rote ot ler () Dean Faculty of Business, contami & Administrative Sciences University ofthe Punjab, Lahore

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