Lesson Cls 3 A A Grad 2 Daily Routine

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TEACHER: Daniela Pavel

DATE: the 23rd of March 2021
LEVEL: Beginners
TEXTBOOK : Limba modernă engleză cls. aIII-a Semestrul II – Booklet
TITLE OF LESSON/UNIT : Daily Routines/ The Mystery Book
LESSON TYPE/ACTIVITY: consolidation of the new knowledge/mixed
SCHOOL: Liceul Tehnologic “Paul Bujor”, Berești

3. Reception of simple written messages
4. Drafting of simple messages in the usual communications situations
1.3 Understand age appropriate oral messages.
2.2 Participate in everyday conversations about familiar topics.
3.2 Understand the global significance of simple texts about familiar topics.


- to elicit students’ vocabulary;

- to practise students’general progress in the use of the English language;
- to develop students listening, speaking and writing skills;
- to encourage variety of interaction.

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson , the Students will be

able to:

 practise vocabulary related to the topic;

 use relevant vocabulary connected to the topic: in the morning, in the
afternoon, in the evening, at breakfast, at 8 o’clock, etc.
 practise listening, speaking, reading and writing;
 use Present Simple in meaningful situations.

TOPIC AREAS: Vocabulary –, Communication: daily routines, Grammar:

Present Simple.

TEACHING AIDS:- digital textbook, chalk, blackboard, laptop, speakers,
videoprojector, hand-out, notebooks, flashcards, poster.
METHODS: conversation, explanation, exercise, brainstorming.

ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS: - there will be explanation in Romanian;

- the Ss may have difficulties in pronouncing the words correctly.
ASSUMPTION : - the teacher’s vocabulary uses consist of words that the
students know ; if not, the meaning of the new words is explained and their
translation is taken down on the whiteboard.
- the students’ eagerness to take part in solving the tasks.

EVALUATION: - verbal appreciation, home assignment.


 Harmer, Jeremy, The Practice of English Language Teaching, Longman,

 Scrivener, Jim, Learning Teaching,Macmillan Books for Teachers, 2005
 Sticlea, Elena, Limba modernă engleză Cls.a III-a partea aIIa, Booklet,
 https://www.liveworksheets.com/worksheets/en/
 The Curriculum for Secondary Education

Activity 1 – Warm-up: Times of the day: (listening, reading, speaking)
Aims: 1: to introduce students into the atmosphere of the lesson;
2: to attract students’attention on the topic.

Procedure Interaction Timing Methods

Teacher greets the Students and asks T- Ss 5’ Conversation
them how they are. After,checks
attendance and homework (if any). S-T Explanation
Teacher sticks a poster with
moments of the day on the board. (Whole Class)
She also, shows them four coloured
envelops with some flashcards.
Teacher gives an envelope and asks
the student to see what’s in it. The
student discovers a picture with a
daily activity then is asked to answer
the teacher’s question: e.g. wake up,
eat lunch, do homework. When do
you do this activity? Teacher elicits
the answer: e.g. In the morning. She
also, tells the Student to stick the
flashcard on the poster.(Annex 1 and

Activity 2: Lead in: Chewbook’s Daily Programme : Skills: (Listening,

Speaking, Writing)
Aims: 1: to introduce the topic of the lesson;
2: to raise expectations and trigger response;
3: to listen for specific information.

Procedure Interaction Timing Methods

Teacher projects the animation with Whole class 5’
Blip Blop and his friends on their
new mission from the digital Conversation
textbook, and asks Ss to pay Ss-T
attention on the images and listen. Explanation
After Ss are asked to answer to
teacher questions. For example, what
do you do in the morning? Does
Chewbook brush his teeth in the
Then, teacher writes the title of the
lesson on the board and explains to
the Ss what she expects from them
by the end of the lesson and what
they are going to practise.
Announcing the ojectives.

Activity 3: Guided Practice: Skills - ( Reading, Listening, Speaking)

Aims:1: to use the vocabulary related to the topic;
2: to practise the vocabulary related to the topic: daily activities;
3: to complete the sentences with the correct words from the text.

Procedure Interaction Timing Methods

1.Regarding the video from the T-Ss 8’ Conversation
previous activity teacher asks the Ss Role play
to open their textbook and read the
text on roles: exercise 1/page 26. S-T
After reading the Ss have to choose Exercise
the correct words: exercise 2/page 26
Whole class
2. Textbook - Exercise 4/page 27 Whole class 7’ Exercise
The Ss are asked to listen and repeat
the daily activities.
3. Textbook – Exercise 5/page 27
The Ss have to match the activities S-T
with the right time. (Annex 4)

Activity 4: Further Practice: Worksheet - Skills (Listening, Speaking,


Aims: 1: to encourage Ss to ask questions using the words related to the topic
2: to complete the sentences using the right activity fom the images

Procedure Interaction Timing Methods

Teacher hands-out the worksheet. T-Ss 7’
(Annex 5) Exercise 1/worksheet: Conversation
The Ss also have to complete the Individually Exercise
sentences with the phrases in the box
using the correct form of the action.

Activity 5: Evaluation /Feedback: True or False - Skills (Listening,
Speaking, Writing)
Aims: 1: to encourage Ss to answer the questions with T (true) or F(false) for the
sentences given.
2: to complete the sentences with the mentioned activities.

Procedure Interaction Timing Methods

Teacher asks Ss to work in pairs. T-Ss 7’ Conversation
One Student has to read the
sentences from exercise 6/page 27 Pair work
and one of his or her classmate. The Brainstorming
other student has to answer with
T(true) or F(false)
If there’s time the student are asked
to solve an online worksheet on: Ss-T

Activity 6: Home Assignment: Skills (Listening, Speaking, Writing,

Aim: to assign homework.
Procedure Interaction Timing Methods
Teacher assigns homework: Write a Whole class 1’ Conversation
paragraph about your daily routine.
Mention the activity that you usually
do. Teacher

Annex 1. Poster – Moments of the day

Annex 2: Flashcards

Annex 4:

Key answers:

Exercise 2/page 26
a. does; b. doesn’t know
Exercise 5/page 27
In the morning: wake up, wash your face, brush your teeth, go to school
In the afternoon: have a shower, do your homework
In the evening: watch TV, go to bed, sleep, dream.
Exercise 6/page 27
a.F; b. F; c. T; d. F; e. T; f.T.

Annex 5

1. Choose the correct answer.

A: Do you wake up in the morning/in the evening?
B: Do you have breakfast in the evening/at 7 o’clock?
2. Complete the sentence with the phrases in the box. Use the correct
form of the action.

watch TV drive to work have breakfast work brush his teeth wake up

1. He____________________in the morning. 2. He_______________.

3. He ____________________ . 4. He_________________.

5. He____________________.

Worksheet: key answers

1. A. in the morning; B. at 7 o’clock.

2. 1. wakes up; 2. brushes his teeth; 3. has breakfast; 4.drives to work; 5.
watches TV.


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