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Soonyoung was exhausted.

He had just finished dance practice and was sitting on the floor
drinking his water when Taemin walked over and sat down next to him.

“You know you spent half of practice staring at Jihoon’s ass right?” Taemin teased, grabbing
Soonyoung’s water bottle and taking a large gulp. At the mention of Jihoon’s name
Soonyoung’s eyes wandered over to the boy. Jihoon was an international student from China
and, as someone who’d barely left the town he grew up in, Soonyoung found him
fascinating. Plus it didn’t hurt that Jihoon was drop dead gorgeous with an ass that could
make a straight boy drool. Taemin poked Soonyoung in the cheek, “You’re doing it again.
Just go talk to him.”

“And say what?” Soonyoung asked, looking away from Jihoon to stare pointedly at Taemin.

“Hi?” Taemin offered but Soonyoung rolled his eyes. Soonyoung was about to give a snarky
reply when Taemin shouted, “Hey Jihoon!”

Hearing his name, Jihoon looked up and Taemin waved him over. Jihoon gave them a bright
smile as he walked towards them. “Hey Taemin. Hey Soonyoung. What’s up?”

“We were planning on going to Soonyoung’s dorm and ordering some Chinese food. I know
you mentioned missing your mom’s food so I figured I’d invite you to come.” Taemin said. If
Soonyoung wasn’t positive it would ruin any chance he had of hooking up with Jihoon he
would have strangled Taemin on the spot.

“That’s so nice of you, I’d love to come. Let me go get my stuff.” Jihoon told them before
running across the room.

“I fucking hate you.” Soonyoung told Taemin but the older boy ignored him. Before
Soonyoung could say anything else Jihoon was back and the three of them were walking out
the door. Taemin and Jihoon were talking animatedly while Soonyoung walked behind them,
trying not to stare at Jihoon’s ass in his tight sweatpants and failing miserably.

“Oh shoot! My roommate got locked out and needs me to let him in.” Taemin announced,
making Soonyoung look up. “I guess I can’t make it, but you two should still go.”

“Are you sure?” Jihoon asked. Soonyoung hoped Taemin would say they didn’t have to go
but, to Soonyoung’s dismay, Taemin knew exactly what he was doing.

“Of course I’m sure. In fact,” Taemin told them, pulling out two twenty dollar bills and
handing them to Jihoon. “I’ll pay.”

Soonyoung gave Taemin’s back a look of pure fury as the older boy walked away but it was
no use, Taemin wasn’t going to turn around. Soonyoung and Jihoon started heading towards
the freshman dorms once again, chatting as they walked. Soonyoung almost forgot he was
alone with the boy he’d been eye fucking every dance practice for weeks. They had just
made it to the freshman quad when Jihoon said something surprising.

“You know I’m kind of glad Taemin didn’t join us.”

“Why?” Soonyoung asked, doing his best to sound casual.

“Well.” Jihoon told him, taking a step in front of Soonyoung so the boy had no choice but to
stop walking. “I’ve seen the way you’ve been watching me and I think you’re pretty cute and
if Taemin was here I probably couldn’t do this.”

Jihoon leaned in and kissed Soonyoung tenderly. Soonyoung felt like crying but he had more
important things to focus on, like Jihoon’s tongue working its way into his mouth.
Soonyoung knew Chan was in their room and he didn’t really want to keep making out in the
middle of the quad, an idea suddenly popping into his head.

“This way.” Soonyoung said, grabbing Jihoon’s hand and leading him towards a fire escape
he knew people used for hookups. Once they reached the top Jihoon pressed Soonyoung
against the brick wall and kissed him again, far less gently this time.

“You’re ok with fucking up here right?” Soonyoung asked between kisses and instead of
replying Jihoon dropped to his knees. Jihoon pulled Soonyoung’s shorts down just enough
for his erection to spring free, hard cock pulsing with excitement. Jihoon wrapped a hand
around the thick shaft and gave it a slow stroke, Soonyoung let out a long groan at the

“Sensitive.” Jihoon teased before giving the dick a long lick from base to tip. Soonyoung
moaned at and, liking the noise, Jihoon did it again. After a few more licks Jihoon took the
head into his mouth, licking at the sensitive tip as precum exploded onto his taste buds.
Soonyoung was doing his best to keep quiet but it was a lost cause, Jihoon’s mouth felt too
good and all Soonyoung could hope for was that nobody was walking by.

Jihoon worked his mouth lower on Soonyoung’s cock and tugged the freshman’s shorts
down even further, the clothing pooling around Soonyoung’s ankles. Soonyoung tilted his
head back, resting it against the bricks behind him as Jihoon bobbed up and down on his
aching cock.

Just when Soonyoung felt himself starting to get close Jihoon pulled off, almost as if he
could tell Soonyoung was about to cum. Before Soonyoung could complain Jihoon grabbed
onto his hips and spun the younger boy around.

Soonyoung placed his hands against the wall in front of him, Jihoon reaching out and giving
Soonyoung's round ass a firm squeeze before spreading the tan cheeks. Soonyoung hissed
as he felt cold air against his hole, but that feeling was soon replaced by two wet fingers
pressing their way inside him.
“Fuck.” Soonyoung groaned when Jihoon’s fingers were fully inside him, resting his head
against his arms as the older boy started thrusting the long digits into him. Moans were
spilling from Soonyoung’s lips as Jihoon scissored him open and Soonyoung knew anyone
walking past the fire escape would hear him.

When Jihoon found his prostate Soonyoung let out a loud moan, clamping a hand over his
mouth to silence it. Jihoon pulled Soonyoung’s arm away, saying he liked hearing the noises
the freshman made. Soonyoung blushed but agreed not to cover his mouth, letting his
moans flow freely as Jihoon targeted the bundle of nerves.

While Jihoon was fingering Soonyoung open, the older boy’s free hand was massaging
Soonyoung's thick ass, groping and squeezing the round globe. Soonyoung let out what
could only be considered a whine when Jihoon smacked his ass, the Chinese boy smirking as
he watched it bounce before giving it another firm squeeze.

Soonyoung felt like Jihoon had been fingering him for hours when he felt the fingers leave
him and Soonyoung couldn’t stop the whine he released as his hole clenched on the air.
Before he could say anything, Jihoon's fingers were back, a moan ripped from Soonyoung’s
lips as three fingers thrust all the way into his hole.

Jihoon, seeing Soonyoung’s erection pulsing needily, reached around the boy’s body and
wrapped a hand around the shaft, stroking it at the same pace as his fingering. Soonyoung
knew the combined stimulation would make him cum in no time and warned Jihoon. Instead
of stopping Jihoon smirked, stroked Soonyoung faster, and pressed his fingers directly into
Soonyoung’s prostate.

Soonyoung’s orgasm hit him like a truck, whole body shaking with pleasure as he sprayed
cum all over the bricks in front of him. Jihoon jerked and fingered Soonyoung through his
orgasm, not stopping until he was sure the freshman was finished. With a kiss to
Soonyoung’s ass Jihoon withdrew his fingers and released Soonyoung’s twitching cock
before standing up.

Soonyoung’s legs felt like jelly as he turned around, surprised to see that Jihoon had taken
off his clothes while he had been fingering Soonyoung. Jihoon looked even more incredible
in the moonlight than he did in the practice room, the light reflecting beautifully on his
muscular body.

“You able to keep going?” Jihoon asked and Soonyoung nodded dumbly in response, too
enthralled by Jihoon’s naked form to speak.

“Wait.” Soonyoung said when Jihoon pulled a condom from his bag. “Don’t use that.”

“Are you sure?” Jihoon questioned, slowly putting the condom back into his bag.

“Yeah.” Soonyoung assured him. “And I want you to cum in my mouth.”

“I can agree to that, now wrap your arms around my neck.”

Soonyoung did as the older boy said and Jihoon lifted him up off the ground. Soonyoung
knew what Jihoon was thinking and wrapped his legs around the older boy’s waist as well to
keep himself from falling. Jihoon pressed Soonyoung’s back against the bricks once again
and lined himself up, lowering Soonyoung slowly onto his pulsing erection.

Soonyoung moaned as Jihoon filled him, he hadn’t gotten a chance to get a good look at the
other boy’s dick but he could tell from feeling it Jihoon was big, maybe not as big as
Chanyeol but far from small.

Jihoon gave Soonyoung a moment to adjust once he’d bottomed out, waiting until the
younger boy nodded before beginning to fuck into Soonyoung. If Soonyoung didn’t already
know Jihoon was a great dancer he definitely would have known it now, the Chinese boy was
moving his hips expertly and making Soonyoung moan into the older boy’s shoulder.

Soonyoung clung tightly to Jihoon as the older boy fucked into him. Jihoon might have
started off gentle but that hadn’t lasted long and he was now pounding into Soonyoung
without mercy. The blunt head of Jihoon’s dick was stabbing directly into his prostate,
making the freshman see stars and clamp down on the thick cock plowing into him.

Feeling Jihoon’s hips begin to stutter, Soonyoung knew the other boy was getting close.
Soonyoung started clenching around Jihoon to massage the older boy’s cock with the
muscles in his ass and kissing along Jihoon’s neck.

“Shit get off.” Jihoon said, lifting Soonyoung off his twitching erection and pushing the
younger boy onto his knees. Soonyoung hastily devoured Jihoon’s cock, taking as much as
he could into his mouth and working his hand along the part that didn’t fit. Jihoon gripped
Soonyoung’s hair tightly, legs shaking with pleasure.

With a loud moan that sounded somewhat like Soonyoung’s name Jihoon came. Soonyoung
felt the older boy’s cock explode in his mouth, filling it with cum that Soonyoung greedily
swallowed, not letting Jihoon out of his mouth until he was sure the other boy was finished.

“You’re still hard.” Jihoon noted once he’d come down from his high.

“Don’t worry about it I’ll just -” Soonyoung started but stopped mid sentence when Jihoon
grabbed the railing of the fire escape and arched his back, his incredible ass sticking out.

“You’ve been staring at it for so long you might as well give it a try.” Jihoon told him with a
smirk. “And don’t worry, I thoroughly stretch before every practice.”

Soonyoung didn’t think too deeply about what Jihoon had just said, instead taking a step
forward and lining himself up before slowly working his way into the tight hole. Soonyoung
was gently thrusting into Jihoon but the Chinese boy was having none of it, turning over his
shoulder and staring into Soonyoung’s eyes. “Harder. Fuck me like you’ve been craving my
ass for months, we both know you have been.”

Spurred on by Jihoon’s words, Soonyoung held the older boy’s hips in a bruising grip and
started slamming into Jihoon’s hole. Soonyoung felt like something inside of him had been
awakened and he was pounding into Jihoon like he’d never fucked anyone before. A string
of ‘fuck harder yes’ fell from Jihoon’s lips, the older boy crying out in pleasure as
Soonyoung assaulted his prostate.

Soonyoung wrapped an arm around Jihoon’s chest and pulled him up, Jihoon’s back now
pressed against Soonyoung’s chest as the freshman continued mercilessly hammering into
him. Grabbing Jihoon’s jaw, Soonyoung turned the older boy’s face towards his and kissed
Jihoon passionately.

Reaching down, Soonyoung wrapped a hand around Jihoon’s cock which had gotten hard
once again. When Soonyoung started stroking the pulsing erection Jihoon nearly screamed
into his mouth, pleasure shooting through him like a bullet and Jihoon soon felt his second
orgasm crashing into him.

Cum spurted from Jihoon’s dick over the edge of the fire escape and down towards the
ground, Soonyoung was so lost in the pleasure of Jihoon’s spasming hole to think about
what might happen if Jihoon’s cum hit someone.

“Don’t pull out.” Jihoon said, breaking the kiss. “I want it inside me.” Soonyoung growled
when he heard these words, somehow fucking into the still spasming hole even harder.

“FUCK!” Soonyoung shouted as his orgasm hit him, not caring if the entire campus heard
him. Soonyoung fired shot after shot of cum fired into Jihoon, the Chinese boy whining as
he felt the warm liquid filling him.

Once they both caught their breath the two dancers got dressed and made their way down
the steps on shaky legs.

“I can’t believe Taemin’s plan worked.” Jihoon said absentmindedly as they walked.

“What do you mean?” Soonyoung asked, the older boy blushing and looking away from
Soonyoung’s eyes.

“I might have mentioned that I thought you were really hot and asked for his help…” Jihoon
answered, still blushing. “Are you mad?”

Soonyoung laughed. “Not at you. But I’m not sure if I should hug Taemin for helping arrange
the best sex of my life or strangle him.”

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