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“So how’s rooming together going?” Mingyu asked.

Their school had mandatory RA meetings

every month for freshmen, which meant once a month Seungcheol and Chan would be
dragged into Mingyu’s room for an hour of absolute boredom.

Or at least it had been boring, until they realized it was a great time to fuck.

Mingyu wasn’t on duty the week he had his meetings and he always scheduled Seungcheol
and Chan for the last spot, meaning they wouldn’t be interrupted and could take all the time
they wanted. However Mingyu, ever the responsible RA, insisted they actually have their
meeting before doing anything interesting.

“It’s great.” Chan answered, his eagerness to get this part over with clear in his tone.

“Yeah.” Seungcheol agreed, “Perfect experience. Not a single complaint.”

The actual meeting lasted about 20 minutes, Seungcheol and Chan waiting for Mingyu to
say they were finished. Within an instant of Mingyu telling them they were done, Seungcheol
and Chan leapt off the couch and dragged Mingyu towards his bed, Chan pinning the older
boy against the mattress as Seungcheol stripped him.

Once they had Mingyu naked the two freshmen rushed to pull off their own clothes before
joining the waiting RA on the bed. Chan immediately moved near Mingyu’s head, presenting
the oldest with his leaking cock. Mingyu licked his lips before the dick into his mouth, Chan
groaning as the wet heat surrounded him.

While Mingyu was blowing Chan, Seungcheol moved behind his roommate and spread the
boy’s round cheeks, diving forward and licking at Chan’s hole. Chan moaned loudly at the
stimulation, unconsciously thrusting his hips back and forth between the two mouths.

Seungcheol didn’t spend long eating Chan out as the younger was already well stretched.
Pulling back, Seungcheol wiped his mouth and lined himself up with the spit covered hole.
With a single thrust Seungcheol filled Chan, the younger groaning as Seungcheol’s thick
cock filled him. Chan didn’t get a moment to adjust before Seungcheol was pounding hard
into him, fucking Chan so hard it was causing his cock to go even deeper in Mingyu’s

Not wanting to be choked by the freshman’s long cock, Mingyu pulled back and moved
Chan onto all fours, Seungcheol continuing his rough pace the entire time. Chan moaned at
the new position but was soon distracted by Mingyu’s dick poking at his lips.

Chan opened his mouth and looked up at Mingyu, signalling to the oldest to fuck his mouth.
Understanding what Chan wanted, Mingyu curled his fingers tightly in Chan’s hair and slid
his erection down the boy’s throat. Chan gurgled around the shaft, drool leaking down his
chin as Mingyu started thrusting hard into the warm mouth. Seungcheol moaned at the sight
before him, reaching out and dragging Mingyu into a kiss as the pair speared Chan on their

The two held Chan firmly in place and maintained their aggressive paces as they made out,
treating Chan as nothing but a hole. When Seungcheol struck his prostate Chan let out a
howl of pleasure around Mingyu’s dick, however the older two ignored him and continued
brutally abusing his holes.

Seungcheol kept up his hard fucking until he felt himself getting close, breaking his kiss
with Mingyu and telling the older boy to pull out. Chan whined in disappointment at the
emptiness he felt no longer stuffed with the older boy’s dicks, however he quickly forgot
about it as Seungcheol flipped Chan onto his back and deepthroated the boy in a single go
before beginning to bob on the long cock.

Mingyu moved behind Seungcheol, squeezing the tan globes of the boy’s incredible ass.
Seungcheol moaned as he felt Mingyu groping him, the vibrations of Seungcheol’s mouth
around him making Chan force Seungcheol even deeper onto his cock.

Mingyu smirked at the horny pair before slowly pressing into Seungcheol. Seungcheol
moaned desperately around Chan, pushing his hips back to meet Mingyu’s thrusts.
Seungcheol started clenching around Mingyu and feeling the already tight hole get even
tighter, Mingyu snapped.

Grabbing Seungcheol’s hips so tightly the boy would have bruises, Mingyu started pounding
hard into Seungcheol. Chan couldn’t believe what he was seeing, Mingyu was always slow
and methodical, not this aggressive power fucker that was currently reducing Seungcheol to
a drooling mess.

Reaching around Seungcheol’s body, Mingyu wrapped a hand around Seungcheol’s cock and
started stroking it, using the seemingly endless supply of precum leaking from the tip as
lube. Seungcheol’s body shook with pleasure, all the stimulation driving him towards his
orgasm at an alarming rate. However, sensing Seungcheol was about to cum, Mingyu pulled

Seungcheol whipped his head around to glare at Mingyu, however the older boy ignored his
gaze and simply pushed Seungcheol aside before climbing into Chan’s lap. Leaning down,
Mingyu kissed the youngest passionately as he lined Chan’s slick cock up with his hole, not
for a moment before pressing himself down.

The pair moaned as Chan’s head popped inside the tight hole, Mingyu taking a moment to
relax before lowering himself the rest of the way onto Chan’s cock. Once he was settled in
Chan’s lap Mingyu took another deep breath before beginning to ride the youngest.

It took Mingyu a minute to realize Seungcheol hadn’t rejoined them and looked over at
where the boy was pouting. Feeling a little bad, Mingyu beckoned the boy over and
Seungcheol scrambled towards them. Grabbing Seungcheol’s erection, Mingyu stroked it a
few times before sucking it into his mouth. Seungcheol moaned and grabbed into Mingyu’s
head to balance himself, the oldest smirking around the thick cock and giving it a hard

“Fuck I’m close.” Chan moaned out after another few minutes, having been through too
much to last any longer. Not wanting Chan to cum inside him, Mingyu stopped sucking
Seungcheol and quickly lifted himself off of Chan’s cock. However before the youngest
could complain, Mingyu had lifted the boy’s long legs into the air and stuffed Chan’s hole
with his own cock, fucking hard into the youngest.

Seungcheol moved around to Chan’s head, the boy’s mouth hanging open in a constant
moan. Pushing his cock into his roommate's mouth, Seungcheol hissed at the wet heat and
began pistoning his dick into the boy’s throat. Seeing Chan’s leaking erection, Seungcheol
reached out and began stroking it in time with Mingyu’s hard thrusts.

In less than a minute Chan was cumming, moaning around Seungcheol and tightening
around Mingyu as he pumped out rope after rope of cum, his load covering his stomach and
Seungcheol’s hand.

Moving his hand away from the still shooting dick, Seungcheol licked the cum off his fingers
and started thrusting even faster into Chan’s mouth. Feeling his own orgasm approaching,
Seungcheol pulled out of Chan’s mouth and jerked his cock a few times before pointing it at
Chan’s body, spraying his own load onto Chan's chest as well.

The sight of Seungcheol cumming all over Chan as well as the tight hole spasming around
him was too much for Mingyu, pulling out of Chan and stroking himself furiously. With a
guttural moan Mingyu came, adding his own load to the mess now covering Chan’s body.

Once they finished cumming the older two collapsed onto the bed, cuddling against either
side of Chan. The youngest groaned weakly as he felt their cum drying on his body but he
was too tired to care, he’d deal with it later.

“That was fun.” Mingyu said as he pulled his blanket over them.

“Yeah.” Seungcheol agreed quietly. “Same time next month?”

“So how’s rooming together going?” Mingyu asked. Their school had mandatory RA meetings every
month for freshmen, which meant once a month Seungcheol and Chan would be dragged into
Mingyu’s room for an hour of absolute boredom.

Or at least it had been boring, until they realized it was a great time to fuck.
Mingyu wasn’t on duty the week he had his meetings and he always scheduled Seungcheol and Chan
for the last spot, meaning they wouldn’t be interrupted and could take all the time they wanted.
However Mingyu, ever the responsible RA, insisted they actually have their meeting before doing
anything interesting.

“It’s great.” Chan answered, his eagerness to get this part over with clear in his tone.

“Yeah.” Seungcheol agreed, “Perfect experience. Not a single complaint.”

The actual meeting lasted about 20 minutes, Seungcheol and Chan waiting for Mingyu to say they
were finished. Within an instant of Mingyu telling them they were done, Seungcheol and Chan leapt
off the couch and dragged Mingyu towards his bed, Chan pinning the older boy against the mattress
as Seungcheol stripped him.

Once they had Mingyu naked the two freshmen rushed to pull off their own clothes before joining
the waiting RA on the bed. Chan immediately moved near Mingyu’s head, presenting the oldest with
his leaking cock. Mingyu licked his lips before the dick into his mouth, Chan groaning as the wet heat
surrounded him.

While Mingyu was blowing Chan, Seungcheol moved behind his roommate and spread the boy’s
round cheeks, diving forward and licking at Chan’s hole. Chan moaned loudly at the stimulation,
unconsciously thrusting his hips back and forth between the two mouths.

Seungcheol didn’t spend long eating Chan out as the younger was already well stretched. Pulling
back, Seungcheol wiped his mouth and lined himself up with the spit covered hole. With a single
thrust Seungcheol filled Chan, the younger groaning as Seungcheol’s thick cock filled him. Chan
didn’t get a moment to adjust before Seungcheol was pounding hard into him, fucking Chan so hard
it was causing his cock to go even deeper in Mingyu’s mouth.

Not wanting to be choked by the freshman’s long cock, Mingyu pulled back and moved Chan onto all
fours, Seungcheol continuing his rough pace the entire time. Chan moaned at the new position but
was soon distracted by Mingyu’s dick poking at his lips.

Chan opened his mouth and looked up at Mingyu, signalling to the oldest to fuck his mouth.
Understanding what Chan wanted, Mingyu curled his fingers tightly in Chan’s hair and slid his
erection down the boy’s throat. Chan gurgled around the shaft, drool leaking down his chin as
Mingyu started thrusting hard into the warm mouth. Seungcheol moaned at the sight before him,
reaching out and dragging Mingyu into a kiss as the pair speared Chan on their cocks.
The two held Chan firmly in place and maintained their aggressive paces as they made out, treating
Chan as nothing but a hole. When Seungcheol struck his prostate Chan let out a howl of pleasure
around Mingyu’s dick, however the older two ignored him and continued brutally abusing his holes.

Seungcheol kept up his hard fucking until he felt himself getting close, breaking his kiss with Mingyu
and telling the older boy to pull out. Chan whined in disappointment at the emptiness he felt no
longer stuffed with the older boy’s dicks, however he quickly forgot about it as Seungcheol flipped
Chan onto his back and deepthroated the boy in a single go before beginning to bob on the long

Mingyu moved behind Seungcheol, squeezing the tan globes of the boy’s incredible ass. Seungcheol
moaned as he felt Mingyu groping him, the vibrations of Seungcheol’s mouth around him making
Chan force Seungcheol even deeper onto his cock.

Mingyu smirked at the horny pair before slowly pressing into Seungcheol. Seungcheol moaned
desperately around Chan, pushing his hips back to meet Mingyu’s thrusts. Seungcheol started
clenching around Mingyu and feeling the already tight hole get even tighter, Mingyu snapped.

Grabbing Seungcheol’s hips so tightly the boy would have bruises, Mingyu started pounding hard
into Seungcheol. Chan couldn’t believe what he was seeing, Mingyu was always slow and
methodical, not this aggressive power fucker that was currently reducing Seungcheol to a drooling

Reaching around Seungcheol’s body, Mingyu wrapped a hand around Seungcheol’s cock and started
stroking it, using the seemingly endless supply of precum leaking from the tip as lube. Seungcheol’s
body shook with pleasure, all the stimulation driving him towards his orgasm at an alarming rate.
However, sensing Seungcheol was about to cum, Mingyu pulled out.

Seungcheol whipped his head around to glare at Mingyu, however the older boy ignored his gaze
and simply pushed Seungcheol aside before climbing into Chan’s lap. Leaning down, Mingyu kissed
the youngest passionately as he lined Chan’s slick cock up with his hole, not for a moment before
pressing himself down.

The pair moaned as Chan’s head popped inside the tight hole, Mingyu taking a moment to relax
before lowering himself the rest of the way onto Chan’s cock. Once he was settled in Chan’s lap
Mingyu took another deep breath before beginning to ride the youngest.
It took Mingyu a minute to realize Seungcheol hadn’t rejoined them and looked over at where the
boy was pouting. Feeling a little bad, Mingyu beckoned the boy over and Seungcheol scrambled
towards them. Grabbing Seungcheol’s erection, Mingyu stroked it a few times before sucking it into
his mouth. Seungcheol moaned and grabbed into Mingyu’s head to balance himself, the oldest
smirking around the thick cock and giving it a hard suck.

“Fuck I’m close.” Chan moaned out after another few minutes, having been through too much to last
any longer. Not wanting Chan to cum inside him, Mingyu stopped sucking Seungcheol and quickly
lifted himself off of Chan’s cock. However before the youngest could complain, Mingyu had lifted the
boy’s long legs into the air and stuffed Chan’s hole with his own cock, fucking hard into the youngest.

Seungcheol moved around to Chan’s head, the boy’s mouth hanging open in a constant moan.
Pushing his cock into his roommate’s mouth, Seungcheol hissed at the wet heat and began pistoning
his dick into the boy’s throat. Seeing Chan’s leaking erection, Seungcheol reached out and began
stroking it in time with Mingyu’s hard thrusts.

In less than a minute Chan was cumming, moaning around Seungcheol and tightening around
Mingyu as he pumped out rope after rope of cum, his load covering his stomach and Seungcheol’s

Moving his hand away from the still shooting dick, Seungcheol licked the cum off his fingers and
started thrusting even faster into Chan’s mouth. Feeling his own orgasm approaching, Seungcheol
pulled out of Chan’s mouth and jerked his cock a few times before pointing it at Chan’s body,
spraying his own load onto Chan’s chest as well.

The sight of Seungcheol cumming all over Chan as well as the tight hole spasming around him was
too much for Mingyu, pulling out of Chan and stroking himself furiously. With a guttural moan
Mingyu came, adding his own load to the mess now covering Chan’s body.

Once they finished cumming the older two collapsed onto the bed, cuddling against either side of
Chan. The youngest groaned weakly as he felt their cum drying on his body but he was too tired to
care, he’d deal with it later.

“That was fun.” Mingyu said as he pulled his blanket over them.

“Yeah.” Seungcheol agreed quietly. “Same time next month?”

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