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“I can’t believe you’re doing this to me.

” Kai complained as he helped Sehun set up an air

mattress on their floor. Sehun had signed up to host prospective students which, to Kai’s
horror, meant they were going to have someone sleeping on their floor for the weekend.
“Seriously what if this random kid turns out to be a serial killer.”

“His name is Lucas and I’m sure he’s very nice.” Sehun said, not listening as Kai listed off
various ways Lucas might murder them.

“What if he slits our throats in our sleep and then runs off with our wallets and steals our
identities and-”

“Kai I know you don’t care, but I actually want this to go well so, for me, will you at least try
to be nice?” Sehun asked, turning to the older boy. Kai was thinking when Sehun continued,
“Plus if you’re rude to him I’ll never have sex with you again. Ever.”

“I’ll be good.” Kai said quickly, not wanting to take the risk that Sehun was serious. Satisfied,
Sehun left to go get Lucas while Kai put his spare sheets on the air mattress.

Sehun returned about fifteen minutes later, a large excited looking boy walking in behind
him. As soon as Kai saw the boy he knew he was fucked, Lucas was cute as hell. Once he
closed the door Sehun introduced them.

“Lucas this is my roommate Kai. Kai be nice to him or I’ll strangle you in your sleep.” Lucas
laughed but Kai knew Sehun wasn’t joking, jumping out of bed to greet Lucas.

“Hey nice to meet you.” Kai told Lucas, giving the high schooler his brightest smile. Lucas
smiled back at him just as brightly, he reminded Kai of a golden retriever.

“Ok Lucas I gotta run to class but Kai’s gonna chill with you. If he’s being a jerk just text me
and I’ll come kill him.” Sehun said, grabbing his bag and heading towards the door. “I’ll be
back around 3. Kai entertain him with something.”

With Sehun gone Kai and Lucas made awkward small talk for a few minutes, but pretty soon
the two were chatting casually and joking around while Kai sat in his bed and Lucas lounged
on the air mattress.

“Your roommate does know I’m 18 right, why is he talking to me like I’m 12?” Lucas asked
after a little while and Kai burst out laughing at the question.

“Sehun has like 8 older brothers he’s not used to dealing with people younger than him.” Kai
answered once he’d stopped laughing so hard, “Trust me he’s way less uptight with a dick
in his ass.”
Lucas’s eyes went wide and Kai realized what he’d said a second too late. Lucas stared at
him for a moment before asking the question Kai knew was coming. “So you and he fuck?”

“It’s nothing serious.” Kai told the younger boy, doing his best to sound casual and praying
Lucas wouldn’t say anything to Sehun.

“So you’re into guys?” Lucas was giving Kai a look the freshman knew all too well.

“Yeah…” Kai answered, his suspicions confirmed when Lucas moved to sit at the foot of
Kai’s bed. Lucas slowly started moving towards Kai and the freshman knew he should at
least pretend to be the adult, trying to stop the younger boy. “Lucas we shouldn’t.”

“That’s why it’s exciting.” Lucas whispered, now sitting right next to Kai.

“I’m responsible for you if Sehun finds out we-”

“I’m 18.” Lucas cut Kai off, “I can consent to whatever I want.”

“Fuck it.” Kai mumbled to himself, grabbing the front of Lucas’s shirt and pulling the boy
towards him, their lips crashing together hard.

Lucas unbuckled Kai’s belt and shoved the older boy’s jeans down to his ankles, Kai kicking
them onto the floor. After a final peck Lucas moves down Kai’s body until he is level with the
freshman’s thick cock.

Licking his lips, Lucas dove down and took Kai into his mouth, the older boy moaning as he
felt the wet heat surround his aching shaft. Kai put his hands behind his head and let Lucas
control the pace, the younger boy eagerly sucking Kai’s dick like it was his favorite lollipop.
Lucas kept pushing Kai’s shirt up and, deciding to make it easier for the younger boy, Kai
pulled his shirt off, tossing it onto the floor with his pants. Lucas couldn’t stop the moan he
let out at the sight of Kai’s incredible body.

Lucas pulled off Kai with a pop before leaping off the bed and pulling off his own clothes,
Kai simply watching the younger boy from his bed. Lucas’s body was muscular with nice abs
but not so muscular he was massive and his dick looked to be about as long as Sehun’s and
as thick as Chanyeol’s, Kai knew instantly he wanted it inside of him.

Once he was naked Lucas lounged on his air mattress, patting the spot next to him. “Are
you gonna join me?”

Kai rolled his eyes but moved towards Lucas anyway, kissing the younger boy as he laid
down. Lucas guided Kai up so his legs were on either side of Lucas’s head and his throbbing
cock was right in front of Lucas’s mouth. Not wasting a moment, Lucas dove forward and
sucked Kai down to the base, Kai grabbing onto Lucas’s head to steady himself. Seeing the
effect he was having on Kai, Lucas doubled his efforts and as he continued bobbing on the
fat cock he worked a hand between the older boy’s muscular ass cheeks.

Kai couldn’t contain the moan he let out as he felt Lucas’s finger slip inside him, grip
tightening in Lucas’s hair as the finger started moving inside Kai’s tight hole. Before long
Lucas added a second finger, scissoring them inside Kai and making the older boy whine.

When Lucas’s fingers pressed into Kai’s prostate the older boy threw his head back and let
out a loud moan. Lucas smirked around the thick shaft and targeted the bundle of nerves as
he continued sucking Kai’s fat cock. Kai was in heaven, the combination of the hot mouth
expertly working his aching cock and the thick fingers fucking into him was driving Kai mad.

Kai knew he was close and pushed Lucas’s head off of him, he didn’t want to cum before he
got Lucas’s big cock up his ass. The younger boy stared up at him but Kai ignored it,
arranging Lucas so the boy’s back was resting against the dressers behind him. Satisfied,
Kai spit into his hand and lubed Lucas’s huge cock up before placing the tip of Lucas’s
erection right at his stretched hole and, after a deep breath, Kai started lowering himself
onto the thick shaft.

Both boys moaned as the mushroom head of Lucas’s cock popped into Kai’s tight hole, Kai
knew the high schooler was big but it was different when the thick cock was pushing its way
inside of him. Taking another deep breath, Kai kept going and he didn’t stop until Lucas was
fully inside him.

While Kai adjusted Lucas took advantage of the older boy’s position to kiss along Kai’s neck,
marking up the tan skin. Once he was ready Kai grabbed onto Lucas’s shoulders for support
and lifted himself up, letting gravity slam him back down. After a few bounces the blunt
head of Lucas’s cock struck Kai’s prostate and the older boy moaned loudly, repeating the
action again and again as pleasure tore through his body.

After a few minutes of Kai bouncing eagerly in his lap Lucas decided it was time to change
positions. Reaching up, Lucas dragged Kai down so their chests were pressed together and
kissed the older boy passionately. Then, without pulling out or breaking the kiss, Lucas
rolled them over so he was above Kai.

Lucas started thrusting into Kai and the older boy broke the kiss and moaned loudly at the
feeling, loving the way Lucas’s thick cock dragged against his walls and wrapped his legs
around Lucas’s waist, urging the high schooler to speed up. Lucas took the hint and started
thrusting faster into Kai, the older boy doing nothing but moaning needily as Lucas plowed
into him.

Kai felt himself starting to get close, he had known he wasn’t going to last long after Lucas’s
mind blowing blow job and was a little impressed with himself he’d managed to make it this
long. Kai snaked a hand between their muscular stomachs and grabbed onto his aching
erection, stroking it quickly as he felt his orgasm getting closer and closer.
Lucas noticed what Kai was up to and started fucking even faster, pushing Kai over the edge
with a hard thrust directly into Kai’s prostate. Kai came with a moan, digging his nails into
Lucas’s back as pleasure shot through him. Kai’s cock pulsed and started pumping cum all
over the muscular stomachs of both boys.

As Kai’s orgasm tore through him Lucas didn’t slow down, fucking Kai through it with
powerful thrusts directly into the older boy’s sweet spot. By the time Kai was finished his
body was shaking with pleasure and his hole was spasming around Lucas’s huge shaft.

Lucas carefully pulled out and laid down next to Kai before wrapping a hand around his
aching cock. Lucas had only just started jerking off when he felt Kai grab his wrist, pulling
Lucas’s hand away and replacing it with his own.

Kai stroked Lucas lazily, but the younger boy was so close he didn’t care about the slow
pace. Feeling his orgasm approach, Lucas started thrusting his hips up to meet Kai’s fist.
Lucas shuddered as he came, squeezing Kai’s shoulder as his cock erupted and sprayed
cum all over his tight abs.

Once Lucas was finished Kai released the twitching cock, bringing his hand up to his mouth
and licking Lucas’s cum off of it as the younger boy recovered. When Lucas’s breathing
returned to normal Kai handed him a tissue, the high schooler taking it and wiping the cum
off of his stomach before collapsing back onto the mattress. Kai however knew they needed
to get dressed before Sehun returned and threw Lucas his clothes, the younger boy
grumbling but still pulling them on.

“We can’t tell Sehun.” Kai said once they were dressed.

“Why not?” Lucas asked. “He told you to entertain me.”

“That’s definitely not what he had in mind.” Kai answered and both boys burst out laughing.

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