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Chan had to be the luckiest person to ever live.

Not only had SEVENTEEN, probably the

biggest group in the world, decided to come play at his shitty college but Chan had gotten
front row tickets. But Chan’s luck didn’t stop there, the members had seen Chan in the
crowd and invited him to come hang out with them at their hotel, obviously Chan had
agreed. They had a good time but as it grew later more of the members went to bed, leaving
Chan with the three rappers of the group Seungcheol, Vernon, and Mingyu.

However Chan’s luck hadn’t run out yet, in a series of events Chan doesn’t think he could
explain if he tried he had ended up on the floor, mouth alternating between sucking off
each of the rappers as they sat on a fancy L shaped sofa. They took turns with Chan’s
mouth, dragging his head off one another to stuff their own dicks down Chan’s willing

“Fuck.” Mingyu groaned, forcing Chan to deepthroat his large cock. “I knew it was a good
idea to bring you back with us.”

“Yeah but I think it’s time we escalate things a bit more.” Seungcheol said, moving behind
Chan and pulling the boy’s jeans and briefs off. Chan moaned as he felt Seungcheol groping
his round ass cheeks, the rapper clearly enjoying himself.

“What do you think baby?” Vernon asked, standing up and poking Chan in the cheek with the
wet tip of his dick, making Chan instinctively reach up to wrap a hand around the thick
shaft. “You want us to fuck you so hard you can’t even remember how you got here?”

Chan whined around Mingyu’s erection at the question and, taking the noise as a yes,
Seungcheol slid a finger inside Chan’s hole. Chan moaned as Seungcheol fingered him open
and although Chan had always thought Seungcheol was straight, it was clear this was not
the rapper’s first time with another boy.

Vernon sat down next to Mingyu, grabbing Chan’s head and yanking it off of Mingyu before
plunging his own huge cock down the college student’s throat. Chan switched off between
the rappers on the couch, moving his head back and forth every couple of seconds. Feeling
a little warm, Mingyu pulled off his shirt, exposing his muscular chest to Chan.

“You know I think you’re a bit overdressed now.” Mingyu noted, reaching down and pulling
Chan’s shirt off. Both rappers on the couch let out appreciative moans at the sight of Chan’s
body. Mingyu raked his eyes over the muscular torso and washboard abs before looking
over at Vernon. “I think he’s got a better body than you.”

Feeling challenged, Vernon stood up and took off his own shirt, his dick dislodging from
Chan’s mouth with a pop. Chan couldn’t look away from Vernon’s body, he wanted to
memorize every inch of the sculpted chest but he was barely looking for a second when
Mingyu pulled Chan’s mouth back onto his aching cock and buried Chan’s face in his pubes.
While Chan continued alternating between the two rappers Seungcheol was working a
second finger into Chan’s tight hole. Chan whined when Seungcheol started scissoring the
fingers inside of him, Mingyu petting his hair soothingly as Chan suckled on the tip of
Vernon’s cock, lapping up the delicious precum leaking from the slit.

After another few minutes Seungcheol decided Chan was ready, withdrawing his fingers and
lining his blunt cockhead up with Chan’s quivering hole. Leaning forward, Seungcheol
kissed the dip between Chan’s shoulder blades before whispering into Chan’s ear. “What’s
your safe word?”

“Apple.” Chan answered and, satisfied, Seungcheol slowly slid his cock into Chan’s ass.

Chan rested his head on Vernon’s thigh and moaned, too focused on Seungcheol’s thick
cock spreading him open to think about sucking a dick. Seungcheol didn’t stop until he was
totally buried inside Chan’s tight ass, groaning as he felt Chan’s hole clench down around

Seungcheol gave Chan a few gentle thrusts before beginning to brutally pound into Chan.
Gripping Chan’s hips tightly, Seungcheol thrust hard into Chan and made the college
student whine loudly.
Vernon shoved his entire cock down Chan’s throat, silencing the whining boy. “We can’t
have you waking the others up can we?”

“Of course not.” Mingyu agreed, “You’re tight hole is only for us.”

Vernon and Mingyu laughed but Seungcheol was silent, the incredible ass surrounding his
cock was taking Seungcheol to new worlds of pleasure. Speeding up his thrusts, Seungcheol
plowed into Chan and was quickly reducing the boy to nothing but a moaning mess.

Chan let out a muffled whine when Seungcheol found his prostate, the rapper smiling and
targeting the bundle of nerves. Chan continued moaning around whichever cock was in his
mouth at the moment, Seungcheol jabbing directly into his sweet spot with each thrust.

Feeling himself getting close, Seungcheol started fuckingChan even harder, chasing his
orgasm in the clenching hole. Reaching around the boy, Seungcheol wrapped his hand
around Chan’s own hard cock, using Chan’s precum as lube and stroking it in time with his
brutal thrusts.

Chan had been ready to cum since the rappers first pulled their dicks out and it wasn’t long
before Chan felt his orgasm slamming into him like a truck. Pulling off Vernon’s cock,
Chan’s whole body shook and he moaned loudly as cum spurted from his cock, dirtying the
carpet on the floor.
Seungcheol moaned as his own orgasm washed over him, Chan’s spasming hole pushing
him over the edge. The rapper bit down on Chan’s shoulder as he filled the boy with cum,
painting Chan’s insides white. Breathing heavily, Seungcheol pulled out and went over to the
couch, collapsing face first onto the open side and seeming to fall asleep.

Chan groaned as he felt cum slowly leaking from his hole but he wasn’t left empty for long,
Mingyu lining himself up and pushing his entire cock into Chan’s used hole with a single

Just like Seungcheol, Mingyu set a rough pace, slamming into Chan as the freshman whined.
Vernon was taking full advantage of not needing to share Chan’s mouth, face fucking the
boy as he moaned from the brutal fucking he was receiving. Mingyu was fucking Chan so
hard the force of his thrusts made Chan take Vernon’s long cock even deeper into his

“How’s his ass?” Vernon asked, shoving his entire cock down Chan’s throat.

“Amazing.” Mingyu answered, giving a hard thrust right into Chan’s prostate that made the
boy moan with pleasure. “You want a turn?”

“Hell yeah.” Vernon answered, getting up and switching spots with Mingyu. Vernon watched
as Seungcheol’s cum leaked out of Chan’s abused hole, the sight awakening something
animalistic inside him and, with a growl, Vernon slammed his entire mammoth cock into
Chan. Mingyu shoved his erection back down Chan’s throat, silencing the boy’s loud moans
as Vernon further ruined Chan’s already wrecked hole.

Although Seungcheol and Mingyu weren’t gentle, they were nowhere near as rough as
Vernon. Chan could do nothing but whine helplessly around Mingyu’s dick as Vernon
speared the boy on his huge cock. Chan’s eyes rolled back in pleasure as Vernon started
pounding into Chan’s prostate, fucking all thought from Chan’s mind except how good the
rapper’s cocks felt filling him.

Mingyu and Vernon continued to switch spots, always fucking Chan until the boy was about
to cum before pulling out. Seungcheol had come back to life while the other rappers
continued destroying Chan’s remaining brain cells, stroking himself and watching the other
members ruin the boy.

Mingyu was pounding hard into Chan’s prostate, Jong was so close, but Mingyu pulled out
and sat down next to Vernon. To Chan's surprise Vernon didn’t move, instead the rappers
pulled Chan onto the couch.

“You’ve been so good for us.” Mingyu told him, rubbing Chan’s thigh gently, “And we were
hoping you could keep being good for us. We want to fuck you at the same time. Can you
handle that?”
Chan nodded, he’d secretly been dying to try it ever since his foursome with Chanyeol,
Sehun, and Jongdae and the thought of the two superstars fucking him at the same time
made Chan’s cock twitch with excitement.

Vernon laid back on the couch and Mingyu lifted Chan up, lowering him ass first onto
Vernon’s hard cock. Chan whined weakly as he felt the huge shaft filling him once again, but
Chan knew there was more coming.

Once Vernon had bottomed out inside Chan Mingyu pushed the boy forward, Chan chest
pressing against Vernon’s as he felt Mingyu pouring lube all over Chan’s stuffed hole before
lining himself up.

Seungcheol rubbed soothing circles into Chan’s back as Mingyu forced his way into the full
hole, all three moaning loudly when Mingyu’s head popped inside. Mingyu gave Chan time
to adjust, waiting for Chan to nod before sliding further into the impossibly tight hole and
eventually he too bottomed out inside of the freshman.

Chan felt truly full, he had taken some huge dicks in his life but this was by far the fullest
he’d ever felt. Seungcheol continued rubbing Chan’s back, relaxing the boy until, with a
shaky breath, Chan told them to move.

Carefully, Mingyu and Vernon started fucking into Chan, alternating their thrusts so Chan
was always stuffed with at least one cock. All of them were moaning loudly, clearly no
longer concerned about waking the others.

Mingyu and Vernon knew exactly what they were doing and if they hadn’t already fucked
Chan’s brain to mush he’d wonder how many other boys they’d brought back after concerts.
As Mingyu and Vernon continued fucking into Chan Seungcheol whispered into Chan’s ear.

“You look so pretty, tiny hole stuffed full by two huge cocks.” Chan whined, too fucked out
to even form words at this point. Seungcheol chuckled. “You’d look even prettier covered in
cum. Would you like that?” Somehow Chan managed to find the strength to nod and
Seungcheol smirked.

“Don’t cum inside him.” Seungcheol instructed the other rappers, “We’re gonna decorate his
pretty face with cum.” Mingyu and Vernon both moaned at the words, and started fucking
Chan a little faster.

Chan felt like he might die if he didn’t cum and started thrusting his cock against Vernon’s
abs. Chan was desperate for release after being so close so many times, chasing his orgasm
in the muscular ridges of Vernon’s stomach. When Chan felt his orgasm approaching yet
again he was sure they were going to pull out, but to his relief they didn’t.

With a loud moan Chan came, covering his and Vernon’s stomachs as his second orgasm
washed over him. Feeling Chan’s hole spasming around them, Vernon and Mingyu stopped
moving and waited until Chan had caught his breath before pulling out. The rappers
carefully laid Chan on his back before standing on their knees above him, stroking their
hard cocks quickly as they stared down at the gorgeous boy they just fucked into a stupor.

Seungcheol was the first to cum, having been jerking himself off as he watched the other
two destroy the college student. Seungcheol shook as he came, his load splattered across
Chan’s cheek. Mingyu followed soon after, moaning as he painted Chan’s neck and chin
with streaks of cum. Vernon came just after Mingyu, pressing the head of his cock against
Chan’s cheek, an ocean of cum erupting from the tip and covering the entire left side of
Chan’s face.

The three collapsed onto the couch, panting heavily as they came down from their highs.
Once he’d caught his breath Vernon gathered Chan into his arms, lifting the fucked out boy
off the couch and carrying him towards the bathroom to get cleaned up.

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