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Dec 2016

Cameron Pressure Awareness

Level 2
Mark Pavey Cameron OI Dev Mgr PS

The aim is presentation is to provide an overview of the pressure related hazards we face and the
controls that have been established to manage our pressure testing risk.
On its own, it does not mean you are competent to carry out testing, but it does provide a level of
awareness that will enable you to contribute positively to the management of our pressure testing risk.
Please continue to learn and understand about the pressure hazards, risks and controls that are
relevant to the work you carry out.
You are required to complete the short test after this presentation to confirm your understanding and
to update your QUEST certification record. This is a permanent certification.

Thank you and safe testing.

Content Slide #
Introduction 4
The Basics 6
Pressure Testing Statistics and lessons 7
Identifying leaks and trapped pressure 12
Pressure Testing Principles 16
P1 – Test Enclosures 18
P2 – Access Control 28
P3 – Competence 33
P4 – Accessories 36
P5 – Maintenance and Servicing 50
P6 – Procedures 53
P7 – Testing on 3rd Party Sites 63
Additional Information 65
PT LO - 07


 Pressure testing is performed across Cameron to verify that the assemblies and sub-components
that we design, manufacture, install, service and repair are fit for purpose and function as intended.
 All pressure-containing parts that are new, or have had major repairs or modifications are
hydrostatically tested to ensure that the parts are structurally sound with no design, manufacturing,
or material defects.
 Hydrostatic testing is carried out across ALL pressure ranges and across ALL products.
 Pressure testing is carried out to meet industry and other standards (e.g. API 6A).
 The majority of hydrostatic body pressure testing is carried out using water, however, oil may also
be used. Liquid is used because it is not compressible (unlike gas) and is therefore much safer.

PT LO - 07


 Types of testing may include:

 Body (Single Unit) Testing – to prove the integrity of a component (1.5 x Working Pressure)
 Leak Testing – To identify leaks
 Function Testing –To verify component functionality such as the activation of valves.
 System Integrity Testing (SIT) – Carried out under operating conditions to verify the integrity of the system.
 Factory Acceptance Testing (FAT) / Extended (EFAT) –To demonstrate the product meets the contract
 Pneumatic testing using Nitrogen is carried out to identify leaks. It is NEVER carried out above
normal operation pressures due to its compressibility and explosive failure.
 When single (tested) units are assembled together this represents a “new” component that requires
to be tested itself.

PT LO - 09

Pressure Basics

Pressure is the force per unit Significant forces are generated If you applied 1000 psi on a ¼
area applied by a fluid or gas on as either the: inch surface it would lift a 250
the walls of a vessel (in a • Pressure or pound (113.4 Kg) object.
direction perpendicular to its • Surface area increases.
surface). If you applied 1000 psi to a 3
This pressure exerts a force on A relatively low pressure in a inch surface it would lift a 3000
the walls defined by the equation large vessel exerts a significant pound (1360.8 Kg) object.
below: force.

Pressure is routinely measured

in Bar, psi or atmospheres:
1 Bar = 14.5 psi
1 Bar = 1 Atmosphere
PT LO - 04

Pressure Incident Statistics

Incidents – the majority are low severity but we still have the In June 2015 we introduced the PT Principles. Our greater awareness
occasional high severity incidents resulted in more incidents being reported as well as significantly
improved risk control across Cameron.
Cause Analysis: A review of our incidents has revealed the following causes
People: Lack of product knowledge; Not following procedures; Poor hazard identification/decision making.
Equipment: Incorrect assembly, wrong specification; damaged item; poorly maintained / age (fatigue); incorrect pressure applied.
Procedures / Systems: Not in place; not clear; incomplete; incorrect instruction; poor deviation control (NCR/MoC).
Enclosures: Failure path orientated outside enclosure; weaker elevation of enclosure (doors); over sized component (failure path above
walls); no roof; enclosure not secure.
PT LO - 04

Pressure Related Incidents

Trapped pressure in BOP was not BOP under repair failed sending part of Top of the flange failed at 13500psi
identified during disassembly. component through the enclosure sending nuts through the roof of the
doors. facility.

The ends of two fingers were Deeply regrettable fatalities as a Incorrect bolts were used to attach the
amputated when the ring was released consequence of being struck by flange. Error not captured by
under pressure severing the testers projectiles / other objects resulting from inspection.
finger tips. the failure.
PT LO - 04

Pressure Related Incidents

Unidentified trapped pressure resulted Fatigued plug failed and ejected during Employee repairing leak while product
in the component being ejected during pressure test under pressure.
disconnecting activities. Turned connection in wrong direction
incorrectly releasing pressure

Projectile contained within enclosure Projectile struck employee causing Pressure released through weep hole
significant leg damage. into hand.

PT LO - 04

Pressure Related Incidents

Unidentified trapped pressure in Product sheared and detached from

accumulator bladder resulted in the base plate at 22,500psi. Product People and pressure DON’T mix
bladder being ejected horizontally launched vertically striking overhead
during disassembly. crane, both fell back into enclosure.

Employee narrowly missed by being Projectile contained by enclosure. Severe soft tissue damage leading to
struck by accumulator bladder. permanent injury.
PT LO - 04

Incident Lessons

Unidentified trapped pressure can and does occur throughout the pressure range and
across all products. The majority of our incidents occur within the Maximum Allowable
Working Pressure (MAWP).
Just because a product is being tested within the MAWP doesn’t make it safe.

Treat EVERY test with caution and respect

Keep people and pressure apart

PT LO - 09

Opportunities for Trapped Pressure

There are many opportunities for trapping pressure, which include:
• Non identification of pre-charged components (bladders).
• Pressure trapped after testing and venting by:
• Blocked pipes - loose material (rust / tissue left in voids blocking pipework during
• Design – Internal structure traps pressure (blind voids, position of vent points).
• Freezing - Blocks release of pressure during de-pressurisation.
• Plug type - Blind plugs and caps inserted in component at top of voids.
• Incomplete venting - Not all venting lines opened.
• Pressure gauges – Incorrect position prevents recognition of trapped pressure.

PT LO - 09

How can we identify trapped pressure?

• Presence of ice on component.

• Excessive force needed to loosen nuts.
• Sounds heard from the component (creaking/cracking).
• Movement of component and/or sub assemblies.
• Evidence of leaking test fluid from joints / connections.
• Signs and labels advising of trapped pressure.
• Handover briefings from previous shift / tester (pressure warning).
• Pressure gauge reading.
• Chart recorder reading.
PT LO - 11

Test Integrity - Identifying Leaks

Where can leaks occur? How can leaks be identified?

• From test equipment due to wear and tear of • Close up inspection (camera),
parts (repeated make/break and excessive use) • Fluorescent dye,
• Incorrectly connected plugs and fittings (cross • Bubbles (soapy water applied to joints).
thread). • Paper towel (showing leak when wet).
• Damaged, incorrect or missing seals and • Gas bubbles during submerged gas
gaskets. testing
• Damaged or poorly fitting hoses and • Pressure gauge readings (reducing
connections. reading).
• Incorrect assembly (insufficient torqueing, • Sound (air / water release)
wrong parts).

PT LO - 01

Controlling Pressure Testing Risk

Successful pressure testing risk control and management requires a combination controls to be established.
Each protective level plays its part but it is the collection of all the controls that provides the maximum
At EVERY stage there is the opportunity for human intervention to ensure that the controls remain in place.

Think about how you might be able to ensure that each level of protection can be reinforced by your
15 decisions, behaviour and actions.
PT LO - 01


Principle 1

Test Enclosure As well as complying with the

Principle 7
Design &
Construction Principle 2 Schlumberger Pressure Standard #014,
Testing on 3rd Controlling
Cameron applies a series of managerial
Party Sites Access principles to control pressure testing risk.
These Pressure Testing Principles are:
Principle 6
Principle 3

Clear a& Effective Ensuring

Procedures Competence

Principle 5 Principle 4

Robust Correct
Maintenance Accessories

PT LO - 01


The integration of the Cameron Pressure Testing

Principles with the Schlumberger Pressure Standard
#014 has resulted in the Cameron Appendix.

PT LO - 02

Principle One – Test Enclosures

Pressure Testing is ONLY carried out in enclosures / areas that can effectively
contain the failure of a component.
This means:
 The potential for failure has been identified.
 Calculations and assessments determine the projectile energy, velocity and the level of protection needed
to contain a projectile.
 Test enclosures are designed, constructed and used so as to ensure that projectiles are contained.
 ALL test enclosures are supported by appropriate design files.
 Relocating test enclosures and using test enclosures on other sites is supported by projectile calculations
risk assessment and that validate the test enclosure.

PT LO - 02

Understanding failure

It takes large amounts of energy to compress and confine the gas and water used in pressure testing.
The energy is stored until it is purposely released or accidentally released. When released through
failure there can be a sudden, violent and unexpected release of energy. The release of this energy can
be extremely dangerous resulting in projectiles being ejected that can seriously harm or kill people
working near by. This is why keeping people and pressure apart is so important.

The energy of failure is

always less than that HSE 2
calculated (right) but the
potential for harm remains. HSE 1,3

Baker Risk
The failure mode (left) Actual

changes with the size of part

that fails.
PT LO - 02

Understanding failure

Destructive testing has played a major role in developing our understanding of projectile risk and
enclosure construction. External consultants have been used to carry out destructive testing. (e.g.
Sheffield University, UK and Baker Risk, USA). Failure reports support design files.

Examples of destructive testing

10 mm sheet steel, ballistic glass and timber
Timber lining decreases the projectile velocity and starts to “rotate” the
projectile, reducing energy before contact with the main protective wall.
PT LO - 02

Hierarchy of Test Enclosure Design

Understanding the pressure test risk; the
potential failure methods and projectile
characteristics enables a design and
Fully enclosed
construction methodology to be applied structure, hydraulic roof
that reflects that risk.

Increasing Test Pressure

Construction is carried out by approved Steel mesh, no roof
third party contactors.
Test pit, fully enclosed,
A hierarchical approach to test enclosure Timber, steel, gravel,
hydraulic roof on rails
construction enables a pragmatic and steel wall construction
effective solution to be identified that
reflects the risk. Low risk protective

Restricted area SIT Bespoke Test Cabinet

21 Increasing projectile risk associated with test / product

PT LO - 02

Product Orientation

Identifying and understanding the potential failure paths and orientating the component so
that the paths are directed towards walls can be one of the most effective risk controls.

This is particularly important in enclosures that do not have vertical containment (roofs).

Caution is required if multiple

failure paths are present.

Higher risk projectile

failure paths orientated
Horizontal failure path towards walls.
of plug / nuts

PT LO - 02

Doors must provide the same level of protection as the walls, this may require Blast hinges designed
to retain projectile
substantial bolting and locks to be put in place. failure not just hold the
Doors will be interlocked when pressure is applied (circa 100 psi). door up!

Visible warning lights show closure.

An override system will be in place and ALL (unavoidable) entry logged for analysis.

Manual interlock.
Key to be inserted
into control unit
before pressure

Door/ pressure override

Interlock warning
Robust Interlock system fitted to doors warning

PT LO - 05

High Pressure Units (HPUs)

Control units should be separate from the source of pressure and
located in a safe area away from opening doors and other hazards.
All equipment must be certified safe to use, be maintained and
serviced effectively, including mobile HPU’s.
Pipework to and from HPUs / Control Points must be suitable for
purpose (hard, fixed in place, routed directly into the enclosure
and rated higher than the test pressure).

Control Unit/equipment and HPU located to side of test enclosure.

(Note: VDU screens from cameras, chart recorder, IT interface and
door interlock warning lights, pressure lines go directly into the
Mobile HPU enclosure, operator protected from pumps and tubing).
Control room separate from
24 test enclosure and HPU.
PT LO - 05

High Pressure Units (HPU)

The HPU supplies pressure to the component under test. There are many types of HPU that vary between sites so you will
need additional on site training on the particular HPUs used at your facility. To prevent the accidental over pressurization of
a test there shall be a system in place to verify that the pressure applied from the HPU is correct for the test procedure (i.e.
set-up verification checklist).

Fixed HPU’s:
Are an integral part of the test enclosure structure and determine the type of testing that can be carried out.

Portable HPUs:
Vary in size and being portable there are a number of design constraints that require specific attention to be paid when
setting up (the right HPU must be chosen, correct hoses / fittings selected and suitable positioning and whip arresters must
be used on flexible pressure hoses). The HPU should have enclosed panels which shield people from all pressurized
pumps, tubing and piping within the unit.

PT LO - 02


Ensuring that the housekeeping inside and around test enclosures is at a high
level will remove many of the common hazards that are associated with
pressure testing and enable testers to focus on the complexities of the test.
6S initiatives have been extremely successful in improving the general culture
of testing by reinforcing high levels of housekeeping.

Leaving the enclosure in the

condition that you would like
to find it helps everyone and
improves safety.
6S Housekeeping Initiative
(Correct and incorrect)

PT LO - 02

Internal Services

Services located in floor tracks Surface level pipework and hose protection Hard piping entering the back of a HPU

Where practicable services should be designed to run in sub surface channels.

Piping should be hard and fixed in place and designed for the maximum test pressure plus a safety
Hard piping a chart
Flexible hose lengths connecting hard piping to the component should be suitably short. recorder

Drains and channels should enable spills and leaks to be controlled, collected and disposed correctly.
PT LO - 03

Principle Two – Controlling Access

Access to enclosures / areas containing equipment and systems under test is

This means:
 Test enclosure doors prevent entry when pressure is applied (Interlocked).
 Unavoidable access to test enclosures is strictly controlled.
 Site management record and understand when entry is required and establish plans to engineer out the
need for entry (remote viewing, flushing, sampling and functioning are all possible).
Note: There may be occasions when people have to enter test enclosures when
products are under pressure.
This is not acceptable without approval and compliance with entry procedures.
PT LO - 03

Controlling Access

Site pressure test areas are separated into three zones

Example of floor hatching marking Free Area

Free zone – Immediately in front of the test enclosure

that is free of stores, and/or other items of equipment
Exclusion Zone – Area extending beyond the Free Zone
where work is not permitted to be carried out.
Restricted Area – Area of restricted access (usually in
the form of a barrier / screen or fence). Only authorized
personnel are permitted in this area.

PT LO - 03

Methods of Controlling Access

Example of fencing used to create a restricted test area

People familiar with the Cameron Step Back 5 x 5 process will understand
the methodology of removing risk by placing a barrier between the hazard
and the Tester. In pressure testing this barrier is the test enclosure, product
orientation and the access controls.
Maintaining these is critical to the safety of testers and employees working
in the vicinity of tests.
Examples of ID card entry control

PT LO - 03

Reducing Access - Cameras and Lighting

Fixed and mobile cameras linked to the control unit enable viewing of the product
under test without the need for entry.
Leaks can be identified by the close up positioning of mobile cameras on tripods
and cameras can be pointed towards pressure gauges and other critical
Video footage can be retained for reference (client test verification and / or
View from Control Unit incident investigations).
All test enclosures, particularly those with roofs should have adequate lighting to
ensure good visibility of the product.

Remotely operated submersible

Fixed camera (zoom,
camera for leak identification
pan, tilt and height
during gas testing

Mobile camera and housing
PT LO - 03

Door locks

Interlock mechanism that activates

when pressure is applied to the Warning lights alert people to testing.
component from the CPU. (e.g. Green = Safe)

Principle Three – Competence

All people working on or in the vicinity of pressure testing activities are competent
and approved.
This means:
 All visitors working in the area of pressure testing will be inducted.
 All pressure testers are approved and identifiable.
 Pressure testing competence is attained by a person:
a) Carrying out basic pressure awareness;
b) Being experienced in the testing methodology and
c) Having a suitable level of awareness/familiarization of the product being tested.

Competence Overview

Cameron Pressure Testing Competence is progressive and based on the testers:

Basic induction, site testing facilities (enclosures, pumps etc), product knowledge, understanding of the various testing
methodologies and their experience.
High performing and experienced testers are identified for supervisory, team lead and other management roles.
PT LO - 03

Approval and visibility

Example of induction material used for Example of passes for people with QUEST used to confirm individual
temporary access. approved access to testing areas. pressure certification
Badges worn on outside of clothing.

Principle Four – Accessories

All pressure test equipment and accessories are suitable for purpose.

This means:
 Safety critical fittings and tools are designed, constructed and certified for use (e.g. flushing systems).
 All SCE/A must be stored effectively to prevent damage (e.g. connector threads).
 SCE/A (connectors and hoses) are fitted correctly.
 All SCE/A are inspected prior to being assembled into a test.
 ONLY approved testers/technicians assemble and fit SCE/A.

Safety Critical Equipment/Accessories (SCE/A)

Examples of SCE/A Criteria for determining certification Examples of certification periods

• Pressure Hoses and pressure
system pipework. • Shelf life from point of purchase. • Flanges – 12 months
• Connectors (Autoclave, NPT, JIC, • Material type. • Pressure hoses – 12 months
SAE). • Test pressure. • Pressure Gauges – 6 months.
• Flanges. • Frequency of exposure to higher • Chart recorders – 6 months.
• Plugs and Caps. pressures. • PCUs / HPU’s - 12 months.
• Pressure gauges – digital, • Frequency of make and break. • Fixed pipework – 12 months.
analogue. • Condition of storage.
• Chart Recorders • Presence of caps / protectors. • Connectors – disposable.
• Pressure Control Units • Thoroughness of servicing.
• Calibration standards.

Identifying Pressure

Digital Pressure Gauge Analogue Pressure Gauge Chart Recorder

Where possible NPT fittings should be replaced with Autoclave. Only
fluid style sealant (Swak® or similar) should be used on NPT
connections. NO PTFE Tape Note:
Gauge faulty -
It should be noted that although not connected to pressure supply
Disconnected but
the needle is indicating 800Psi. This unit is Unserviceable and reading 50psi.
should be scrapped or sent for repair..
Remove from

Digital read out. Analogue (needle) read out. • Chart (pen/ink) readout.
High degree of accuracy. Attached by pressure hose • Favoured by many clients.
Can be linked by transducers. Due to variation - Gauge must be rated • Attached by pressure hose.
for the test.
ALL gauges require 6 monthly
calibration and certification.
Caution – same style of
gauge – different pressure
38 ranges
Pressure Hoses and Connectors

Golden Rules What can go wrong Example of Hose Specification

Where possible NPT fittings should be replaced with Autoclave. Only
Before using any hose ensure that it is
fluid style sealant (Swak® or similar) should be used on NPT
valid to use NO
connections. by:PTFE Tape
It should be noted that although not connected to pressure supply
•the Check
needle isfor
indicating 800Psi. This
the suppliers unit is Unserviceable and
should be scrapped or sent for repair..
• Check for working pressure.
• Check that the fittings and hose
connections are compatible.



Pressure Hose Do’s and Don'ts
• Treat high pressure hoses with respect and as if they are a pressure vessel.
• Visually inspect hoses for frayed, damaged or wear spots before using.
• Check the end connections for wear, rust, cracks or other deterioration.
• Know the working pressures and burst pressures of all hoses before using them.
• Use clean, filtered test fluids to prolong hose life.
• Clean, drain and coil hoses after use.
• Remove damaged, corroded or leaking hoses from service.
• Disconnect a hose that may be under pressure.
• Use a hose with cuts or wire showing through the outer cover or if it has bubbles, blisters or kinks.
• Exceed the bend radius or pressure rating.
• Run over or crush a hose with a vehicle or other object.
• Use hoses with corroded or leaking end connections.
• Pull heavy equipment with the hose or let the hose support its own weight
• Never use a hose without whip arrestors.
• Repair a hose yourself, quarantine it for maintenance to take action.
Whip Checks

High grade whip check Whip check on Chart Recorder Damaged sealing cone

Whip check is integral with the hose Tailored fitting of whip check either side Wrap a standard whip check through itself to
structure and connect by U bolt. of connector. create a tighter fit.
Minimal movement.


There are several types of connector available to sue during testing. Fitting
the correct type is critical to the success of a test.
NPT-National Pipe Thread - Low Pressure Fitting <5000 psi
 The thread sealing fit is created by the tapered thread on a NPT fitting
becoming tight enough to seal the connection as the thread increases in
Autoclave – High Pressure Fitting <150,000psi
 Clean faces allow a close seal that can be broken and made repeatedly
without damage.
JIC – Low Pressure Fitting <4500 psi
 These are less common in Cameron and based on a 37 degree flare.
 Should require a ¼ turn or less after hand tight to effectively seal them.
Not used often but good to be aware.
Preference for Autoclave Fittings
• Unless specified by a procedure the preference is to use Autoclave fittings..

• The Autoclave connection male is 59° and the female is 60° make a knife edge seal,
which is easier to achieve than the face to face seal.

• The design of the Autoclave connections non-rotating stem prevents damage to the
components being tested as it is independent to the threaded connection.

Female • A connection using Autoclave termination can repeatedly be made and disconnected
without wearing the point of seal.

• It allows the use of relatively inexpensive inserts to protect the more expensive hoses,
manifold blocks and test flanges from damage.

Get Fittings RIGHT

Don’t mix fittings!!! Know your fittings Always Protect Fittings

Pass on your
knowledge to others.

Show examples of the

right way and the wrong
Protect delicate parts (screw
threads etc) with caps.


Flanges need to be right too.

• Store Flanges securely to prevent unnecessary damage.
• Colour code (mark) flanges for their pressure rating.
• Select the correct rating for the test / component.
• Only use certified flanges that are in date.
• Select the right size bolts and nuts for the connection.
Reduced diameter bolts may not hold the pressure – it has
• Torque to the correct value – under-torqueing reduces the
ability of the flange to hold pressure – it has happened!!
• NEVER undo nuts without checking for pressure.
• Quarantine defective or uncertified flanges.
• Set the test pressure to the procedure NOT to the rating of
the flange – it has happened!!

A valve is a device that regulates, directs or controls the flow of a fluid (gases / liquids)by opening, closing, or partially
obstructing various passageways.

• The Pressure Test Isolation Valve is rated to a minimum of 1.5 x Test Pressure (Not design pressure).
• It allows the Technician to “isolate” the pump from the equipment under test.
• The pressure can be stabilised within the component under test.
• At the end of the test they can be used to vent pressure from the system when opened as a Secondary Vent.

Pressure Relief Valve (PRV) – activates if component or piping is over-pressurized. The generic terms are pressure relief
valve (PRV) or pressure safety valve (PSV).
Relief Valve (RV) – is an automatic system for liquid that opens proportionally with pressure increasing.
Safety Valve (SV) – is an automatic system for a gas that opens almost straight to full lift after a pop sound.
Safety Relief Valve (SRV) – is an automatic system both gas and liquid that opens proportionally with pressure increasing.

Prior to applying Test Pressure ALL valves should be tested for Operation / Setting (handle turns smoothly in both directions
(do not use excessive force).
Types of Valve

Isolation Needle Rising Plug Isolation Ball Valves Safety / Pressure Relief
Needle Valve Valves

• Used in the OUTPUT • Used in the SUPPLY and • Ball Valves should only be • Set by qualified Technician
side of a Pressure Test OUTPUT side of a used within the SUPPLY ONLY.
System. Pressure Test System. side of a Test System and • They should be sized for
• They offer reliable • They offer reliable NOT the OUTPUT Side the item to be tested and
isolation of pressure isolation of pressure given the greatest vent
flow rate.

Venting and Purging

Venting/Bleeding off pressure is a critical phase of the test and must be undertaken with care and diligence.

• If pressure unexpectedly reduces or you suspect a leak - Vent /bleed all pressure BEFORE adjusting anything.

• Always vent/bleed pressure remotely from outside the test enclosure from a safe position.

• Vent/bleed in a slow & controlled manner to reduce stress and noise during the release process. A slow and controlled
venting process after gas testing specifically prevent the vent ports freezing up and trapping pressure.

• When performing blowdowns, always vent the test medium to the floor of the test bay & perform the function in a
controlled & safe manner. Perform the function remotely by hydraulically operating the valves from outside the test

• When venting a unit down after testing, open as many vent/bleed ports as possible to allow the unit to de-pressurize in
ALL areas of the component. .

Applying the Correct Torque

Manual Click Type Torque Pneumatic torque wrench Hydraulic torque wrench

Low torque situations Medium and high torque settings High torque situations
• Set wrench for correct torque • The air pressure to the tool is • A pneumatic powered hydraulic
regulated to a specified pressure to pump supplies pressure to the tool
• The head will “Click” at specified
achieve a specific torque. to achieve the correct torque.

Do not tighten or loosen any fittings while the product is under pressure.
Before any adjustment is made the product shall be pressured to zero.
PT LO - 06

Principle Five – Maintenance and Servicing

All equipment and accessories are serviced and maintained in safe working
This means:
 The Safety Critical Equipment/Accessories SCE/A used during testing must be identified, marked with a
Unique Identification Number (UIN) and be recorded on a register.
 SCE/A are tested and certified safe for use.
 SCE/A are subject to a planned preventive maintenance and servicing program.
 SCE/A that are damaged or worn are removed from service and replaced.

SCE/A Management

Connector storage Radio Frequency Identifier Pressure Gauge Calibration Pressure Hose Storage

Pressure Warning Label Unique Identification Number SCE/A Register Removing SCE/A from
and Calibration date service at end of life

Pressure Hoses and Connectors – Looking for Damage

Kinked hoses Crushed hose sleeve Damaged sealing cone

Internal pressure retaining
structure is compromised
and likely to fail if used.

The damage to this sealing cone may

result in pressure leaking back into or
out from the component.
Bent connectors A damaged sleeve is an indicator that greater
damage may have occurred to the internal
The integrity of the structure of the hose.
connector has been
compromised and will fail
if used
ALWAYS inspect connectors and hoses for serviceability prior to testing.
Remove any defective or out of date accessories from service immediately.

Principle Six – Procedures
All pressure testing is carried out using robust procedures, instructions and risk
This means:
 Products are designed manufactured and tested to strict industry Standards.
 Testing methods are rigorously documented.
 Procedures must be clear, concise and adhered to.
 Risk Assessments are in place and up to date.
 Inspections and audits help us to continually improve our performance.
 ALL deviations from procedural requirements must be managed through the
QUEST/NCR/MoC processes.
Applying Pressure Testing Standards
 Pressure testing is governed by
specific guidance and industry testing
protocols (e.g. API 6A). It is performed
to verify the assemblies and
subcomponents function as designed.
 This is to ensure that the parts are
structurally sound with no design,
manufacturing or material defects.
 Adherence is a prerequisite of
contracts and it guides all our testing

Procedural Requirements
 ALL testing must be carried out in accordance with up to
date, validated and accurate procedures.
 Be aware of procedures saying “vent to zero” when a
clearer methodology is required.
 Obtain verification that safety critical steps have been
completed correctly (venting, applying pressure).
 Refer to the schematic to identify areas where
pressure can be trapped.
 If a procedure looks weak, it probably is!
 If in doubt ASK your supervisor.
Schematic showing
possible location for
trapped pressure (black)

Risk and Maturity Assessments

 Familiarize yourself with the relevant risk assessment

and the controls that have been put in place before you
start work.
 Each site carrying out pressure testing will have a
Pressure Testing Maturity Assessment (PTMA) HARC for Pressure
assessing their arrangements against the PT Principles.
 Carry out your own Job Safety Analysis (JSA) or Job
Hazard Analysis (JHA) BEFORE you start work.
 BE prepared to STOP the test and vent to Zero at any
time you are concerned about safety. PTMA performance
radar diagram

Drawings and Plans

 Be familiar with the drawings for the products

you are testing.
 Identify where trapped pressure might occur.
 Identify the vent paths and know how to vent

 Fit pressure gauges in locations that help

identify hidden pressure.
 Fit safety / relief valves.
 Check plans to ensure they are relevant,
current and valid.
Test Procedure Overview - Simplified

Identify the right procedures, component, accessories and test enclosure for the and that you are
Plan suitably competent and approved to carry out the testing.

Inspect all the SCE/A. Make sure they are all in good condition, rated for the test, certified and fitted
Set Up correctly (type and torque). Test enclosure is suitbale and assembly is correct.

Pressure up from a safe location (outside the test enclosure) in progressive steps in accordance
Pressure Up with the requirements of the test procedure. Watch and listen for changes in pressure (leaks etc).

Test / Hold Hold pressure for the required period of time required by the procedure. Vent down if there is any
pressure deviation in pressure readings before approaching the component. Record results.

Always pressure down slowly and under control. Open ALL vent paths and verify that there is NO
Pressure Down trapped pressure. If you hand over during a test make sure you clearly advise the pressure status.

Be cautious when disassembling and watch for trapped pressure at every step. Inspect SCE/A and
Disassemble remove any damaged items from service. Clean and return SCE/A to stores in good condition.
PT LO - 10

Venting Instructions

 Open / Vent ALL pressure paths (minimum of two).

 Open / release all valves.
 Refer to the drawings and plans to identify venting paths and methods.
 Follow the test procedures and checklists accurately.
 Ask for supervisor validation at safety critical steps.
 Review ALL pressure gauges, chart recorders and other pressure devices.
 NEVER presume that a component is free of pressure –
PROVE IT to yourself and others.

PT LO - 08

Test Fluids, Spills and Hazard Information

 Water, oil or gas (Nitrogen) may be used as
a testing medium.
 The majority of our testing is hydrostatic
where we use water with a rust inhibitor to
protect the component
Test fluid spill on test enclosure floor.
 Make sure you have access to the SDS, you Note green rust inhibitor.
handle the material correctly and wear the
right PPE.
 Nitrogen is an inert gas that can be fatal if it Know your hazards
Glycol Safety Data Sheet (SDS)
displaces the oxygen in enclosed spaces Nitrogen containment
such as test pits. Ensure that the area is
ventilated and tested before entry.

Our incident history contains many examples of pressure related incidents that could have
been prevented if a hand over had been carried out or if it had been more effective.
1. If you are “handing over” - Make sure you clarify the pressure condition of the component
under test.
2. If you are “receiving” – Make sure that you fully understand the pressure status of the
component BEFORE you take over.
Use handover checklists and sign off to validate that the information has been provided.

EFFECTIVE handovers are CRITICAL for pressure testing safety.

DON’T PRESUME everything is OK! Make sure it is.


Always adhere to the

local arrangements and
risk assessments and
use / wear the right

Principle Seven – Testing on 3rd Party Sites

Responsibilities and accountabilities will be established to ensure that the risk of

testing on 3rd Party sites are minimized.
This means:
 Understanding the failure potential of the products being tested.
 Constructing suitable and sufficient test enclosures to minimize projectile risk.
 Establishing clear and documented responsibilities and accountabilities in relation to the pressure testing
activities and the provision of facility services.
 Carrying out a HARC to ensure all controls are in place and effective.

Testing on 3rd Party Sites

Testing on 3rd party sites during projects introduces particular hazards that require robust
management to ensure that the most effective risk controls are put in place.

Aligning the HARC with the requirements of the Pressure Testing Principles will enable effective
controls to be identified, agreed and established that meet the prevailing conditions. Aspects for
consideration might include, but are not limited to:

 The suitability of the local test enclosure and/or the need to construct a temporary structure.
 The allocation of responsibility (for testing and for facility related services and support).
 Access control arrangements to Cameron and/or facility controlled areas.
 ALL Agreements and arrangements shall be documented and concerns raised with senior
Additional Information

The following resources / people are able to provide you with support if you have further
questions and regarding Pressure Testing.

 Site HSE Managers /Depts

 Engineering Departments
 Supervisors, colleagues, managers
 Cameron Operations Integrity (Process Safety) Development Manager.
 Segment Specific Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) available through PS Dev Mgr
 SLB InTouch, Cameron OI Sharepoint, Segment Resources
 Test Procedures, product handbooks, SAP,

Pressure Testing Do’s and Don’ts

Final considerations

ALL equipment contains pressure

unless PROVEN otherwise.

No component under test can be

presumed safe even if its within MAWP
Check the suitability of acce4ssories
before assembling tests.
ALWAYS vent fully and methodically.
NEVER stand in harms way

If in doubt – FIND OUT
Reporting Pressure Incidents

We started this presentation with a summary

of our incidents and the lessons learnt. We
end by emphasizing that having a strong
incident /observation reporting culture
significantly improves safety performance.

Please report ALL pressure related incidents

and observations in QUEST so that incidents
can be investigated, causes identified and
controls put in place to help improve
performance further.


Safe pressure testing needs

YOU Your feedback is important to us

The Cameron OI team wishes to continually improve the

content of this presentation.
If you have any feedback please forward your suggestion by
email to:
OI Process Safety - Development Manager

Thank you and safe testing


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