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Module 20: writing reports 4.

Research is a very careful investigation of something that

Report purports the contribution of additional or new knowledge
• Systematic, well-organized presentation of an issue, a and wisdom (Bassey, as cited by Coleman & Briggs, 2002).
problem, or an incident. 5. Research is a tested approach of thinking and employing
Three types of report validated instruments and steps in order to obtain a more
• Informative Report adequate solution to a problem that is otherwise impossible
• Investigative Report to address under ordinary means (Crawford, as cited by
• Recommendation Report Alcantara & Espina, 1995).
Structure of a report SUMMARY!!!
1. Cover Page Research is a systematic and scientific way of investigating
– Title of your paper and gathering of information to answer a particular problem,
– Your name establish facts, and reach conclusions.
– The name of your teacher Conducting a research can be done in various fields such
– The date you have submitted the paper as arts, humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, technology,
– Your section/year and health sciences.
– The name of your school Research Report
2. Acknowledgement Page  presents condensed results and interpretation of a
- Acknowledge those who have helped you in your report. phenomenon
3. Content Page/Table of Contents ❌series of quotations and compilation of unsubstantiated opinion
- Write the parts of the report as well as the pages where  formal investigation and scientific inquiry
you can see these parts. CHARACTERISTICS OF RESEARCH
4. Definition of Terms – jargons or technical terms are 1. The research should be systematic. There is a system to
defined, expounded or explained. follow in conducting research as there is a system for
5. Introduction formulating each of its parts.
- Present your topic and purpose • Macrosystem – chapters
- Hold readers interested enough to continue reading your • Microsystem – detailed content of each chapter
report 2. The research should be objective. A researcher should
6. Objectives objectively look at the basis on which the work is founded.
- Observe parallelism. He/she must never produce results out of nowhere, these
7. Main Body results must never be based from biases.
- Report itself 3. The research should be feasible. It should be something
- Describing the process you can undertake within your ability and within the time limit
8. Results given to you.
9. Conclusion 4. The research should be empirical. There should be
- Conclude your objective carefully supporting pieces of evidences and accompanying details.
- Do not start a new idea or bring up a new topic References and citations of facts and information must be
10. Recommendations included.
11. Appendices 5. The research should be clear. This can be done by
- Supporting documents or forms enriching the review of literature.
Instruments for gathering information for reports Ethics pertains to doing good and avoiding harm. Harm can be
• Interview – face-to-face interaction between the researcher prevented or reduced through the application of appropriate
and the subject. ethical principles. Thus, the protection of human subjects or
– If possible, have a recorder with you. participants in any research is imperative.
• Questionnaire – standardized questions that aim to get An example of unethical research is the experiment conducted
specific answers from the respondents. between 1950 and 1952, in which more than 1,000 pregnant
– Most commonly used data-gathering tool – women were given diethylstilbestrol to prevent miscarriages.
economical These women were subject to a double-blind study without
– Multiple choice consent. Only 20 years later, when the children of these women
– Checklist had high rates of cancer and other abnormalities, did the
– Rating participants learn they were subjects of these experiment
– Open and closed questions (Capron, 1989).
• Experiment – the researcher plans and executes a Ethical Codes and Policies for Research
controlled situation to yield a result. 1. Honesty. Data should never be fabricated, falsified, or
• Observation – creates an opportunity to further monitor the misrepresented.
subject. 2. Objectivity. Biases should be avoided.
Writing and presenting reports 3. Integrity. Promises and agreements should be kept and all
• Providing jargons – Jargons are specific words used in a actions should be made with a sincere purpose.
particular setting. 4. Care. Careless errors and negligence should be avoided.
• Presenting graphic illustrations – diagrams, illustrations, 5. Openness. The researcher should be open to criticisms and
graphs and tables new ideas.
• Providing citations 6. Respect for intellectual property. Proper
Definition of Research acknowledgement should be given to all authors cited and
Over the years, many experts have given their own definitions of the sources used in your research.
word “research”. 7. Confidentiality. Confidential communications or documents
1. Research follows a step-by-step process of investigation should be protected.
that uses a standardized approach in answering questions 8. Responsible publication. The study should be done with
or solving problems (Polit & Beck, 2004). the purpose of advancing research and scholarship.
2. Research is an investigation following ordered steps Wasteful and duplicate publication should be avoided.
leading to a new discovery of new information or concepts 9. Responsible mentoring. The researcher should seek to
(Sanchez, 1999). educate, mentor, and advise students.
3. Research is a continuous undertaking of making known the 10. Respect for colleagues. All peers should be treated fairly.
unknown ( Sanchez, 2002). It entails an investigation of 11. Social responsibility. Social good should be promoted and
new facts leading to the discovery of new ideas, methods, or social harm should be avoided.
improvements. It is an attempt to widen one’s outlook in life. 12. Non-discrimination. All those eligible to participate in
It always proceeds from the known to the unknown. Thus, research should be allowed to do so.
the end of a research is to arrive at a new truth. 13. Competence. Competence and Expertise should be
maintained and improved with the research.
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14. Legality. A researcher should know and obey relevant laws • Avoid using words that serve no useful purposes.
and institutional & government policies. - methods, results, investigations, & study appear
15. 15. Human subject protection. Harms and risks to human redundant when used in the title.
lives should be minimized. Human dignity, privacy, and • The title must have 10-15 words.
autonomy should be among the primary considerations of The Hypothesis and Thesis Statement of the study
the research. A hypothesis is a tentative prediction about the relationship between
RIGHTS OF RESEARCH PARTICIPANTS two or more variables in a population under study (Polit, 2007).
1. Voluntary participation. Any person should not be coerced It translates a research question into a prediction of expected
to participate in any research undertaking. outcomes.
2. Informed consent. Prospective research participants must It is also considered an intelligent guess.
be fully informed about the procedures and risks. Their It is only after the experimentation that the researcher can finally
consent to participate must be secured. assess if his/her guess is correct or not.
3. Risk of harm. Participants should be protected from When the result of the research is the same as the hypothesis, then it
physical, financial, or psychological harm. is accepted.
4. Confidentiality. Participants must be assured that their When the result of the study is the exact opposite of the hypothesis,
identity and other personal information will not be made then it is rejected.
available to anyone. A thesis statement answers the question you previously asked to
5. Anonymity. Participants must remain anonymous narrow down your topic. It guides and serves as a central point of all
throughout the study. the ideas in your paper.
1. Because of non-participation in extra-curricular activities, Its Purpose is…
Trey, an honor student, ranked last in the honor roll. A • To introduce the research problem;
qualitative research about Trey is conducted without • To clarify important variables;
informing him. • To discuss its delimitations; and
2. Gabby, a graduating student, claimed the research work of • To specify its significance to the field of study.
his classmate. He erased the name of the original The following questions will aid the researcher in formulating the
researcher and placed his own. introduction:
3. A group of senior high school students secretly chose their 1. WHAT IS THE RATIONALE OF THE RESEARCH
teacher as the subject of their research. PROBLEM?
4. To maximize the participants in her study, Pauline, the class
valedictorian, forced her classmate to join her study.
This question is answered by sharing with the beneficiaries
the reasons why the researcher has decided to look for solutions to
the problem.
The setting forms part of the delimitation of the problem, as
it defines the geographic boundaries of the study it implies certain
demographic characteristics.
This describes to the reader the place where the research is
conducted since the setting has a significant bearing.
This part defines or clarifies the terms of variables used in
the study. The terms and variables must be clear to the researcher so
that the readers understand them as well.
This is derived from the general statement of the problem
When choosing a topic, a researcher should consider the
and should be the basis of the enumerated statements of specific
§ First, a research topic should be relevant and novel.
A relevant topic addresses a particular problem or issue.
The newness of a topic will inspire the researcher.
The researcher should be totally aware of the purpose of
§It should also be interesting, especially for the researchers.
the research problem. He/she must know how the research findings
Interest and natural curiosity in the topic will encourage greater
will help fellow classmates.
commitment to the research.
Statement of the Problem
§ Finally, a topic should be manageable.
The important elements in the statement of the general problem are:
It should be something you can undertake within your ability and within
1. Main tasks – they satisfy the question, “what to do” with the major
the time limit given to you.
It should not be too broad or too narrow, and must be achievable using
2. Participants: subjects or respondents
available financial, human, and material resources.
3. The specific setting
Research Title
4. Coverage date of the conduct of study
Generally, the title should…
The general problem is followed by an enumeration of the specific
• Summarize the main idea of the paper;
problems. The specific problems are usually stated as questions that
• Be a concise statement of the main topic;
the researcher seeks to answer.
• Include the major variable/s;
The specific problems must meet the following criteria:
• Show the relationship of the main variables of the study; and
• Must be in question form;
• Mention the participants.
• Must define the population and the sample (demographic
x Grade 5 pupils of Dr. Cristobal Elementary School
/ Grade 5 pupils or elementary pupils
• Must identify the variables being studied; and
• The general problem or even the specific question, when
• Must be empirically tested.
rewritten in a statement form, can serve as a title.
 What are the psychological effects of online games in
Non-researchable questions are questions of value. These are
the academic performance of grade 11 General
questions answerable by “yes” or “no”.
Academic Strand students?
 Psychological Effects of Online Games in the Academic
1. Should all mothers breastfeed their babies?
Performance of Grade 11 General Academic Strand
2. Should senior high school taking Accountancy be good in
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3. Are parents and other family members helping senior high The title page contains an informative title which
school students pass the needed requirements? describes the content of the paper, name of author/s and
Researchable questions are questions of opinion, or policy raised to addresses or affliations, and date when it is submitted.
gather data. The basic form of a research question involves the use of Abstract
question words such as who, what, where, when, why, and how. This gives a very brief overview (context, research questions
Researchable or Non-researchable or objectives, methodology, major findings, conclusions, and
1. Will the students from a broken family prove their worth in sometimes implications, with minimal number of citations, and
the community? statistical data) of the report in a condensed form. Its length ranges
2. What is the level of description of the study habits of senior from 100 to 250 words.
high school students in terms of review time, place of review Introduction
and techniques in studying? The purpose of your report. The thesis statement will be
3. How does study habits influence the achievement level of useful here. Background information may include a brief review of the
Grade 11 students in their major subjects? literature already. Its length usually ranges from three to five
4. Do all high school teachers have a Master’s degree? paragraphs.
5. Should master teachers be watchful over their new Guide questions
students? Literature Review
6. What are the effects of the traditional methods of teaching
on the level of performance of the ABM students? It contains the summary and synthesis of all available
7. What is the most effective food supplements to be given to sources directly related to the study.
increase the productivity of tilapia farming? Related concepts - concepts and theories are defined, explained, and
Scope and Limitation described to better understand the study. (10 years of recency)
The scope of the study is determined by the major variables of the Related studies - studies directly related to the paper. (5 years of
study while sub-variables serve as the limitation. recency)
It is also beneficial to mention the locale or setting of the research Theoretical/Conceptual Framework – theories or IPO (input, process
and when the data will be gathered. and output)
This study focused on the factors affecting student’s performance Statement of the Problem – specific research questions/problems
in Chemistry Laboratory in selected schools in Balanga City for Scope and Limitation – topic and limit/extent of the research
school year 2008-2009. Significance of the Study – importance and beneficiaries
The study involved the following schools in Balanga City: Literature Review
Tomas del Rosario College, Asia Pacific College of Advanced • RRL/RRS
Studies and Bataan Christian Schools. They served as the research • Theoretical/Conceptual Framework
locale of the investigation and were categorized as private institutions. • Statement of the Problem
Specifically, the factors referred to in this research were the • Scope and Limitation
student-related factors which pertain to the attitude of students in • Significance of the Study
Chemistry Laboratory. Teacher-related factors pertain to the teaching IN-TEXT CITATION
strategies, competencies, and teacher’s attitude in conducting
Chemistry Laboratory. Lastly, laboratory-related factors pertain to the According to Sipacio (2014), APA style is required for
adequacy, availability, and usability of laboratory equipment, laboratory business student majors.
manual, and facilities.
Significance of the Study APA style is required for business student majors (Sipacio,
The significance of the study identify the beneficiaries and the 2014).
benefits it will give when the problem is solved.
The beneficiaries include individuals like students, teachers, doctors, DIRECT QUOTATION
principals, parents, and others; the government; non-governmental
organizations; and even private institutions. Standler (2012), states that plagiarism can be “the
The sequence of the beneficiaries starts from the most benefited to the quotation of a sentence or two, without quotation marks and without a
least benefited. citation to the true author”
True or False
1. A researchable question answers the question “yes” or “no”. Orignal Passage
2. Beneficiaries are written from the most benefited to the least What is plagiarism? In minor cases, it can be the quotation of a
benefited. sentence or two, without quotation marks and without a citation (e.g.,
3. The scope includes the major variable/s. footnote) to the true author. In the most serious cases, a significant
4. The locale or setting of the study must be written in the fraction of the entire work was written by someone else but the
significance of the study. plagiarist removed the author(s), name(s), and substituted his/her
5. Who is an example of a researchable question. name, perhaps did some re-formatting of the text, then submitted the
6. A good research question should be ethical. work for credit in a class (e.g., term paper or essay), as part of the
7. Specific problems must be in question form. requirements for a degree (e.g., thesis or dissertation), or as part of a
8. The main task in a general problem statement answers the published article or book.
question “where” and “when”. Paraphrased
9. The coverage date of the study should not be written in the According to Standler (2012), plagiarism can occur
general statement of the problem. in small cases, which happens when small parts of a passage are used
10. It is important for a research question to address a certain without enclosing them in quotation marks and citing the author. It can
problem or issue. aslo occur in more grave situations. In these instances, big chunks of
Review of Literature the original text are used. There are changes in the format, but the
Some of the requirements needed: original author is not attributed to and the work is claimed as the
1. Topic (field specific) plagiarist's own and submitted to comply with academic requirements
2. Type of paper (thesis format) or as a part of a material for publication.
3. Number of sources required (Three related literature/related Methodology
study) Here you clearly outline what methodology you used in your
4. Type of sources (academic texts) research – what you did and how you did it. It must be clearly written
5. Documentation style (APA) so that it would be easy for another researcher to duplicate your
6. Deadlines research if they wished to.
7. Parts of a research paper (Chapter 1 and 2)  Context and Participants
Title of Report/Title Page  Instruments
Make sure this is clear and indicates exactly what  Research Design
you are researching.  Procedure
It is usually written in a 'passive' voice (e.g. the participants
were asked to fill in the questionnaire attached in Appendix 1)
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rather than an 'active' voice (e.g. I asked the participants to fill in  What samping method are you going to use?
the questionnaire attached in Appendix 1).  Where will you conduct your study?
The context and participants section explains the number and The instrument section (materials) presents the tools that you used
demographic profile of participants involved as well as the place in gathering the data. These may include a questionnaire, interview,
or the environment where the study was conducted. focus group discussion, tests, and among others.
 Who will be the persons involved in your study? All of the instruments used, as well as the method of validating them,
 What will be the size of your sample? should be described in detail.
What are the things you will be needing in conducting your study? The interpretation should end with a conclusion based on the
Why did you choose this instrument? given information.
The data gathering (procedure) section presents the details on how The flow of the results section should follow the flow of the
the data were collected. research questions/problems/objectives. It is expected that for each
 How will you conduct your study? research problem or objective, corresponding results are presented.
 How are you going to select your participants? (Sampling Discussion
This is where you discuss the relevance of your results and
 How will you create your materials?
how your findings fit with other research in the area. It will relate back
 List down your procedure in a systematic way (step by step
process). From day 1 until the end of your data gathering. to your literature review and your introductory thesis statement.
The data analysis (research design) section presents how the data In this section, you need to restate your research problems
were analyzed, whether it be qualitatively (coding scheme) or or objectives in the first paragraph as well as the major findings.
quantitatively (statistical tools). Conclusion
Results It contains the restatement of major findings, limitations of
This is where you factually indicate what you found in your the study, recommendations, and implications.
research. You give the results of your research, but do not interpret Recommendations
them. This includes suggestions for what needs to be done as a
It usually contains tables and graphs that summarize the result of your findings. Recommendations are usually listed in order of
collected data. Along with the tables and graphs are their respective priority.
interpretations. References
When interpreting the graphs and tables, remember the following: This contains the different sources used in the study. These
1. Your first sentence should contain the figure or table number and the may be academic books, journals, and other online sources.
title. Use APA (American Psychological Association) style
2. The succeeding sentences should focus on the most important throughout the report.
information in the graph or table. Appendices
3. The trends or the gaps that you notice may be included in the body These should add extra information to the report. If you
of interpretation. include appendices they must be referred to in the body of the report
and must have a clear purpose for being included. Each appendix
must be named and numbered.

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