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Craven Edge

Craven Edge is a sentient, thick, onyx, two-

handed greatsword. Imbued with dark arcane
power, This beautifully crafted onyx blade houses
an intelligent, ever hungry entity connected with
its dark power Craven Edge drains strength from
the foes it strikes, absorbing their blood into its
blade. It may even consume the soul of its
+2 bonus to attack and damage rolls
Dark Aura: Advantage on Charisma
(Intimidation) checks Not sure how to handle
this. Maybe a fear effect.
Devour the Weak: Whenever Craven Edge
damages a living creature, that creature must roll
a Saving Throw vs Death. On a failed save,
Craven Edge drains one point from the creature's
Strength score and transfers it to the wielder
(increasing to a maximum of 25 Strength) until
the next short rest or long rest. Creatures brought
to 0 Strength by this feature are slain.]
When your Strength score is increased to 25,
attacks deal additional 2d6 necrotic damage
Gluttonous Evolution: If Craven Edge devours
enough strength from Devour the Weak to bring
the wielder to 25 Strength, then the blade shifts
form into a larger, jagged blade that seeps
shadow. Until the wielder's next short rest or long rest, all attacks with this sword deal an
additional 2d6 necrotic damage. After the short rest, the attuned creature must make a Saving
Throw vs Death at -1 or have the now-hungry weapon, energy spent, devour the wielder's soul,
causing instant death. I would say more than 1 Turn not in active combat or hot pursuit would
reset Strength. May have to wing Strength scores for monsters. A Restoration is required to
restore the soul.

Secret Features
Sentience: Craven Edge is a sentient, chaotic evil weapon with an intelligence of 16, a wisdom of
12, and a charisma of 18. It has hearing and darkvision out to a range of 60 ft. This weapon can
understand abyssal & common, and can communicate with anyone who's wielded it
telepathically. While you are attuned to it, Craven Edge also understands every language you
know. I would say Intelligence of 16 Ego of 18 for a Personality of 34.
Personality: Craven Edge is cold, vicious, and seeks violence at any opportunity. It wishes to be
used by merciless creatures who will feed it when ordered to.
Sword of Kas
+3 bonus to attack and damage rolls. Can transfer some or
all of the bonus to AC until start of next turn.
Scores a critical hit on a roll of 19 to 20
Deals extra 2d10 slashing damage to undead.
Add d10 to initiative rolls
Spells (1/Day each, Saves at -3)
Call Lightning
Holy Word
Finger of Death
Scores a critical hit on a 19 or 20.
Deals an extra 2d10 slashing damage to undead.
If the Sword of Kas isn't bathed in blood within 10 rounds
of being drawn from its scabbard, its wielder must make a
Saving Throw vs Spells. On a success, they suffer 3d6
psychic damage. On a failure, they are dominated by the
sword (as if by dominate monster) and the sword demands
that it be fed blood. The effect ends when the sword is fed
Absorbs blood.
Random Properties
Minor Beneficial Property: Wielder gains proficiency in
one skill while attuned.
Major Beneficial Property: Wielder's Constitution score
increases by 2 while attuned, to a maximum of 24.
Minor Detrimental Property: Wielder becomes gaunt, their
skin turns pale, and their eyes turn a faint red.
Major Detrimental Property: On attuning, wielder takes (8d10) psychic damage
Spirit of Kas
While the sword is on wielder, they add a d10 to initiative at the start of every combat. Roll once
at the beginning of combat.
The wielder can transfer some or all of the sword's attack bonus to their AC when they use an
action to attack. This lasts until the beginning of their next turn.
Spells: While the sword is on wielder, they can use an action to cast Call Lightning, Finger of
Death, or Holy Word from it once per day. Each spell recharges at dawn.

 Landstalker Swords

They are all longswords and do 1d8+1 points of damage (sometimes this is doubled or tripled). They are
considered +2 to + 5 swords in respect to what they can hit, increasing by +1 each time. The swords get
rarer (in terms of likelehood of discovery) as you go down the list, from relatively common to almost
unique. While in someones hand the sword charges, but the moment that it leaves a persons hand or is
passed to another being it becomes completely uncharged, and must begin to recharge all over again.
To activate the sword, a command word inscribed onto the gem on their hilts must be spoken (or
screamed if you prefer) at the same time that the wielder strikes his opponent. The recharging times can
be reduced by certain Stalker rings.

Stalker Fire Sword

When charged, this sword delivers double damage (bonuses for exceptional strength etc are
NOT doubled), and will burn the opponent (or item etc) as well, doing additional fire damage of
1d4 if they fail a saving throw against spells. If the victim has any combustible material on
him/her then if this saving throw fails they catch on fire, and will take 1d2 points of damage per
round until they spend one round putting out the flames.

Stalker Thunder Sword

When fully charged this sword strikes for triple damage (bonuses for exceptional strength etc
are NOT tripled), and will also deliver an electric shock This will do an additional damage of 1d4
per round if they fail a saving throw against spells. As above, if the victim has any combustible
material on him/her then if the saving throw fails they must make another or catch on fire, and
will take 1d2 points of damage per round until they spend one round putting out the flames.

Stalker Ice Sword

When charged, this sword strikes for normal damage but also fires a small tornado of ice 2'
square by 4' high which will automatically hit the person struck, doing and extra 1d8+1 damage,
plus 1d4 if they fail a  saving throw against spells. If this saving throw fails then they are also
slowed for three rounds, as per the spell. If the victim is killed or slowed then the tornado will
keep going, until it has not killed or slowed an opponent. The maximum range of this is 50', and
it always moves in a straight line from the point it was 'cast'. Each enemy has the chance to
completely dodge the whirlwind by making a saving throw. This applies to everyone if the
sword-bearer wishes to 'shoot' at opponents, and no hit roll is needed, although the opponents
don't also get "struck" by the sword.

Stalker Gaia Sword

When charged, this sword strikes for normal damage but also hits all those within 50' of the
sword-bearer with medium sized rocks, doing an additional 2d8 points of damage, unless they
make a saving throw vs petrification. These rocks can hit anyone that the owner wishes within
50', and it will not hit friends or hidden enemies. The rocks vanish immediately after impact and
so cannot be used afterwards for any reason, eg to be thrown. If used underground then
damage increases by 1d8, and the bearer must make a saving throw vs spells or each his friends
may be hit, each one having to make their own saving throw vs petrification. Used in this way,
opponents get a -2 penalty to saving throws, and allies get a +2 bonus (the wielder tries to guide
the rocks away from them mentally). This makes the sword a risk to use indoors but it is
definitely a highly powerful weapon.

NOTE: All these swords take 12 rounds to charge up.

Karong’s Hammer  of Slime
This war hammer has a spike behind the head allowing the wielder to choose between piercing or
bludgeoning damage.
The hammer while appearing corroded almost to the point of collapse is actually nearly
indestructible making all saving throws on a 2. The hammer is +3 to hit and damage in normal
form. Three times per day the wielder may cause the head of the hammer to change from rusty
steel to a type of Slime/Ooze/Pudding/Jelly (See table below) for a number of rounds equal to the
level of the wielder. While in Slime form the hammer does damage as the type of Slime, this
includes any special damage/attack. In addition three times per day the wielder forgo a melee
attack and thrust the hammer forcefully forward causing a cone of Slime to blast forward from
the face of the hammer reaching 50 feet out and a 20 foot radius at the end of the cone. The
Slime blast must be of the same type of slime the hammer is if the hammer is in slime form. The
hammer does not have to be in Slime form to use the Slime blast, and using the Slime blast does
not use one of the uses of Slime form. The change to or between Slime forms is an instantaneous
act of will that can be done once per round. While the hammer is in Slime form the wielder is
immune to the effects of the type of slime the hammer is in the form of. The hammer can only
take on the form of a specific type of Slime one time per day.
The wielder must slay at least one type of Slime using the hammer per week or the hammer loses
all it’s special abilities except the +3. If this occurs the wielder must slay one of each specific
Slime in order to regain the use of its specific abilities. Should the wielder encounter a new type
of Slime and kill it using the hammer the hammer will gain the ability to both Slime blast and
take the form of that  type of slime.
Name Damage per Attack Special Attacks
Black Pudding 3-24 Eat away about a 2” thickness
of wood  in 1 melee round.
Chainmail in 1 melee round,
plate mail in 2, and an
additional melee round for
magical armor at a rate of 1
melee round for each plus of
Gelatinous Cube 2-8 Save vs Paralyzation or the
creature touched is
anesthetized for 5-20 melee
Grey Ooze 2-16 See above
Green Slime Save vs Poison or be turned Eats metals quickly, going
to Green Slime in 1-4 rounds through plate armor in 3
melee rounds.
Ochre Jelly 3-12 Nil
Crystal Ooze 4-16 Save vs Paralyzation or the
creature touched is paralyzed
for 5-20 melee rounds
Mustard Jelly 5-20 All within a 10-foot radius, must
Save vs Poison or be Slowed
Toxic effects last 2 rounds and
are cumulative.
Brown Pudding 5-20 Destroy leather or wood in a
single round, regardless of any
magical pluses.
Dun Pudding 4-24 Dissolve leather as does a brown
pudding. Metals are eaten at a
rate equal to half that of a black
White Pudding 7-28 Dissolve animal or vegetable
materials in a single round

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