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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Magallanes, Sorsogon

Quarter 2|Week 1


Name of Student: _______________________________________________

Grade & Section: _______________________________________________
Date : _______________________________________________

Attraction, Love, and Commitment-

Building Personal Relationships
How does knowing more about attraction, love, and commitment
help you become more responsible in a relationship?

I. Introductory Concept
At the mid and latter phases of adolescence, sexual identity, attraction, liking,
loving, having passionate feelings for someone, and entering in an exclusive relationship
are most likely becoming prominent concerns for adolescents. A major challenge at this
point is to balance giving love and support, and receiving them in return with the principal
goal of developing a healthy relationship that will help you and the other grow.
Learn more about attraction, love and commitment as you study the topic about
building personal relationships.

II. Learning Skills from the MELCs

At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:
 discuss an understanding of teenage relationships, including the acceptable
and unacceptable expressions of attractions – EsP_PD11/12PR-lla-9.1
 express his/her ways of showing attraction, love, and commitment -
 identify ways to become responsible in a relationship - EsP_PD11/12PR-llb-9.3

III. Activities

Let Us Review
What are the several ways to improve your emotional intelligence or EQ?

Let Us Study
Good relationships are fun and make you feel good about yourself. The
relationships that you make in your youth years will be a special part of your life
and will teach you some of the most important lessons about who you are. Truly
good relationships take time and energy to develop. All relationships should be
based on respect and honesty, and this is especially important when you decide to
date someone.

Page 1
In a healthy relationship, both partners:
 Are treated with kindness and respect
 Are honest with each other
 Like to spend time together
 Take an interest in things that are important to each other
 Respect one another’s emotional, physical and sexual limits
 Can speak honestly about their feelings


The decision of whether or not to have sex is up to you, and you alone.
Therefore don’t be afraid to say "no" if that’s how you feel.

Having sex for the first time can be a huge emotional event. There are many
questions and feelings that you may want to sort out before you actually get "in the
heat of the moment." Ask yourself:
 Am I really ready to have sex?
 How am I going to feel after I have sex?
 Am I doing this for the right reasons?
 How do I plan to protect myself/my partner from sexually transmitted
infections or pregnancy?
 How am I going to feel about my partner afterwards?

The best way to prepare for the decision to have sex is to become
comfortable with communicating about your needs. If you don’t feel right about
something, say so! Anyone who challenges your choices about whether or not to
have sex is not giving you the respect that you deserve. Pay attention to your
feelings, and don’t let anyone make you feel guilty for making decisions that are
right for you.

There are countless nonsexual ways to show someone you love them. You
can show a person you care for them by spending time with them. Go to the
movies. Or just hang out and talk. If you are with someone you really like, then
anything can be fun.

There are also ways to feel physically close without having sex. These
include everything from kissing and hugging to touching each other. Just
remember that if you're not careful, these activities can lead to sex. Plan
beforehand just how far you want to go, and stick to your limits. It can be difficult
to say "No" and mean it when things get hot and heavy.

How to avoid peer or date pressure

Knowing how you feel about yourself is the first big step in handling peer
pressure. It's OK to want to enjoy your teen years and all the fun times that can be
had. It's OK to respect yourself enough to say, "No, I'm not ready to have sex."

If you're worried about being pressured or you are currently experiencing it,
know that you are not alone and there is something you can do about it.
 Hanging out with friends who also believe that it's OK to not be ready for sex
 Go out with a group of friends rather than only your date.
 Introduce your friends to your parents.
 Invite your friends to your home.
 Stick up for your friends if they are being pressured to have sex.
 Think of what you would say in advance in case someone tries to pressure
 Always carry money for a telephone call or cab in case you feel uncomfortable.
 Be ready to call your mom, dad or a friend to pick you up if you need to leave
a date.

Page 2
 Never feel obligated to "pay someone back" with sex in return for a date or gift.
 Say "no" and mean "no" if that's how you feel.
• The right to emotional support
• The right to be heard by the other and to respond
• The right to have your own point of view, even if this differs from your
• The right to have your feelings and experiences acknowledged as real
• The right to live free from accusation and blame
• The right to live free from criticism and judgment
• The right to live free from emotional and physical threat
• The right to live free from angry outbursts and rage
• The right to be respectfully asked, rather than ordered

In addition to these basic relationship rights, consider how you can develop
patience, honesty, kindness, and respect.

Patience: Patience is essential to a healthy relationship. There are times when

others will respond to us in a way that is disappointing. When this occurs, it
important to communicate our disappointment, but also to give the other person
space. Be willing to give the person some time to reflect, indicating that you are
ready to talk when they are ready. If the person is never ready to discuss the
situation, you may need professional help to resolve the issue, or ask yourself
whether or not you want to continue the relationship.

Honesty: Honesty is another essential quality in healthy relationships. To build

honesty in a relationship, you should communicate your feelings openly, and
expect the other person to do the same. Over time, this builds trust.

Kindness: Kindness is extremely important to maintaining healthy relationships.

You need to be considerate of others' feelings and other people need to be
considerate of yours. Be kind when you communicate. Kindness will nurture your
relationships. Note that being kind does not necessarily mean being nice.

Respect: Respect is a cornerstone of all healthy relationships. If you don't have

respect for another person, it will have a negative impact on all of your interactions.
Think of a time when you encountered someone who didn't respect you. How did it
feel? What are some ways that you show respect to others?

DIRECTION: Please write your answer for the following activities on one whole
sheet of paper. Do not forget to write your name, grade level, section, subject
and the Learning Activity Sheet Number.

Let Us Practice
Answer the following questions:
1. How do you understand “teen-age relationship”?
2. For you, what are the acceptable and unacceptable expressions of
attractions of teenagers in these modern days? Give at least one then

Acceptable teen-age expression of attraction

Page 3

Unacceptable teen-age expression of attraction

1. When I am attracted to someone, I

2. I show my love with someone by


3. When I am into a relationship, I commit myself not to


Let Us Remember
How can we create healthy relationship?
Healthy relationships are enjoyable, respectful and provide opportunities for
many positive experiences that affect self-esteem. Teenagers can develop
healthy relationships with anyone, including family, friends, and special someone.
It takes time, energy, and care to develop positive and healthy relationships.
Relationships made during the teenage years can become very special may form an
important part of life.
All healthy relationships between two partners are characterized by
communication, respect, sharing, and trust. They are based on the belief that both
partners are equal and that decision making is shared equally.
Source: MyLaurier Student Portal. “Healthy Relationships. “Student Health and
Development. 2007.

Let Us Practice More

What are your principles or ideologies in life that make you responsible in a

A. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Please answer the following.
1. What should you consider when making decisions around sex and sexual
a. Your values
b. Your friends
c. Your family
d. All of the above
2. What is the best style of communication to use when making decisions
about sexual limits and boundaries?
a. Assertive
b. Passive
c. Aggressive
d. Submissive
3. Which of the following is NOT an element of a healthy relationship?
a. Trust one another
b. One person makes all the decision
c. Respect one another

Page 4
d. Open and honest communication
4. What skills do you need to make healthy decisions in a relationship?
a. Intelligence, memory, ability to do public speaking
b. Assertive communication, active listening, and negotiation skills
c. Ability to persuade other’s love
d. Passive communication
5. Which of the following are signs that you may be in an abusive
a. Bruises, scratches and other signs of injuries
b. Avoiding friends
c. Apologizing for your partner’s behavior
d. All of the above

Name five (5) resources you can turn to if you are worried about abuse in your

IV. Rubric for Scoring

Let Us Practice and Let Us Practice More
Content The concepts are appropriate to what is required by 2
the activity.
Presentation The idea was clearly presented based on the words 2
Organization The concepts are creatively conveyed. 1

V. Answer Key
Let Us Review
Possible answers: Being aware of your emotions, understanding how others feel and
why, managing emotional reactions, choosing your mood, and the like.

Let us Practice
(Answers may vary)

Let Us Practice More

(Answers may vary)

1. D
2. A
3. B
4. B
5. D
B. Possible Answers: God, Family, Friends, Teachers, Guidance Counselors, Parents

VI. References
Personal Development (Reader) p. 69-76

Prepared by:


Magallanes National Vocational High School

Page 5
Assessed by:

Head Teacher III

Page 6

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