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Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed: first published as 10.1136/adc.2007.118117 on 19 October 2007. Downloaded from on April 7, 2022 by Carlos Aldana Valenzuela.
Staging of PDAs The echocardiographically
.......................................................................................... significant duct
The current definition of an HSDA is

Towards rational management of the problematic as it is almost entirely based

on size. A transductal diameter of

patent ductus arteriosus: the need for

.1.5 mm has been proposed as signifi-
cant on the basis that at this cut-off end-
organ hypoperfusion occurs.13–15 However,
disease staging this definition is somewhat limited in
that it does not take into account factors
Patrick J McNamara, Arvind Sehgal such as patient size or maturation, which
may account for variability in the clinical
...................................................................................... presentation. For example, the clinical
impact of a PDA measuring 3.0 mm in an
Perspective on the review by Bose and Laughon (see page 498) asymptomatic 32-week infant differs
markedly from a ductus of comparable

atent ductus arteriosus (PDA) is agents have not led to any detectable size on day 2 of life in a 24-week infant
common problem, with rates of 40– reduction in neonatal morbidities that with respiratory failure and haemody-
55% in babies born less than may be related to ongoing ductal patency. namic instability. The lack of a standar-
29 weeks’ gestation,1 2 yet decisions They propose the need for further trials dised approach in assigning
related to management remain highly of treatment to assess risks versus bene- echocardiographic significance is a major
controversial. Despite numerous studies ficial effects and suggest the need for a barrier towards better understanding the
on the topic there remains uncertainty more restrained approach to manage- clinical impact of the ductus arteriosus.
with respect to diagnosis, assignment of ment. Although we are in agreement that The magnitude of the transductal
clinical importance, whether treatment is refinement of target populations requiring shunt relates not only to transductal
indicated and if so the preferred treat- intervention is needed, it is unlikely and diameter, but it is influenced by pulmon-
ment modality. The most fundamental potentially dangerous to consider the ary and systemic vascular resistance, and
question remains unanswered: does a solution to treatment decisions through the compensatory ability of the immature
PDA cause acute physiological or clinical an ‘‘all or none’’ framework. The tradi- myocardium. There is thus an urgent

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change that either acutely or chronically tional definition of a PDA, which forms need to develop a comprehensive protocol
leads to organ damage, which further the basis of clinical trials conducted to to assess the impact of an HSDA on
leads to important neonatal morbidities? date, does not take into account physio- myocardial performance, systemic (eg,
Put simply is the PDA an ‘‘innocent logical variability or the magnitude of the superior vena caval flow) and/or end-
bystander’’ or is it pathological to the clinical effects resulting from the ductal organ perfusion, as well as cardiac
extent that early detection and interven- shunt. Rather, the ‘‘pathological’’ PDA volume overload (eg, ratio of left atrium
tion is warranted to prevent neonatal probably represents a continuum of clin- to aortic root size). The latter is subject to
morbidity? ical effects that lead to neonatal morbid- considerable operator variability, how-
It is physiologically plausible that a ities of varying importance. Here we ever, serial measurements may prove to
major systemic to pulmonary (left-to- examine the physiological and clinical be more useful.16 Transductal dimensions
right) shunt can lead to considerable consequences of transductal shunting, that are indexed to patient size or
postnatal morbidities in extremely low highlight the challenges of current maturation need to be prospectively
birthweight (ELBW) infants, either from approaches to management and propose evaluated. To date, there has been little
pulmonary overcirculation (eg, chronic a more rational approach to treatment. consideration for the magnitude of the
lung disease (CLD)) and/or systemic ductal shunt in clinical trials assessing
hypoperfusion (eg, necrotising enteroco- THE CHALLENGE OF DEFINING A the efficacy of therapeutic intervention on
litis (NEC), acute renal impairment).3 The neonatal morbidities.
lack of evidence supporting causality,4 5 ARTERIOSUS’’
failure of medical treatment in some Although some may consider this to be The clinically significant duct
cases1 and the inherent risks of medical6 7 semantics, the difference between a PDA In an attempt to design trials that are
or surgical treatment options8 has led and a haemodynamically significant duc- simple and pragmatic illness severity
some investigators to question whether tus arteriosus (HSDA) has not been related to the PDA is not taken into
intervention is necessary. In contrast, emphasised clearly enough in the litera- account and stratification has not been
studies of prophylactic indometacin show ture, so the two terms have been used performed. This over-simplification may
reduced rates of PDA ligation, early major synonymously. It must be remembered lead to erroneous conclusions, particu-
pulmonary haemorrhage and serious that ‘‘patent ductus’’ does not necessarily larly if no benefit is found. It is possible
(grades III–IV) intracranial haemor- imply there are physiological effects that there may be infants with severe
rhage.9 10 This strategy does, however, leading to haemodynamic instability or ‘‘ductal disease’’ in whom treatment will
expose 40% of babies, in whom sponta- indeed any clinical problem. The PDA lead to major clinical benefits that out-
neous PDA closure would have occurred, may represent normal physiological adap- weigh the potential risks of treatment. On
to any adverse effects of treatment. tation, where it has an important role in the contrary there may be infants with
The medical community is becoming supporting pulmonary blood flow in the mild ductal disease in whom the risks of
increasingly divided on the question of transitioning lung.12 The decision to inter- intervention outweigh any perceived ben-
treatment of the PDA. Laughon and Bose vene should be based on the echocardio- efit of ductal closure.
highlight some important gaps in our graphic documentation of an important In response to a threefold increase in
knowledge with respect to therapeutic left-to-right transductal shunt, with mea- referral rates for PDA ligation in our
intervention.11 They emphasise that recent surable haemodynamic effects, leading to region (Central Eastern Ontario,
trials of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory clinical instability. Canada), a system of PDA categorisation

Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed: first published as 10.1136/adc.2007.118117 on 19 October 2007. Downloaded from on April 7, 2022 by Carlos Aldana Valenzuela.
Table 1 Proposed staging system (adapted from McNamara and Hellman, unpublished clinical triaging system for ligation of a
patent ductus arteriosus (PDA)) for determining the magnitude of the haemodynamically significant ductus arteriosus (HSDA), which
is based on clinical and echocardiographic criteria
Clinical Echocardiography

C1 Asymptomatic E1 No evidence of ductal flow on two-dimensional or Doppler interrogation

C2 Mild E2 Small non-significant ductus arteriosus
Oxygenation difficulty (OI ,6) Transductal diameter ,1.5 mm
Occasional (,6) episodes of oxygen desaturation, Restrictive continuous transductal flow (DA Vmax .2.0 m/s)
bradycardia or apnoea No signs of left heart volume loading (eg, mitral regurgitant jet .2.0 m/s
Need for respiratory support (nCPAP) or mechanical or LA:Ao ratio .1.5:1)
ventilation (MAP ,8) No signs of left heart pressure loading (eg, E/A ratio .1.0 or IVRT .50)
Feeding intolerance (.20% gastric aspirates) Normal end-organ (eg, superior mesenteric, middle cerebral) arterial
Radiologic evidence of increased pulmonary vascularity diastolic flow
C3 Moderate E3 Moderate HSDA
Oxygenation difficulty (OI 7–14) Transductal diameter 1.5–3.0 mm
Frequent (hourly) episodes of oxygen desaturation, Unrestrictive pulsatile transductal flow (DA Vmax,2.0 m/s)
bradycardia or apnoea Mild-moderate left heart volume loading (eg, LA:Ao ratio 1.5 to 2:1)
Increasing ventilation requirements (MAP 9–12) Mild-moderate left heart pressure loading (eg, E/A ratio .1.0 or
Inability to feed due to marked abdominal distension IVRT 50–60)
or emesis Decreased or absent diastolic flow in superior mesenteric artery,
Oliguria with mild elevation in plasma creatinine Middle cerebral artery or renal artery
Systemic hypotension (low mean or diastolic BP) requiring
a single cardiotropic agent
Radiological evidence of cardiomegaly or pulmonary
Mild metabolic acidosis (pH 7.1–7.25 and/or
base deficit 27 to 212.0)
C4 Severe E4 Large HSDA
Oxygenation difficulty (OI .15) Transductal diameter .3.0 mm
High ventilation requirements (MAP .12) or need for Unrestrictive pulsatile transductal flow
high-frequency modes of ventilation Severe left heart volume loading (eg, LA:Ao ratio .2:1, mitral regurgitant
Profound or recurrent pulmonary haemorrhage jet .2.0 m/s)
‘‘NEC-like’’ abdominal distension with tenderness Severe left heart pressure loading (eg, E/A ratio .1.5 or IVRT .60)
or erythema Reversal of end-diastolic flow in superior mesenteric artery, middle

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Acute renal failure cerebral artery or renal artery
Haemodynamic instability requiring .1 cardiotropic agent
Moderate-severe metabolic acidosis (pH,7.1) or
base deficit .212.0

BP, blood pressure; DA Vmax, ductus arteriosus peak velocity; E/A, early passive to late atrial contractile phase of transmitral filling ratio; IVRT, isovolumic relaxation
time; LA: Ao ratio, left atrium to aortic ratio; MAP, mean airway pressure; nCPAP, nasal continuous positive airway pressure; NEC, necrotising enterocolitis; OI,
oxygenation index.
Patients should be assigned both a clinical and echocardiography stage (eg, neonate with severe oxygenation failure, pulmonary haemorrhage and a 3.2 mm
unrestrictive left-to-right shunt will be C4-E4 class HSDA).
Detailed discussion of the echocardiography parameters is beyond the scope of this perspective.

was developed to facilitate triaging and IMPACT OF TREATMENT OF AN the primary outcome studied. The failure
case prioritisation. The classification was HSDA ON NEONATAL MORBIDITY of treatment for an HSDA to decrease the
based predominantly on illness severity Although an HSDA has been linked to rate of CLD in ELBW infants is widely
and the magnitude of cardiovascular, important neonatal morbidities such as proposed as one argument against inter-
respiratory and gastrointestinal problems. CLD and NEC,18–20 there remains little vention. This lack of clinical impact in
The implementation of the system led to evidence that treatment improves either human neonates is not surprising for two
an improvement in access and more short-term or long-term outcomes. A main reasons. First, the definition of CLD
timely intervention for the sickest infant. recent study in premature baboons does not take into account the hetero-
The impact of this system on clinical showed altered pulmonary mechanics geneity of the disease state or illness
practice and neonatal outcomes will be and arrested alveolarisation after 14 days severity; neonates on low-flow oxygen are
published in due course. of exposure to a moderate-sized ductus21; categorised the same as those requiring
We therefore propose a ‘‘PDA staging’’ Pharmacological intervention led to high-frequency ventilation or inhaled
system that recognises the heterogeneity improvement in lung mechanics and nitric oxide, which may lead to diluting
in clinical and echocardiography signifi- increased alveolarisation. Why therefore of any real benefit. Second, the pathogen-
cance, similar in outline to the classifica- have the benefits of ductal closure seen in esis of CLD is multifactorial which makes
tions used in NEC or hypoxic-ischaemic animal models not been translated into it highly improbable that any one treat-
encephalopathy (table 1). This classifica- improved outcomes for human neonates? ment will prove to be the ‘‘magic bullet’’.
tion recognises that HSDA is a clinical The current approaches to treatment The lack of benefit of inhaled nitric
continuum in which the spectrum of include non-steroidal anti-inflammatory oxide22 and high-frequency ventilation23
disease ranges from mild to severe, agents and surgical ligation. The lack of a in reducing rates of CLD bears this out.
depending on the magnitude of the ductal perceived benefit may relate to the lack of Likewise the pathogenesis of NEC is
shunt. The merits of a staging system for consideration of the spectrum of ductal multifactorial. A single randomised trial
illness severity is again well illustrated in disease as outlined above, the marked of early surgical ligation did show a
the trial of selective head cooling, in variability in therapeutic strategies for reduction in the rate of NEC,24 however,
which clinical benefit was shown in medical intervention or operator-depen- most studies fail to show an appreciable
neonates with moderate but not severe dent factors for surgical ligation. It may benefit of treatment. Clyman has shown
hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy.17 also relate to the multifactorial nature of that early medical intervention with

Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed: first published as 10.1136/adc.2007.118117 on 19 October 2007. Downloaded from on April 7, 2022 by Carlos Aldana Valenzuela.
indometacin (day 1–3) is preferable to suboptimal coronary blood flow and myo- reflective of the nature of the primary
late (day 7–12) as the risk of NEC or cardial perfusion. The question of whether problem—for example, hypotension,
pulmonary morbidity and need for liga- early therapeutic intervention to minimise duration of ventilation. The phenomenon
tion is markedly reduced.9 Clinical trials pulmonary overcirculation or end-organ of the ‘‘HSDA’’ is a continuum from
which consider the heterogeneity of hypoperfusion impacts on neonatal mor- physiological normality to a pathological
ductal disease are needed. bidity remains unanswered. disease state with clinical instability and
varying effects on bodily organs.
IMPACT OF TREATMENT OF AN DOES TREATMENT FOR AN HSDA Although the overall desire is to improve
HSDA ON ACUTE NEONATAL CAUSE HARM? long-term outcomes, the starting point
PHYSIOLOGY The trials conducted to date, although not should be to provide excellence in inten-
The effects of the HSDA on acute physio- designed to assess harm, do provide some sive care, focused cardiorespiratory mon-
logical change and short-term clinical out- useful information on adverse effects of itoring and early targeted intervention.
comes are also variable. These effects of the non-steroidal treatment. Transient altera- With this backdrop, we propose an
HSDA are usually related to altered pul- tions in cerebral perfusion6 during indome- individualistic and rational approach in
monary (Qp) to systemic (Qs) blood flow, tacin administration have been shown, but which information obtained from echo-
leading to pulmonary overcirculation and prophylactic treatment is more likely to cardiographic assessment is analysed in
systemic hypoperfusion. Although decrease the incidence of periventricular conjunction with clinical parameters to
improved lung function, coinciding with leucomalacia10 and led to improved long- make more focused clinical decisions.
ductal closure, has been shown with both term outcome at 4.5 and 8 years.33 In
indometacin treatment and surgical liga- addition, any renal impairment during ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
tion,25 26 others have found no difference in medical treatment is entirely reversible.7 We would like to thank Dr Jonathan Hellmann
for his careful review of the manuscript and
compliance in neonates with respiratory These studies do not provide any plausible
helpful comment.
distress syndrome.27 Oftentimes, the pri- rationale for complete avoidance of medical
mary presenting problem of the HSDA may intervention. The adverse effects of PDA Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed
be early systolic and diastolic hypoten- ligation are well recognised and include
doi: 10.1136/adc.2007.118117
sion.28 Inadvertently these babies are com- both reversible complications, such as
monly treated with cardiotropic agents, pneumothorax, infection or haemorrhage, .......................
such as dopamine or dobutamine, in an and irreversible complications, including Authors’ affiliations
attempt to increase the blood pressure.29 chylothorax and vocal cord paralysis,34 Patrick J McNamara, Arvind Sehgal, The

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These agents may be of benefit if there is which may lead to major patient morbidity Hospital for Sick Children Research Institute,
coexisting myocardial dysfunction, how- and even mortality. Not uncommonly the Division of Neonatology, University of Toronto,
ever, they may also promote left-to-right postoperative course is characterised by a Toronto, Canada
ductal shunting by increasing systemic post-ligation cardiac syndrome consisting
vascular resistance. of oxygenation failure due to pulmonary Correspondence to: Patrick J McNamara, The
Refinement of intensive care practice oedema, systolic hypotension and the need Hospital for Sick Children, 555 University
requires a combination of careful clinical for cardiotropic support, which typically Avenue, Toronto M5G 1X8, Canada; patrick.
monitoring and early focused echocardio- occur 8–12 hours after the procedure.35
graphic assessment. The presence of Previously we have shown that surgical Competing interests: The authors wish to declare
absence or reversal of diastolic flow in the intervention was associated with myocar- that extramural funding, directed towards patient
renal, superior mesenteric and middle dial dysfunction secondary to increased left care or the writing of this manuscript, was not
cerebral arteries, due to the ‘‘ductal steal’’ ventricular afterload coinciding with the provided by any company or granting agency.
Support was provided solely from institutional
phenomenon, is well documented.30 31 The clinical deterioration. Kabra et al have
and/or departmental sources.
relationship between end-organ hypoper- recently highlighted an association
fusion and neonatal morbidity, however, is between PDA ligation and an increased
less clearly defined. Large ducts themselves risk of bronchopulmonary dysplasia, severe REFERENCES
have been shown to be associated with all retinopathy of prematurity and neurosen- 1 Trus T, Winthrop AL, Pipe S, et al. Optimal
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pathologic? Should it be treated? Curr Opin Pediatr
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Interventional parenting programmes further contributes to the literature on
.......................................................................................... interventional parenting programmes. It
is important for two reasons: its demon-

A good idea that doesn’t work: the stration that this particular intervention
programme was ineffective, and the

Parent Baby Interaction Programme

rigour of the methodology with which
that finding was demonstrated. The
authors discuss the possible reasons for
Martin P Ward Platt the ineffectiveness of the PBIP, and I will
not repeat them here. But is worth
emphasising just how similar the mea-
Perspective on the paper by Glazebrook et al (see page 438) sured outcomes were in the subjects and
controls, given that the study was
strongly powered to detect clinically

t is impossible to work with parents randomised controlled trials. This in turn
and children for any length of time has allowed for two related Cochrane relevant group differences. This demon-
without coming across situations reviews, one in 20031 on child outcomes, stration of complete ineffectiveness
where mothers, fathers, or both seem to and one in 20042 for maternal outcomes. undermines the suggestion that more
need help with parenting. It has long For children, such programmes seem to intervention would have thrown up an
been known that there are associations lead to improvements in attachment and appreciable advantage for the index
between the quality of parenting and behaviour; and for mothers, indices of babies over the controls, and strongly
children’s outcomes. Additional difficulties mental health, such as depression, show suggests that PBIP simply does not work.
with establishing appropriate parenting improvements. These effects seem to be Finding that things do not work is good
styles are imposed on families as a result mediated by increased maternal sensitivity for healthcare because it prevents the
of their baby needing intensive care. It is towards the baby that in turn allows more enthusiastic adoption, on the basis of
therefore important to find out which secure attachment for the child, and theoretical plausibility or extrapolation
interventions, provided in the setting of a perhaps a more rewarding relationship for from other work, of programmes that
neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), might the mother. So there seems to be reason- have no benefit. Indeed a programme
‘‘improve’’ parenting; and whether this in able evidence that, in general, some of that is plausibly beneficial may even turn
turn could mediate better outcomes for these interventions work: but which, and out to be harmful when properly studied.
babies, and their parents, in families to for whom? And what is the best way to New programmes will either carry a new
which such interventions are given. evaluate the efficacy of such interventions? direct cost (for instance, the establish-
Over the past 20 years a great deal of The paper by Glazebrook et al, evaluat- ment of a new post to deliver or coordi-
work has evaluated interventions to ing the Parent Baby Interaction nate the programme) or impose
improve parenting, and it is fortunate that Programme (PBIP) in a NICU setting, is opportunity costs (for instance, if nurses
many of the published studies have been another randomised controlled trial that deliver a new kind of care they may have

driver and resuscitaire. However, when N K Sujay, N J Shaw provide helpful evidence in most cases. Most
tested, the SHOs failed 26/80 (33%) compe- Liverpool Women’s Hospital, Liverpool, UK paediatricians have the wisdom to weigh the
tency items for the ventilator, 7/64 (11%) probability of doing harm against a remote
Correspondence to: N J Shaw, Liverpool Women’s
items for the flow driver and 19/120 (16%) Hospital, Crown Street, Liverpool L8 7SS, UK; possibility of good and advise parents
items for the resuscitaire. Only five SHOs accordingly but, in these days of increasing
used the controls on the monitoring system in paranoia, the support of a guideline could be
Competing interests: None.
routine practice and they failed 44/80 (55%) helpful.
items on testing. One reason for a high Accepted 17 May 2007
number failing on testing may be that some Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed 2008;93:F77–F78.
Correspondence to: R D Clifford, Dorset County Hospital,
competencies on the lists related to tasks doi:10.1136/adc.2007.122267
Dorchester, UK;
which are not routinely carried out by
medical staff (eg, setting alarm limits on the Competing interests: None declared.
ventilators). Another is that some functions Discontinuation of neonatal Accepted 22 May 2007
of an item of equipment may be rarely used resuscitation in term babies Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed 2008;93:F78
by SHOs (eg, patient triggered ventilation).
Therefore, it is important that competency Dr Richmond1 helpfully reiterates current
sheets should reflect only what would be advice that discontinuation of appropriate REFERENCE
expected of SHOs when using the items of resuscitation at 10 min in the absence of 1. Richmond S. ILCOR and neonatal resuscitation 2005.
equipment and to emphasise to them that signs of life is justifiable due to the poor Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed 2007;92:F163–5.
they should not attempt to use any of the prognosis (both for survival and neuro-
items of equipment in any other way beyond developmental outcome). A more difficult
the level of their expected competency. In the situation, on which there seem to be no Corrections
case of the monitoring system controls it guidelines, is that of the baby who shows no
seems that some SHOs had already made the signs of life other than return of cardiac doi:10.1136/adc.2007.118117corr1
decision not to carry out some tasks. Of output. If a baby remains completely flaccid
greatest concern in this evaluation was that and has no breathing movements at, say, P J McNamara and A Sehgal. Towards
many SHOs were not fully competent at 20 min despite restoration of cardiac output rational management of the patent ductus
using the resuscitaire (despite all having before 10 min, the neurodevelopmental out- arteriosus: the need for disease staging (Arch
attended a neonatal life support course). The come is likely to be similarly grim. In this Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed 2007;92:F424–
SHOs highlighted several other items of situation some practitioners will give 100% F427). In class E3 of table 1 IVRT should
equipment, which they thought could have oxygen without ventilation for a period of read 40–50 (not 50–60) and IVRT of class E4
a competency list (eg, the cold-light source time to ensure an adequate pCO2 for should read ,40 (not .60).
and the practicalities of taking blood from an respiratory drive while maintaining oxygen-
arterial line). ation. Others will remove the baby to a doi:10.1136/adc.2005.092478corr1
In summary, using the equipment compe- special care baby unit and place them on a
tency checklists and evaluating their use has ventilator for further assessment. In this C Booth, M H Premkumar, A Yannoulis, et
helped us to clarify what SHOs specifically case, breathing and some movements may al. Sustainable use of continuous positive
need to know to be competent at using a appear after some hours, by which time the airway pressure in extremely preterm
particular item of equipment. We feel that Rubicon has been crossed. Justification of infants during the first week after delivery
the equipment competency lists when used such an approach is given in some texts on (Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed
as part of educational supervision may the basis of a few extremely rare syndromes 2006;91:F398–F402). In table 3 of this article
improve competency and may facilitate (which may have their own poor prognosis). CMV is incorrectly defined as cytomegalo-
targeted training to improve any deficiencies However, a cord/umbilical gas analysis and virus; the correct definition is continuous
that have been identified. the history from the obstetric staff will mandatory ventilation.

F78 Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed January 2008 Vol 93 No 1

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