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RT Questions

1) Gamma ray or high voltage X ray radiography, using film without lead screens, is likely
to result in:

(a) Mottling of the film

(b) Increased geometric unsharpness

(c) No apparent difference, but increased exposure time

(d) No apparent difference, but decreased exposure time

2) Which of the following is not a function of the lead screen placed around radiographic

(a) Increase the photographic action on the film

(b) Selectively absorbs scattered radiation

(c) Intensifies effects of the primary radiation beam

(d) To mask the test piece

3) An acceptable quality radiograph should include:

(a) Proper identification

(b) Correct penetrameter and visible holes

(c) Location markers

(d) All of the above

4) The selection of the proper source-to-film distance is a primary factor in controlling:

(a) Contrast

(b) Unsharpness

(c) Graininess

(d) Scatter
5) When the penumbra on a radiograph measures less than 0.5 mm (0.020 inches), the
image will appear to unaided eye of the film interpreter as:

(a) Fuzzy

(b) Sharp

(c) Distorted

(d) Dark

6) Source-to-object distance, object-to-film distance, and source size are the three factors
that control the ___________________ of the radiograph.
(a) Density

(b) Exposure

(c) Film size

(d) Unsharpness

7) ‘Film contrast’ is the inherent ability of a film to show ___________________ for a

given change in film exposure.

(a) No appreciable change in density

(b) Graininess

(c) A difference in density

(d) No graininess

8) Calculate geometric unsharpness for the following conditions:

Source size = 2 mm × 2 mm; SFD = 700 mm; test piece thickness = 25 mm

(a) 0.6 mm

(b) 0.06 mm

(c) 6.0 mm

(d) 0.15 mm
9) ‘Undercut’ or ‘burned out’ edges of the test piece film image are caused by:

(a) Geometric unsharpness

(b) Scattered radiation

(c) Inadequate source to film distance

(d) Old film

10) ‘Undercut’ or ‘burned out’ edges of the test piece in film image can usually be reduced
(a) Increasing source to film distance

(b) Decreasing the thickness of the lead screens

(c) Placing a thin sheet of lead behind the cassette

(d) Masking the test piece

11) Which of the following would be detrimental to radiographic image sharpness?

(a) Small focal spot

(b) Large film focal distance

(c) Large object to film distance

(d) None of the above

12) A large source size can be compensated for by:

(a) Increasing source-to-specimen distance

(b) Addition of lead screens

(c) Increasing specimen-to-film distance

(d) Increasing penumbra

13) A straight, dark line in the centre of a weld bead image on film would be suspected of
(a) Lack of fusion

(b) A crack

(c) Incomplete penetration

(d) Root concavity

14) The lights in a high intensity viewer are typically:

(a) Fluorescent

(b) Normal incandescent bulbs

(c) Photoflood bulbs

(d) Mercury vapour lamps

15) Which of the following techniques would probably reduce the amount of scattered
radiation reaching the film during a radiographic exposure?

(a) Using a finer grained film

(b) Masking the test piece

(c) Removing lead screens

(d) All of the above

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